Showing posts with label Greta Van Susteren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greta Van Susteren. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Donald Trump melting down on Twitter? Must be Saturday.

Okay these are really all over the place so I will just present them one at a time, since there does not seem to be a unifying theme.
Or perhaps MSNBC just insisted on journalist standards that Greta simply could not meet.
What are they hiding? Well perhaps the personal information of their citizens, so that it cannot be weaponized against them.

How about that?
I have my own issues with CNN, but they most certainly have NOT been exposed as "fake news."

The only people who believe this are the extreme Right Wing who have never really watched CNN in the first place.
Yeah not "bad people," just dumb and crazy.

Considering the source they should take this as a compliment.

You know speaking of dumb apparently European intelligence agents don't have much confidence that Trump has the brain power to deal with Vladimir Putin during their upcoming meeting.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

Moscow believes its leader, ex-spy master Vladimir Putin, can extract major concessions from President Donald Trump when the two meet for the first time next week, European officials tell The Daily Beast. 

The officials say their intelligence indicates Putin thinks he can outmaneuver Trump at the G-20 summit, playing on promises of cooperation on areas like counterterrorism to win concessions like a reduction in the raft of sanctions against Russia. 

“When you meet Russia, don’t give anything away for free,” one Western official warned, echoing the fears of many European diplomats ahead of next week’s Trump-Putin meeting on the fringes of the G-20 in Germany. 

Their misgivings highlight concern that Trump’s inexperience and Putin’s ability to flatter will slowly degrade the U.S. alliance with Europe over time, and boost Moscow back to near-superpower status while extracting no changes to its aggressive, expansionist behavior.

I think it is blatantly obvious that Trump has been compromised by Putin, and I have no confidence that Trump will even bring up the fact that Russia hacked our election.

I'm just worried that by the end of the meeting Trump will have unconditionally surrendered the country to Putin.

Assuming of course that he has not already done that.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Greta Van Susteren is out at MSNBC!

Courtesy of Vanity Fair: 

The anchor, whose show struggled to gain traction even as the rest of her colleagues were buoyed by anti-Trump hysteria, has parted ways with the network. She will not appear on the show on Thursday evening. She will be permanently replaced by Ari Melber, the network’s chief legal correspondent and host of the The Point on weekends. He will continue to appear across NBC and MSNBC shows as he takes over the 6 p.m. slot next month. (MSNBC and NBC News declined to comment. Reached by phone Thursday afternoon, Van Susteren had no comment.)

The decision comes as much of the rest of MSNBC has been enjoying a ratings resurgence, and, in some cases, dominance over Fox News. For the first time in 17 years, the network beat both Fox News and CNN in prime-time viewership on weeknights in May amongst the crucial 25-to-54 age demographic—a giant 118 percent leap from a year earlier. In the full second quarter, according to ratings released by Nielsen earlier this week, the network came in second behind Fox for total day viewers, but its growth from a year earlier outpaced both its rivals. Much of this growth is due to prime-time anchors like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, whose nightly newscasts have tapped into a potent mix of liberal anxiety and schadenfreude over the Trump presidency.

Good, about damn time!

And she should be followed by Megyn Kelly ad Hugh Hewitt just as soon as possible. 

They are simply not good journalists, nor are they in line with the politics which make people tune into MSNBC.

I am proud to say that I have never watched a single episode of Greta's show, and I would even turn the volume down when she appeared on other MSNBC shows to provide commentary.

I have not forgotten what she and her associates did during the Obama presidency, nor how she helped to validate Sarah Palin and her husband to her Fox News viewers.

She was part of the Fox "Fake" News and she has no place on a cable news network that prides itself on accuracy.

Now perhaps MSNBC has learned its lesson and will discard this ridiculous experiment of giving Right Wing trolls their own shows, and start getting more intelligent progressive voices on the air.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Make no mistake, Greta Van Susteren did not quit her job at Fox News, she was fired.

WTF's happening?
Courtesy of CNN Money: 

A courier arrived at Van Susteren's Washington, D.C. home at 9 a.m. Tuesday, hand-delivering two letters that said that Van Susteren "was being taken off the air" immediately, according to her husband, John Coale, who is a high-profile Washington lawyer. 

Van Susteren was already planning to leave, but she thought she would be hosting her 7 p.m. program "On the Record" for a few more weeks. 

Yanking her off the air without a chance to say goodbye was "a bit immature," Coale remarked. 

It was also a message from Rupert Murdoch.

Murdoch, the patriarch of Fox's parent company 21st Century Fox, disliked her recent attempt to renegotiate her contract, and the unusual courier visit was a result of that, said one of the sources interviewed for this story. 

The messy breakup is the latest sign of tension -- "chaos," according to Coale -- behind the scenes at Fox News.

Apparently Greta's attempt to renegotiate her contract pissed Murdoch off. Big time.

Get this:

The network announced her departure less than an hour after the courier arrived. Van Susteren was not quoted in the press release. 

Fox then deleted the "On the Record" web site, Van Susteren's biography, and her pioneering Gretawire blog -- essentially erasing her from


Van Susteren then went on Facebook to try and spin the story:

Last Thursday night, I made my decision and informed Fox News of my decision at that time that I was leaving Fox News Channel per my contract. 

Fox has not felt like home to me for a few years and I took advantage of the clause in my contract which allows me to leave now. The clause had a time limitation, meaning I could not wait.

Yeah, that's all bullshit. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hillary Clinton is more than willing to testify before the most current House Benghazi investigative committee, but for some reason they are hesitant. Hmm, I wonder why?

Swear me in Mr. Chairman.
Here is the letter that Clinton attorney David E. Kendall sent to Trey "Deliverance" Gowdy just yesterday: 

In November, I informed your staff of Secretary Clinton’s willingness to testify before the Select Committee on Benghazi. In the succeeding months, she has reiterated her willingness, and I do so again on her behalf. There is no reason to delay her appearance, or have her testify in a private interview. 


While Secretary Clinton has testified before committees in both the House and the Senate about the tragic events in Benghazi, she has made clear that she will voluntarily testify publicly again before the Select Committee and, at that time, is happy to continue to answer any questions the Select Committee may have about her email use.

So Hillary volunteered back in November to testify in front of his committee? 

Well if the Republicans are so anxious to get to the truth about Benghazi why haven't they taken her up on that?

Well it appears that there might be, and I know you will find this shocking, a political motive for the delay.

