Showing posts with label Saturday Night Live. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday Night Live. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Kellyanne Conway returns to Saturday Night Live.

I am posting this simply because I love it so much.

I am in fact a huge fan of Stephen King, and just recently watched the movie "It," so this made me laugh out loud.

Kellyanne Conway as Pennywise seems almost too perfect.

Oh, I almost forgot, Alec Baldwin was back as well.

This impersonation is becoming so accurate it's almost scary.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Donald Trump spokesperson comes right and says that there "is no such thing as facts."

Scottie Nell Hughes
So this is from an appearance on NPR's "Diane Rehm Show."

The guests are Atlantic editor James Fallows, Politico‘s Glenn Thrush and Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post, along with Trump spokesperson Scottie Nell Hughes.

Here is the exchange:  

REHM Now I know you've been listening since the top of the program, and I'm sure you've heard James Fallows talk about lies that Donald Trump has put out there in tweets, in things he's said. What do you make of that? 

HUGHES Well, I think it's also an idea of an opinion. And that's -- on one hand I hear half the media saying that these are lies, but on the other half there are many people that go, no, it's true. And so one thing that has been interesting this entire campaign season to watch is that people that say facts are facts, they're not really facts. Everybody has a way, it's kind of like looking at ratings or looking at a glass of half-full water. Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth or not true. 

HUGHES There's no such thing, unfortunately, anymore of facts. And so Mr. Trump's tweet amongst a certain crowd, a large -- a large part of the population, are truth. When he says that millions of people illegally voted, he has some -- in his -- amongst him and his supporters, and people believe they have facts to back that up. Those that do not like Mr. Trump, they say that those are lies, and there's no facts to back it up. So...

And there you have it, the very thing that I have been predicting since before Trump won this election.

Now that he is in power facts no longer have any value.

All that matters is what you believe, what you want to believe, and what those in power want you to believe.

By the way if this batshit crazy lunatic seems familiar it may be because she was brilliantly parodied by Saturday Night Live back in April.

And now these are the people who are in charge.

Holy shit!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday Night Live takes on guns in America. Because sometimes you just have to laugh.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

The two Weekend Update hosts joked about the role of the Constitution as it pertains to the right to own guns. Che joked, “There’s a gun for every man, woman and child in this country; what are we preparing for, a rap beef?”. 

He continued, “I know the forefathers said you have a right to own guns, but they also said you had a right to own people… the Constitution is a lot like our grandfather, he’s wise, we love him, and he means well, but he’s getting really, really old.”

There were actually two great clips from the show. I chose the one at the top first because it genuinely made me laugh out loud every time I watched it. 

The second one features host Amy Schumer. It is also humorous, but cuts little too close to home.

There are parts of the country that would watch this and say, "Yeah that seems right. What part's supposed to be funny?"

And that of course is much of the problem.

Friday, April 17, 2015

If yesterday's attempt to take credit for inspiring Hillary's "Scooby Van" did not convince you of the depths of Palin's pettiness, this should do it.

Courtesy of the Tundra Twatwaffle's Facebook page:

Surprised a recent dust up with Hollywood became an actual news story today – People magazine pretty much summed it all up ( A takeaway, though, is that wearing ammo in my ears was purposefully not a subliminal message; it was blatant in contrast to liberal MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry's choice of earrings. 

Okay this took me a second because I did not know the context of MHP's tampon earrings, however as it turns out she wore them on her show as a protest against Texas signing that abortion bill in 2013.

Of course Palin wore her bullet earrings during SNL's 40th Anniversary in a desperate attempt to attract attention.

The rest of Palin's ghost written post has to do with an apology that Louis CK admitted to Howard Stern that he delivered to Palin during that SNL appearance.

Palin of course was so excited that somebody was actually talking about her that she immediately rang up People magazine to give her side:  

"Maybe it surprises people, but I was sincerely humbled and appreciative," Palin tells PEOPLE of her encounter with the comedian at the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary special's after-party in February. 

