Showing posts with label douchebag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label douchebag. Show all posts

Saturday, February 06, 2016

I challenge you to watch this and not want to kill this guy with your own two hands. Can't do it can you?

If you had told me that I would be pissed off at a guy for being disrespectful to Trey "Benghazi Witchhunt" Gowdy I would have laughed in your face.

But somehow this POS makes that happen.

And when he smirks, nods derisively, and acts like a dick to my man Elijah Cummigs, THAT deserves a Costco sized can of Whoop-ass in my opinion.

For those who are unfamiliar with the context

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Finally something everybody can agree on, hating this douchebag.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Martin Shkreli, the price-gouging pharmaceutical company executive, was arrested early Thursday morning on securities fraud charges. 

The 32-year-old CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals AG became known as the most hated man on the Internet after buying the rights to a life-saving medication and jacking up the price from $13.50 to $750 per pill. 

Federal investigators charged Shkreli with illegally taking stock from Retrophin Inc., another biotech firm he founded in 2011, to pay off debts from unrelated business dealings, reported Bloomberg. 

He was “unceremoniously dumped” from that company in September 2014 and sued by its board. 

The lawsuit alleges that Shkreli used a series of “extra-legal maneuvers” to essentially turn Retrophin into his personal bank — and now the company seeks every bit of money he made off the company.

I know we're not supposed to hope for prison rape, but can't I make an exception just this one time?

I mean this guy is the scum of the earth. In fact I take that back, because it's really an insult to your usual everyday scum.

By the way just in case you think I am exaggerating, recently Shkreli purchased the ONLY copy made of the Wu-Tang Clan's album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin."

He then said he had no intention of ever even listening to the album, which REALLY pissed off fans of the Wu-Tang Clan and hip hop music.

When asked in an interview about it, Shkreli said this:

In the HipHopDX interview, Shkreli discusses the recent comments from Wu-Tang Clan members who say they wish they could take their album back. “If I hand you $2 million, f—ing show me some respect,” he said. “At least have the decency to say nothing or ‘no comment.’”

 If anyone wants to hear his Wu-Tang Clan album, of which there is only one copy, he has a price for that, too. “I’m not going to play it for no reason,” he said. “If Taylor Swift wants to come over and s— my d— I’ll play it for her.”

Like I said......scum. Only much, much worse.

Seriously the only thing I can't understand is, with that shitty of a personality how is he not running for the GOP nomination?

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Men charged with disorderly conduct for openly carrying semi-automatic rifles outside of a Starbucks in Texas.

Courtesy of Opposing Views:

The men brought the three semi-automatic rifles to Starbucks as a form of demonstration. Starbucks employees told them they would not be allowed to sit inside the restaurant with their rifles, so the men opted to sit outside. 

In Texas, it is legal to openly carry shotguns and rifles so long as they are being carried in a non-threatening way. So far so good, right? 

Several bystanders chatted with the men and asked them questions about their demonstration. But apparently one witness felt “freaked out”by the display. The witness called police, who arrived and told the men that they received a complaint about their open display of rifles. The men cooperated calmly with police. 

But before leaving, all three men were charged with disorderly conduct. 

According to Texas law, anyone carrying a firearm can be charged with disorderly conduct if at any time any person feels uncomfortable with the guns presence or the way in which the gun is being carried.

Personally I think that Texas and other states should simply pass an "anti-douchebag law" that applies to any asshole who tries to get attention by walking around with a semi-automatic rifle strapped to his back or a  pistol prominently displayed in a holster like Wyatt Earp waiting for a shootout at the OK Corral.

I have to admit that if I lived in Texas, and knew that calling the police would get these guys a disorderly conduct citation, I would be doing that at EVERY opportunity.

There is NO reason that law abiding citizens have to be confronted at coffee shops or malls by unhinged 2nd Amendment douchebags, making the rest of us feel unsafe.

Personally if these people are so desperate to demonstrate their shortcomings why don't they simply wear a t-shirt which says "I have a tiny insignificant penis?"

Friday, July 12, 2013

Why does Fox News hate America's babies?

That Brian Kilmeade guy is SUCH an idiot.