Courtesy of Politicususa:

Earlier in the day, Speaker of the House John Boehner claimed that the Benghazi investigation was going to stretch into 2016 because Hillary Clinton and President Obama are refusing to turn over “the facts.” 

The truth is that House Republicans are trying to delay Clinton’s testimony in order to use it as an issue during the 2016 presidential election.

This move is so blatant that it even has even disgusted Fox News host Greta Van Susteren:

I have no idea what the Benghazi House Committee will find or conclude, but delaying their findings and conclusion until 2016 is wrong. Don't tell me this investigation can not get finished in 2015. 

Dragging the investigation into 2016 looks political -- and worse, reports are that the Committee's report will be released right before the 2016 election. That looks awful. It sends a bad message about fairness. Perception matters -- big time!

There have already been seven investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents released. So clearly there is nothing new to be discovered in this latest Benghazi witch hunt.

The ONLY reason it is going on is to humiliate Hillary Clinton is some way, and it is so blatant that even Fox News is taking notice.

That's when you know you have stepped over a line.

P.S. In the hour or so since I wrote this post it has come to my attention that the House committee, just today, has sent a request for Clinton to appear before them on May 18th

I think it's pretty clear that this is in direct response to this letter being made public.

By the way from what I hear thee final report will STILL not be made public until 2016.

So clearly the partisan games continue.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sarah Palin lets Greta Van Susteren do her talking for her on Obama's Cuba decision, and the second season of Amazing America attracts a smattering of coverage. Not all of it good.

I don't think that Palin really has any idea what the President's decision to normalize relations with Cuba ultimately means for conservative politics. So until her handlers tell her what to say she is staying relatively quiet on the issue.

However that does not mean she cannot link to her pal Greta Van Susteren who seems perturbed that the President worked to release Alan Gross, who has been imprisoned in Cuba since 2009, and not Andrew Tahmooressi who had been in a Mexico jail for about seven months.

This is from Van Susteren's Facebook page:

I'm very happy ‪#‎AlanGross‬ is home, but still absolutely mystified as to why President Barack Obama wouldn't help our ‪#‎MarineHeldInMexico‬. Watch my "Off the Record" commentary and tell me if you are likewise stumped about the president's lack of involvement in freeing Sgt. Andrew ‪#‎Tahmooressi‬.

Here let me help.

The reason that the President was more hands on with getting Alan Gross out of prison than the conservative's pet border jumping Marine might be because Gross was arrested for smuggling satellite phones and computer components to a Cuban Jewish organization, and Tahmooressi was caught crossing the border with illegal firearms and then repeatedly lied to the Mexican police.

Just a hunch.

As for Palin's second season working the green screen, there is really not a whole lot of buzz thus far.

The Washington Times covered it, barely.

As did Mediaite.

Alaska Dispatch did a little better. (Also revealing Miss USA 2006 Tara Conner's struggle with alcohol and drugs.)

And even Breitbart could only bring themselves to contribute about six paragraphs to the show.

They also used this picture.

Which I think indicates where THEIR interest lies.

What I found more informative were the comments found on some of these media outlets.

For instance: 

They'll do okay until they get in their first fight about what to shoot from the helicopter wolves or pigs, and the whole Palin klan blindsides and jumps Nugent in a drunken orgy of violence. 

You know, a typical Palin family outing. 


Wow, Nugent and Palin on the same show - between them they might get to double digits in the IQ department. 

As well as: 

...and the caricature of a human is now complete. It seems appropriate that she's standing on the side of a road looking for the best offer to come along, much like she spent her time in the Governor's office. What a waste of skin.

Not that is a hell of a lot more entertaining than anything to be found in this crappy show of hers.

Speaking of entertainment I thought you guys would like to know that my source was beyond thrilled with the response to my post on Monday and is excited to share more.

I will be trying to get together with her this weekend, or early next week.

Before then I thought it might be fun to ask all of you if there are any questions that you would like her to clear up, that perhaps I have not already thought of myself. And before you say it I have already discussed with her the babygate thing and we are working on that.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Conservatives finally notice that a teacher has been asking his students to recite a rewritten Pledge of Allegiance for the past twenty years. Did you guess they were outraged? Well you were right.

Courtesy of Campus Reform: 

A tenured professor at Metropolitan State University (MSU) in Denver required students pledge their allegiance to a racist, sexist, homophobic America that targets "blacks," and "women who want abortions," in the name of Jesus. 

 Dr. Charles Angeletti, a self-proclaimed atheist and socialist professor of American Civilization at the publicly funded Denver university, required students recite the satirical Pledge of Allegiance during the fall 2014 semester according to a class flier obtained by Campus Reform. 

"I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don't watch your step.”

Seems accurate to me. 

When asked why he had the students recite this, the professor responded thusly:

“We’re very racist, we’re very repressive, we’re very Christian oriented, we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking in this country,” Angeletti told Campus Reform. 

“I could go on and on—and do in my classes for hours about things that we need to do to make this a better country.” 

Angeletti, who has taught at MSU since 1967, has a B+ grade on, but one former student addressed Dr. Angeletti’s liberal bias.

Dr. Angeletti admits he is “biased” and says that he has distributed the pledge for 20 years because it helps people look differently about what goes on in this country. 

“We are scared to death of anything un-American,” Angeletti said. 

During the interview, Angeletti repeatedly affirmed his love for America, his disdain for “family values people,” and his course, clarifying that he supports diversity of thought and allows his students to “say and do anything.”

Of course this freaked out those on the Right, including Greta Van Susteren who used this to further the Fox News agenda of attacking "liberal" education in America.

It should be noted that this is a UNIVERSITY class that is offered as an elective and is not mandatory for graduation.

Personally I think educators who challenge student's perception of their country, their religion, and even themselves are helping to create a generation of rational thinkers and that can only be good for the country.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr. Sarah Palin once again weighs in on the Ebola non-crisis. Prepare to have the crap bugged out of you.

Courtesy of the Facebook page for a woman whose icy disposition kills viruses on contact:

I enjoyed talking On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, and you can catch the replay of it later tonight. In discussing the response to Ebola, I made the point that every crisis will be capitalized on by a liberal federal government as an excuse to expand government authority. (Does she mean like the Bush administration did in response to terrorism? The Right Wing has predicted that Obama would do this since his inauguration, so far nothing.) The Obama administration made clear early on that they abide by the Alinsky tactic to “never let a crisis go to waste.” (Once again, a false allegation.) The latest crisis has been drummed up by their incompetent reaction to the spread of Ebola. The purpose of any crisis for them is to ultimately exert more control over people as more Americans become fearful; the "solution" they'll offer will be another false big government promise: "Hey, little people, just give up more freedom in exchange for our promise of a little security!" Obviously with this Washington liberal M.O. we are losing both. (She does realize that what she is describing above is EXACTLY what Chris Christie did to a nurse,  even though she does NOT fall into the high risk group requiring quarantine, right?)

