Showing posts with label plastic surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plastic surgery. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2016

Here are a handful of texts to take our mind off of Donald Trump for awhile.

So I was going through my file of texts that I received a couple of years ago and I stumbled across  a few that I thought were kind of interesting.

The first is Gino talking about Bristol's plastic surgery.

Of course DWTS refers to Dancing with the Stars.

I would imagine that it refers to Bristol's second visit in 2012, since that coincides more closely to her relationship with Gino, though of course there were rumors that she was not exactly staying faithful to any one man back then.

And then of course it was not much later that she threw Gino aside for Joey Junker.

(You know Levi Johnston also mentioned Bristol receiving plastic surgery back around the time that Trig was born. Things that make you go "Hmmm.")

Speaking of Joey Junker it appears that Gino thought that he was a possible contender for baby daddy when Bristol first revealed that she was pregnant.

Of course as we know eventually Dakota was snagged as the lucky sperm donor. Even though as the text says she hit the sheets with Junker almost the minute that she arrived back in Wasilla.

You know, so I hear.

Well now those days are all behind her, and she finally has corralled the man or her mother's her dreams.  And don't they look happy?

The question of course is for how long?

I guess only time will tell. But I'm rooting for them.

After all when you read through Dakota's Facebook page it becomes pretty clear that they deserve each other. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Donald Trump on Carly Fiorina: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?"

This comes courtesy of a quite revealing Rolling Stone piece on Trump.

At one point Trump is sitting back watching a Fox News segment: 

When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump's momentum, Trump's expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. "Look at that face!" he cries. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!" The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" 

Now I will admit that some of Fiorina's plastic surgery seems a little ill advised, and sometimes, to be honest, kind of distracting.

But that is her choice, and says nothing about her ability to run the country.

Also unlike certain others we could mention Fiorina is not attempting to use her looks to attract attention, or deflect criticism.

Besides has the Donald looked in a mirror lately?

Yeah I think he better hope that the voters are not nearly as shallow as he clearly seems to be.

It should be noted that later Trump attempted a little damage control by claiming that when he said "Look at that face" he was really talking about her persona.

Man, Trump is really courting that low intellect vote isn't he?

Saturday, August 08, 2015

There is a new post on Bristol Palin's blog defending plastic surgery. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

There are so many pressures on girls to be a certain size, look a certain way, and fit into a certain mold. When every magazine we pick up is full of airbrushed stick skinny models, it is hard for us “normal” girls to ever feel like we are going to measure up. 

But recently, several young celebrities have come forward and admitted to altering their appearances. Kylie Jenner, for example, just admitted she has had her lips done. And Iggy Azalea has admitted to a nose job and breast implants. 

I really appreciate their honesty and openness about their struggles with their body image. I think it humbles them, and gives them more credibility. It shows young girls that everyone has flaws that what you see online isn’t exactly the whole story.

Hmm, now why would a "good Christian girl" like Bristol, who of course has no interest in fame, care even a little bit about famous women getting plastic surgery?

And why in the hell would she think that admitting to such procedures would give them "more credibility," instead of making them seem insecure and desperate to be considered attractive?

Yep, that's a stumper alright.

Hmm I wonder if this means that we can expect some further physical modifications in Bristol's future?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mad Magazine celebrates Sarah Palin's 50th birthday. Oh she's going to love this!

I hate to break this to Mad Magazine but Sarah Palin has been getting plastic surgery for years, well before Bristol who got her first surgery when she was underage teenager.

Other than that I think Mad did a great job.

You can tell by counting the dings in her refrigerator.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Website attacks Wendy Davis for being more attractive than she was in college in order to undermine her credibility. I'm sorry, what?

Too pretty to be taken seriously?
Here is a picture of Wendy Davis from 1991, when she was a student at Texas Christian University.

 Here is what the website, The Real Wendy Davis has to say about this picture: 

Somehow, during the past two decades she has been transformed from a frumpy, pleasant looking but plain-faced, flat-chested brunette with thick, messy hair, into a buxom blonde with excellent facial features and sleek, long, perfectly coiffed hair, like she stepped straight out of Vogue. 

For someone who in the early 1990s was a feminist activist in law school, and who is currently posing as a champion of women’s rights, standing up to men who seek to dictate the way women should live, she seems to have devoted an unusual amount of attention to her physical appearance.