He probably did it on purpose because he was jealous that even a toddler has more talent than he could ever hope to achieve. (Did you notice how he tried to cover the baby's mouth to keep him from crying and ratting him out?)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Shooting target company fashions bleeding zombie target to look like actual shooting victim. Classy.

Courtesy of TPM:

A gun control advocate and Virginia Tech shooting survivor is not amused that he appears in an image created by Zombie Industries, the maker of “life-sized tactical mannequin” targets painted to look like “zombies.” 

“Hey @ZombieInd would u remove pic w/me off your ad 4 ‘Gun Control Lobbyist’ shooing (sic) targets pls? Already been shot…,” Colin Goddard wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. 

Goddard was shot four times during the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, and currently works at Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The image he referred to on Twitter appears on Zombie Industries’ Facebook page. He appears in an image set behind the company’s new “Gun Control Lobbyist” target, which, as the company likes to brag, “bleeds when shot.” 

“While I advocate for criminal background checks on all gun sales (which +90% of America supports), I really don’t appreciate this marketing strategy by a few seeking to profit off our efforts to reduce a public health crisis that affects all of us,” Goddard wrote. “‘Bleeds when shot’… been there already, no thanks assholes.”

Isn't this what voodoo is based on? Making images of certain people and then doing terrible things to them, or casting spells on them, in the hopes that it will affect them in some way?

How Christian of them.

You may remember that this same company also makes Zombie Obama shooting targets as well.

You know I wonder what happens when somebody actually gets shot and the police find a target in the killer's home that looks exactly like the person they eventually murdered?

It is exactly this kind of sick shit that makes most of us want to limit the number of firearms that unhinged or people prone to violence can purchase for themselves.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

How is this NOT considered an act of domestic terrorism?

Courtesy of TPM:

Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) held an event in New Hampshire Friday urging the state's political leaders to fight for an expansion of background checks on gun purchases, the Associated Press reported. Giffords, 42, survived an assassination attempt in January 2011. 

Associated Press reporter Steve Peoples posted this photo on Twitter, which he describes as showing a protester at the event holding an AR-15 and taking a nap:
The woman was SHOT IN THE HEAD!

Should there not be an added concerns about something similar happening again? Especially now that she is taking up the battle for background checks?

In my opinion showing up at, or near, an event featuring Gabby Giffords, blatantly displaying a weapon, is an intentional act of intimidation and, considering that it is meant to terrify the poor woman, an act of domestic terrorism.

And it seems that these jerkwads are showing up EVERYWHERE!

I think it would be well within Mark Kelly's right to knock this corpulent POS on his chubby white ass.

I know I would.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Now THIS my friends is a worthy cause.

I kid you not if I had seen this guy in person he would be sitting in first class right now, preparing himself to make a little history.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This was just posted on Mitch McConnell's Facebook page.


What kind of POS posts something like this on his open to the public Facebook page?

Just in case somebody on his staff lets him know how inappropriate this is, and he has it taken it down,  I have a screenshot to prove that he is indeed a heartless douchebag.

I wonder if the parents of those Sandy Hook students will find this as funny as Mitch McConnell clearly does?

Saturday, April 06, 2013

On last night's New Rules Bill Maher trashed Libertarians for "trashing Libertarianism."

More courtesy of Mediaite:

Bill Maher ended his show tonight by railing against a political movement he has aligned himself with in the past: libertarianism. He slammed the current wave of libertarians, among them Paul Ryan and Rand Paul, for having a “creepy obsession” with free markets, Ayn Rand, and government staying out of the way. He made it clear that he has not abandoned the libertarianism altogether, saying, “I didn’t go nuts, this movement did.” 

Maher complained that the current crop of libertarians are “ruining libertarianism,” saying there’s a difference between holding that political philosophy and being a “selfish prick.” Maher admitted that he has expressed support in the past for a lot of what libertarians have to say, but along the way he noticed it evolved into a “creepy obsession with free market capitalism.” 

Maher specifically brought up libertarian worship of Ayn Rand, whom he argued only sounds good when you’re a teenager but actually lacks any real substance. He declared that libertarians like Ryan and Paul who subscribe to this line of thinking are “intellectually stuck in their teenage years.”