We do need to keep each level of government accountable. I agree with state governors who are filling this Obama leadership void and setting rules to tackle Ebola because the leader of the country cannot do it (Does she not know that we only have one confirmed case of Ebola in this country? How much better could this be handled?), and the 10th Amendment protects states rights in a case like this. But beware of allowing any level of government (especially the federal government) even an inch more power over the people. Liberals can turn that inch into the LAST mile toward statism. That's why politics must be excised from the Ebola issue, and the medical and scientific community must be listened to by the Obama Administration. They MUST put Americans first, and we must not buy into any hysteria as we calmly yet aggressively keep the Ebola virus out of our country.

 - Sarah Palin

Okay once again the main group of individuals using the Ebola virus for political purposes are the conservatives. 

The CDC has very definite guidelines on how to handle this disease and the reason such a federal agency exists is to fight panic, and to keep local politicians from using fear to manipulate their constituents. Which is exactly what we see some politicians, and Fox News, doing right now.

Besides Palin knows less about this than she does foreign relations, economics, or even parenting. And that is REALLY saying something.

She is simply being used as one more yapping mongrel attempting to fill the air with white noise to keep Americans from hearing any truth which might quiet their fears.

Remember unafraid people are less likely to vote Republican.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fox News has Sarah Palin weigh in on how we are handling Ebola cases in America. For reasons that completely escape me. Update!

Courtesy of Politico: 

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin agreed Monday that there should be a quarantine for medical workers coming from West Africa as she took President Barack Obama and his administration to task over its “incompetency” in handling the Ebola crisis. 

“I do think that there needs to be that quarantine but, see, this is par for the course that Obama’s incompetency, his administration’s incompetency, is really shining bright in this one,” the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee said on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” 

Palin added that Washington is “trying to call the shots for these governors. There is a void of leadership here and the governors need to step up and step in.” 

“We’re going to demand of our leadership in Washington and on the state level to get politics out of this and allow the medical community to tell us factually, what needs to be done,” Palin said. 

Palin said she would talk to other governors about enacting a quarantine, if she were still serving in that role in Alaska. 

“And I betcha we would come to the conclusion that you can’t trust the Obama administration,” she said, adding that liberals are using “Saul Alinsky tactics” to capitalize on crisis. 

Who in the HELL would ever ask this woman about contagious diseases or how the government should  respond to an outbreak in this country?

She is not only completely fact free in this completely unnecessary interview, she is also histrionic and attempts to drum up panic from Fox viewers in order to undermine the President.

A President, who by the way, has this completely under control.

Look I live in a state where Sarah Palin had to deal with crisis. Her never wavering approach was to first pretend that there was no problem, slowly respond after being pressured by constituents and the media, and finally have Franklin Graham fly up here and go with her to deliver cookies.

If we had an Ebola outbreak in Alaska while Palin was in charge, we would all be dead right now.

Update: Perhaps somebody should show Princess Panic Attack this:  

As the number of ebola cases in the U.S. dwindled to one Tuesday, a new CNN/ORC poll found the American public surprisingly confident in the federal government’s response to the virus in the U.S. 

54% of those surveyed said the government had done a good job in handling the virus, while 71% were confident the government could prevent a widespread outbreak — somewhat contradicting the punditry that decried the public’s despair in the face of institutional failures.

Yeah, the American people know that the President has got this.

But hey, nice try Fox news.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

John McCain lets slip that President Obama went against all advice and refused to arm Syrian rebels back in 2013, many of who now make up the dreaded ISIL.

Appearing on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren, John McCain let this slip: 

McCain continued his push for war in both Iraq and Syria, saying the fight requires the “full weight of American air power” as well as “some more boots and support on the ground.” He added, “All this didn’t have to happen. We could have left a force behind in Iraq that would have stabilized Iraq. And we are paying an incredible price for the president’s leading from behind, whether it be in Iraq, in Syria, in Libya, or a number of countries in the Middle East. We are seeing the chickens coming home to roost.” 

The senator proceeded to seriously misspeak when he described a 2013 meeting in the White House in which everyone on the administration’s national security team “recommended arming ISIS.” But, he explained, “the president, by himself, turned it down.” 

What McCain likely meant to say was that Obama’s team, including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wanted to arm the “moderate” Syrian rebels in their fight against President Bashar al-Assad, but Obama did not want to. Van Susteren neglected to correct his mistake. 

As Obama decided at the time, the lack of distinction between the “moderate” rebels and the Islamic extremists, including ISIS, who were fighting Assad made the idea of arming any opposition in Syria an extremely risky proposition.

In other words President Obama made a careful calculation, and determined that the USA could not adequately determine who among the Syrian rebellion could be trusted not to misuse American provided weaponry.

Which in still other words meant that he made a carefully considered intelligent presidential decision, which is clearly something John McCain is not capable of doing.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Sarah Palin squeezes every little bit of attention out of her schmoozing with the Duck Dynasty clan, even manages to include Franklin Graham and Fox News.

"Don't poke my fake boob with that flag Todd. It might deflate."
Courtesy of Granny Grifter's Facebook page:

Such a beautiful day in Port Alsworth, Alaska, as our family joined Rev. Franklin Graham & the Duck Commander crew to again welcome veterans and their spouses at an Operation Heal Our Patriot's retreat. This tremendous program for wounded warriors is run by Samaritan's Purse and works to help heal our returning heroes who have the same emotional and spiritual scars the rest of us have (You know after Franklin Graham skims a little from the top first.), but theirs are compounded by extreme circumstances in war zones, and they return with scars all to often overlooked. Thank you to all the dedicated OHOP volunteers committed to our returning heroes to heal marriages affected by these scars. (Not sure she is the best person be talking about "healing marriages.") Our prayers are with the couples we welcomed yesterday on a chilly end-of-summer evening that reminds us our Alaskan winter rolls in quickly and spectacularly. It was 27 degrees there this morning (She got this part right. Colder than hell this morning.), and bear viewing is great as the nearby animals fatten themselves up before hunkering down for the cold winter months. This Bristol Bay region is a most beautiful spot in the Last Frontier; it's the region where Todd was born and raised. We're blessed to have this chunk of God's country in our backyard. Glad the Duck Commander crew traveled North for these views, too! 

