If you have not read the story about Rachel A. Dolezal you can read more about it here.
In a nutshell Dolezal is a white woman, who attended the predominantly black Howard university, married an African American man, has a biracial child, and has recently been the head of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington. Oh, she has also claimed to be biracial herself, which by the way is no prerequisite for working with the NAACP.
However it is pretty clear that Dolezal has some real issues, and seems to have lied about not only her racial heritage but also about several events that took place in her life.
Here she is in an interview essentially being outed:
Okay so it's an odd story which has a lot of people talking about the definition of race in America.
However as a pasty white guy living in Alaska, I did not feel it was my place to weigh in on the story.
However being a pasty white woman from Alaska did not seem to stand in Sarah Palin's way:
Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what this white chick perpetrated. But it's a most crystal clear picture of so many screwed up things we've let society adopt as the norm. Namely, the practice nowadays of judging someone not based on character, but on skin color. Our original civil rights freedom fighters are rolling in their graves over the backward steps we've taken lately. It's politically incorrect to call out Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming she's American Indian, or dinging Obama for just making up his former multi-ethnic girlfriend, and I guarantee I'll be branded a racist for laughing at this Rachel Dolezal story. Whatever. Dolezal is an unsatisfied lily white leftist who believes the only thing less politically correct than being a white girl is to be a white guy today. Can't help but be preemptively amused as I post this and invite Dolzel's defenders wrath to aim and miss at we who won't put up with political correctness destroying truth in America. Oh, and on a personal note, I can finally look forward to the Left's positive comments about a scholar's association with college in Idaho! After all that high-falutin' criticism for choosing a good school that I could afford to attend while working my way through, graduating college debt-free, I can't wait to hear the former mockers of Idaho now defend the integrity of that great state's academia! Go Vandals!
Dufaq? Well hey, at least she's writing her own posts.
I was forced to actually visit Palin's link to Breitbart (Which I usually avoid because you know, cooties.) in an attempt to decipher this gibberish but it did nothing to help me.
I am not at all sure why she brought up her own college career (By the way it was five schools not one "good school."), but it seems to have little to do with Dolezal's story.
However her undisguised racism, as usual, is more than apparent, as is her penchant for making EVERY single story an opportunity to attack the President.
Which by the way is also somewhat racist.
My take is that meth, red bull, and computer keyboards should never be mixed together.
After all you have ghostwriters on retainer crazy lady, use'em.
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Showing posts with label NAACP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NAACP. Show all posts
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
Hey remember that racist alternative school principal? Yeah she's been fired. Sorta.
Courtesy of WXIA:
The private school principal who gained national attention for a racially charged comment she made during a graduation ceremony has been fired, but still owns the school and will likely reap any financial benefit from it.
Dr. Heidi Anderson, chair of the board of directors at TNT Academy, wrote in a letter sent to the Gwinnett County NAACP that the board voted to dismiss school director Nancy Gordeuk:
"In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal. During the coming transition, we will continue to prioritize support for our most recent graduates. Moreover, we will continue our commitment to providing students with the best educational classes, transcription services, and academic credit recovery possible."
So this woman is "fired" and yet will still get paid? #justwhitepeoplethings.
Remember this is not only a woman who started berating people as being rude for talking through a valedictorian speech that SHE totally forgot about and insulted black people for walking out, but she is also the person who claimed that the devil made her do it.
The devil.
Sounds to me like this is just a cosmetic change to protect from losing its accreditation, and that the school will function as always, with this Gordeuk woman making decisions as before and reaping the financial benefits as if nothing ever happened.
You know for awhile I was kind of confused as to what kind of "alternative" school this was. But not anymore.
TNT Academy is a non-traditional school for home-schooled students hoping to obtain accredited degrees.
Ahh, homeschool. That explains a lot.
You know my daughter attended another one of these "alternative" schools while SHE was homeschooled in Georgia.
It was also a crappy educational program that failed to help my daughter get the accreditation she needed to graduate, even though she completed ALL of the course work.
Eventually I had to help her get her GED here in Alaska, which she managed to do in record time.
One of the parents said that they paid $3,000 to attend this school for a year, and that there was an additional $300 fee for the graduation ceremony. Sounds like a huge rip off to me.
The private school principal who gained national attention for a racially charged comment she made during a graduation ceremony has been fired, but still owns the school and will likely reap any financial benefit from it.
Dr. Heidi Anderson, chair of the board of directors at TNT Academy, wrote in a letter sent to the Gwinnett County NAACP that the board voted to dismiss school director Nancy Gordeuk:
"In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal. During the coming transition, we will continue to prioritize support for our most recent graduates. Moreover, we will continue our commitment to providing students with the best educational classes, transcription services, and academic credit recovery possible."