There are a few issues that Maher and I certainly do not see eye to eye on, and one of those was the fact that he embraced of Libertarianism, which to me was always a movement that gave selfish people an excuse to be assholes.

Nice to see that Maher is finally seeing the light as well.

P.S. If HBO act like assholes again and  and block the YouTube video, just go to the Mediaite link and watch it there. It definitely worth your time.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deranged Fox News host claims that Jim Carrey has killed more people than "all rifles combined." Wait, what?

I actually almost missed this inflammatory charge hidden in the midst of "The Five's" Greg Gutfeld's caterwauling and hair pulling over Jim Carrey's brilliant take down of the gun culture. (If you STILL haven't seen it you can see it here. And seriously, why haven't you seen it?)

Here is what he said the other day:  

GUTFELD: “He is the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth. And I hope his career is dead, and he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began. This video only made me want to go out and only buy a gun. He thinks this is biting satire and going after rural America and a dead man. Let’s talk about Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston was one of the first actors to be behind the civil rights movement and march. What did this jackass Jim Carrey do? He was behind the anti-vaccine panic. There are what, 165,000 people that died from measles last year, according to the World Health Organization.” 

“Jim Carrey has killed more people than all the rifles combined,” Gutfeld continued. “He is a dirty, stinking coward. He is a moral coward.

"165,000 people that died from measles last year?" Gee you would kind of think that a statistic like that would have made huge news and that the nation would essentially be in a panic over such an epidemic. Why haven't we heard of this?

Oh, because it is bullshit.

What Gutfeld is all in a tizzy over is Carrey's 2008 statement's suggesting there was a link between vaccines and autism in this country, a belief that is fairly widely held, especially among parents with autistic children.

Now the science on that proved to be false, and was largely based on a now discredited study conducted by Andrew Wakefield.

However clearly Jim Carrey believed the connection was real and, believing he was doing a public service, used his fame to warn others.

Now did this cause an uptick in measles cases? Well perhaps, but it was nowhere near the number that Gutfield claims. This from the CDC concerning last year's numbers:

Each year, on average, 60 people in the United States are reported to have measles. But, in 2011, the number of reported cases was higher than usual—222 people had the disease. Nearly 40% of these people got measles in other countries, including countries in Europe and Asia. They brought the disease to the United States and spread it to others. This caused 17 measles outbreaks in various U.S. communities.

As you can see only a few hundred caught the disease, many of them while overseas, and no one apparently died from it.

Speaking of overseas, THAT is apparently where Gutfeld went to get his data:

In 2011, there were 158 000 measles deaths globally – about 430 deaths every day or 18 deaths every hour. 

Now the idea of connecting some articles on Huffington Post written by an American actor, as having contributed to thousands of deaths around the world seems like a bridge to nowhere in my mind, but hey this is Fox News, why would they be bothered with researching any of those pesky "facts.?"

However if they had, they might have learned this:

More than 95% of measles deaths occur in low-income countries with weak health infrastructures.

Yes, the outbreaks primarily happen in countries that do not have the luxury of surfing the internet to read Jim Carrey's opinion on vaccinations. Sort of hard to blame them on him, don'tcha think?

So has Jim Carrey actually "killed more people than all rifles combined?" Well unless there have been a whole lot of unreported cases of people laughing themselves to death at his movies, than no, of course not. And anybody who thinks so is an ignorant douchebag. Or watcher of Fox News, assuming there is a difference

Which brings up the question of whether this Greg Gutfeld is the MOST ignorant douchebag over at Fox News?

Well he DOES have some stiff competition....

...but I would say that right now that yes, yes he probably is the biggest douchebag at Fox News right now.

And considering the company he keeps that is really quite an accomplishment.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Senator Feinstein is forced to school Ted Cruz on the Constitution. Update!

Courtesy of Fox News:

Ted Cruz and Dianne Feinstein had this explosive exchange at a Senate Judiciary Hearing on guns earlier today. 