America, please join us in supporting and praying for all our vets and their families. If you love your freedom, thank a vet!

 - Sarah Palin

Nothing says "We're just small town living Americans like all of you" like hobnobbing with reality TV stars and having it covered by a host on a popular cable news channel.

And of course while she has this "star" power at her disposal, why not use them as a lure to get somebody to finally visit her stupid all about me vanity channel?

Photo courtesy of Chuck Jr.'s Facebook page.
Seriously where is a hungry bear fattening up for winter when you need one?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sarah Palin, and her cub Bristol, pimping a Fox News exploitation piece while doubling down on calls for a religious war with Islam.

This from Joan of the Arctic's Facebook page: 

Be sure to tune in tomorrow at 7pm ET to FOX for Greta's special on the persecution of Christians around the globe.

She then links to Bristol's ghostwritten blog, which in turn posts a video of Greta Van Susteren  promoting the Christians Under Attack special appearing on Fox tonight. (Palin also posted a video previously

Of course as we know Christians are certainly being brutalized in Iraq by the ISIL, however they are far from the only group that is being targeted and in fact they are not the ones being targeted the most aggressively.

As I wrote last Saturday, the Iraqi people under attack include not just the Christians, but the Yazidi, Turkmen, Shaback, and Kurds.

As it turns out the Yazidi were the group most in danger and the Obama administration reached out to protect them and it appears that may have been successful.

However both the Palins and Fox News seem to be actively ignoring the fact that this ISIL group is going after all kinds of groups that it finds offensive to its political and religious beliefs, and are instead focusing on the Christians in an attempt to fan Islamophobia in this country.

This is an incredibly divisive and potentially dangerous tactic as it encourages people in America to think of the conflict in Iraq not as genocide, but instead as a religious conflict in which they have a vested interest because it involves "their" religious brothers and sisters.

I swear Sarah Palin and Fox News will not be happy until American forces show up in force on Iraqi soil to beat the infidels to death with steel covered Bibles while yelling at them to repent their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.

P.S. By the way Brancy offered up a way for people to help stop the "Christian massacre in Iraq," which included prayer, giving money to a religious organization, and signing a petition started by a Christian organization.

So in other words you can help by doing everything you can think of that falls short of actual help.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sarah Palin is too busy "picking weeds" to watch the Hillary Clinton interview on Fox, so she wants others to watch it and critique it for her.

Courtesy of the "weed picker's" Facebook page:

I was out picking weeds in my ridiculously deficient garden, so I haven't seen the Hillary Clinton interview on Fox yet. But Greta's a good one, so I shall do so -- unless you can summarize it for me! I'd love to hear what YOU thought of it, so I can go back to separating the weeds from the chaff (or baby carrots anyway). 

Palin then links to part 4 of Hillary's interview with Bret Baier and Greta.

You know I have covered some incredibly bizarre, and nonsensical interviews, articles, and Facebook posts attributed to the Alaskan White Walker, and this one is right up there.

I mean why bother alerting her fans to the fact that she has nothing to say about the Hillary interview? (Which I don't believe by the way since this is the part of the interview where Greta asks Hillary about the portion of her book that claims the Obama campaign wanted her to speak out about Palin. In fact Greta even asks Hillary about the claims that Palin was not Trig's birth mother. And you KNOW Sarah has something to say about that!)

What the hell is a "ridiculously deficient garden?"

And since by most accounts Hillary emerged essentially unscathed from the Fox News interview why would Palin direct her followers attention to it?

I will say one thing for sure, she most certainly wrote this unnecessary little scribble herself.  Because even the untalented hacks she employs to keep her from sounding like an imbecile would know better than to allow this thing to end up on Facebook.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hillary Clinton to sit down for interview with Fox News in June. Gee (Benghazi!), I wonder what (Benghazi!) they will ask her? (Benghazi!)

Going to sit down for Fox News interview. Might want to start praying for them now.
Courtesy of The Washington Post: 

Fox News Channel will do an interview with former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton next month on the heels of her memoir release date. 

Fox News's Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren will conduct a joint interview with Clinton on June 17, the network announced Thursday. It will come one week after the June 10 release of Clinton's memoir, "Hard Choices."

I don't usually watch Fox News, but I will be sure to catch this as it will be a chance to watch Hillary respond to some of the Fox News conspiracy theories in person.

I have no doubt she will chew both of these lightweights up and spit them out.

Greta is probably going to be too star struck, and too busy girl crushing, to ask anything of substance, but Baier has a history of being a disrespectful douchenozzle. 

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Andrew Sullivan comes to the defense of a Mozilla CEO who resigned after his negative views on gay marriage came to light, and is applauded for his reasonableness. Well Greta Van Susteren and Sarah Palin cannot allow that to stand.

So some of you may have read how how the CEO of the internet browser Mozzila stepped down from his job after it came to light that he had given a $1,000 contribution on support of the 2008 gay marriage ban in California.

In response Andrew Sullivan wrote a rather thoughtful piece on what he saw as the equivalence of pro-gay lynch mob: 

He did not understand that in order to be a CEO of a company, you have to renounce your heresy! There is only one permissible opinion at Mozilla, and all dissidents must be purged! Yep, that’s left-liberal tolerance in a nut-shell. No, he wasn’t a victim of government censorship or intimidation. He was a victim of the free market in which people can choose to express their opinions by boycotts, free speech and the like. He still has his full First Amendment rights. But what we’re talking about is the obvious and ugly intolerance of parts of the gay movement, who have reacted to years of being subjected to social obloquy by returning the favor. 

This is a repugnantly illiberal sentiment. It is also unbelievably stupid for the gay rights movement. You want to squander the real gains we have made by argument and engagement by becoming just as intolerant of others’ views as the Christianists? You’ve just found a great way to do this. It’s a bad, self-inflicted blow. And all of us will come to regret it.

I have to admit that though I frequently use the Mozilla browser, Firefox, I did not feel compelled to weigh in on this debate one way or the other.

However Greta Van Susteren felt the need to provide her two cents, not so much about what happened to Mozilla CEO and co-founder Brendan Eich, but rather how irritating it was the Sullivan was now being celebrated for his defense of free speech.

