Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Rush Limbaugh literally went on Fox News yesterday to say that the solution to school shootings in more guns in the schools.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Minutes after interviewing a group of Parkland, Florida, students organizing marches in response to the mass shooting at their school, “Fox News Sunday” put conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh on the air to dismiss their plans and condemn them for trying to advance a “political agenda.” 

“Marches aren’t going to solve it,” Limbaugh told Chris Wallace, the program’s host, after a segment featuring student survivors of last week’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that claimed the lives of 17 of their classmates and school faculty members. 

“Chris, the next shooter is out there. The next shooter probably has the gun that he’s going to use. … How is anything that we’re talking about going to stop that?” he asked of the planned demonstration. 

Limbaugh then proposed guns be allowed in schools. 

“The solution to me ― and I know this is going to cause all kinds of angst ― but the solution is we need concealed carry (of weapons) in the schools,” he said.

You know I would say that this is unbelievable, but of course it's not, it's exactly what you would expect from the Right Wing.

Well for a counterpoint I offer these statements from two of the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. 
I wonder how much money Limbaugh receives from the NRA?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

New defense for Roy Moore courtesy of Rush Limbaugh. "Did you know that before 1992 when a lot of this was going on that Judge Moore was a Democrat? "

Courtesy of the Daily Rushbo: 

RUSH: So no matter what the real stories are here and no matter what the evidence is, these guys, these people on the Republican side are making it clear they’re going to prevent this guy from ever being seated in the United States Senate. 

Did you know that before 1992 when a lot of this was going on that Judge Moore was a Democrat? You didn’t know that? How about all these people now saying, “Oh, yeah, yeah, everybody here knew about Judge Moore. Oh-ho-ho, yeah, good old boy we’ve known about Judge Moore for a long time.” While he was a Democrat. Nobody said a word. When he supposedly was attracted to inappropriately aged girls, he was a Democrat. For what it’s worth.

I guess I'm supposed to have a response to this, but words fail me.

In other news apparently Roy Moore has removed a list of endorsement from his website:

Roy Moore's campaign website no longer contains a list of endorsements. 

A message on said the list of endorsements "is currently being updated." A list of names was on the site as recently as yesterday. 

The change comes after a host of Republicans have pulled their support from Moore in the wake of allegations he had improper sexual contact with two teen girls when he was in his 30s. 

Yeah I think that list of endorsements is being updated to zero.

Also yesterday two new accusers stepped forward to point the finger at Moore:

Gena Richardson says she was a high school senior working in the men’s department of Sears at the Gadsden Mall when a man approached her and introduced himself as Roy Moore. 

“He said, ‘You can just call me Roy,’ ” says Richardson, who says this first encounter happened in the fall of 1977, just before or after her 18th birthday, as Moore, then a 30-year-old local attorney, was gaining a reputation for pursuing young women at the mall in Gadsden, Ala. His overtures caused one store manager to tell new hires to “watch out for this guy,” another young woman to complain to her supervisor and Richardson to eventually hide from him when he came in Sears, the women say. 

Richardson says Moore — now a candidate for U.S. Senate — asked her where she went to school, and then for her phone number, which she says she declined to give, telling him that her father, a Southern Baptist preacher, would never approve.

A few days later, she says, she was in trigonometry class at Gadsden High when she was summoned to the principal’s office over the intercom in her classroom. She had a phone call. 

“I said ‘Hello?’” Richardson recalls. “And the male on the other line said, ‘Gena, this is Roy Moore.’ I was like, ‘What?!’ He said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m in trig class.’ ” 

Jesus, he actually had her paged at her high school. Damn that is some aggressive stalking right there.

The other woman says that the teenage girls at the mall all talked about how to avoid Moore, and were told “just make yourself scarce when Roy’s in here, he’s just here to bother you, don’t pay attention to him and he’ll go away.’”

The next story to pop up concerned not a teenage girl and an unmarried stalker, but a woman in the beginnings of divorce proceedings and an already married Roy Moore.

Courtesy of

Once the papers were signed, she and her mother got up to leave. After her mother walked through the door first, she said, Moore came up behind her. 

It was at that point, she recalled, he grabbed her buttocks. 

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson. She was so surprised she didn't say anything. She didn't tell her mother.

She did however tell her sister who confirmed her story.

For their part Moore's legal team is focused on the yearbook he signed, because they are pretty sure that suckers a forgery. Never mind all of these other stories that confirm Moore's behaviors.

And that is good enough for Sean Hannity who, based on a letter Moore sent him, is back on the Roy Moore for Senator bandwagon.

Okay so was Rush implying that the only reason that Moore used to be a pedophile is because he was a Democrat, and once he switched parties he was cured?

Is that argument?

Damn, that much stupidity just makes my head hurt.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Rush Limbaugh is now fleeing from the storm which he labeled a "liberal hoax."

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Rush Limbaugh didn't say the magic words, but on Tuesday he basically accused the media of creating fake news about Hurricane Irma, which is threatening Florida after hitting Barbuda and Antigua. The storm's 185-mile-per-hour winds tied the record high for any Atlantic hurricane making landfall.“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.” 

Why would the media exaggerate the threat of a hurricane? Here's Limbaugh's theory: 

"There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens? 

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media. 

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers."

This was so egregious that even mild mannered weather dude Al Roker felt the need to call Limbaugh out on his shit.  
And now we see Limbaugh fleeing like a camp counselor in a horror movie from a storm that he claimed was being exaggerated to frighten people into buying stuff.