Uh huh. You know somehow an attack from those who once supported Sarah Palin, on another politicians attractiveness carries with it a strong pungent odor of hypocrisy.

Oh, but it is not that Davis is attractive which seems to be the issue, it is that her attractiveness seems impossible.  

Current photos of Senator Davis depict someone who is not just more physically attractive, but who arguably seems younger than the woman in her yearbook photo, even though that photo was taken 22 years ago.

The website author then goes on to accuse Davis of using surgery or artificial enhancements to make herself attractive, assuming that if true it will undermine her star power.

Well I have news for them, while I cannot help but notice that Davis is indeed a very attractive women, that had virtually NOTHING to do with WHY I think she is a star.

She is a star because she singlehandedly halted a bill that, if passed, will have a devastating effect on a woman's ability to control her own body in Texas.

She is a star because she is bright, articulate, and courageous. NONE of which can be acquired utilizing push up bras or plastic surgery.

If Wendy Davis were a three hundred pound Jabba the Hut lookalike it would make little difference, because we are seeing the intelligence and heart of Wendy Davis, not the form in which it is housed.

If all it took was plastic surgery, and fake boobs to be a superstar, THIS woman would be running for President in 2016 instead of fighting for five minute increments of air time on Fox News.

(P.S. By the way if we were all judged by our appearance when attending college, I know a LOT of people who would not be taken very seriously today.)

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Anderson Cooper calls Bristol Palin a "genius" for faking her rehearsal meltdown. I could NOT have heard that right!

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Of course then both he and Deborah Norville make fun of the fact that Bristol tweets during her "meltdown" and that she has had so much plastic surgery that her face does not register any emotion, so that totally redeems Anderson in my eyes.

However for future reference NOBODY should ever use the name "Bristol Palin" and "genius" together in the same sentence. Ever!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Photographic evidence that even Sarah Palin reads National Enquirer stories about her family. Update!

Courtesy of TMZ:  

It's been 4 years since Katie Couric grilled Sarah Palin about where she gets her news ... and now, we finally know -- the National Enquirer. 

The former Vice Presidential candidate was hangin' out with her daughter Bristol in a Kmart in L.A. this weekend ... when she decided to check out the magazine stand. 

Palin eventually picked up the latest copy of the Enquirer ... possibly because the cover featured a photo of Bristol under the headline, "Plastic Surgery Shockers." 

I cannot imagine that too many of you are surprised by these pictures. After all Palin, and her family, live their lives as if their primary goal in life is to be written about in the National Enquirer and other gossip rags.

In fact I was told by Palin's own head of security that Palin read celebrity gossip magazines on airplanes almost exclusively, whereas other Governors he had worked for (Governors Tony Knowles and Frank Murkowski) read daily briefings and used the time to prepare for meetings and important upcoming votes. I have also heard that before she was tapped as McCain's VP the waiting room of her office was stocked with the most current issues of People and Us magazines. Apparently Palin was ALWAYS more interested in the lives of celebrities than she was in doing her job.

By the way TMZ did get one thing wrong.

They identified that Palin was at the store (Apparently purchasing toilet paper, which is weird since there have GOT to be stacks of the two Chuck's books lying around the compound just waiting for somebody to wipe their ass with them.) with Bristol, when in fact that is Willow standing next to her waiting for Palin to determine if that brand of tissue will prove too rough for her delicate dried up lady parts.

Update: Here is another picture of Willow looking just thrilled to spend time with her mother.

Are they checking my blog again?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

National Enquirer blind item may not be so "blind" afterall.

All day long I have been receiving this National Enquirer blind item post courtesy of Crazy Days and Nights:  

THIS prominent lady politico is frantic to keep news of her recent tummy tuck and liposuction procedures out of the media. The conservative mom wants her fans to believe she’s all natural and stays trim by exercising daily! Can you name her?

First let me say that I don't have any definitive proof that this is Palin, but I have been chronicling her plastic surgery for years, and even received information from a witness to one of the surgeries, so there is really no longer any doubt that she goes under the knife fairly regularly. (As does Bristol obviously.)

Remember the lump?
As for whether she had a tummy tuck, I guess I would have to ask why a woman who looked like THIS when she was seven months pregnant would even NEED one of those?