Here is her headline:

Andrew Sullivan, is now the Free Speech guy? Free speech should include at least an effort at NO SLANDER yet he felt it was ok, when it advanced his career, to slander a mother by saying obsessively that she should PROVE she is the mother of her special needs child! Yes, a bully! What a world we live in, huh?

Oh yeah, she went there.

And because she went there could the Wasilla Wendigo be far behind?

Aww poor Sarah, bullied by the big bad openly gay blogger, who is now receiving accolades for defending those he feels are being denied their right to free speech.

Oh the humanity.

But exactly what about Sullivan's questioning of the circumstances of Trig's birth would be considered bullying? Here is what he said on June 13, 2011:

It seems to me we have two options. It’s possible that Palin simply made up her drama of labor, or exaggerated it for effect, when in fact it was a routine, if rare, pregnancy, and she had mild warnings that the birth may be premature, and she gussied that up into a tall tale of her pioneer spirit, guided by her doctor, who refused to take the NYT’s calls as soon as Palin hit the big time. I think that’s the likeliest explanation, given the sheer world-historical weirdness of the alternative. 

But it’s also possible that she never had that baby at all. I mean, if you read the emails and independent reports above and were asked if this woman were in labor with a special needs child, and that her water had already broken, would you believe it? Just put all the facts in front of you and ask yourself that question. 

So she is either a self-serving drama queen who didn’t realize her story would imply she put her child – and many others on the planes – at great risk and then winged it to make her story more plausible; or she is a fantastic hoaxer and liar at a world class meshugana level that, at some point, will make Weinergate look like a damp squib. 

To my mind, either option makes her unfit for high office, which is all you need to know really. And the fact that she has never been asked about this by any MSM journalist tells you so so much about what motivates the DC press corps. It’s certainly not curiosity.

That is not bullying, that is simply good reporting.  Something that his fellow journalists completely failed to do.

And, as we all know, he was not at all wrong to pursue this story.

Because only one month later we provided the smoking gun that would demonstrate that Sarah Palin lied about her pregnancy in any court in the land.

So yes, Andrew Sullivan is a defender of free speech. And no, he is NOT a bully.

But I know somebody who is.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Sarah Palin opens her mouth and shows Greta the pre-chewed word salad she intends to vomit all over the audience at CPAC later today.

Let's see I should probably start off by saying something nice.

Something nice, something nice, something nice. There.

Okay seriously I will say that she is on better medications than she was during her LAST appearance on Fox News. At least she does not look half embalmed this time.

But is she any more articulate?

Yeah, right.

Let's see she still hates Obamacare, wants it repealed. (I'm sorry "repilled.")

When Greta asks how the Republican party can attract lower income people to the GOP, which of course is conservative speak for non-whites, this was Palin's response:

"That's exactly what the planks in the platform of the Republican party are supposed to be standing...we stand on that, that's what they are supposed to be representing is equal opportunity for everyone. To apply self initiative so that they can all be lifted up."

Did you get that poor people? The Republican party HAS been trying to help you, but you are too un-self initialized to let them.

When Greta decided to press Palin about the REALLY underprivileged and how the party can reach them, Palin goes further down a racist rabbit hole.

"Well you know a practical way to entice them to understand what the Republican party is all about, at least what we Conservatives are all about,  is to show examples of those who have grown up in less than ideal conditions, and succeeded because they've decided they will not be dependent upon a MASTER called government. They will do it themselves. They will adopt a work ethic. And though, you know, they don't have a silver spoon they...they will create that by working very hard and seizing every opportunity. You can only do that in America."

This sounds like a solid plan, if you are an idiot and do not realize that you know nothing about what it is like to be born black and poor in America. It is kind of hard to develop a "work ethic" when there is no work.

And as for that "master" comment concerning government? Well that is just straight up racist.

Greta then gives Palin the opportunity to attack the media for not giving her accolades for predicting that Putin would invade the Ukraine.

“I don’t like an unfair, biased media unless they declare that, of course they are biased, that they’re opinion talkers. Those that are supposed to be journalists getting the who, what, when, where and why for the people to be able to decide themselves an issue? No, I don’t like those who so interject their own opinion that they become very unfair.” 

Okay does anybody else realize that she simply described herself, and the cable news channel she is currently appearing on, in that paragraph? Or was that just me?

So it comes time for Greta to ask Palin who she likes in the 2016 presidential race.

Actually Palin refuses to endorse any of the current crop of wannabes, though of course she likes Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, but suggests instead that it should be somebody outside of politics that gets the nomination. A business person, or family man or woman perhaps. (Donald Trump?)

So Greta asked the obligatory "Do you have any plans to run" question. And Palin provides the obligatory non-answer:

"Sounds cliche, but you never say never. Now at this point I don't have a team of people you know getting out there doing these poll tested...whatever to let you know if you should run or not. I don't have any of that organization going. I'll never say never. It depends on what it is that Americans want, really, really want in a candidate.  If they want a fighter, if they want someone who can so respect our exceptionalism, everything that makes America great, the promise of America. And if we don't find that? Then I would run."

Okay was that a threat? That sounded like a threat.

So America do we want a self involved, fake Christian, racist, Ronald Reagan fawning, moron who respects something called "exceptionalism" in the White House?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Does Greta Van Susteren realize she works for Fox News? Update!

Who are these people?
So yesterday Greta posts this on Gretawire:  

We are a big nation with different viewpoints. We won’t always agree…but a strong debate is helpful when we disagree. Sometimes if you are smart in your debate, you persuade someone who otherwise had disagreed with you. 

And then there are the creeps who take cheap shots because they are too ignorant and small to engage in an important discussion. The best they can do is make themselves look really bad. No one should pay any attention to them – they are not persuasive, they are noise, and in some instances boorish and obnoxious. I suspect this guy feels that he makes himself relevant or even important if he says or tweets like this. I just roll my eyes and wonder what is going on in his head! 

I don’t care how much you disagree or agree with Texas’ Wendy Davis, you have to agree that this guy, Erick Erickson, is a real jerk and is really lousy at being a spokesperson for his views:

She's not wrong.

In fact we tore into those making remarks like Erickson's on this blog our own darn selves. 