"The question that I would pose to the senior senator from California is," said Cruz to Feinstein, "Would she deem it consistent with the Bill of Rights for Congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing with the Second Amendment in the context of the First or Fourth Amendment, namely, would she consider it constitutional for Congress to specify that the First Amendment shall apply only to the following books and shall not apply to the books that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the Bill of Rights? Likewise, would she think that the Fourth Amendment's protection against searches and seizures could properly apply only to the following specified individuals and not to the individuals that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the Bill of Rights? 

"I'm not a sixth grader," said Feinstein. "Senator, I've been on this committee for 20 years. I was a mayor for nine years. I walked in, I saw people shot. I've looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons. I've seen the bullets that implode. In Sandy Hook, youngsters were dismembered. Look, there are other weapons. I've been up -- I'm not a lawyer, but after 20 years I've been up close and personal to the Constitution. I have great respect for it. This doesn't mean that weapons of war and the Heller decision clearly points out three exceptions, two of which are pertinent here. And so I -- you know, it's fine you want to lecture me on the Constitution. I appreciate it. Just know I've been here for a long time. I've passed on a number of bills. I've studied the Constitution myself. I am reasonably well educated, and I thank you for the lecture." 

This excerpt was taken from Fox Nation, so of course they left off the part where Senator Feinstien made a very important point about what these new gun laws actually do. She continued on to say:

"Incidentally this does not prohibit, you use the word 'prohibit,' it 'exempts' 2.271 weapons. Isn't that enough for the people in the United States? Do they need a bazooka? Do they need other high powered weapons that military people use to kill in close combat? I don't think so!"

As I am sure I have not failed to make clear in the past I have a deep and abiding dislike for this Ted Cruz guy., He is a very slimy, and slippery, POS.

And his argument comparing the 2nd Amendment to the 1st Amendment would only hold water if I could use a Harry Potter book to blow half of your face off.

I have long appreciated Senator Feinstein, but never more than watching her school this weaselly Teabagging asshole.

Update: Might be worth noting that despite Cruz's pathetic tantrum, that the assault weapons ban DID pass.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

CNN host grills Daily Caller editor over allegations from Dominican prostitute that she was paid to lie about Senator Menendez.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar interrogated The Daily Caller Executive Editor David Martosko on Monday over his publication’s willingness to stand by their claim that Menendez patronized prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and that the Washington Post’s story debunking that report was inaccurate. 

“You have to understand that all of this was ginned up by a Washington Post report yesterday that basically uncritically reported this affidavit from the Dominican Republic,” Martosko said. He went on to list the reasons why the Post’s report was flawed. 

“Even if you say her claims are false, what is the proof she is not – that she is not on this video that she says she is?” Keilar asked. Martosko listed a number of reasons why the subject quoted in the Dominican affidavit was not the same person that The Daily Caller interviewed. 

“Someone could obviously fib about their name or they could fib about their age,” Keilar said. 

“And they could fib about an affidavit as well,” Martosko shot back, “and the Washington Post could take it and run with it in a very irresponsible way.” 

Keilar cited an ABC News report which has alleged that the interview the Daily Caller conducted was set up by a Republican operative. “Is it possible that you were duped?” Keilar asked. 

Martosko and Keilar engaged in a heated back and forth over the credibility of the sources The Daily Caller used in their original report on Menendez’s Dominican liaisons. Martosko confirmed that his website is going back and checking with their original sources.

You can't help but notice that every single time Brianna Keilar tries to get this douchebag to admit that he has no proof that this is not the same woman on the Daily Caller video, he obfuscates and tries to distract by claiming that it was the Washington Post that engaged in shoddy journalism.

Yes right, the same Washington Post that broke the Watergate story in the 1970's, and is one of the most respected newspapers in the world, does not match the journalistic high standards of a blog run by an often ridiculed occasional Fox News contributor.

Clearly these guys are in panic mode and worried that when this thing finishes blowing up in their faces they will be left with no credibility whatsoever.

But what am I saying? Since when do these Right Wing outlets care about credibility?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Good news for civil discourse in this country as Rush Limbaugh is currently losing about ten advertisers a day.