Sarah Palin in Juneau 3-26-2008
I mean whatever happened to those famous "tight abs?"

Unless, perhaps THAT'S the reason for all of the secrecy from this person identified in the above NE blind item. After all if you are famous for having the tightest abs in politics, so tight that people could not "discern the stage of your pregnancy," it certainly would not look good to let the world know that you required a little surgical nip and tuck in order to continue with that facade now would it?

Though to be honest, this would not be the FIRST time that Palin's little tight tummy deception has been exposed.

P.S. If you visit the link to Crazy Days and Nights up above, and read the comments, you will see that virtually EVERYBODY just automatically assumed the item is about Palin. So we are certainly not alone in our suspicions.

Monday, December 26, 2011

It does not look like ANYBODY is buying the Palin family moosepoop anymore. Update!

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:


Popularized by: Teen mom Bristol Palin. 

How to get it: Chin work can turn your face into a perfect heart. Then deny, deny, deny.

Like I said NOBODY believes these ridiculous people anymore. And they also have no problem pointing out their lies to the whole world.

Personally I think they were kind to Bristol, since as we know there were far worse pictures of her horrible, and unnecessary, surgery that they could have chosen instead.

When the Palin-bots talk about what they perceive as the Grizzled Mama's qualifications to be president, they often talk about her ability to care for her family, and run a household.

This is ridiculous on the face of it of course, but if you were to actually accept those as qualifications, you would have to ask just what kind of "family management" produces a high school drop out (Track),  one teen pregnancy (at the very least), and inspires a young woman to get multiple plastic surgery operations before she is even 21 years of age? (Remember, in his book Levi spoke of trips to the cosmetic surgeon even before Tripp was born.)

Where is the self discipline, family values, and "steel spine" that Sister Sarah brags about constantly to the paint chip eaters?

If Palin were even half as focused on her family as she claims to be, they would be far better adjusted and much, much happier in their own skin.

Update: Someone in the comments mentioned that Bristol had broke her promise to let Tripp visit Sadie and Sherry for Christmas.  So I checked Sadie's Facebook:

Wow. The ONE day of the year we were promised to get my Nephew to celebrate Christmas and his Birthday and it gets taken away from us. 

Tripp is the real unfair to him! Does anyone think about TRIPP'S SAKE!!! I was really hoping he could finally open his Christmas gifts from LAST YEAR, and all of his new Christmas and birthday gifts, and be able to enjoy his birthday cake I made for him. 

I am so sorry Tripp. We love you so very much. I don't get how people can be so manipulative and lie without any sense of remorse just to justify their own actions. I didn't want to put this on fb but I feel the need to defend my family, because we would NEVER pass on the chance to get Tripp, and anyone who believes that we would can't tell the difference between a rock and a hole in the ground. (I have not asked Sadie if it is okay to post this, but I tend to think she won't mind. If I am wrong I'm sure I will hear about it.)

I feel terribly for Sherry and Sadie. I have been keeping my distance in the hopes that it not having me in their lives would remove Bristol's favorite excuse for not letting them see Tripp.  But clearly it made no difference whatsoever.

So they have NOT seen Tripp (Except from a distance or on the internet) for almost two years now. So much for family values.

And before that moronic Palin fairy tale troll starts in about how Mercede started it first, let me just say that I know that is not the case and so do the people on this blog. Remember I saw those text messages to Sadie from Bristol,  and also how she lied about me to break Sadie and her last boyfriend up.

However essentially it really does not matter who started what first, all that matters is that a little boy is only rarely seeing his dad, and NEVER seeing his father's side of the family. In my opinion there is NO excuse for that!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Celebrity website mocks Bristol Palin's plastic surgery.

A website called Wonderwall has posted a number of celebrities before and after pictures and asked their visitors to rate them. They feature Madonna, Heidi Montag, Ashlee Simpson, Pamela Anderson, etc.

Some of those featured actually looked better after their surgeries, and ALL of them are in show business which makes their obsession with their appearance somewhat understandable.

But then they also featured Bristol.

Here is the before picture that they used.

And here is the after which also incudes how the visitors mocked her attempt to improve her looks.

Having over half of the people taking a survey say that your new looks, which you paid good money to improve, should be categorized as a "fail," cannot feel good for anybody.

When asked about why people should support her mother's possible run for the GOP nomination, Bristol often cites her ability to run her household and raise her family with good Christian values, as "proof" that she can run the country.