If he were a man of his convictions he would stay put as an inspiration to his followers.

Just think how many would show to his funeral.

Assuming they could find the body of course.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Right Wing media creates alternate reality to protect Donald Trump from facts revealed by Russia investigations.

Courtesy of NPR: 

Outlets such as Breitbart and Fox News, and talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage have crafted a powerful counternarrative, downplaying or discrediting developments in the Russia probe. 

"Fox and Breitbart are providing a kind of air cover for the politicians who are standing with Trump right now, helping keep the Republican Party largely solidified behind Trump," said Nyhan. 

On a recent show, talk radio host Laura Ingraham described the investigations as a cynical effort by liberals to distract the White House from its agenda. "This is what their game plan is; this is part of the resistance," she said. 

Conservative sources frequently describe special counsel Robert Mueller as part of a conspiracy aimed at bringing down Trump. 

"Mr. President, fire Mueller," demanded radio host Savage. "He's a political hack. The American people will be behind you. Don't worry about the fake press." 

Conservative sources also work hard to discredit mainstream news sources, identifying them as corrupt or biased or part of an active conspiracy. A Pew study released in May found that only 42 percent of Republicans now believe the media should play an active "watchdog" role monitoring politicians. Only 11 percent of conservative-leaning voters believe traditional media sources are trustworthy. 

One voice that is considered trustworthy for many conservatives is that of Limbaugh, the radio host who is viewed as sort of the conservative movement's Walter Cronkite. 

Limbaugh tells listeners that the Russia probe is part of an effort to delegitimize Trump and his followers. 

"Trump voters are never going to fall for this collusion story and are never going to buy into this notion that the Russians rigged it with Trump," said Limbaugh this week. "They're never going to buy into it. Because it makes them illegitimate. And they are not illegitimate. You people who voted for Trump are not illegitimate."

Conservatives have claimed for years that the mainstream media has a liberal bias, that was what gave Roger Ailes the excuse to create Fox News.

And now they have their own alternative universe of "news" and "facts" which rarely, if ever, line up with the actual factual news.

For them there are no actual facts, only opinion, and THEIR opinions are right, and all other opinions are wrong.

It is essentially a faith based understanding of reality.

Which should be clear once you recognize that Fox News and the other Right Wing news outlets are closely modeled on Pat Robertson's 700 Club.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Former Executive producer for the 700 Club explain how they were Fox News before Fox News and how "Liberal" became a dirty word.

Boo! Run, the Liberals are coming!
This HuffPo piece was written by Terry Heaton, a former 700 Club executive producer, who worked with Pat Robertson to manufacture the fake news that has now become a hallmark of the conservative media.

Here is an excerpt from his piece: 

Before Fox News, there was The 700 Club with CBN News and “TV Journalism With A Different Spirit.” We knew what we were doing in the exploitation of the word “liberal,” and truth-telling demands its deconstruction today. The all-or-nothing split between conflicting political narratives has reached its pinnacle with the election of Donald Trump, and it needs to be hacked into a million pieces.

William F. Buckley was among the first to give the word “liberal” a pejorative interpretation, but it was the wordsmith William Safire writing for Spiro Agnew who in 1969 elevated it to a political talking point in his famous speech that opened the war against the press during Richard Nixon’s secret battles in Vietnam. The word became the central weapon in a strategy that involved attacking the messenger instead of changing the message. 

That political strategy has been so effective to date that it has given birth to the idea that mainstream news is actually “fake news” and not to be believed in the administration of President Donald Trump. The number of people who now believe this falsehood is staggering, and it poses a real threat to our democracy. 

At The 700 Club, we exploited attacking the press in order to insert ourselves to the right of everybody else in presenting a Biblical, a.k.a. Republican perspective on current events. We offered a daily news program that expressed Republican party talking points that we marketed as a Christian worldview. Thus began the shifting of evangelicals to the GOP and the shifting of the GOP to the right. We served as the intellectual wing of the Moral Majority, although there was no theological love lost between Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. 

So let’s look at these events closely, because it has a direct bearing on the conflict today. Let me be very clear: the right-wing “news” that we created was a political response to the progressive nature of news and information. It’s important to understand this, because “right-wing news” is oxymoronic. There is no such thing, because the right represents olds, not news. By definition, news is new, and new is progressive. That conservatives view this as a bias is fine, but elevating that to some evil command-and-control mechanism for political liberals is a false narrative. Rush Limbaugh has made a living off of this phony hegemony, as well as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and whole host of mostly broadcasting personalities. Why? Because it sells and has been selling for almost 50 years. 

But it’s entirely false, for the press is not the purveyor of fake news. That title belongs with those who create stories for political gain and clickthroughs. It may be politically expedient to label the mainstream as fake, but in order to do so, one’s source must be propaganda and nothing else. 

This is the model that was embraced, and promoted by Roger Ailes on Fox News.

He, like the 700 Club, recognized that there was a whole segment of the population who did not like hearing news stories that made them feel left behind by progress or marginalized because they lacked the education to understand the complexities of the world they were describing.

Instead they wanted conservative feel good stories that painted folks like themselves as heroes, and vilified the liberal "elites" who seemed like alien life forms to their rural sensibilities.

So today we are faced with open attacks on education, and educators, a dismissal of actual facts, and a deep mistrust for any media that is not Fox News, the Christian Broadcasting Network, or Right Wing talk radio.

