Shannyn Moore, "The smartest blond in Alaska", is going to be hosting Jon Elliott’s "This is America" show tonight starting at 7:00 p.m. Alaska time. So essentially in about an hour from the time I am posting this.
If you have not had the pleasure of listening to the smoky voiced intellect of Ms Moore then do yourself a favor and tune into Air America, or listen online by clicking right here.
Her guest tonight is Alaska's brand new Senator Mark Begich, who I understand still has that "new Senator smell" about him. Shannyn and Mark are good friends and I am sure it will be an entertaining interview. You don't want to miss it.
And also make sure you occasionally look over to the left side of this blog for updates to Shannyn's blog "Just a girl from Homer", because she is scarily talented and on the road to amazing success. And someday you can say: "I have been a fan of that lady since before she was a household name." And won't that be cool?