Hey has anybody seen my advertisers?
Courtesy of the Daily Kos:

In one month, over 300 more sponsors have pulled ads, now totaling over 2,500. (This does not count the 800 or so who have 'left quietly') Limbaugh now averages a loss of 10 sponsors per day. To make up for these sponsorship losses, it is known he has been subsidized by outside sources including FreedomWorks (backed by the Tea Party). And I'm betting he is having to subsidize himself, to stay on the air.

You know occasionally I hear a bit of Limbaugh's show and I have been struck by the fact that it seems there are always just the same advertisements repeated over and over, and that it seems all of them have something to do with internet security, home security, or some company selling blinds.

I knew he had been hemorrhaging advertisers but even I did not know it was so many. That is awesome news!

If you want to help you can sign a petition to do so here.

First Rush Limbaugh, and next Fox News.

Monday, February 04, 2013

John McCain tweets racist remarks about Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Not even remotely surprised.

So a little less than a week ago we received word that Iran had sent perhaps the most frightened looking monkey ever into space.

Now there is some controversy as to whether or not this even happened, but let's put that aside for now. More importantly for the purposes of this post is that even more recently Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said the following:

"I'm ready to be the first Iranian to sacrifice myself for our country's scientists."

Now of course that statement is rife with opportunities for ridicule, especially considering the frightened look on that monkey's face. However John McCain eschewed any good natured ribbing or sarcastic bon mots, and instead decided that racism was the way to go.

So he tweeted the following:
When Twitter went crazy in response, John McCain, always such a reasonable fellow, doubled down:
Yeah nothing says racist old coot like comparing a Middle Eastern man with brown skin, to a monkey and then lecturing your detractors to "lighten up."

You know I think perhaps now we know why John McCain never had any official response to this supporters representation of candidate Obama during the 2008 presidential race.

 Yep it certainly makes more sense now. and it also perhaps helps to explain McCain's absolute disdain for this President and the constant challenging of his abilities to do the job.

However as truly disgusting as those are, they cannot hold a candle to yesterday's tweets from former South Carolina GOP executive director Todd Kincannon:

 Gee WHY do we think the Republican party is full of racist assholes again? Oh, that's right because we are paying attention to them.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong finally comes clean and admits to years of doping. Do we now live in a world without heroes? Update!

I have virtually NO sympathy for Lance Armstrong, nor any desire top give him a second chance.

This man lied repeatedly to his fans, and to the cycling officials who confronted him, and even went so far as to trash the reputation and try to destroy the careers of fellow cyclists who dared to tell the truth about him.

I have no compassion left for the man.

You know when I was young I had a brief career as a powerlifter.

I had started lifting weights as a freshman in high school and took to it immediately. By the end of that first semester I had doubled the amount of weight I could lift and was hooked. I became a gym rat and have trained with any number of powerlifters and bodybuilders up here.

I enjoyed it and when I found out there were actual competitions held that awarded trophies and prize money, I was all in.

My first couple of times out were very successful and I even set a new record or two for my weight class, which was 165 in those days. In fact I was actually only competing against myself, trying to improve my best lift and gain more muscle just to see how strong and big I could get.

But then at around 24 years old things began to change.

There was another competitive powerlifter in the gym that my buddy and I frequented that was also in my weight class. When he first started lifting there he was not nearly as strong as I was and I paid little attention to him. But after awhile, and not a very long while, he began to make significant gains.

I remember that in one month his bench press had improved forty pounds. At our level of competition that was unheard of. A beginner might see similar gains, but not somebody who had been lifting for a number of years.

I had already had some experience with bodybuilders using steroids and knew that they were becoming more an more prevalent.  One day in the locker room I overheard this guy talking to another member and going on and on about the human growth hormones he was on and the other chemical help his doctor was helping him with.

I had worked all year to improve my lift by fifteen pounds and this guy was poised to make all of that effort meaningless. That really pissed me off.

My friend said that if I really wanted to stay competitive I would have to use the same substances this guy, and now others, were using.

But I couldn't. To me taking a substance to enhance my abilities was cheating, period! In my mind there was no way to win if I could not win without taking shortcuts, and it was certainly not worth risking my health for the sake of a tin trophy and a fistful of cash.