And what happens when these folks are pandered to, and made to feel empowered?

Yep, that is exactly what you get.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Just something to keep in mind.

I have noticed a ratcheting up of attacks on Rachel and she starts to unravel this Trump/Russia debacle.

Clearly she is making some people extremely nervous, and with good reason. 

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Rush Limbaugh warns that fact checking is a "vehicle for them (Liberals) to do opinion journalism under the guise of fairness."

Courtesy of Dead State:  

“There is no fact-checking,” he declared. 

“The fact that The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and USA Today, and all these other papers and networks now have fact-checkers is for one reason. It allows them to fool you into thinking they have an objective, nonpartisan staff or person analyzing everything the candidates are saying, and telling you what they’re saying is true, or what they’re saying is false.” 

Limbaugh then basically admitted that reality does indeed have a liberal bias. 

“When in fact the fact-checkers are no different than the biased left-leaning reporters and columnists at these papers and on networks. But the fact-check, the idea that it is a fact-check story is designed to say to you that it is objective and analytically fair, and all it is, is a vehicle for them to do opinion journalism under the guise of fairness. Which, if you fall for it, gives it even more power, because if you think that the fact-checkers like PolitiFact or Snopes, or whoever else, if you quote them constantly as the Bible, well then you’ve fallen for it.”

To be clear this is a naked attempt to undermine fact checkers who have been making Donald Trump's life, and let's face the lives of a lot of GOP types, a living hell lately.

If you can smear the fact checkers are left wing operatives then truth becomes a matter of faith rather than a matter of fact.

Now you might be tempted to simply dismiss this by saying 'Come on Gryphen you know they idiots are allergic to facts. Why even bother to care that they think fact checkers are on Hillary's payroll?"

That is a valid point, and I would almost agree with you.

Except for this.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Voters who like Donald Trump have doubts about the legitimacy of November's election, a new poll finds. 

Half of those who view Trump favorably say they have little or no confidence in the integrity of the election, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Saturday. 

Only about one-third of the respondents who identified as Republican said that they have confidence in the vote count. 

"Trump has finally said something that that I've been thinking for years," one Trump supporter from Columbia, Mo. told the AP. "I don't think the votes have been counted properly for years. There's voter fraud and attempts to game the system. I don't trust it at all."

Now this is really where the rubber hits the road.

Because if after Hillary wins this election Donald Trump openly questions its validity we could have an honest to goodness civil war on our hands.

But even if it does not go that far you can bet the farm that when the 2018 midterms roll around that every former Trump supporter, Right Wing fanatic, and frustrated Republican is going to come out in force to "right the wrong" of the 2016 election by voting in a whole bunch of Teabagger types to sabotage every single thing that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats try to accomplish.

It will be the obstructionism that faced President Obama on steroids, and it will be VERY effective.

If facts no longer matter, if there is not at least one news source trusted by all sides of the political spectrum, then our ability to negotiate, inform, and correct misinformation will be lost completely.

There will no longer be anything called "truth," there will only be opinion, and the crevasse that now separates the Right from the Left will widen until we have our own version of the cold war right here within the United States of America.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

After much criticism from the Left and the Right Sarah Palin turns to Rush Limbaugh to help explain her bizarre endorsement of Donald Trump. Oh yeah, that'll help.

So nice that Palin made sure to stamp each one of these with her SarahPAC logo. After all a grifters gotta grift.

Interestingly enough, seemingly unmoved by Limbaugh's conserv-a-splation, Palin's own supporters are turning away from her in droves since the Trump endorsement:

The above of course are all from Palin's apparently no longer edited Facebook page.

By the way Limbaugh's defense of Palin has also caused some blowback among his ditto-heads:

Shock jock Rush Limbaugh enraged listeners by defending Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump this week. The conservative radio host said Palin was right to ditch the GOP establishment because the establishment had tried to destroy her—and by supporting her, made waves among the conservative hardliners split by Trump’s surging candidacy.

I swear if this keeps up I may just have to end my Netflix subscription because who needs it with all of this going on?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Well look who finally reared her road kill bewigged noggin.

Happy Birthday Rush! From your strongest chickified fans who join you in the fight against wussification in the...
Posted by Sarah Palin on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Okay so why is she still posting from New Orleans?

After all she has a new granddaughter to snuggle and family scandal to quell up here in Alaska.

Well at least TRY to quell. 

And the thing that brought her back to Facebook after seven days was to wish a corpulent misogynist a happy birthday?

Damn that is some set of priorities.  

Friday, July 31, 2015

California court orders anti-choice group to stop releasing videos.

Courtesy of The Daily Beast: 

The Los Angeles Superior Court issued a temporary restraining order Wednesday banning an anti-abortion group from releasing any additional footage of officials from a California company that provides fetal tissue to researchers. The group, the Center for Medical Progress, is the same organization that previously released sting videos of a Planned Parenthood leader discussing the sale of aborted fetuses for medical research. The order bars the anti-abortion group from releasing video of three leaders at StemExpress shot at a restaurant in May until a court hearing Aug. 19. The recent release of sting videos has reignited the abortion debate, prompting Republican lawmakers to take up a measure to defund Planned Parenthood. 

Of course this decision has angered the anti-choice crowd who are claiming that the courts are simply protecting Planned Parenthood and of course hate babies.