So this woman is "fired" and yet will still get paid? #justwhitepeoplethings.
Remember this is not only a woman who started berating people as being rude for talking through a valedictorian speech that SHE totally forgot about and insulted black people for walking out, but she is also the person who claimed that the devil made her do it.
The devil.
Sounds to me like this is just a cosmetic change to protect from losing its accreditation, and that the school will function as always, with this Gordeuk woman making decisions as before and reaping the financial benefits as if nothing ever happened.
You know for awhile I was kind of confused as to what kind of "alternative" school this was. But not anymore.
TNT Academy is a non-traditional school for home-schooled students hoping to obtain accredited degrees.
Ahh, homeschool. That explains a lot.
You know my daughter attended another one of these "alternative" schools while SHE was homeschooled in Georgia.
It was also a crappy educational program that failed to help my daughter get the accreditation she needed to graduate, even though she completed ALL of the course work.
Eventually I had to help her get her GED here in Alaska, which she managed to do in record time.
One of the parents said that they paid $3,000 to attend this school for a year, and that there was an additional $300 fee for the graduation ceremony. Sounds like a huge rip off to me.
home school,
private school,
the Devil
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Sarah Palin accuses President Obama of "Palling around with a cop killer advocate." As you might imagine that is completely misleading.
Courtesy of Arizona's own race baiting bomb thrower's Facebook page:
Obama’s Palling Around with Cop-Killer Advocate…
You know evil reigns when America’s “leader” gives full-throated support for a cop-killer advocate. Obama wants this guy to help run the Department of Justice.
(Law enforcement union leaders: are you still proud of your support for liberals?) And here I thought I’d seen it all with the way the administration coddled the racist DHS employee who advocated murder and violent hate speech on his website.
Friends, what we’re witnessing is a lost cause on the domestic and international fronts. So, what we do is hold on, pray hard, and oust the Obama administration’s agenda at the ballot box. Work hard, America, as you look forward to the end of the Obama era. It will be the end of an error.
- Sarah Palin
The thing that has Palin's white pointy hat all bent out of shape is the fact that President Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, Debo P. Adegbile (Voted down by the Senate just today), was once employed by the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund.
The Defense Fund has a history of representing African Americans who have been convicted of various crimes, when there was a question as to whether they received a fair trial or not.
One such individual, Mumia Abu-Jamal, was convicted and sentenced to death. The NAACP took on his case, in which he had been convicted of killing a police officer, and got his death sentence tossed, well BEFORE Debo P. Adegbile began working there.
Here is what the Washington Post has said about his time there:
Adegbile, 47, spent more than a decade working for the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, where he served as the group’s in-house voting rights expert. The legal defense fund began its work on Abu-Jamal's behalf well before Adegbile began working for it, however he did contribute to the filing of a 2009 court brief that argued that Abu-Jamal faced a discriminatory jury -- an appeal later found to have merit by a judge.
In other words he did his job and helped to represent a client that an appeals court agreed did not receive justice during his initial trial. This happens time and time again in the US legal system and nobody usually holds the lawyers accountable for the supposed crimes of their clients.
However this is an African American nominee, who once represented an African American organization (That provided legal counsel for an African American convict), and who was chosen by an African American President.
I am trying my best to see this response by Sarah Palin and the Right Wing as anything but racist.
However I am failing to do so.
Obama’s Palling Around with Cop-Killer Advocate…
You know evil reigns when America’s “leader” gives full-throated support for a cop-killer advocate. Obama wants this guy to help run the Department of Justice.
(Law enforcement union leaders: are you still proud of your support for liberals?) And here I thought I’d seen it all with the way the administration coddled the racist DHS employee who advocated murder and violent hate speech on his website.
Friends, what we’re witnessing is a lost cause on the domestic and international fronts. So, what we do is hold on, pray hard, and oust the Obama administration’s agenda at the ballot box. Work hard, America, as you look forward to the end of the Obama era. It will be the end of an error.
- Sarah Palin
The thing that has Palin's white pointy hat all bent out of shape is the fact that President Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, Debo P. Adegbile (Voted down by the Senate just today), was once employed by the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund.
The Defense Fund has a history of representing African Americans who have been convicted of various crimes, when there was a question as to whether they received a fair trial or not.
One such individual, Mumia Abu-Jamal, was convicted and sentenced to death. The NAACP took on his case, in which he had been convicted of killing a police officer, and got his death sentence tossed, well BEFORE Debo P. Adegbile began working there.
Here is what the Washington Post has said about his time there:
Adegbile, 47, spent more than a decade working for the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, where he served as the group’s in-house voting rights expert. The legal defense fund began its work on Abu-Jamal's behalf well before Adegbile began working for it, however he did contribute to the filing of a 2009 court brief that argued that Abu-Jamal faced a discriminatory jury -- an appeal later found to have merit by a judge.
