This comes from an interview conducted by E Online's Ted Casablanca (Who just recently was virtually tarred and feathered by the Palin-bots for reporting on Sarah's great "swag grab" right before the Oscars)
In this interview Casblanca asks a GOP insider what he thinks of Sarah Palin's chances in 2012. You can read the entire interview by clicking the title above, but I wanted to direct your attention to this quote in particular:
I kind of see her as the Jon Gosselin of politics: Way out of her league, thinks she's something more than what she really is and is desperate for attention and tongue-bathing. She doesn't know when to just go away and be quiet for a bit.
Okay look I understand that when somebody is constantly seeking the spotlight and putting their personal life on display for all the world to see, like some kind of sideshow freak, that it may seem fair to compare them to one of the most shallow fame whores on the planet. But I just think that this Republican insider was being completely unfair in making this comparison!
In other words I believe that this man owes John Gosselin an apology!