Of course this only protects this company, StemExpress, from being attacked, the group undoubtedly still has video concerning other companies who have not been able to get a court order to delay their release. So obviously this whole thing is far from over.

Here just take a look at how Rush Limbaugh is spinning this: 

Folks, I don't think it's hard to explain this. Remember, now, who are we talking about? Who gets polled? Low-information voters. A cross-section of the American people. What do you think most people think Planned Parenthood is? Do you think most people realize that it's a series of abortion clinics?" I would submit to you that most people look at Planned Parenthood and they see Planned Parenthood. 

 I would venture to say that a lot of people look at it and think that it is a place you go where you want to talk to experts about how to plan your family, and they will advise you how many kids to have, what it's going to cost you. That's what I think most people think Planned Parenthood is. It says "Planned Parenthood" over the door, doesn't it? It doesn't say, "We do abortions here and harvest the organs for sale!" It says "Planned Parenthood." 

"A series of abortion clinics." That is how this is being explained to those on the Right.

Like I said, this is far from over.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Once the king of talk radio Rush Limbaugh now finds fewer and fewer radio stations willing to host his hateful rants.

Is ANYBODY listening anymore?
Courtesy of Media Matters: 

The good news for Rush Limbaugh: One month after being notified he was getting dumped by his Boston talk radio host station, the talker has a new AM home in the city. 

The bad news: The station currently boasts a 0.6 rating, trails four non-commercial stations in the market, and becomes yet another big-city, cellar-dwelling outpost that Limbaugh is forced to call home. 

The station, WKOX, is the type of "bottom-rung" affiliate that Limbaugh was rarely associated with during his halcyon days as the king of talk radio. But those days seem to be dwindling as the Boston fall from grace has previously played out for Limbaugh in places like Los Angeles and Indianapolis. In each instance, Limbaugh exited a prosperous, longtime radio home and was forced to settle for an also-ran outlet with miniscule ratings. 

Limbaugh's ongoing major market woes can be traced to his 2012 on-air meltdown over Sandra Fluke, where he castigated and insulted the graduate student for three days on his program, calling her a "slut" and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. (Fluke's sin in the eyes of Limbaugh was testifying before Congress in favor of contraception mandates for health care insurance.) 

The astonishing Limbaugh monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus, which means selling his show has become a major lift for the affiliate stations that pay a hefty fee for the right to carry his program. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue that Limbaugh's host stations lose because of the talker's stigma on Madison Avenue. 

The still-unfolding repercussions? Some key stations want out of their Limbaugh deals. And when those deals are up, nobody else is stepping forward to ink new contracts with Rush.

You know I remember when it seemed that Limbaugh was omnipresent in the news each day.

Hell even the President called him out as partly responsible for Washington gridlock.

So to see how far he has fallen, and to realize how muhc farther he is about to fall, is incredibly satisfying.

As far as I'm concerned the faster he is off the air, the better it is for the country.

Oh and he can take Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and Glenn Beck with him.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ted Nugent posts open letter to Facebook using the word "retard." Sarah Palin to go on the attack in 3..2..oh let's face it she's going to let this slide.

From Nugent's Facebook page.
Courtesy of Media Matters:

National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent shared an open letter "to all the braindead hippie logic-challenged dipshits in the media" that mocked individuals with mental disabilities with the line, "Not every retard can read, but look at you go, little buddy." 

In two weeks, Nugent will appear on Sarah Palin's Sportsman Channel show. Palin, who has a child with Down syndrome, has compared the use of the word "retard" to using racial slurs. 

Of course as we know Palin ONLY gets fired up about the word being used if it was used in private by a member of the Obama administration.

However if one of her tribe, for instance Rush Limbaugh, uses the word than her response is somewhat...oh what's the word...hypocritical: 

"They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh," she said, when read a quote of Limbaugh calling liberal groups "retards." "Rush Limbaugh was using satire ... . I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with 'f-ing retards,' and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, as has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there."

"Look sometimes using the word makes you a jerkface, and other times it makes you a freedom loving constitutional conservative. Simple."
Yes there is a difference. One group is made up of people that Palin likes, and the other is made up of people that she is constantly attacking. 

"No Trig, when Uncle Ted or Uncle Rush say the word it is funny and patriotic, but when liberals use the word they are just haters who want to victimize children and their service dogs."

Friday, November 28, 2014

If it can damage the reputation of Cliff Huxtable, Republicans hope similar past allegations can derail Hillary Clinton's 2016 run by doing the same to Bill Clinton's reputation.

Recently I am sure that many of you have probably heard a conservative or two conflating the recent allegations of rape and sexual molestation against Bill Cosby, with Bill Clinton's famous extra martial adventures.

Rush Limbaugh has had that a mainstay of his recent radio broadcasts, and Fox News has recently jumped on the bandwagon as well.

In a recent Politico article it was revealed that this was not a simple case of coincidence and that there is actually a concerted effort to link the two men in the minds of the American people: 

Digital operatives recognize that Cosby’s fall is sure to be an unusual case, given the severity of what more than a dozen women have said he did, including several who had not spoken out before. 

But strategists also see Cosby’s fall as a case study in how social media can spread old news to new audiences — with speed and efficiency dramatically different from what any previous generations of political candidates have encountered. 

Here's more: 

Some believe this issue could become a problem for Hillary Clinton, the party’s early 2016 frontrunner. Bill Clinton’s history of infidelity and allegations of harassment were thoroughly aired in the 1990s. The question is whether the information will find a new audience on social media or one that views the events through a new frame. 