The difference of course is that my audience is made up of highly intelligent compassionate critcial thinkers, and Greta's audience is made up of...well it's made up of these people:  

Greta: A very disappointing and totally inappropriate response to Erickson. He has called out Davis for what she is and you instead want to tiptoe around that fact. Extraordinary and precipitous fall from your usual professional coverage of the news. Highly disappointing. Micro-Potemkin Davis continues to lie and camoflage herself with her victim story and you attack Erickson? Shame on you; in this case you have thrown in your lot with the Progressive herd-thinkers of the rest of the media. More of this kind of reporting and I turn off your program. 

Greta! Abortion Barbie = Wendy Davis...she has been called that since her trick in TX, her claim to fame trying to murder 3rd trimester Texas babies. Why do you slam EE for slamming that murder princess? She DESERVES worse! You are defending her because she's a woman? That's just as bad as a Christian Black man voting for a communist obama because he's Black...and very stupid! 

Greta, maybe you should take a timeout with L Ron Hubbard in his spaceship circling the Earth. 

Greta, I think you and Megan Kelly on women's ' issues lately are really off the mark. First Huckabee on Sunday , now this. Your a big girl you have been in the world long enough to have thick skin as a women. I will no longer watch Kelly as I did t care for some of her comments 1 about Hannity and he is to blame for conservatives having a bad name, the other where you and she took your male colleagues to task over the bread winners comment. She is out in my book, I personally feel you and she have blown things up . And here we go again. Looks to me like we have 2 chatty cats. Showing their own insecurity. It is what it is greta. She is an abortion Barbie, so maybe this should be a wake up call to women instead of an insult, men say what they say and end it. Many women keep beating a dead horse to win their point. I see their point, and they are right. Personally greta , if I were Megan's boss or yours, I would have given both of you fare warning, any snide remarks about your co workers in the press or on Tv I would terminate your contact. If you can't play with the big dogs , stay on the porch! 

Greta, you "stepped in it" on this one, and even demonstrated an apparent propensity for self-aggrandizement... you know, the ol', "I'm the 'Grand Poo-besse' who's so big, important and 'busy with other stuff', that I don't but vaguely even recall hearing this peon's name (E. Erickson) before. Oh, well.... off with his head." 

Erickson is highly regarded, and most assuredly his opinions are read by a goodly number of our better "real" conservative leaders. You might have a fine and enlightening colleague in this fellow if you could step down from the self-perceived (only) throne from which you believe to rule.

You can almost feel the love can't you?

I have to imagine that when Greta wrote that post she expected that the majority of visitors to her blog would be on her side, instead about 95% of them were going for her jugular.

What she, and the rest of us, need to realize is that the Right Wing is made up of people just like Erik Erickson, and attempting to reason with them, or convince them to be more reasonable, is a complete waste of time.

Update: Erickson responds to Greta in a typically vile manner:

Erickson responded by posting “A Very Sincere Thank You” to Van Susteren Monday night. 

“Wendy Davis believes it is perfectly acceptable to crack open a child’s skull, inject her cranium with saline, vacuum out her brains, then tear her limb from limb unstitching her from her mother’s womb even though a minute, an hour, a day, a week, or a month later she could survive outside the womb,” he insisted, engaging in a common anti-choice trope of equating any fertilized egg — even a ten-day-old blastocyst — to a fully viable fetus. 

“Wendy Davis has staked her career on the right to chop a child to bits, no matter how viable the child is,” he wrote, referring to Davis’ 13-hour filibuster against a draconian Texas anti-choice law that would make abortion illegal de facto by closing the bulk of the state’s clinics. 

“Wendy Davis is a one issue wonder heralded by the press because she is a high priestess of the secular religion’s sacred sacrament — slaughtering children on the altar of Moloch. That Greta Van Susteren is offended by me, thinks me creepy and a jerk, and thinks I should not be listened to is of no harm or consequence to me,” he wrote.

Erickson's description of abortion in this country is just about as dishonest as his characterization of Wendy Davis. A woman, by the way, that is so out of reach for a knuckle dragger like Erickson that her success must emasculate him to his very core.

The attacks against Davis indicate to me that she is absolutely terrifying these idiots. I think I will send her a check.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Plain about the Duck Dynasty debacle, phony wars on Christmas, and that time she was wrong about wanting Bristol to get married, while Palin struggles to stay conscious.

Greta starts off by introducing the Duck Dynasty brouhaha and mentions that Palin was one of the firs to get her panties in a twist over it.

Palin: "Yeah well this is becoming a discussion now I think outside of the legal realm, letting attorneys decide whether its a free speech in..the..of..the..rule of law or not (Someone's medication needs to be adjusted), and now it's becoming more of a discussion..uh..within the exchange of ideas in the public and private square, and in pop culture, whether we're allowed to express our personal opinions of intimidation, and mockery, and criticism, and loss of jobs, and revenue. It's becoming a greater, bigger issue than what it started out to be just a few days ago." (Somewhere Martin Bashir is banging his head against the wall in frustration.)

Greta seems to catch the hypocrisy flowing here, and says "I think people loosely use the term 'free speech' meaning that all the sudden you have people jump someone for saying something and that you don't jump others. I think that is sort of the inequity, either we are going to let people trash talk or we're not going to let people trash talk. but on the same token sort of let..if the market wants to be such that people don't want to watch someone so be it." (Carefully watch Palin's chest heave during this part and you can tell that she is seething that Greta came so close to calling her a hypocrite.)

Palin: " Well that's right. (It is?) And that's why I say that attorneys discuss and argue whether it's a legal free speech issue or not, but I'm hearing a lot of people start discussing now whether in our, especially pop culture venues, whether we're going to be allowed, without threats of a lot of intimidation, and loss of opportunities, to express our opinions." (Clearly somebody wasn't listening.)

So Greta tries again "It's one thing to express your opinion, do you have any problem about the manners in how he said it. I mean we don't talk about it on television much, but if you actually read the article there's a rather graphic and last I think offensive description of it. I mean there are two ways to say different things and the article, and I know he's a graphic type guy, but do you have any objection on the manners aspect, how he said it?"

(Wait for it.)

Palin: "I haven't read the article. I don't know exactly how he said it".

(Did you get that? This woman who went all in to defend Phil Robertson in response to his horrific and insensitive language, not just against the LGBT population, but also concerning African Americans in the pre-civil rights era, has NEVER read the fucking interview!)

But wait, there's more.