So using the very yardstick that Bristol bizarrely claims proves her mother's competence, what are we to make of an unmarried teen mother's choice to mutilate her face with plastic surgery, lie to the press that it was from "jaw surgery," while in pursuit of a reality show career?  What does that say about Bristol's self esteem, and what exactly does THAT say about Sarah Palin's child rearing abilities, and how that relates to her abilities to run the country?

I can say as a father, that I would NEVER place my daughter in a situation where she could be mocked or humiliated, just to further my carer or aspirations. Never. And I doubt that most good parents would.

Which I guess means I will never be labeled a "Papa Grizzly" now will I?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yesterday Sarah Palin stood in the middle of her glass house throwing stones like a maniac.

Yesterday Sister Sarah decided to double dip into the Roger Ailes goodie bag and made two paid appearances on Fox News as a "political consultant." Once on the Sean Hannity show, and then again, with her on Fox Business.

During the Hannity segment (which you can see in its entirety here, if you so desire) the Grizzled Mama was in a clearly agitated state. She went after President Obama with teeth bared, insinuated that Newt Gingrich only apologised to appease the "Lamestream" media (When in actuality it was the CONSERVATIVES who pressured him to do so), and called David Gregory a racist, and essentially left a circle of scorched earth behind when she finally stumbled off camera.

However it was perhaps this response to the trumped up allegation that Nancy Pelosi's district had been given unfair latitude when it came to instituting the Affordable Health Care plan where Palin got REALLY ugly, and also REALLY hypocritical. (H/T to Media Matters for the video.)

"Tight faced lie?"  Is that a shot at Nancy Pelosi's forays into plastic surgery?

Doesn't that smack of a certain tone deaf hypocrisy, considering Palin's own obvious cosmetic surgery procedures?  And how does that affect a certain ex-DWTS contestant's  self esteem?

 Or does Bible Spice Barbie now suddenly embrace the idea of evolution, but only as it applies to the evolving look of Bristol's face?

Yet just when you think that Klondike Kardashian might need some more plastic surgery of her own to remove that foot from her mouth, she appears on Fox Business, where she continues to chew up the furniture and drops a huge steaming pile of "opinion" behind for the Fox News janitors, and apologists, to clean up. (Video courtesy of Politico.)

Let me get this straight.  She "feels badly" for HIS children? What about how HER children felt when they learned about her affair with Todd's old business partner Brad Hanson? Or Todd's sex-capades with a prostitute

And it "is really a pretty disgusting thing that he did in pretty much denying that he had a child for ten years?" Seriously?

But what about Todd's love child

The boy is much older than Arnold's "love child," and the scandal has been kept secret for a much, much longer period of time. (Yes I realize that both of these stories are currently only covered by blogs and the National Enquirer, but fear not they might very well reach a much wider audience in the near future.)

All in all it appears that Sister Sarah was on hypocritical overload yesterday. I have to wonder if she realizes that these soundbites will live forever, and might very well come back to bite her on her wrinkled ass in the not too distant future?

What am I saying?  This is Sarah Palin, she literally has no idea the damage that she does to herself every single time she opens that lipstick saturated maw of hers.  And if she did, would she really be this entertaining to watch self destruct?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bristol Palin admits having surgery done on her jaw, to realign her teeth. Really? Since when does orthognathic surgery also include liposuction on the neck and a chin implant?

From the Huffington Post:

Bristol Palin admits her recent change in appearance was due to a procedure – but not plastic surgery.

The 20-year-old daughter of 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tells Us Weekly that she underwent corrective jaw surgery in December, a month after she finished third on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." Her face now appears thinner, with higher cheekbones and an angular jaw.

The new look, complete with Palin losing 5 pounds, was unveiled April 30 at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington, D.C.

"Yes, it improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons," she told the magazine for its May 23 issue, which will be on newsstands Friday.

Palin said she had the procedure so her jaw and teeth could properly realign.

While growing up, she wore braces and a device to help correct an overbite. But she said her dentist warned her that she'd have to have surgery one day.

Palin said she is pleased with the new look.

"I look older, more mature and don't have as much of a chubby little baby face," she told the magazine.

Palin said she doesn't obsess over her face and would consider plastic surgery only in an extreme situation.