There is some precedent for a shift in attitude. Monica Lewinsky reemerged online this year with an interview in Vogue. While she was widely mocked and harassed online in the late 1990s — she even calls herself the first true victim of cyber bullying — she found a far more sympathetic environment in 2014, with some comedians even apologizing for how she was treated as a White House intern and feminist writers defending her. 

Still, Hillary Clinton’s expected 2016 campaign will have little hope that Republicans and reporters won’t spend time trying to rehash the former president’s personal and political scandals. 

Paul, the Kentucky Republican and likely 2016 presidential candidate, hit Democrats and Bill Clinton earlier this year for using a position of power to take advantage of young women. “Anybody who wants to take money from Bill Clinton or have a fundraiser has a lot of explaining to do,” Paul said during a February interview on CSPAN’s “Newsmakers” program. That followed comments earlier in the year on NBC’s “Meet the Press” when he said, “there is no excuse” for predatory behavior and “We shouldn’t want to associate with people who take advantage of a young girl in his office,” referencing the Monica Lewinsky affair. 

“If anything, Bill Clinton’s past transgressions are a case study in how politicians have displayed the wrong type of attitude with the people they’ve worked with,” Republican strategist Madden said. 

It’s unclear if Republicans could successfully create a viral issue out of Clinton’s past. There have been no new women to come forward in recent years or other scandal to propel it forward. While Cosby faced lawsuits and other allegations of rape and sexual assault, several women have come forward recently. The story has become national news and NBC has canceled a new Cosby comedy show.

It must be pointed out that there are vast differences in what Bill Cosby did with drugging young women and taking advantage of them against their will, and Bill Clinton's sexual escapades which featured willing participants. I am not saying that Clinton was without fault, just that the allegations are in completely different ball parks.

I have long felt that while Bill Clinton is one of Hillary's greatest assets, that he is also potentially her Achilles heel.

If Bill has been behaving well I seriously doubt this old news will have any effect on her candidacy.

However, if Bill has strayed even once since all of that was revealed that could be a real problem for Hillary.

And it is clear that the Republican party is going to work very hard to make that happen.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sarah Palin reminds everybody that she really doesn't like brown people.

"Look I really don't know shit about immigration, illegal or otherwise. But a girl's got to make a living."
Courtesy of Senora Snow White's Facebook page:  

Check out this transcript of Rush from yesterday explaining the dire situation we’re now in with Obama poised to issue amnesty by executive fiat.

Palin then provides a link to Limbaugh's site which I refuse to put here because, you know, ick. But suffice it to say that he rants and produces prodigious amounts of spittle in response to the idea that Obama might create a policy not to send the Mexican parents of young American children back across the border while leaving them behind to fend for themselves.

But Palin knows all about this because she paid someone to write an op-ed (Warning Breitbart!) for her once and put her name on it:

As I explained in op-eds many months ago, this is clearly an impeachable offense and really should be the last straw because it’s a direct assault on the suffering American worker of all races and backgrounds. Though I was mocked for saying so at the time, now others are finally agreeing that this is an impeachable offense.

By "folks" Palin means Charles "I left my neck in my other suit" Krauthammer, who took time off from playing every ghoul in every horror movie made in the last twenty years, to also claim that Obama could be impeached over this decision. 

But wait, Palin is not finished flapping her highly infectious mouth sores quite yet:

I'm in Florida today for a speech, and I look forward to speaking truth on this issue and reminding folks that we were right on this topic and others long before it was fashionable. 

- Sarah Palin

I'm not sure why Palin is in Florida, though it may be a great place to pick up yet another gaudy Star of David to wear while talking about how liberals are destroying Christmas. 

Whatever the reason it is a sure bet that it is not for a photo-op with young brown children, or their hard working but not quite yet officially American parents.

By the way let me just say again that I am 100% behind any plans the Republicans have to impeach President Obama.

If they want to take a purely partisan vote to impeach a President for doing the job that Congress refuses to do, then more power to them.

Especially considering that impeaching him for trying to solve the immigration problem would have the effect of energizing the Hispanic American voters in this country like we have never seen before.

But hey, who am I to tell the Republicans who they should or should not impeach.

After all it worked to completely destroy the reputation of this guy.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Once a source for venomous attacks against the President and tirades against liberals, now Sarah Palin's Facebook page is much like your Aunt Martha's. Wishing people happy birthday, sharing pictures, and discussing books somebody read to her.

Ya ever play that game Farmville? Oh that's a hoot. Just like real farming only you don't get cow shit on your naughty monkey pumps.
Since Palin has opened that new Sarah Palin Channel website her Facebook page has taken a back burner, and now seems to be much like any other middle aged woman's Facebook page.

Yesterday for example Palin pimped a book by the brother of Rush Limbaugh, called "Jesus on Trial."

It's still warm enough for outside reading! Sort of. I'm reading David Limbaugh's "Jesus on Trial" (seen above), and note both of his books shown in the picture are mysteriously absent from establishment's rankings. It's difficult for conservatives to have books appropriately and fairly ranked by the NYT’s bestseller list and others, despite the obvious strong sales of their books. 

David's book is excellent! I had no doubt there must have been something in the water well that nourished the brains and brawn of all the Limbaughs. (Yes, that Limbaugh family!) Ever wonder what it's like for Rush to live in his brother's shadow? (Rush Limbaugh living in his brother's shadow? Just how fat is this guy?)