Palin: "But Greta..uh..uh..what he was doing was in response to a question about a lifestyle that he disagrees with and yet he has said over and over again, he doesn't hate the person engaging in a lifestyle he disagrees with but he..he.. in response he was quoting the Gospel, so people who are so insulted, and offended by what he said evidently are offended by what he was quoting in the Gospels so you know that's a whole..that's another interesting aspect in all of this." 

(Yeah the book you all claim to get your sense of morality from is full of hate and prejudice, that is the "interesting aspect in all of this.")

Greta, who by the way now looks completely disgusted with Plain asks her about Cracker Barrel's response, and the Wasilla Wendigo mocks them for expressing their opinion and suggest they "thicken their skin."

At this point Van Sustern takes a break. (Probably so that she can fins a soundproof room nearby to scream out in frustration.) And when they come back Palin looks like she may have self medicated, looking for all the world like somebody JUST woke her up for the interview.

As Greta wades into the phony War on Christmas Plain sounds groggy and barely coherent, as she attempts to pimp her book and drum up outrage that Christians cannot force others to celebrate the holidays the way they want.

( I am going to transcribe a little more in a few minutes. I need more coffee, and possibly a moment to go into a room and do my own primal screaming.)

(I'm back.)

Greta asks Palin to elaborate on why there is this so-called the war on Chirstmas.

Palin: "I think that people are offended, some people, at the idea that we aren't 'all that,' we're not the center of the universe and we as fallible, mistake man, we should be serving something greater than self. Our world would be a lot healthier, more peaceful, safer place if we were all to be more selfless and serve something greater than self, ie our creator, and I think that idea is really offensive to a lot of people, especially the elites who kind of control much of the media, much of politics, because they do thing they're 'all that.' They think they're the hope, the change, the answer. They think they can create utopia, when you when most of us, who are humble enough to admit that man can't do that. We're..we're.. so fallen that we need a savior. We..we.. need something  to look to for strength, and hope, and peace, and joy, and a lot of us look to God for that."

(Okay did the woman who is on a book tour selling a book ghostwritten for her in order to keep her name in the limelight, and who claims to believe in a religion that argues the entire universe was created by God specifically for THEM, just suggest that those who do not think like she does are the arrogant selfish ones? I don't think I spent enough time doing my primal scream to get through this. By the way, she DOES realize she is being interviewed by a Sceintologist right?)

Greta decides at this point to suggest that there is room for everybody during the holidays and wants to know why people choose to "jab" each other about religion this time of year? Clearly this is directed at Palin's lack of  understanding toward those who do not celebrate the way she does, but does she get the hint? Hell no!

Palin: "They jab people, they waste a lot of money, like that billboard."

(This refers to the Atheist billboard that was brought up at the start of the interview.)

"Why didn't they take the money they were gonna spend on trying to offend Christians or anybody who believes in Jesus being the reason for the season (You know I think that is ONLY the Christians.) Why didn't they spend that money on helping the needy, or helping the poor, uh..I think that was a waste of resources." (Did she seriously just say that? )

At this point Great returns to discussing the ghostwritten book and ask Palin about the time she admitted she was wrong (There's a Christmas miracle for you.), that supposedly centered around when Bristol told her she was pregnant, (Which time?)

Palin: "Yeah, I think that is some of the heart of Christmas, being humble enough to admit that again we're 'not all that' we don't have all the answers. In that episode that I was reflecting upon when Bristol came to us to tell us that she was..uh..going to have a baby and Todd and I argued over what should she do next, know..I thought she should get married, and Todd said 'No, there's already been a heap of trouble piled on her plate let's not encourage more heaping of more trouble on her plate.'  We argued about it and then I realized that he was right, and he WAS right. Humbled myself and told him that, and reflected upon that in the book and that again has a lot to do with that humbleness of Jesus being born in a manger, not as some lofty king down amongst privilege your face kinda lecturing of everybody else in the culture in which he was a part of. And..uh..much of the spirit of Christmas has to do with being humble enough to accept that and have that childlike faith to know that it was real." 

Holy shit! what the hell was all of that?

So she agreed that Todd was right about Bristol getting married because Jesus was born in a manger and you have to be a child to believe any of that was real? Is THAT the takeaway here?

Okay well there are a few more minutes of the interview and you all are welcome to listen to them and share with others what she says, but Gryphen is taking a mental health break here.

(It is not quite 8:00 AM here, but I am wondering if it is okay to start drinking this early since it's a holiday, and Jesus was born in a manger and everything?)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

In attempt to slam media for not being outraged sooner over the Martin Bashir comments, Greta brings up Andrew Sullivan's questions about Trig. Uh oh!

Here was the actual headline from Gretawire:

Here is a question: was “MSM” outraged when Andrew Sullivan, member of the media, said Trig Palin was not the Governor’s child?

Oh yes, she did just open Pandora's box, and that box is just chick full of things that Sarah Palin SHOULD by all rights want to be locked up forever.

Here is the rest of the post:

I just spotted this tweet…and yes, I have read the recent outrage…but what took so long? How about Andrew Sullivan’s comments? how come the media silence for him? And that was not someone shaming himself with crude language but picking on a special needs child! or how about the thing David Letterman said about the Palin’s daughter when she was about 14? Any outrage? From MSM or women’s organizations or women role models? 

It is one thing to have substantive and ideological differences, but this Bashir level (the gutter) thing really isn’t that new. So what took the media so long? 

 Gee what was it that Andrew wrote way back when?

It seems to me we have two options. It’s possible that Palin simply made up her drama of labor, or exaggerated it for effect, when in fact it was a routine, if rare, pregnancy, and she had mild warnings that the birth may be premature, and she gussied that up into a tall tale of her pioneer spirit, guided by her doctor, who refused to take the NYT’s calls as soon as Palin hit the big time. I think that’s the likeliest explanation, given the sheer world-historical weirdness of the alternative. 

But it’s also possible that she never had that baby at all. I mean, if you read the emails and independent reports above and were asked if this woman were in labor with a special needs child, and that her water had already broken, would you believe it? Just put all the facts in front of you and ask yourself that question. 

So she is either a self-serving drama queen who didn’t realize her story would imply she put her child – and many others on the planes – at great risk and then winged it to make her story more plausible; or she is a fantastic hoaxer and liar at a world class meshugana level that, at some point, will make Weinergate look like a damp squib. 

To my mind, either option makes her unfit for high office, which is all you need to know really. And the fact that she has never been asked about this by any MSM journalist tells you so so much about what motivates the DC press corps. It’s certainly not curiosity. 