In other words he did his job and helped to represent a client that an appeals court agreed did not receive justice during his initial trial. This happens time and time again in the US legal system and nobody usually holds the lawyers accountable for the supposed crimes of their clients.
However this is an African American nominee, who once represented an African American organization (That provided legal counsel for an African American convict), and who was chosen by an African American President.
I am trying my best to see this response by Sarah Palin and the Right Wing as anything but racist.
However I am failing to do so.
African Americans,
appeals court,
President Obama,
Sarah Palin
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Not content with simply accusing the first black President of being a racist, now Sarah Palin decides to accuse the NAACP of racism as well. No, I am NOT kidding.
So Palin and her merry crew of underpaid ghostwriters took to Facebook today to attack the President of the North Carolina NAACP for identifying an African American Republican Senator as a "puppet."
Here is what Rev. William Barber II said:
“The extreme right wing down here (in South Carolina) finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator since Reconstruction and then he goes to Washington, D.C., and articulates the agenda of the Tea Party.”
Palin feigned indignation over those remarks and had the people who take her screeches and turn them into almost intelligible rants on Facebook write this:
NAACP Leader Shows True Colors (Really? Their "true colors?")
The NAACP’s attacks on Senator Tim Scott illustrate the anger and increased intolerance of the political left. Having falsely staked the claim of “embracing diversity” we see another example of the left’s “tolerant hug” excluding those who do not subscribe to their liberal agenda. It’s not personal. It’s not racist. (Here's a handy tip for you. When Sarah Palin, or her ilk, tell you "it's not racist," that means it's about to get all racist up in here.) It’s not mean spirited. It’s COMMON SENSE to NOT subscribe to their failed liberal policies that lead to dependence on an unstable and bankrupt government.
But here’s another example of how the supposedly tolerant left treats an African American conservative who doesn’t subscribe to their failed liberal agenda.
There's a part here in the middle where she tries to describe Senator Scott as a self made man, and links to an article at the National Review, but I will spare you that BS.
Proceed half term quitter ex-Governor.
With too many purposefully dividing America on the basis of race and gender, it’s imperative that we who strive for a truly United States, under God, take a stand! Don’t be afraid to call out hypocritical double standards applied to independent Americans who are continually falsely accused of discrimination and intolerance. Playing small and timid in this era of potentially great progress towards American solidarity helps no one. (Yeah, look how aggressively speaking her mind has helped Sarah Palin.)
Take a stand! Help leaders like Tim Scott get re-elected in 2014. We need more strong leaders who, like Tim, are conservative because they’ve learned from life experiences, not poll driven messaging, what works for our great country.
Translation: "We need black folk who are willing to say what the Tea Party tells them to say and not recognize that the policies of the Republican party are dedicated to keeping them as segregated from the white folks as possible."
You know the idea that Sarah "Sambo beat the bitch" Palin would feel it appropriate to call out the NAACP on racism rises to the level of "WTF? status" and then some.
Remember that the name NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and has been standing up for civil rights in this country since 1909.
If one of their chapter presidents says he is seeing the extreme right wing using a token black to spread their message, then I take him at his word. After all who would know better?
And let's face it, this is not something unheard of, by any means, among the the conservatives. I mean does anybody believe that Michael Steele became the first black chairman of the RNC at virtually the same time that the first black President was being sworn into office, due to his hard work and innate organizational abilities?
Hell I don't think even Michael Steele believes that!
But do you know what I find especially ironic about this? That Sarah Palin herself was a GOP token candidate as well.
Does she really think the McCain campaign flew all the way up to Alaska to pluck her out of the wilds of Wasilla, due to her political experience and intelligence?
Hell no! They knew there were a bunch of disenfranchised female voters and decided they needed a person with a vagina on the ticket. Just like they decided that since there was a black man in the White House they needed somebody with more pigment in their skin to be chairman of the party.
They think this fools people, but it doesn't.
And it certainly does not fool North Carolina NAACP President Rev. William Barber II either. So he called Senator Scott out for being a token for the Right Wing, and the Right Wing token from Alaska rode to his rescue.
Actually I think that pretty much says it all right there.
As my daughter would say, "EPIC FAIL!!"
“The extreme right wing down here (in South Carolina) finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator since Reconstruction and then he goes to Washington, D.C., and articulates the agenda of the Tea Party.”
Palin feigned indignation over those remarks and had the people who take her screeches and turn them into almost intelligible rants on Facebook write this:
NAACP Leader Shows True Colors (Really? Their "true colors?")