Yes why don't conservative books get listed on the New York Times bestseller list after the Right Wing machine has artificially driven up book sales by buying them in bulk?

You know it's almost as if the New York Times were demonstrating their prejudice toward books that were actually well written. Damn intellectual elitists!

Palin also shared a picture that her brother took, because....oh why the hell not!

She also gave a shout out to Mark Levin on this birthday, because you know he might actually invite her on his show again at some point in the future when he runs out of interesting guests and this whole drunken brawl thing dies down.

(For some reason Palin keeps referring to Levin as "the Great One," which is a little confusing because as a self described "hockey mom" you would think that she would withhold that particular title for the man who earned it busting his ass on the ice, Wayne Gretzky.)

You know if Palin were not such an incredibly terrible person, I might feel a little sorry for her.

Here she was this huge icon of the Republican party in 2008-2009, and now she is reduced to sucking up to conservative talk show hosts, pimping the Facebook pages and blogs of family members, and trying to keep family secrets hidden from the public.

One can only imagine the toll that must take on the one time  VP candidate, book co-author, and failed reality star.

If only there were some photographic evidence of just how the loss of that popularity has affected this person who at one time was heralded as the future of the Republican party.

Well I'll keep looking, and I'll try ta find ya some, and bring'em to ya.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sarah Palin once again leaves lipstick marks all over Rush Limbaugh's porcine hindquarters. Eeeww!

Courtesy of the lard ass kisser's Facebook page: 

Rush Limbaugh’s always on top of the pile. He’s ahead of issues, including this one where he gives a heads up that Coach Ditka may actually get fired for exercising America’s First Amendment.

Palin then links to a Newsmax article covering remarks by Limbaugh suggesting that Mike Dtika might lose his job at ESPN for comment he made about the liberal media being behind the call for the Washington Redskins to change their name.

Apparently this enraged Limbaugh, who then went on his own rant about the politically correct liberals attacking the Redskins over their name, and suggesting that the majority of people want the name to remain the same.

Here is more of what Palin had to say about that: 

Nothing should surprise us lately; but when the Politically Correct Police bust Ditka, they hope the silent majority will cower under leftist control. My goodness, Ditka merely spoke his mind. This accomplished and esteemed coach knows there are big issues to be addressed in America today; there’s no intent to offend by referring to a team by the name they’ve proudly worn since day one and chose with pride in our native ancestry and obviously had absolutely no intent to insult; and the liberal media’s made-up controversies divide our country. The government’s intent to force any owner of anything, in this case an NFL entity, to change a name is the antithesis of the American way of working through differences. Ditka said he actually likes the Washington Redskins, and he’s a man full of commonsense and admired patriotism. Still, I must disagree with Coach Ditka after reading his full statement: 

“What’s all the stink over the Redskin name?” Ditka said. “It’s so much [expletive], it’s incredible. We’re going to let the liberals of the world run this world. It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American Indian. Even though it was called a Redskin, what are you going to call them, a Proudskin? This is so stupid it’s appalling, and I hope that owner keeps fighting for it and never changes it, because the Redskins are part of an American football history, and it should never be anything but the Washington Redskins. That’s the way it is. It’s been the name of the team since the beginning of football. It has nothing to do with something that happened lately, or something that somebody dreamed up. This was the name, period. Leave it alone. These people are silly — asinine, actually, in my opinion.” 

He thinks the name should always be Washington Redskins, as a source of pride? Take the word “Washington” out and I’ll agree the team name is a great source of pride. 

- Sarah Palin

It should be noted that as of right now there is no public cry for Ditka to lose his job. 

It should also be noted that those calling for a name change are not simply a liberal minority, but the Native American community themselves.

Now I can understand that Rush Limbaugh, an unhealthily overweight, cigar smoking white guy, might demonstrate insensitivity to the native American community. After all the only reason he is not in the KKK is that they cannot find white bed sheets big enough to cover him. 

But Sarah Palin is married to a Native American man, and has Native American children, as well has grandchildren who are part Native American.

Hell Tripp has doctor visits at the Alaskan Native Hospital in Anchorage, and you certainly do not get that opportunity if you are a pure Aryan.

So for Palin to defend Rush Limbaugh, while Limbaugh defends Mike Ditka, is...well it's pretty fucked up is what it is.

I am also part Native American and I can remember my maternal grandmother, who was a quarter Apache, being disgusted by the westerns we would watch on television during the Sunday afternoons we would come to visit her.

At first I thought it was just the violence that bothered her, but later I learned that it was the constant references to "injuns," and "squaws," and "savages" that used to upset her.

She felt she had no choice but to accept the world as it was back then, but today we are making great progress and surely we can all enjoy rooting for sports teams that do not denigrate, or insult, minorities in this country.

I mean after all, is that too much to ask?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

rEVILution: The Rise of Right-Wing Terrorism. Perhaps the most frightening 32 minutes of your day.

Courtesy of AATTP:  

A 30 minute YouTube video documents the various plots, murders, and attempted murders carried out by members of these groups, and others who are sympathetic to their cause. 

Using mostly video from news sources, the documentary, called “rEVILution: The Rise of Right-Wing Terrorism,” lays out a timeline of violence committed by right-wing ideologues over the past six years. All of the incidents that made headlines are there, including: 

Jerad Lee Loughner’s attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, an act he called an “assassination.” 