I must really thank Greta for allowing us this trip back through Trig Truther memory lane, I almost forgot how much fun calling Palin out on this obvious deception can be.

And if I may blow my own horn a little, I think that almost immediately following that post by Andrew Sullivan, that I offered the two most compelling posts (One from the same day June 2011 and the other from August of 2011) for the argument that Palin did NOT in fact give birth to Trig Palin. (And of course this one did not hurt at all either.)

Ultimately I believe that we, as a community, have  proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that Palin did not in fact give birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin on April 18th. In fact I remain convinced that if Sarah Palin ever grew the backbone to take me to court over my assertion that she is a liar I would have little trouble proving, beyond reasonable doubt, that I am telling nothing but the truth and that she is in fact a liar of almost epic proportions.

However apparently Palin herself  remains blithely unaware that her web of deception has been untangled, and seems confident that she will never be held accountable for the egregious lies that she told to the American people. As further evidenced by this response on Gretawire to Van Susteren's post:

SHP Private • 4 hours ago − Greta - I appreciate how conscientious you are regarding the bigger picture surrounding issues like this. The public appreciates your fairness & willingness to bring to light more background info. You & John have a great day! - Sarah Palin

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Greta Van Susteren interviews Mike Tyson, decides to take the opportunity to ask him about his "wombshifter" comments about Sarah Palin. Oh no she didn't!

Courtesy of Mediaite: “I know you,” Van Susteren said to her guest, “I’ve seen you with the pigeons, I’ve seen you with your family, but then recently — I didn’t understand this — you were on a radio show and you said something very hurtful about raping Governor Sarah Palin.” 

“I never said that,” Tyson defended. “You must have misquoted something, I never said anything bad about Mrs. Palin being raped.” 

He then explained what he meant by the “wombshifter” remark: 

"I made a comment about her having sex with a black man; her being such a streak right-winger. Somebody was doing the research and she was having a love affair with a black basketball player. And I said, um, the gentleman that she had an affair with was a very kind, nice guy, very likable guy. And I said that wouldn’t make big news: a black guy and a white woman being involved. And I said she needed somebody more outrageous, maybe like Dennis Rodman or somebody, then that would be big news. But the gentleman she had a relationship with before was a very kind guy, and that wasn’t anything bizarre." 

Van Susteren responded that the remarks came off as “derogatory towards women.” With that in mind, she asked, “Would you apologize for it?” 

“I didn’t say anything derogatory,” Tyson said. “I didn’t find a reason to apologize.”

Let me first say that at one time I was a big fan of Mike Tyson. I used to watch boxing matches constantly and he dominated the sport in the late eighties and early nineties.

However my opinion of him took several hard hits after he started beating his wife, biting off chunks of his opponent's ear, and threatening to eat their children.

After that I sort of cooled off, and then later cooled off to boxing in general when I began to learn more about brain injury.

However I would always take Iron Mike's side over Palin's, because though he is a very damaged person, he is a very damaged person who admits to being very damaged. Sarah Palin is a very damaged person who does not.

And I will do so again here.

In fact Tyson did NOT say anything about raping Sarah Palin.

This is what he DID say in response to the news of her one night stand with Glen Rice: 

“Glen Rice is a wonderful man,” Tyson said. “He’s a wonderful guy. You want her to be with somebody like [Dennis] Rodman getting up … in there. Pushing her guts up in the back of her head!” 

Tyson went on to say that Rice was too “non-threatening.” 

“Glen Rice is a nice, mellow, docile man, non-threatening guy,” he said. “You want someone like Rodman — yeah baby! Let’s get that donkey in here now. [laughter] Just imagine Palin with a big old black stallion ripping. Yeehaw!” 

Tyson was asked if Palin earned his vote by allegedly being open to sex with black men. Tyson explained that, as a felon, he is unable to vote. But he offered his opinion about what the allegation means for Palin’s standing in the black community. 

“She could always get boned out by a black person, a vote to bang her,” Tyson said. “Other than a vote to run office, the only thing she can do … she’s not a bad person because she likes black people at least in her.” 

Later in the interview, Tyson had a name for what Palin “needed.” 

“Sarah Palin … she met the ‘wombshifter.’” 

See? No rape. Just a somewhat crude man exalting the fact that the face of Republican racism got her womb shifted by a black man.

Was it polite? No.

Was it politically correct? No.

Was it worthy of mocking? Oh hell yes!

However what I think is more interesting, is that Greta was willing to bring this whole thing back up.

Surely she must know that Sarah Palin's base of supporters are deeply, deeply racist, and that bringing this whole thing up again can only remind them that she once spread her legs for one of them darkies.

Why would Greta do that? Unless......

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sporting a drowned varmint wig, pink shirt, and faux patriotism, Sarah Palin answers questions from Greta Van "So Sucks to be interviewing Palin again."

Click receding hairline to play video.
This short interview was on Greta's show last night, which I missed because I forgot they gave her slot to Megyn Kelly.

To be honest it really is more of the same inflammatory faux patriotism flavored word salad that we have all heard before.

However at one point Greta asks soggy britches where all of this ends, (I assume she meant the shutdown, and not Palin's party crashing of protest rallies.) and Palin gets very agitated and high pitched:

"Where does it end. It ends with the people at places like this, having their voices heard. Telling out leaders that they better get their priorities straight. Priorities like, no you don't shut down our World War 2 memorial, and keep the President's golf course open at the same time. (The course on Andrews Air Force base is paid for with user fees. Caution, link leads to Breitbart.) You don't make these stupid decisions that stick it to the people, because the people are being used as pawns. (Yes, by YOU!) Our government is to be working for us. You guys hired the politicians, they work for you, so it ends when the people's voice is loud enough to be heard all throughout Washington D. C., so that they'll listen to us."

Greta then points out that the more moderate Republicans (The ones who would end the government shutdown.) disagree with the tactics utilized by Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. And asks Palin how she reconciles that:

"I think the people would say, 'Thank you good guys for being there fighting the good fight for the rest of us.'" 

At this point it almost seems as if Palin, within her childlike fantasy world, does not recognize that the very individuals she thinks the people should be thanking, are the ones who engineered the shutdown that is making those protestors so angry.

Palin continues to pander to the crowd, all while waving her tiny "Made in China" flag, and seems to have NO idea that she is knee deep in hypocrisy by claiming that the President is using the veterans as pawns when being caught on camera doing that very thing herself.

What was it that Forrest Gump said? "Stupid is as stupid does."