Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2014

We stand in the shadow of genius.

Inventor Christian Poincheval. 
Courtesy of UPI:  

French inventor says pills he developed to make bodily gases smell like chocolate were inspired by a particularly flatulent meal with friends. 

Christian Poincheval, 65, of Gesvres, said his Lutin Malin -- or Crafty Imp -- line of pills can make a customer's bodily gases smell like chocolate, roses or violets. 

Poincheval developed the chocolate scent specially for Christmas. 

The website selling the products bills the pills as "The Father Christmas fart pill that gives your farts the scent of chocolate." 

Okay this guy's a genius!

The idea that my farts might actually ATTRACT women to me is a real game changer.

Now instead of starting an argument ("Oh my God, is that you?") it might end one. ("And another thing...wait is that chocolate I smell?")

I think I might buy a box of these, eat a bowl of bean dip, and start spreading the romance.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Over half of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Solution: Chocolate sex!

More than half of British women prefer chocolate to sex, saying it can be depended on to give pleasure, according to a survey published Tuesday.

But British men overwhelmingly think sex is sweeter, with 87 percent preferring carnal pleasures to a bar of confectionery.

Fifty-two percent of women would rather curl up with a bar of chocolate, according to the survey of 1,500 Britons by confectionery giant Cadbury, quoting one women as saying "chocolate provides guaranteed pleasure".

"Chocolate never disappoints," she said.

"It's not just the endorphins that makes chocolate so enjoyable," said Paul Hebblethwaite, the company's global science director.

"As it melts in the mouth at body temperature, chocolate's creamy texture and unique aroma hit all of the body's senses, heightening the sensuality of the experience," he added.

Okay first I cannot believe that the woman quoted above has never bitten into a chocolate and then put it back because she did not like the filling. So I am certain she has been disappointed by a chocolate.

And if she is disappointed by her lover then she needs to kick him to the curb. If you can't bring the goods then make way for the guy that can. It is called survival of the sexiest. I believe that was Darwins fourth book, right after "The Descent of man".

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Personally I don't know what says Easter quite like a giant naked Jesus carved out of chocolate.

A planned Holy Week exhibition of a nude, anatomically correct chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ was canceled Friday amid complaints from Catholics, including Cardinal Edward Egan.

The artwork was created from more than 200 pounds of milk chocolate and features Christ with his arms outstretched as if on an invisible cross. Unlike the typical religious portrayal of Christ, the artwork does not include a loincloth.

Now maybe I hang out with the wrong crowd but I think I know some women who would not mind receiving a chocolate penis for Easter, and here you have an entire man!

Okay I have to admit this is in pretty bad taste. I mean it does not even look appetizing! Nobody is going to want to break the ears off of this thing and eat them.
Of course if you really think about it, chocolate bunnies is kind of a weird concept as well. I mean who ever thought that a furry little creature would gain such popularity once it was cast in chocolate? Maybe there is still hope for future chocolate Jesus's. Maybe someday they will replace bunnies as the chocolate Easter treat of choice.
You just never know.