Showing posts with label DaMSNBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DaMSNBC. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2008

David Shuster says he "was thrown under the bus for the sins of the father". He is right and Daddy Matthews owes him big.

"Does it bother me that I was thrown under the bus to pay for the sins of the father? No," he says in an exclusive interview. "As somebody who's covered politics for a while, I understand all the forces that were in play."

Sen. Hillary Clinton's forces pressured MSNBC to punish Shuster after he used the p-word in reference to Chelsea Clinton's presidential politicking for her mother. He was slapped with a two-week suspension, which ends today with his return to Hardball.

"I'm aware of the long list of complaints the Clinton campaign had about people from MSNBC" (like Hardball host Chris Matthews), says Shuster. "Tensions were clearly building. I was at the wrong place at the right time, or the right place at the wrong time. I donĂ¢€™t know which."

In my opinion Shuster should never have been punished. I think it shows just how thin skinned and vindictive Hillary can be, and that does not demonstrate the kind of Presidential timbre that is required for the job she is seeking.

I have to imagine that if this same incident had occurred with Obama that he would have expressed his fatherly displeasure but would have left it at that.