The NAACP’s attacks on Senator Tim Scott illustrate the anger and increased intolerance of the political left. Having falsely staked the claim of “embracing diversity” we see another example of the left’s “tolerant hug” excluding those who do not subscribe to their liberal agenda. It’s not personal. It’s not racist. (Here's a handy tip for you. When Sarah Palin, or her ilk, tell you "it's not racist," that means it's about to get all racist up in here.) It’s not mean spirited. It’s COMMON SENSE to NOT subscribe to their failed liberal policies that lead to dependence on an unstable and bankrupt government.
But here’s another example of how the supposedly tolerant left treats an African American conservative who doesn’t subscribe to their failed liberal agenda.
There's a part here in the middle where she tries to describe Senator Scott as a self made man, and links to an article at the National Review, but I will spare you that BS.
Proceed half term quitter ex-Governor.
With too many purposefully dividing America on the basis of race and gender, it’s imperative that we who strive for a truly United States, under God, take a stand! Don’t be afraid to call out hypocritical double standards applied to independent Americans who are continually falsely accused of discrimination and intolerance. Playing small and timid in this era of potentially great progress towards American solidarity helps no one. (Yeah, look how aggressively speaking her mind has helped Sarah Palin.)
Take a stand! Help leaders like Tim Scott get re-elected in 2014. We need more strong leaders who, like Tim, are conservative because they’ve learned from life experiences, not poll driven messaging, what works for our great country.
Translation: "We need black folk who are willing to say what the Tea Party tells them to say and not recognize that the policies of the Republican party are dedicated to keeping them as segregated from the white folks as possible."
You know the idea that Sarah "Sambo beat the bitch" Palin would feel it appropriate to call out the NAACP on racism rises to the level of "WTF? status" and then some.
Remember that the name NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and has been standing up for civil rights in this country since 1909.
If one of their chapter presidents says he is seeing the extreme right wing using a token black to spread their message, then I take him at his word. After all who would know better?
And let's face it, this is not something unheard of, by any means, among the the conservatives. I mean does anybody believe that Michael Steele became the first black chairman of the RNC at virtually the same time that the first black President was being sworn into office, due to his hard work and innate organizational abilities?
Hell I don't think even Michael Steele believes that!
But do you know what I find especially ironic about this? That Sarah Palin herself was a GOP token candidate as well.
Does she really think the McCain campaign flew all the way up to Alaska to pluck her out of the wilds of Wasilla, due to her political experience and intelligence?
Hell no! They knew there were a bunch of disenfranchised female voters and decided they needed a person with a vagina on the ticket. Just like they decided that since there was a black man in the White House they needed somebody with more pigment in their skin to be chairman of the party.
They think this fools people, but it doesn't.
And it certainly does not fool North Carolina NAACP President Rev. William Barber II either. So he called Senator Scott out for being a token for the Right Wing, and the Right Wing token from Alaska rode to his rescue.
Actually I think that pretty much says it all right there.
As my daughter would say, "EPIC FAIL!!"
North Carolina,
Sarah Palin,
South Carolina,
Tea Party,
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Harry Reid hopes, he really hopes, that the unrelenting opposition to President Obama from the Republican party is not based on racism. I have some bad news for you Harry.
"Gee I hope that the party made up of unapologetic racists is not opposing the first black President due to racism." |
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) told KNPR radio Friday that he hopes Republicans' ongoing opposition to President Obama is driven by "substance" and not race.
"My counterpart, Mitch McConnell, said at the the beginning of the presidency of Barack Obama that he had one goal -- and that is to defeat Obama and make sure he wasn't re-elected. And that's how they legislate in the Senate," he said. "It was really bad. And we're now seven months into this second term of the president's and they haven't changed much."
"It's been obvious that they're doing everything they can to make him fail," Reid said. "And I hope, I hope -- and I say this seriously -- I hope that's based on substance and not the fact that he's African-American."
This angered the Republicans who fired up their token black person, Senator Tim Scott, to respond:
I am sincerely disappointed by continued attempts to divide the American people by playing to the lowest common denominator. Instead of engaging in serious debate about the failed policies of this administration – from the ever-increasing burdens created by the national health care reform plan to the tax and spend approach to economic recovery, along with countless others – Democrats are once again trying to hide behind a smokescreen.
Our country deserves more from those in Washington. I hope Senator Reid will realize the offensive nature of his remarks and apologize to those who disagree with the President’s policies because of one thing – they are hurting hardworking American families.
Okay well Tim Scott is the PERFECT person to defend the Republicans against charges of racism from the Senate Majority leader as he is the ONLY black Republican Senator in GOP history.
However he may be one of the least pro-African American black politician since former Rep. Allen West. Scott has received an F rating from the NAACP, and has voted right along with the undeniably racist Teabaggers at every opportunity.