So I just walked away. I continue to lift to this very day, but I have never even contemplated competing again.

Now I know that Lance Armstrong made significantly more money through HIS sport than I could ever have hoped to make through mine, but at the end of the day look who he has to see staring back at him from the mirror.

I don't have a shelf full of trophies (Well I do have  a few.) but in exchange I get to look in the mirror and like the guy staring back at me, and I get to talk to kids about ethical and moral behavior without feeling like a hypocritical douchebag.

The choice to take the easy path to victory, or to put winning above everything else, is an indication of your character.  If you are the type who cares little for how you win, than in my mind you simply do not deserve to win.  And you certainly do not deserve to be admired by impressionable young people for your accomplishments.

In a world where it seems heroes are few and far between, this is yet another example of  somebody who accepted glory and accolades that he KNEW he simply did not deserve. Personally I think he should be forced to return the money paid to him by his sponsors, hand back his prize money, and dedicate the rest of his life to lecturing young people on WHY cheaters never win, and winners never cheat.

Update: Full interview here.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Douchebag level: NRA Member!

Okay look we understand that pro-gun nuts are assholes, but do they REALLY need to drive that point home?

And before you ask, no I don't know if this is in Texas or not. But the odds are good, don't you think?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

General "Betray-Us" unmasked. Update!

"Would you believe it's actually this big?"
Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

But the warning signs about Petraeus’ core dishonesty have been around for years. Here's a brief summary: We can start with the persistent questions critics have raised about his Bronze Star for Valor. Or that, in 2004, during the middle of a presidential election, Petraeus wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post supporting President Bush and saying that the Iraq policy was working. The policy wasn’t working, but Bush repaid the general’s political advocacy by giving him the top job in the war three years later. 

There’s his war record in Iraq, starting when he headed up the Iraqi security force training program in 2004. He’s more or less skated on that, including all the weapons he lost, the insane corruption, and the fact that he essentially armed and trained what later became known as “Iraqi death squads.” On his final Iraq tour, during the so-called "surge," he pulled off what is perhaps the most impressive con job in recent American history. He convinced the entire Washington establishment that we won the war. 

He did it by papering over what the surge actually was: We took the Shiites' side in a civil war, armed them to the teeth, and suckered the Sunnis into thinking we’d help them out too. It was a brutal enterprise — over 800 Americans died during the surge, while hundreds of thousands of Iraqis lost their lives during a sectarian conflict that Petraeus’ policies fueled. Then he popped smoke and left the members of the Sunni Awakening to fend for themselves. A journalist friend told me a story of an Awakening member, exiled in Amman, whom Petraeus personally assured he would never abandon. The former insurgent had a picture of Petraeus on his wall, but was a little hurt that the general no longer returned his calls. 

MoveOn may have been ill-advised to attack the general as "Betray Us" in Washington, but there was little doubt that many in the Awakening felt betrayed. 

Petraeus was so convincing on Baghdad that he manipulated President Obama into trying the same thing in Kabul. In Afghanistan, he first underhandedly pushed the White House into escalating the war in September 2009 (calling up columnists to “box” the president in) and waged a full-on leak campaign to undermine the White House policy process. Petraeus famously warned his staff that the White House was “fucking” with the wrong guy.

"Fucking with the wrong guy" huh? Well fortunately for America is looks more likely that Petraeus was in reality "fucking with the wrong girl."

You know it looks as if the country may actually owe Paula Broadwell a huge debt of gratitude. She effectively ended the threat of this shit bag ever running for office, or from having ANY real influence on our politics, with only a few well placed e-mails.

There is much more at the link, but I warn you it might make you a little nauseous.

Update: The hero deconstruction continues here:  

The genius of General Petraeus was to recognize early on that the war he had been sent to fight in Iraq wasn’t a real war at all. This is what the public and the news media — lamenting the fall of the brilliant hero undone by a tawdry affair — have failed to see. He wasn’t the military magician portrayed in the press; he was a self-constructed hologram, emitting an aura of preening heroism for the ever eager cameras.

