Showing posts with label Orly Taitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orly Taitz. Show all posts

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Orly Taitz ridiculous challenge to President Obama's elegibility to be on the ballot in Georgia fails. Everybody put on your suprised face.

Below is the court's decision if you are a masochist and want to read the entire thing, however here is the important portion. 

"President Barack Obama is eligible as a candidate for the presidential primary election under O.C.G.A."

As if there were any doubt as to the outcome. Now could somebody please tell Orly Taitz to shut the hell up and finally get that much needed psychiatric intervention?
Farrar-Welden-Swensson-Powell v Obama - Judge Malihi Final Decision - Georgia Ballot Challenge - 2/3/2012

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rick Perry meets his biggest fan and living embodiment of the Tea Party movement, Orly Taitz. Oh THIS ought to be good!

Courtesy of Think Progress:

Taitz also told ThinkProgress that she’s “pretty sure [the Perry campaign] will” bring up the birth certificate issue, but she said their strategy “will be to wait and use it at the last possible moment to make sure that there is no primary challenger in the Democrat Party.” 

KEYES: I saw you were able to get a bit of face time with Governor Perry on the line. What did you talk with him about? 

TAITZ: [...] From what I understood, he knew who I was and what I was talking about. [...] I told him that you will get Obama, you will have him in prison for Social Security fraud. [...] 

KEYES: Did Governor Perry seem very receptive to your messages? 

TAITZ: Yes. 

KEYES: Do you think he’ll be taking that message forward, particularly with the birth certificate issue? Are you hopeful that he will? 

TAITZ: I’m pretty sure they will, but I’m also sure that their strategy will be to wait and use it at the last possible moment to make sure that there is no primary challenger in the Democrat Party.

So is Rick Perry just schmoozing Taitz, or does he really intend to pursue the birth certificate matter if he is chosen as the GOP candidate?  Well from what I know of Perry, I tend to lean toward the latter.

Yes he is that much of an idiot.

By the way there are mumblings from various sources that Sarah Palin, might be VERY unhappy with a certain Governor of Texas.

She fertilized the crazy ass ground where Perry has now planted the seeds of his candidacy with her truckloads of mooseshit, and it looks more and more like he will be the one to reap the benefits of all of her hard work. After all she brought the paint chip eaters out of the darkness with her screechy siren song of anti-government rhetoric and "adjustable for the venue" boobies, and now here they are smearing their batshit of acceptance all over Rick "Sarah Palin with a tinier penis" Perry.

And HOW is she supposed to launch a third party candidacy if everybody ignorant enough to go for such a foolhardy idea is already stealing their children's lunch money to send it to Perry?

yeah I would bet big money that Sarah Palin absolutely HATES Rick Perry right about now.

But that is okay because Orly Taitz just loves his bony Texas ass!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I kind of think that Lawrence O'Donnell should have been well aware that he was not going to get any sanity out of Orly Taitz.

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I love it when O'Donnell gets righteously indignant!

Did anybody else notice how closely Sarah Palin now resembles Ms. Taitz?  Or is that just me?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Okay this "terror babies" lunacy is spreading like wildfire through Texas right now. I wonder when Palin will catch the bug?

I didn't know that Orly Taitz had a sister living in Texas?

Now remember kids. 'If they are over here illegally, they are not here legally!"

You might want to write that down so that you don't forget it.

I know I made fun of Texas the last time one of these nutjobs was on Anderson Cooper, but now I just feel really bad for all of you who have to live there.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Ah, a match made in hell.

Sarah Palin is now my friend on Facebook

I don't think I have enough snark left in me today to adequately express my feelings about this.

(H/T to Mona. Sorry for the delay Mona I was doing two things at once.)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dentist/Real Estate Broker/"Lawyer" Orly Taitz gets humiliated in court by judge who reminds her that she is not "Alice in Wonderland".

The judge specifically addresses Rhodes’ “birther” arguments, including allegations that Obama might have used 149 addresses and 39 Social Security numbers before becoming president and the existence of what Taitz claims is Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

“Finally, in a remarkable shifting of the traditional legal burden of proof, plaintiff unashamedly alleges that defendant has the burden to prove his ‘natural born’ status,” Land states. “Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly ‘protect and preserve’ those very principles.

“Unlike in ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ simply saying something is so does not make it so,” Land says.

Damn it! Ms. Taitz was SO close to proving that Barack Obama was an alien from the planet "Not white enough to be our President". If only she had drawn the Mad Hatter as the presiding judge.

If you want a good laugh take a moment to read the entire PDF of Judge Land's decision. It is brutal! (The REALLY good part starts on page 7.)

If you have not had the "pleasure" of seeing this guano crazy lady in action take a moment to watch her interview on MSNBC with David Shuster and Tamron Hall.

Wow that is a boatload of crazy!

Can you imagine what she must have been like in a court of law?