Showing posts with label John Dean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Dean. Show all posts

Friday, December 03, 2010

Former White House Counsel John Dean compares Sarah Palin to his old boss, Richard Nixon, and not in the good way. Wait, there was a good way?

From Findlaw:

I don't believe that Sarah Palin has a clue what she is doing -- other than making easy money, and more of it than she ever dreamed she might, by cashing in on her celebrity. She keeps those dollars coming her way by flirting with a presidential bid, for she is very savvy, and she knows that by playing this game, she keeps herself relevant, as well as in the news. I reached this conclusion just before the Thanksgiving holiday, when the New York Times Magazine did about as favorable a profile of Palin as she has received from any mainstream news outlet that is not owned by Rupert Murdoch.

The author of the Times piece, Robert Draper, a Texas-raised freelance writer who had done a largely favorable history of the Bush II presidency, appears to have had good access to Palin. Draper's kindly look at Palin, however, actually reveals that she is no more prepared (or qualified) to run a presidential race now than she was to run her vice- presidential race two years ago. While Palin clearly has the outsized personality and ego that are necessary for a person to want to attain the highest office in the land, she is conspicuously lacking in presidential skills. If she could get the GOP nomination without a fight, or with just a little fracas, she would take it. But she has yet to show the stuff that is truly needed to win a nomination.

More importantly, too, Palin has shown -- as several Nixon biographers have mentioned to me since she entered the political arena in 2008 -- a decidedly Nixonian nature. But as one historian, who understands Nixon well, noted, Palin has "all Nixon's downsides without his upside, because she lacks his knowledge and intellect." I agree.

I strongly suggest that you click the link provided and read ALL of what John Dean wrote.  He is essentially bemoaning the dumbing down of the Presidency which allows a nitwit like Sarah Palin to believe she has a shot at the job.

He makes a lot of very valid points, including that this is a trend which began with Ronald Reagan and was dramatically accelerated by George Bush to the point that it makes the job appear so simple that even a caveman could do it.  (Which I guess is ALMOST simple enough for the Grizzled Mama to take on as well. But not quite.)

You know first Palin gets verbally spanked for comparing herself to Ronald Reagan, and now she is compared unfavorably to Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon, whose left?

Warren G. Harding perhaps?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Keith Olbermann talks to John Dean about Seymour Hersh's allegations that Dick Cheney ran an assassination ring out of the White House.

First Howard Fineman helps Keith define the allegation and discuss what it might mean for the Obama administration and the Leahy Truth Commission.

Then John Dean comes on to discuss the legal complexities of this allegation.

There is literally NOTHING that I could learn about Dick Cheney and the Bush administration that could shock me anymore. In my opinion they were capable of ANYTHING!

Seymour Hersh has an incredible track record for accuracy. He has been the point man on numerous stories that were considered unbelievable by the public at large, the abuses at Abu Ghraib is the first example that springs to mind.

The Obama administration needs to stop standing in the background and come out in support of Patrick Leahy's Truth Commission. It is time to hold these criminals accountable and allow the American citizens see you do it!

We voted for change, and part of that change was a return to justice.

When I cast my vote for Barack Obama, I did so in part because I believed that Obama, above all other candidates, had the backbone to go after this administration for their criminal avitivity. I would hate to be proven wrong.