General Petraeus is very, very clever, which is quite different from stating that he is the brilliant tactician he has been described as. He figured if he hadn’t actually been given the mission to “win” the “war” he found himself in, he could at least look good in the meantime. And the truth is he did a lot of good things, like conceiving of the idea of basically buying the loyalties of various factions in Iraq. But they weren’t the kinds of things that win wars. In fact, they were the kinds of things that prolong wars, which for the general had the useful side effect of putting him on ever grander stages so he could be seen doing ever grander things, culminating in his appointment last year as the director of the C.I.A.

Jesus, no WONDER the Republicans like him so much.

Friday, November 09, 2012

That awkward moment after your campaign suffers a devastating defeat, that your Secret Service detail skulks away into the night.

"What? You mean they're gone? ALL of them? Oh, well that seems sudden."
Courtesy of GQ:  

At some point, early Wednesday morning, when Gov. Mitt Romney and family were tucked into bed, a quiet call went out on the radio channel used by his Secret Service agents: "Javelin, Jockey details, all posts, discontinue." 

Of all the indignities involved in losing a presidential race, none is more stark than the sudden emptiness of your entourage. The Secret Service detail guarding Governor Romney since Feb 1. stood down quickly. He had ridden in a 15-car motorcade to the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston for his concession speech. He rode in a single-car motorcade back across the Charles River to Belmont. His son, Tagg, did the driving. 

There is no formal guideline for the Secret Service agents in this situation; it's up to the discretion of the detail leader, who usually consults with the local police to make sure that his protectee's home won't be overrun by protestors and supporters all of a sudden. 

But the Service leaves quickly. No more motorcades. No more rope lines. No more bubbles. Familiar faces disappear, never to be seen again. 

Oh THAT'S gotta sting! One minute you are the great white hope of your political party and the next day you wake up with a bag over your head and some guy's severed arm under your neck. (Coyote ugly, look it up.)

However who can blame the Secret Service from beating a hasty retreat away from this arrogant, overly entitled prick. Let's face it, NOBODY really likes Mitt Romney.

In fact after the election Chris Christie, the next great white whale hope of the Republican party, called President Obama to offer his personal congratulations.

Asked if he had done the same for Mitt Romney: “No; we exchanged e-mails last night,” Christie said.“We haven’t spoken on the phone yet.” 

Ohhh damn!  I wonder if even Romeny's kids are speaking to him anymore?

But before you go feeling sorry for "Mr. 47%," just listen to how he treated his own campaign staff MINUTES after finally realizing he had lost:

From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself. 

Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.

"Fiscally conservative," sighed one aide the next day.

"Fiscal conservative" my ass! Try cheap bastard.

What can you say, the guy's a douche.  And fortunately for the country, even after spending hundreds of millions of dollars and aggressively attempting to steal this election, the voters decided they would MUCH rather have the biracial. Hawaiian born, intellectual in office rather than the Mormon over privileged, fake tanned douchebag, in the Oval Office.

And just when I had almost lost hope in the American people.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

D.C. Douglas: Why I'm Voting Republican.

Okay please do us all a favor and make sure you watch until the end. 

Parody only works if you pay attention.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mitt Romney's "Binders full of Women" comment in last night's debate was not only incredibly offensive, it was also incredibly untrue.

Courtesy of The Phoenix:  

Hey, I know about that binder! And guess what -- Mitt Romney was lying about it. 

What actually happened was that in 2002 -- prior to the election, not even knowing yet whether it would be a Republican or Democratic administration -- a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts formed MassGAP to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. There were more than 40 organizations involved with the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus (also bipartisan) as the lead sponsor. 

They did the research and put together the binder full of women qualified for all the different cabinet positions, agency heads, and authorities and commissions. They presented this binder to Governor Romney when he was elected. 

I have written about this before, in various contexts; tonight I've checked with several people directly involved in the MassGAP effort who confirm that this history as I've just presented it is correct -- and that Romney's claim tonight, that he asked for such a study, is false.

Here is the video of Romney's "Binders full of women" comment.

This, of course, should come as no surprise to most of us who have been paying attention, since Romney lies like other people take a breath, But the fact that he made such a misogynistic statement, that is ALSO completely full of shit, is really quite an achievement, even for Mitt the Twit.