"I wouldn't get plastic surgery unless I got in an accident or something terrible and got disfigured," she said.

This family is simply incapable of EVER telling the truth.

I contacted Mercede Johnston to ask about Bristol's "overbite." 

Sadie said that Bristol did wear braces but does not know if it was for an overbite or not.  She has also said in the past that Bristol has ALWAYS hated her chin, and complained about it often.

But even if were WERE inclined to believe Bristol about requiring surgery for her jaw, it would not explain the numerous other procedures that she obviously had done, as laid out by a top plastic surgeon interviewed by E online:

Glatt says some of the changes are attributable to weight loss, but he highly doubts the entire look is due to a new diet.

"She had a double chin before and that's gone now. It looks to me like she's had extensive liposuction throughout her neck, including under her chin, which has clearly been liposuctioned, it's obvious to me," Glatt insists.

"Her chin is a lot more defined, which can occur from aggressive lipo, but she may also have had an implant. Her chin is more straight and more defined afterwards, which really points to her having a chin implant as well."

As for her new-look mouth? There are two possibilities, but Glatt is leaning towards lip injections.

"Her lower lip looks a lot more full," he said. "It's pretty obvious to me that she's had something injected into her lower lip, nothing in her upper lip. If she had surgery recently, he lower lip could be swollen, but it looks injected, I don't think it's just from postoperative swelling, it's more prominent."

Glatt says that Palin has made some surface beauty changes too, like shaping her brows slightly differently and wearing more eye shadow.

"Overall, she went from having a square face to a heart-shaped face, and a heart-shaped face is considered more beautiful," Glatt says.

You know the problem with the Palins is that they surround themselves with the most ignorant people in the country, and then expect EVERYBODY to be that easy to fool.

Sorry Bristol, most of us are just NOT that fucking stupid!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Raven-Symone is doing this wrong.

Courtesy of US Life Post:

“That’s so Raven” star Raven-Symoné, who has previously described herself as “thick and fabulous,” showed up looking quite thin on the catwalk for the 18th Annual Race to Erase MS event on Friday (Apr. 29).

Just look at this poor woman!

Sure she has lost quite a lot of weight, and the transformation is amazing, but just look at that chin!  It is still just as stubby and rounded as it was BEFORE she lost all of that weight!  Talk about an epic failure.

Now if she had only followed the special diet that Bristol Palin followed she could have had results like this:

I think the problem is that Raven-Symone went on one of those diet/exercise programs that make you lose weight ALL over your body, rather than one of those spot reducing diets that only focuses on slimming your face, and increasing the muscle mass of your chin.

Hey, perhaps Bristol could write a how-to book about what she changed in her diet to achieve such startling results.  You know right after she finishes proofreading the memoir that they are writing for her, and after she is finished pretending to enjoy hanging around African American men in her new "completely lacking in reality " show!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

It looks like this is one Palin Deception that is not getting ignored by the media. Update!

As I  am sure most of us agree Sarah Palin pulled off one of the biggest hoaxes in political history right under the nose of the media and, except for a few sharp eyed bloggers, nobody ever really called her on it. (And the media still seems to be working overtime NOT to see anything suspicious.)

Then just last year it seemed that Bristol was able to become the first guest star EVER to gain a substantial amount of weight during her run on Dancing with the Stars, without the MSM reaching what seemed to be the most logical conclusion.

That, plus all of the lies that the Grizzled Mama told in front of adoring audiences, and printed in her ridiculous book, without suffering any serious repercussions, seems to have provided the Palins with a sense of invulnerability, and the idea that they can lie about pretty much anything and not become embarrassed about it later.

But then Bristol went just a little too far, and in front of the wrong kind of audience.

Bristol may have escaped harsh scrutiny during her stint on DWTS because she was new to the Hollywood scene, and people felt sorry for her because of who her mother was, but NOW the gossip sites and media outlets simply cannot ignore the newest attempt by the Palin gals to pull a fast one.

It seems that the Internet is lit up with speculation, and actual declarations, that Bristol has had some rather significant cosmetic surgery done to her face.