The idea that the opposition toward Obama is based on his policy decisions is refuted completely by the fact that Mitch McConnell and other GOP operatives decided to block EVERYTHING he tried to do on the night he was inaugurated.
That was before he had actually done anything for them to oppose. But it was NOT before he was unfortunate enough to be born black.
Of COURSE the opposition is based on racism, and it only takes a visit to the town halls taking place right now in the South to have that confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt.
P.S. Since we are talking about Harry Reid I thought you all might like to know that Reid just came out and said that Obamacare is the first step toward eventual single payer.
Now you know why the Republicans are freaking out so hard about the law. And why MOST of us should love it!
Harry Reid,
Mitch McConnell,
President Obama,
Monday, July 15, 2013
George Zimmerman's legal problems may be far from over.
Courtesy of the Washington Times:
He is now a free man after a six-woman jury found him not guilty, putting an end to one of the most racially charged trials in recent U.S. history. There remain, however, those who think justice was not served and want the federal government to intervene.
“They will make a choice about whether they will pursue criminal civil rights charges. … There is reason to be concerned that race was a factor in why [Mr. Zimmerman] targeted young Trayvon,” said NAACP President Benjamin Jealous during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” program Sunday. “It’s important, just as we all put our faith in this justice system in Florida and in the jury, that we let the justice system run its course. There will be a federal civil rights phase. We are putting our faith in that system.”
The NAACP also has begun to circulate a petition calling on the federal government to act.
A federal review of the case already is underway, the Justice Department reiterated Sunday. Officials first announced an investigation into Trayvon’s death last year.
“Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes without our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate,” the agency said.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, an MSNBC talk-show host and a former Democratic presidential primary hopeful, said Sunday that he, along with the Martin family, recently met with a U.S. attorney to discuss the case and push for action.
The prosecutors made a huge mistake in keeping race out of the trial, when there was every indication that race was the only reason that young Trayvon lost his life that night.
I think that there is very little doubt that Zimmerman would have reacted completely differently if Trayvon had been a seventeen year old boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. So as far as I am concerned the Reverend Al and the NAACP are on the righteous path of seeking justice for the Martin family.
And I hope that the DOJ sees it that way as well.
He is now a free man after a six-woman jury found him not guilty, putting an end to one of the most racially charged trials in recent U.S. history. There remain, however, those who think justice was not served and want the federal government to intervene.
“They will make a choice about whether they will pursue criminal civil rights charges. … There is reason to be concerned that race was a factor in why [Mr. Zimmerman] targeted young Trayvon,” said NAACP President Benjamin Jealous during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” program Sunday. “It’s important, just as we all put our faith in this justice system in Florida and in the jury, that we let the justice system run its course. There will be a federal civil rights phase. We are putting our faith in that system.”
The NAACP also has begun to circulate a petition calling on the federal government to act.
A federal review of the case already is underway, the Justice Department reiterated Sunday. Officials first announced an investigation into Trayvon’s death last year.
“Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes without our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate,” the agency said.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, an MSNBC talk-show host and a former Democratic presidential primary hopeful, said Sunday that he, along with the Martin family, recently met with a U.S. attorney to discuss the case and push for action.
The prosecutors made a huge mistake in keeping race out of the trial, when there was every indication that race was the only reason that young Trayvon lost his life that night.
I think that there is very little doubt that Zimmerman would have reacted completely differently if Trayvon had been a seventeen year old boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. So as far as I am concerned the Reverend Al and the NAACP are on the righteous path of seeking justice for the Martin family.
And I hope that the DOJ sees it that way as well.
Al Sharpton,
George Zimmerman,
Justice Department,
Trayvon Martin
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Full video of Vice President's speech at the NAACP today.
Like I said earlier Biden knocked this out of the park.
The audience might have been a little disappointed to first learn that the President himself would not be making an appearance, but by the end of this speech I don't think ANY of them felt let down.
Listen at the end of the speech, they booed the Vice President as well, only they booed HIM because he said he was going to wrap it up and end the speech. That's how good it was.
Mitt Romney flew in his own black people to pose as supporters during NAACP appearance.
Yesterday I covered Mitt Romney's embarrassing appearance at the NAACP.
At the time I sort of gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was just a dipshit who did not realize how his clumsy remarks would go over in front of a crowd of people who he had nothing in common with.
Now as most of you are undoubtedly aware, I am pretty cynical when it comes to the Republican party these days, but as it turns out I was being far too fair with Mitt Romney who may in fact have come to the NAACP with the expressed desire, not to earn support from the African American crowd, but to cement his credibility with the racist Right Wing of his party.
In other words Romney went to the event in order to essentially present himself as the plantation owner talking down to the slaves who should feel honored that he deigned to even speak to them as if they actually deserved his attention. He WANTED to be booed, have it captured on film, and then use that to show how THOSE PEOPLE disrespected him due to his color.