Paul Ciancia, who opened fire in a terminal at Los Angeles International Airport last November. 

The “Hutaree Militia,” nine of whom were arrested in a plot to kill police in an attempt to start a war against the federal government. (Most of the charges against them were eventually dismissed due to lack of evidence.) 

The video also presents some cases of anti-goverment violence that didn’t get major attention nationally, such as “sovereign citizen” Jerry Kane. Kane and his son were caught on a police officer’s dash cam video after a traffic stop in Arkansas. During the stop, a confrontation ensues. Joe Kane jumps out of the minivan he and his father were traveling in, and fires multiple shots with an AK-47, killing two West Memphis, Arkansas police officers. 

Mixed with these examples of right wing terrorists, the video also presents clips of what some believe provide the inspiration for some of these killers: right wing media.

The video is chilling to be sure.

And though some may suggest that it is somewhat sensationalized, the truth is that much of what it is saying is dead on the money.

We are in desperate times right now, and things are only going to get worse, before they get better.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

How Fox News purposefully fans racial fears, and strives to incite hatred for minorities among white middle class Americans.

This of course is nothing new and most of us have already become all too aware of the racist agenda of Fox News, the Tea Party, and numerous Republicans.

However in this article by Salon article, taking excerpts from the book The Wrongs of the Right: Language, Race, and the Republican Party in the Age of Obama, the pains they have taken to reignite racism in this country are laid out in no uncertain terms.  

The Fox News audience is distinct. Numerous studies have found Fox viewers to be less informed about political and current events than viewers of most other broadcast news and cable networks. This could mean either that Fox News performs less effectively in educating viewers or that Fox News attracts less knowledgeable audiences. Other studies have found that individuals who like news with in-depth interviews tend to watch network news and CNN more than Fox, and that individuals who prefer news that aligns with their already-formed opinions are much more likely to watch Fox News (while no such relationship exists for the CNN or network audiences). More research indicates that ABC, CBS, and NBC all favored their own polling numbers and reported “positive” polls for Bill Clinton and “negative” polls for George W. Bush, while Fox appeared to favor exactly the reverse. This would seem to indicate that Fox is simply on the conservative side of media bias. However, while all media outlets have political leanings, Fox News is exceptional in that Fox was especially willing to cite external polling numbers of Clinton if they were damaging—a practice that other news outlets did not perform. 

Fox News also appears to cater to ethnocentric assumptions. This discourse has grown with the election of Obama to the White House. In one study, researchers asked panelists where they obtained their televised news about national and international affairs. Roughly one-quarter of respondents indicated that they received their information from Fox News. At the time of the study, questions of Obama’s birth were being raised. When asked if they believed Obama was born in the United States, only 21 percent of Fox viewers said that Obama was American born. The authors of the study, Michael Tesler and David O. Sears, wrote, “[T]he reinforcing and/or persuasive role of oppositional media outlets like Fox News and conservative talk radio could make it increasingly difficult to disabuse the sizable minority of individuals disposed to accepting invalid assertions designed to paint Obama as the ‘other.’” In the face of such evidence, many Fox apologists, commentators, and guests often defended the views of Birthers and Tea Party activists. While frequent Fox talking head Ann Coulter claimed that that no one on Fox ever mentioned “Birtherism,” research indicates that not only did Fox News mention it; they ramped up coverage of the Birthers leading up to the April 2011 release of the “long form” birth certificate. Moreover, at least 85 percent (forty-four out of fifty-two) of false claims about Obama’s birth went unchallenged on Fox News. Fox segments repeated that Obama never produced a birth certificate, that Obama’s grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and that Obama spent $2 million in legal funds blocking the release of his birth certificate. 

The pundits:

For example, in July of 2008 Glenn Beck engaged in a pithy race-based fear-mongering remark on his Fox News show. He stated that Obama “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture” and that Obama “is, I believe, a racist.” 

White viewers of Fox were constantly framed as people who should be frightened and apprehensive about issues pertaining to race. In February 2007 Glenn Beck stated that he doesn’t “have a lot of African-American friends [because] . . . I’m afraid that I would be in an open conversation, and I would say something that somebody would take wrong, and then it would be a nightmare.” In this same vein, Bill O’Reilly stated, “Instead of black and white Americans coming together, white Americans are terrified. They’re terrified. Now we can’t even say you’re articulate? We can’t even give you guys compliments because they may be taken as condescension?” In this way, Fox commentators played up racial fears and anxieties, while painting whites as victims of overly sensitive nonwhites, race-baiters, and political correctness. 

Seizing upon this fear, Fox News and right-wing commentators anointed themselves as the real civil rights activists of today’s “anti-white” era. Glenn Beck stated that his Restoring Honor rally was to “reclaim the civil rights movement.” 

The result:

By reshaping the president’s image into that of a thief (akin to Bernie Madoff) bent on stealing money from the US public, coupled with the portrayal of his tax plan (in which the rich pay more than the current tax rate) as utterly foreign, Levin presents xenophobic messages as objective news. 

These examples indicate how right-wing news marries Obama to the already hyper-reactionary Islamophobia and nativism that began anew in the post-9/11 United States. That widespread fear of the “others” in our midst (even the White House) drives public support for not only the GOP but also repressive national security policies, any policy that the Republicans can deem “socialist,” and a juggernaut industrial-military complex, while it also engenders an organized, grass-roots backlash in the form of hyper-conservative Christian groups and anti-immigrant, vigilante, white-supremacist, and nationalist organizations. 