From the Daily Mail to the gossip site Gawker, as well as from the New York Daily News to US Weekly, everybody is wondering if, and of course why, Bristol has so dramatically altered her appearance

As I pointed out several days ago, I have a few theories as to what has compelled this young woman to reject the face she was born with and embrace an entirely new identity, but the real question to be asked is will she have the guts to step up and admit to going under the knife?  Or will she instead pretend that we are all foolish to trust out eyes, and that there is nothing different about her looks whatsoever, while relying on her mother's Winged Monkeys to attack those who dare mention the obvious?

By the way, now might be a good time to remember what Bristol had to say about Kathy Griffin's forays into plastic surgery only a mere three months ago:

"It's weird that she would pick on my weight. She's had botched liposuction procedures and stuff like that," Palin said. "It's just weird that she would pick on something like that for another woman."

Pot, meet kettle.  And remember the kettle has her own stand up show, and is always looking for new material.  Somehow I think Bristol might have just earned a mention or two. Don'tcha think?

Update: Okay so now we know the answer to the question "Will she have the guts to step up and admit to going under the knife?" Uh nope!

A source close to Palin insists to E! News that she hasn't gone under the knife and "isn't that kind of person" that would alter her looks with some help from professionals.

"I can tell you that she has lost a tremendous amount of weight since Dancing With the Stars and that is most likely the reason for the speculation," says the source.

If you were surprised by that I would like to take this moment to introduce you to the Palins, whose motto is "Why tell the truth, when you can lie your way through life?"

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Bristol Palin attends Candies Tenth Anniversay Gala. That is Bristol, right?

Apparently Bristol trotted out her new face, her new wardrobe, and her new hair extensions in front of  the paparazzi to support the 10th anniversary of the Candies Foundation's exploitation of young women, and fake interest in fighting teen sex. (Hey I thought that Candies was no longer paying Bristol?  Is it possible she attended this for free? Ha, ha, sorry I forgot whose daughter she was.)

That's right ladies, if you teach your children that appearances are the only important way to impress the people around you, and destroy your daughter's self esteem in the process, then this is the future you can look forward to for your little girl as well.

Wait!  Was one of those pictures of Snooki from the "Jersey Shore" reality series?  And does that really even matter at this point? Because personally I just keep getting confused.

Besides if Bristol continues on this path to seeking approval, and attention, by altering her looks through surgery and then flaunting them in front of the celebrity media, how much longer can it really be before she turns up in in a photograph like this?

Remember, there was a time when Bristol was a beautiful young woman who seemed confident in her appearance, and who did not feel the need to hide behind fake tans, hair extensions, and plastic surgery.

(And yes this picture was taken AFTER she gave birth to Tripp.)

I wonder who the role model was that convinced her she needed to drastically change herself in order to feel accepted?  Any ideas?

Sunday, May 01, 2011

The many Faces of Bristol. The damage that too MUCH money and too LITTLE self esteem can do to young women in today's society.

The many faces of Bristol
I know I will take some heat for bringing up this topic, but since when did I ever let THAT stop me?

There is no longer any hiding the fact that Bristol has had some very obvious cosmetic surgery done, and since she flaunted her new look last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner, I believe that now is reasonable time to address it.

Look it is one thing to get a glaring flaw fixed, or to straighten out a broken nose, or even for a flat chested woman to want to get SOMETHING she can put into a bathing suit top. I am certainly not going to be judgemental about a woman's right to choose, even if that choice is a little plastic surgery

But the amount that Bristol has obviously had done seems to me an indication of a problem far more troubling than a simple dissatisfaction with a facial flaw.

One of the reasons that women, especially very young women, get a large amount of plastic surgery done is because they suffer from BDD, or Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  This can occur for a variety of reasons, including Brain chemical differences, Structural brain differences, Genes, or impact from their Environment (Such as constantly being compared to a particularly attractive relative or suffering teasing by friends or family.)

According to Mercede, Bristol was ALWAYS very insecure, and was indeed the victim of teasing from her family and friends.  However since her mother seems fixated on her appearance as well, genetics could also be a factor.

Add to that the fact that Bristol seems to now want to fit in with the Hollywood set, and it is fairly easy to see how small fixations on perceived imperfections can suddenly become all consuming.  And once you fix one thing you hate about yourself, why stop there?

I am absolutely NOT writing this to pick on Bristol. In fact when it comes to this topic I feel very badly for her.

I was in a long term relationship with a woman who suffered from BDD and I can tell you first hand that it can be debilitating and all consuming. The constant diets, the insecurities, and the self loathing, make it virtually impossible to have a healthy relationship with somebody like this. Believe me I tried for fifteen years.

