Showing posts with label Michael Ware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Ware. Show all posts

Friday, December 12, 2008

After six years in Iraq, reporter extraordinaire Michael Ware is not sure how to come home.

“I am not the same fucking person,” he tells me. “I am not the same person. I don’t know how to come home.”

Ware’s detractors have painted him as a drunk, a rage-aholic, a partisan. They claim he heckled John McCain at a press conference and accuse him of being a terrorist stooge for airing enemy footage of U.S. troops being gunned down — anything to mark him as, at best, too rough to be trusted or, at worst, outright unhinged. And though he’s still able to perform during his three-and-a-half-minute spots on CNN, it isn’t hard to make a case against him for erratic behavior. Fellow reporters claim Ware has bragged about being drunk on air (he denies it) and has destroyed television equipment during epic tantrums (“Things get broken in bureaus from time to time; it’s just normal wear and tear,” he demurs). He admits to having a terrible time sustaining relationships and once got in an altercation with another man over his former girlfriend (and fellow tabloid fodder) CBS reporter Lara Logan. He can’t sleep and watches trash TV until the sun comes up over Baghdad. In short, he hasn’t been well for a while.

"You lose touch with life. It sounds trite, but I need to find humanity again a little bit. In so many ways, war casts a shadow across you that will never leave, dark places seen that can never be forgotten,” Ware says. “When you get to the point where you come home from a bombing, realize what’s on the soles of your shoes, and can wipe it off without a second thought — it takes its toll. I was on the verge of becoming irretrievable.”

Michael Ware has been one of my favorite correspondents covering the Iraq war since the very beginning of the conflict.

His blunt, no holds barred, method of reporting the horrible things he had seen on the streets of Baghdad and throughout Iraq was both informative and chilling.

He did not seem to kiss up to the military leaders to get access, instead he earned respect and access directly from the soldiers on the ground, the Iraqi citizens, and even the insurgents themselves.

In the past Ware has taken on Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and even George Bush himself. And in every report Ware demonstrated an absolute allegiance to telling the truth, regardless of whose toes he may step on.

Of course one of my favorite stories about Michael Ware was that he had managed to romance the lovely Lara Logan while he was digging up the truth for CNN. The relationship did not end well, as we can imagine what with Ware being under so much stress, but hell it had to be great in the beginning!

Well anyhow I hope that Michael Ware finds peace and harmony in his future because, just like the soldiers he has covered for these past six years, he certainly deserves it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

CNN correspondent Michael Ware is the other man in the Lara Logan, Joe Burkett love triangle.

Passions got so hot in the combat zone that one of her lovers, Joe Burkett, brawled in a Baghdad "safe house" with her other paramour, CNN war reporter Michael Ware, a source said.
A close pal of Logan, who confirmed the allegations to The Post, said Burkett's marriage to Kimberly was already finished six months before they sparked up a relationship.

"She is not the cause of their divorce," the friend told The Post yesterday.

"It was going to happen."

The pal also said Logan was particularly hurt by the comments because she had met Kimberly Burkett and thought the two were "friendly."

As for the other claims, pals admitted that Logan had a one-time fling with CNN reporter Ware - but denied that there was any sort of fight between him and Burkett in Baghdad.

Wow how does anybody get any reporting done with all of the bed hopping?

Well this story may in fact be blown way out of proportion.

The above sources claim that Lara is not a homewrecker, and I actually would like to believe them. She is just a unbelievably hot woman carbonating the hormones of all of the men who come in contact with her. How is that her fault?

I am going to have to side with Ms. Logan on this one. And not just because she is so hot.

Well maybe a little.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

CNN's Michael Ware takes on the White House's Iraq report.

CNN then turned to a "reality check" from journalist Michael Ware in Baghdad on the White House's Iraq report, released on Thursday, which claims progress on 8 out of 18 benchmarks set by Congress.

"The authors of this report are far more generous than I would ever be," said Ware. "For example, they suggested there's been satisfactory progress in the area of sectarian violence It's quite a stunning claim ... Here in Baghdad, they're finding less bodies on the streets each morning tortured and executed. But we're still talking about five or six hundred each month. ... It almost dishonors the suffering of the Iraqi people to say that."

Ware then pointed out a couple of reasons why sectarian violence might be diminishing even without the efforts of American troops. "About 50,000 Iraqis a month have been fleeing this country or have been displaced," he stated. "So there's simply less targets for the sectarian violence. ... The ethnic cleansing has been successful. ... Finally, we're seeing the American military is now allowing some Sunni neighborhoods to have their own Sunni militias. ... If there's a Sunni militia in your neighborhood, the police death squad can't get to you."

As far as I am concerned Michael Ware is the "go to guy" when it comes to getting the real facts about Iraq. He never minces words and seems to relish sticking a pin in the puffed up success stories of John McCain and Joe Lieberman. And for that alone he should be given a huge raise by CNN.

More money for Michael!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

You have to see this video of CNN's Michael Ware totally calling bullshit on McCain's claim that parts of Baghdad are perfectly safe.

This is so great that it absolutely is a must see for anybody who hates being lied to by politicians.

"Honestly, Wolf, you'll barely last twenty minutes out there. I don't know what part of Neverland Senator McCain is talking about when he says we can go strolling in Baghdad."

McCain has linked his candidacy to a sinking ship and it is only a matter of time before he sinks completely out of our sight.