In addition to being labeled non-Western, noncitizen, foreign, U.S.-hating, Nazi, Communist, and “Afro-Leninist,” Obama has been consistently constructed as an “affirmative action president.” Right-wing commentators continually tell their audiences that Obama did not achieve any of his successes on his own merit and that his inferior candidacy is thus being forced down their throats. A key talking head in this strategy has been Rush Limbaugh. For example, in May of 2008, Limbaugh stated, “Barack Obama is an affirmative action candidate”; and “[i] If Barack Obama were Caucasian, they would have taken this guy out on the basis of pure ignorance long ago.” Later, in June 2008, Limbaugh stated that the Democratic Party was “go[ing] with a veritable rookie [then Senator Obama] whose only chance of winning is that he’s black.” 

Of course not only has Fox News, and Right Wing media pushed this racist narrative, it has been backed up by the Republican politicians themselves in sometimes subtle, and not so subtle, ways, and even the Supreme Court seems to be fanning the flames with their recent decisions

No matter how much we may want to deny it, we are essentially in the middle of another civil rights movement. Only this time the bad guys are winning, and those who fought so valiantly in support of Martin Luther King's vision, are seeing his dream reduced to ashes.

In my opinion much of this has to do with the election of the first black man as President, but a lot of it also undoubtedly has to do with the "browning" of America, and the fact that those Caucasians currently in power are seeing a future where THEY are the minority, and the power rests in the hands of "the other."

Rush Limbaugh's ratings still plummeting.

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

The syndicated talker, who for two decades has been universally regarded as the most popular and powerful AM talker in the country, continues to wallow in obscurity in the nation's second largest radio market. According to recently released ratings from Nielsen Audio, Limbaugh's California flagship station, KEIB, now ranks 39th in the Los Angeles market, attracting an anemic .5 ratings share. (A ratings share represents the percent of those listening to radio in the market who are tuned into a particular station.) 

The tumble to 39th place represents yet another downward lurch -- in March the station logged in at 37th place. Note that there are a total of 45 rated stations in the Los Angeles market, which means Limbaugh's KEIB station (the call letters mirror Limbaugh's motto, "Excellence in Broadcasting") has nearly reached the ratings basement. 

And yes, Limbaugh's syndicator, Clear Channel-owned Premier Networks, pays the talker $50 million a year. 

The April ratings come in the wake of a disastrous winter for Limbaugh in key California markets. As Media Matters recently noted, Clear Channel moved Limbaugh off his longtime Los Angeles home, KFI, and made him the centerpiece of an all-conservative talk radio lineup on KEIB, where Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are also heard. 

As of April, KEIB not only ranks 39th in the Los Angeles market, but it trails 12 non-English stations and four college outlets. Meanwhile, 10th-rated KFI's ratings remain strong in the wake of Limbaugh's departure from the station. In the past, stations that lost Rush from their lineup often saw steep declines in listenership. He served as the programming tent pole. No more. 

I think the only other person that I want to sink into the quagmire of obscurity as much as Sarah Palin is this guy.

And in some ways he is even worse because conservatives actually listen to HIM.

Well, at least they used to.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Shoeghazi! Conservatives convinced that Hillary Clinton planned the shoe throwing incident to, "make her seem presidential."

Courtesy of TPM:  

Call them the shoe truthers. 

Some conservative media figures are openly wondering if Hillary Clinton staged an incident during a speech in Las Vegas on Thursday in which a woman in the audience threw a shoe at her. The shoe appeared to miss the rumored 2016 presidential hopeful, who ducked and made light of it, while the reported thrower, Alison Michelle Ernst, was booked by the authorities. 

A blog post published Monday at the website of Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg speculated that Clinton probably "calculated it beforehand," as is "almost always true" with things that happen to her. 

"So it would not be stretching logic to suppose that Hillary arranged to have the shoe thrown at her," wrote Arthur Louis at Goldberg's site. "Remembering the Bush incident [when an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at President George W. Bush], she may have calculated that this would make her seem presidential. This would explain why Ms. Ernst was not pounded to a pulp by Hillary's bodyguards, and why she seems on the verge of getting off scot free. Don’t be too surprised, the next time you visit Phoenix, if you see her sitting at a table in a downtown Hillary for President store front, stuffing and sealing envelopes."

Rush Limbaugh chimed in with much the same theory:  

"I'm sorry, I'm ill-equipped to comment," Limbaugh said, adding: "Maybe it's because, in my subconscious, I think it was staged, or set up, or whatever. ... I don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at Hillary unless -- maybe it's an attempt to make the Benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos."

Well he's right about one thing, he is indeed "ill-equipped to comment."

Okay to start off the woman IS being charged with two criminal activities, that could see her spend a year in jail.

Second she has a history of mental problems which include believing that the Aurora theater shooter, enters her mind like Dennis Quaid from "Innerspace" and "zooms" to her heart making her care about him.

This is perhaps one of the stupidest theories I have ever heard from the Right Wing, and let's face it THAT is really saying something.

You know perhaps if Clinton had reached up and caught the shoe their skepticism might make some modicum of sense, but since she seemed completely oblivious to the incoming footwear until after it passed by her head, there is nothing suspicious in her reaction.

Gee, if only these same people would have been half as skeptical of all the bullshit shoveled out by the Bush administration.