Ultimately they will question why you love them, and doubt that you do, because they themselves cannot find reason to love themselves.  Everything is externalized and they believe if only they could change themselves physically they would finally achieve happiness.  And deserve to be loved.

Personally I hope that someday Bristol gets some therapeutic help and learns to love herself for WHO she is, and not WHAT she looks like.  Because youth and beauty are only temporary, but kindness and compassion will make you a gorgeous person on the inside for a lifetime.

P.S. And before the Palin-bots start running over here blaming US for driving her to get the surgery due to our discussion about her weight on DWTS, let me point out we were talking about a potential pregnancy, NOT a normal weight gain.  And besides THAT would certainly not explain the chin implant now would it?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bristol? Is that really you?

Okay this does not even look like the same girl anymore.

Just how much plastic surgery has this poor child had done to herself? And I have no idea what to think of this picture.

You can see more of the new and "improved" Bristol Palin by clicking here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bristol Palin tells audience of Christian teens to abstain from sex or risk having to "go through" what she has these last two years. Update.

Left image May 5, 2010/ right from February 5, 2011
 From the Whittier Daily News:

Young people came from across the Southwest to Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Arcadia on Saturday to hear Bristol Palin give a motivational speech on the dangers facing teens.

The speech was part of Lovefest, an annual two-day church event that focuses on teens and values. The event held in a church tent familiar to the revival circuit, where youngsters listened to Palin's speech.

Palin was brought in to serve as a role model and to talk candidly about her experience as a teenage mom. Children came from across Southern California and from as far away as Nevada, church officials said.

"She came right out and said, `I've been criticized and called an hypocrite because I was taking a stance on abstinence and I said I don't want you to go through this,"' said Dave Sweeney, co-founder of the Love Fest. "She implored young people to not to listen to those who say abstinence is not a big deal."

Church officials kept much of media away during Palin's speech and kept a close watch over the limited number of media members present. Direct questions to Palin were off limits.

No media, no questions, and a simple speech delivered from behind the safety of a podium.  Yep Bristol is DEFINITELY her mother's child.

She even has her mother's famous thin skin as evidenced by her remarks about being "criticized and called a hypocrite."  Clearly Bristol is turning into Sarah 2.0.

To be honest I almost skipped posting this, until I got a look at the pictures accompanying the article.

For those who were not convinced that the picture from the visit to Reagan's Ranch (which I included at the top in a composite which also contains a picture of Bristol from May 5, 2010.), was in fact Bristol, take a look at the link I provided and tell me what you see. (The pictures of Bristol are 1-3 as well as number 9.)

Update:  Here is a snippet of video from Bristol's speech. (H/T to Curiouser)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Did Sarah's plastic surgeon give her the Greta Van Susteren treatment? Update!

You know sometimes when I am watching a video, while deciding what to post about it, I miss things. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I did not pick up on Sarah's spanking new addition to our American vocabulary, "mandation", until others pointed it out. Oops.

I also did not pick up on another odd thing about Sarah's interview, until I received an e-mail from a plastic surgeon. Now watch this video again, with the sound off this time, and focus on Palin's mouth.

This e-mail essentially says they may have pulled too far on the left side of her face. If this is in fact true, it WILL slowly get worse. Much, much worse!

Now just for comparison watch an older Sarah Palin interview conducted by Greta Van Susteren. You can see two things here. First, how different Palin's mouth appeared back then, and also how MUCH it now resembles Greta's. (Leave the sound off for better concentration.)

Well? What do you think? Do you agree with the plastic surgeon?

Update: I just received another e-mail form the plastic surgeon. Here are the highlights.

It looks like "damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve" is possible. "It's truly impossible to tell from a video but it looks like that is probably what happened. Usually nerve damage is temporary and will return to normal within 6 months to a year, although sometimes it can take 2 to 3 years for complete regeneration. Weakness or paralysis of certain muscles is possible if a nerve related to muscle movement is impaired. It can be treated with reconstructive surgery."

He also added that "stress is to be avoided at all costs." Well good luck with THAT Sarah.

You know what might help to relieve your stress? Choosing NOT to fight Levi for custody of his son. Just imagine how relaxing it would be to not worry about how that will play out in the media.