Yes it does surprise people, and they don't believe you.  

Louis C.K. told Stern that he's "never in a million years" apologized for any of his jokes before, but added that that night, "something came over me emotionally and I said, 'Well, I owe you an apology.' " 

That's where Palin picks up the story: "I had to ask C.K. what it was he was apologizing for. ...C.K. explained he'd said some things about me and was sorry, and went on with such a nice, humble apology. I laughed and said he didn't need to apologize, for I hadn't even heard it. Then I teased him that, 'If you really did say nasty things about me, well, then you're the only person to have ever said mean things about me, so for shame!' "

By a show of hands who here does not believe that Palin has a little book where she jots down the name of every single person who ever said anything even remotely critical of her. 

Yeah me too.

"I wish I could have spoken with him longer. And again, I sincerely appreciated his unexpected and character-revealing apology," she says. "I think he's the only one in Hollywood who's ever done that." 

And he's the last one who ever should. 

I have said it before, and I will say it again, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should ever apologize to Sarah Palin. It just sets a bad precedent.

Now I realize that some of the things that Louis CK said were pretty horrible, but trust me she deserved every single nasty epithet, and so much more.

The woman is a nasty, hateful, destructive, force of nature, that destroys the lives of everybody who gets close and who grifts from the most ignorant, pathetic group of barely human like beings on this planet.

If you apologize to her that lends legitimacy to the idea that she is a victim. But she's no victim.

Was Genghis Khan a victim?

Was Joe McCarthy a victim?

Was Judas Iscariot a victim? (Okay well actually he might have been.)

Sarah Palin is no victim. And apologizing to her is akin to saying you're sorry to a KKK member for splashing mud on their nice white outfit.

Don't do it!

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Sarah Palin to return to Saturday Night Live for its 40th Anniversary Special. So much for those Hollywood elites, right Sarah?

Courtesy of People Magazine:

 Saturday Night Live's one-woman ratings bonanza, Sarah Palin will participate in the show's 40th anniversary special, a political source tells PEOPLE. 

SNL producer Lorne Michaels invited Palin to return to the show and the former Alaska governor accepted, a source close to Palin confirms. 

Palin, the Republican VP candidate who was regularly spoofed on the show by spot-on comic doppelgänger Tina Fey during – and after – the 2008 presidential race, showed she was a good sport by appearing on the show herself two weeks before Election Day that year. 

No hard feelings since then? You betcha! 

Let's face it after last week Palin would probably be willing to show up on a cable access show about vajazzling if they would ask her.

She is just lucky that SNL is apparently inviting just about everybody who EVER appeared on the show to this 40th anniversary special.

But to be honest Palin WAS good for the ratings. I mean let's face it people LOVE to see her mocked and ridiculed.

And hopefully this special will offer more of the same.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

SNL parodies the fact that EVERY cable news outlet got punked by the Colorado balloon saucer story.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I would like to say that I was too smart to follow this story, but that would be a lie. I also watched the WHOLE DAMN THING. Right up until they caught up with the balloon and sliced it open with a shovel.

I was pretty sure something was fishy about halfway through it, but the prospect of a little boy being trapped in the balloon kept me from turning the station. Besides, where would i have gone? Every other cable news channel was also following this silver distraction.

Well at least we now know that the Colorado Sheriff is going to pursue charges against this jerk.

Not that it will get my wasted afternoon back or anything.

But maybe this hysterical Beauty and the Beast parody from last night's SNL will take my mind off of my shame.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday Night Live presents Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton together!

I was almost asleep last night, but I made myself stay up to watch this.

Holy crap was it worth it! I laughed myself sick.

Do yourself a favor and watch it, you will definitely not be sorry.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Funniest video of the day!

I would have posted this earlier but I just now realized that I could get clips from Who knew?

You gotta love that last line!