Courtesy of the lard ass kisser's
Facebook page:
Rush Limbaugh’s always on top of the pile. He’s ahead of issues, including this one where he gives a heads up that Coach Ditka may actually get fired for exercising America’s First Amendment.
Palin then links to a Newsmax article covering remarks by Limbaugh suggesting that Mike Dtika might lose his job at ESPN for comment he made about the liberal media being behind the call for the Washington Redskins to change their name.
Apparently this enraged Limbaugh, who then went on his own rant about the politically correct liberals attacking the Redskins over their name, and suggesting that the majority of people want the name to remain the same.
Here is more of what Palin had to say about that:
Nothing should surprise us lately; but when the Politically Correct Police bust Ditka, they hope the silent majority will cower under leftist control. My goodness, Ditka merely spoke his mind. This accomplished and esteemed coach knows there are big issues to be addressed in America today; there’s no intent to offend by referring to a team by the name they’ve proudly worn since day one and chose with pride in our native ancestry and obviously had absolutely no intent to insult; and the liberal media’s made-up controversies divide our country. The government’s intent to force any owner of anything, in this case an NFL entity, to change a name is the antithesis of the American way of working through differences. Ditka said he actually likes the Washington Redskins, and he’s a man full of commonsense and admired patriotism. Still, I must disagree with Coach Ditka after reading his full statement:
“What’s all the stink over the Redskin name?” Ditka said. “It’s so much [expletive], it’s incredible. We’re going to let the liberals of the world run this world. It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American Indian. Even though it was called a Redskin, what are you going to call them, a Proudskin? This is so stupid it’s appalling, and I hope that owner keeps fighting for it and never changes it, because the Redskins are part of an American football history, and it should never be anything but the Washington Redskins. That’s the way it is. It’s been the name of the team since the beginning of football. It has nothing to do with something that happened lately, or something that somebody dreamed up. This was the name, period. Leave it alone. These people are silly — asinine, actually, in my opinion.”
He thinks the name should always be Washington Redskins, as a source of pride? Take the word “Washington” out and I’ll agree the team name is a great source of pride.
- Sarah Palin
It should be noted that as of right now there is no public cry for Ditka to lose his job.
It should also be noted that those calling for a name change are not simply a liberal minority, but
the Native American community themselves.
Now I can understand that Rush Limbaugh, an unhealthily overweight, cigar smoking white guy, might demonstrate insensitivity to the native American community. After all the only reason he is not in the KKK is that they cannot find white bed sheets big enough to cover him.
But Sarah Palin is married to a Native American man, and has Native American children, as well has grandchildren who are part Native American.
Hell Tripp has doctor visits at the Alaskan Native Hospital in Anchorage, and you certainly do not get that opportunity if you are a pure Aryan.
So for Palin to defend Rush Limbaugh, while Limbaugh defends Mike Ditka, is...well it's pretty fucked up is what it is.
I am also part Native American and I can remember my maternal grandmother, who was a quarter Apache, being disgusted by the westerns we would watch on television during the Sunday afternoons we would come to visit her.
At first I thought it was just the violence that bothered her, but later I learned that it was the constant references to "injuns," and "squaws," and "savages" that used to upset her.
She felt she had no choice but to accept the world as it was back then, but today we are making great progress and surely we can all enjoy rooting for sports teams that do not denigrate, or insult, minorities in this country.
I mean after all, is that too much to ask?