And in order to convince the white television audience (Who would be hearing of the event after the fact on the news.) that he was genuine in his desire to reach out to the poor, less fortunate black folk, he sprinkled a few of his own throughout the audience to clap and cheer for him.
This from Politicususa:
Romney said, “I spoke with a number of African-American leaders after the event and they said, you know a lot of folks don’t want to say they’re not going to be voting for Barack Obama, but they’re disappointed in his lack of policies to improve our schools. Disappointed in urban policies, disappointed in the economy. 14.4% rate of unemployment among African-Americans today. The president has not been able to get the job done. People want to see someone who can get the economy going, so I expect to get African-American votes.”
Romney also claimed that he got a standing ovation at the end of his speech.
Many of Romney’s claims were debunked by Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and the Director of the Washington Bureau of the NAACP, Hilary Shelton who said that the only African Americans Romney met with after his speech were those that he brought with him. Mr. Shelton explained that Mitt Romney flew in his own African-American supporters who were not affiliated with the NAACP, in order to have some people in the crowd cheering for him.
Romney did not meet with any of the convention rank and file after his speech, and only met with the African-Americans that he planted in the crowd.
Here are images of the REAL NAACP members who were listening to Mittens that day, courtesy of Buzzfeed:
You know just when I think I have seen the most disgusting display of dirty politics imaginable, the Republicans demonstrate there are no depths to which they will NOT sink to in order to win an election. Whether it be suggesting that John McCain's adopted daughter was really the result of an interracial affair, creating voter ID laws to keep minorities from voting, or even outright stealing an election, there is quite literally NOTHING that is too sleazy for this political party.
And as it turns out Willard Mitt Romney might be the sleaziest of them all.
Which is why we absolutely MUST do everything in our power to get out the vote, fight the misinformation about the President at every turn, and provide as much financial support, in the face of the hundreds of millions coming to the Romney campaign through corporate donors to various SuperPACs, as possible.
Because I don't know about you but I simply cannot imagine how badly this country will suffer under a Romney Presidency. However if you want some idea let me introduce you to the Mormon White Horse Prophesy.
At the time I sort of gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was just a dipshit who did not realize how his clumsy remarks would go over in front of a crowd of people who he had nothing in common with.
Now as most of you are undoubtedly aware, I am pretty cynical when it comes to the Republican party these days, but as it turns out I was being far too fair with Mitt Romney who may in fact have come to the NAACP with the expressed desire, not to earn support from the African American crowd, but to cement his credibility with the racist Right Wing of his party.
In other words Romney went to the event in order to essentially present himself as the plantation owner talking down to the slaves who should feel honored that he deigned to even speak to them as if they actually deserved his attention. He WANTED to be booed, have it captured on film, and then use that to show how THOSE PEOPLE disrespected him due to his color.
And in order to convince the white television audience (Who would be hearing of the event after the fact on the news.) that he was genuine in his desire to reach out to the poor, less fortunate black folk, he sprinkled a few of his own throughout the audience to clap and cheer for him.
This from Politicususa:
Romney said, “I spoke with a number of African-American leaders after the event and they said, you know a lot of folks don’t want to say they’re not going to be voting for Barack Obama, but they’re disappointed in his lack of policies to improve our schools. Disappointed in urban policies, disappointed in the economy. 14.4% rate of unemployment among African-Americans today. The president has not been able to get the job done. People want to see someone who can get the economy going, so I expect to get African-American votes.”
Romney also claimed that he got a standing ovation at the end of his speech.
Many of Romney’s claims were debunked by Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and the Director of the Washington Bureau of the NAACP, Hilary Shelton who said that the only African Americans Romney met with after his speech were those that he brought with him. Mr. Shelton explained that Mitt Romney flew in his own African-American supporters who were not affiliated with the NAACP, in order to have some people in the crowd cheering for him.
Romney did not meet with any of the convention rank and file after his speech, and only met with the African-Americans that he planted in the crowd.
Here are images of the REAL NAACP members who were listening to Mittens that day, courtesy of Buzzfeed:
You know just when I think I have seen the most disgusting display of dirty politics imaginable, the Republicans demonstrate there are no depths to which they will NOT sink to in order to win an election. Whether it be suggesting that John McCain's adopted daughter was really the result of an interracial affair, creating voter ID laws to keep minorities from voting, or even outright stealing an election, there is quite literally NOTHING that is too sleazy for this political party.
And as it turns out Willard Mitt Romney might be the sleaziest of them all.
Which is why we absolutely MUST do everything in our power to get out the vote, fight the misinformation about the President at every turn, and provide as much financial support, in the face of the hundreds of millions coming to the Romney campaign through corporate donors to various SuperPACs, as possible.
