Showing posts with label Independence day. patriotism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence day. patriotism. Show all posts

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

You know I was thinking about what a great country this is and how many wonderful contributions we have provided to the rest of the world.  And I started thinking, if only there were just ONE picture that totally summed up all that America represents.

And then I found one.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Happy Independence Day Alaskans!

Wow has it already been a year since I received that phone call saying that Sarah Palin was about to announce something big at her home in Wasilla?  Really?

I only found out about 45 minutes before she was to give her speech, but then so did almost ALL of the media.  There was this comical Keystone Kops like mad dash by local television affiliates to get out there and get set up before the Thrilla from Wasilla started her speech.

Everybody was very excited and a little confused. Those of us who could not get away from work, or were  otherwise occupied, called back and forth to each other:

"What do you think this is about?" 

"Is she going to resign?"

"Do you think she might finally admit to the faked pregnancy?"

Well as we soon learned Sarah Palin actually DID resign, in a crazy, almost breathless speech, delivered in front of a a dead lake, with waterfowl screaming at her to "shut up and sit down" in the background.

Part one

Part two

Since then she has written a bizarre book full of lies and family mythology, become a Fox News "correspondent", launched a career in public speaking, signed onto a reality show with TLC, and earned over 12 million dollars fleecing the stupidest people on the planet.

Good for her.

However it is Alaska that has benefited the most.  Because WE DO NOT HAVE SARAH PALIN AS OUR GOVERNOR ANYMORE! And as ineffectual and teabaggy as Sean Parnell has become, it is still a far better situation for our state then when Caribou Barbie ran the show.  And by "ran the show" I meant ran home to Wasilla halfway through the workday and sat in her bed watching television while people tried desperately to make an appointment to see her.

Now I could go on and on about all things Sarah Palin, the attacks against our President, the unbelievable number of lies she has told in her speeches and Fox News interviews, the mystery of the ruffled ear baby, the problems with her children, and so on, and so on, and so on.  But if you are a frequent visitor to this blog, you already know all of that.

So instead of that, and to clean your palate after exposing you to that batshit crazy resignation speech, let me leave you with one of my happier, more humorous memories from about a month after Sarah resigned. 

William Shatner finding poetry, and comedy gold, from Sarah Palin's tweets.

Oh yeah! That's the stuff!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SarahPAC 4th of July video. Oh you are definitely going to need an antacid after this! Updated!

Is Sarah really using the Bush-like flight suit photo op which failed so miserably for King George to make herself seem MORE Presidential than Barack Obama?

Can any human being really be THAT clueless?

Sorry I forgot who I was talking about. My bad.

Okay folks, let her rip. This deserves nothing but truckloads of snark in the comments section.

Update: The original I embedded was removed, but here is a new embed. Enjoy!

Friday, July 04, 2008


I am on my way to the fourth of July parade downtown.

I usually skip it but I haven't been in awhile and I thought "Hell why not?"

Make sure you take my poll over on the left hand side. I am interested in everybody's opinion.