Because I don't know about you but I simply cannot imagine how badly this country will suffer under a Romney Presidency. However if you want some idea let me introduce you to the Mormon White Horse Prophesy.
African Americans,
Right Wing
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Mitt Romney relentlessly booed at NAACP event earlier today.
Essentially Romney seemed to be unaware that he was talking to a crowd of people unlike any other he had spoken to before, you know the kind of people who think having a dancing horse and a car elevator is less something to aspire to, and more something to point and laugh at.
For that reason Romney did not seem aware that attacking the Affordable Care Act, while derisively labeling it with the name of the first African American President, might not go over too well.
In desperation Romney also tried to convince the crowd that HE would be a better President for their people than, you know, one of their actual people.
"You take a look?" You know at this point you almost have to wonder if the Secret Service weren't thinking to themselves, "One more stupid remark by this asshole and he's fucking on his own!"
Of course Romney tried to save face by going on the GOP's propaganda site, Fox News, and claiming that he KNEW he was going to get booed:
In a friendly-territory interview on Fox Business Network, Romney told the Republican-fond host Neil Cavuto, "I think we expected that, of course."
Gee ya think?
For that reason Romney did not seem aware that attacking the Affordable Care Act, while derisively labeling it with the name of the first African American President, might not go over too well.
In desperation Romney also tried to convince the crowd that HE would be a better President for their people than, you know, one of their actual people.
"You take a look?" You know at this point you almost have to wonder if the Secret Service weren't thinking to themselves, "One more stupid remark by this asshole and he's fucking on his own!"
Of course Romney tried to save face by going on the GOP's propaganda site, Fox News, and claiming that he KNEW he was going to get booed:
In a friendly-territory interview on Fox Business Network, Romney told the Republican-fond host Neil Cavuto, "I think we expected that, of course."
Gee ya think?
African Americans,
Mitt Romney,
Saturday, May 19, 2012
NAACP comes out in support of same sex marriage.
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous |
The board of the N.A.A.C.P. voted to endorse same-sex marriage on Saturday, putting the weight of the country’s most prominent civil rights group behind a cause that has long divided some quarters of the black community.
The largely symbolic move, made at the group’s quarterly board meeting in Miami, puts the N.A.A.C.P. in line with President Obama, who endorsed gay marriage a little over a week ago. Given the timing, it is likely to be viewed as both a statement of principle as well as support for the president’s position in the middle of a closely contested presidential campaign.
All but two of the organization’s 64 board members, who include many religious leaders, backed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage, according to people told of the decision.
You KNOW this is going to get the GOP's panties in a twist since they were counting on the fact that Obama would lose support from the black community in response to his support of same sex marriage.
Oh look, another Republican plan fails to work. How completely unsurprising.
And as for the President, you know he DID promise to "fundamentally transform" the country. Looks like he is a man of his word.
African Americans,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
President Obama,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for July 21, 2010.
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Hard to hear. But extremely important that it be heard.
FOX News,
Keith Olbermann,
President Obama
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
When will the Obama administration STOP getting punk'd by Fox News?
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And it was not just the administration that dropped the ball, it as also the NAACP who failed to support this woman and allowed the jackals from Big Government.com and Fox News to rip her apart, so that they could further their agenda of "proving" that Obama officials were engaging in racism.
President Obama has shown that he has a backbone when it comes to calling out Republican for their obstructionism why isn't he willing to call out Fox news on their lies and obfuscations?
FOX News,
President Obama,
Rachel Maddow
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sarah Palin wants the "half white/half black" President to "refudiate" the NAACP's charge that the Teabaggers are really just a bunch of racists. WTF?
Listen carefully at the 2:37 mark for your "Sarah Palin approved brand new made up word of the day!"
By the way since we are discussing the poor misunderstood Teabaggers perhaps you would like to see a video of Sarah Palin's pick to replace Lisa Murkowski in the Senate riding in his Humvee during the Fourth of July parade.
(H/T to Andrew Halcro for the video)
Gosh don't you just LOVE a parade! Of course if I remember correctly the parades of my youth seemed to have had more floats and fewer automatic weapons. Of course that was BEFORE we had a half white/half black President.
President Obama,
Sarah Palin,
Sean Hannity,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I think we hit a nerve. Sarah Palin's latest Facebook post refutes racism within Teabagger movement. Well tries to anyway.
You know rather than spend a lot of time refuting each and every point so painstakingly crafted by Rebecca Mansour, why don't I simply let the images speak for themselves?
Let us begin.
I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand.
President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil. Reagan rightly declared that “there is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country,” and he warned that we must never go back to the racism of our past.
His words rang especially true in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. As one writer in the Washington Post stated: “[Barack Obama’s] election isn’t just about a black president. It’s about a new America. The days of confrontational identity politics have come to an end.”
We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements.”
Let us begin.
I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand.
President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil. Reagan rightly declared that “there is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country,” and he warned that we must never go back to the racism of our past.
His words rang especially true in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. As one writer in the Washington Post stated: “[Barack Obama’s] election isn’t just about a black president. It’s about a new America. The days of confrontational identity politics have come to an end.”
We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements.”
Sarah Palin,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
NAACP passes resolution calling on Teabaggers to condemn racism in their movement.
From Kansas City.com:
Late this afternoon the NAACP passed a resolution calling on all people — including tea party leaders — to condemn racism within the tea party movement.
Passed on the fourth day of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s annual convention in Kansas City, the resolution also urged people to oppose what it said was the tea party’s drive “to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”
“We feel it’s very important that we educate our membership about the tea parties,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City branch of the NAACP, as the debate on the resolution began. “We are concerned that there is a racist element within the tea parties.”
Good for them! I am glad that somebody is finally holding this movement responsible for the unconscionable use of racist rhetoric and ridiculous charges of socialism and fascism that are aimed at our president for no other reason than that he is a black man and they simply cannot accept him as the leader of their country.
Why else would they have remained silent as George Bush destroyed the economy, the military, and the reputation of America, yet the minute Obama steps foot in the White House SUDDENLY they are outraged and demanding accountability? If they did not speak up for eight years of George Bush, and can only find their outrage when they can direct it at an African American, then they are racists!
They can bitch and moan about how unfair it is to call them a racist all they want, but you know if the white hooded sheet fits......
Late this afternoon the NAACP passed a resolution calling on all people — including tea party leaders — to condemn racism within the tea party movement.
Passed on the fourth day of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s annual convention in Kansas City, the resolution also urged people to oppose what it said was the tea party’s drive “to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”
“We feel it’s very important that we educate our membership about the tea parties,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City branch of the NAACP, as the debate on the resolution began. “We are concerned that there is a racist element within the tea parties.”
Good for them! I am glad that somebody is finally holding this movement responsible for the unconscionable use of racist rhetoric and ridiculous charges of socialism and fascism that are aimed at our president for no other reason than that he is a black man and they simply cannot accept him as the leader of their country.
Why else would they have remained silent as George Bush destroyed the economy, the military, and the reputation of America, yet the minute Obama steps foot in the White House SUDDENLY they are outraged and demanding accountability? If they did not speak up for eight years of George Bush, and can only find their outrage when they can direct it at an African American, then they are racists!
They can bitch and moan about how unfair it is to call them a racist all they want, but you know if the white hooded sheet fits......
Friday, July 17, 2009
President Barack Obama speaks to the NAACP.
There are a lot of things that I am frustrated about concerning our new President.
Why is "don't ask, don't tell" still the policy of the military?
When is he going to throw out "no child left behind"?
Why is he standing in the way of the Bush administration being brought to justice?
But damn when I hear him speak it just makes me want to vote for him all over again.
By the time he reaches the end of this speech the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up and I can feel my heart beat faster as I hope desperately for the change that he promises. And I know that his plate is overflowing with responsibilities, and that these things take time, but I just find myself fearful that his actions will not match the words.
But I tell myself that I need to have something that I have NEVER had before. I have to have faith.
So I am going to step outside in a few minutes and breathe deeply of the crisp Alaskan air, and allow the heat of the sun to warm my flesh, as I tell myself that every day things are getting better and that someday the damage done by both the Bush and Palin administrations will be nothing but a painful memory.
Why is "don't ask, don't tell" still the policy of the military?
When is he going to throw out "no child left behind"?
Why is he standing in the way of the Bush administration being brought to justice?
But damn when I hear him speak it just makes me want to vote for him all over again.
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By the time he reaches the end of this speech the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up and I can feel my heart beat faster as I hope desperately for the change that he promises. And I know that his plate is overflowing with responsibilities, and that these things take time, but I just find myself fearful that his actions will not match the words.
But I tell myself that I need to have something that I have NEVER had before. I have to have faith.
So I am going to step outside in a few minutes and breathe deeply of the crisp Alaskan air, and allow the heat of the sun to warm my flesh, as I tell myself that every day things are getting better and that someday the damage done by both the Bush and Palin administrations will be nothing but a painful memory.
Barack Obama,
Saturday, July 14, 2007
All of the Presidential candidates in the GOP have given up on the black vote except Tom Tancredo.
This is a picture of the set for the NAACP Republican Presidential forum. As you can see only one candidate bothered to show up.
Gee I wonder what questions they asked Tom? "Hey Tom why do the Republicans hate black people? I mean first Katrina, and now this! What the fuck is wrong with you honkies?"
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