Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Famed Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein says that Trump's lawyers have an "out of control client" who they are trying desperately to manage.
Addressing Trump’s belief that he will be exonerated, Bernstein said Trump is lying but also may be in the dark because his legal team is afraid of what he might say or do if he knew what was really going on.
“There is no reason to believe almost anything Donald Trump says because what we know is that the president of the United States and his presidency is characterized, above all else, by the lying of the president of the United States,” Bernstein explained.”That doesn’t mean that lying by the president is a crime, but it does mean that we see him covering up events, but not necessarily criminally covering up events. And where this is going definitively we don’t know.”
“He has expressed, I am told by people in the White House, the desire to fire Mueller and the desire to pardon people under investigation including his family,” Bernstein continued. “His lawyers are telling him what he wants to hear; that’s what I’m told by lawyers in the White House.”
“They are telling him what he wants to hear to keep him from going off and firing Mueller in a rage because they have an out of control client” he stated. “The president of the United States is out of control a good deal of the time, especially when it comes to this investigation.”
So the troubling question to ask as 2017 comes to an end, is for how long can Trump's lawyer keep him reined in before the news becomes too much for him to take and he essentially snaps?
And the follow up question would be, what happens when he snaps?
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Carl Bernstein on Donald Trump: " He has lied as no president of the United States in my lifetime has, day in and day out."
Courtesy of The Hill:Miller: "It pains the media to give the president any credit for the work that he's done."
— Reliable Sources (@ReliableSources) April 30, 2017
Bernstein: "Nonsense."
CNN commentator and veteran reporter Carl Bernstein on Sunday accused President Trump of lying "day in and day out."
“He deserves respect as the duly elected president of the United States," Bernstein said on CNN's "Reliable Sources." "That doesn’t mean he deserves not to be called on lies. He has lied as no president of the United States in my lifetime has, day in and day out."
"It is our job to, as I said in that address to the correspondents' dinner last night: follow the money, yes, but follow the lies as well."
Bernstein urged fellow reporters to find the "best obtainable version of the truth."
"We are struggling to cover factually, contextually, with nuance, who this president is, who this individual is, who his family is, who his business relationships are with, what his policies are, and how those working with him are doing," he said.
Lately I have been feeling mad respect for Carl Bernstein as he has not been at all shy about calling things as they are.
He has been calling Trump a liar since way back in June of last year, and he was one of the first to point out that there was a coverup going on in the White House.
What we need right now is a whole army of Carl Bernstein's who are not afraid to call a lie a lie, a coverup a coverup, and bullshit exactly what it smells like.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Carl Bernstein concerning Trump/Russia investigation: "Oh my god, there’s a cover-up going on."
Famed Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein says that the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn could end up revealing a “cover-up” of alleged connections between President Donald Trump's team and Russia.
“I think it's obvious that Gen. Flynn is in up to his neck in terms, not just of possible crimes involving his speeches and whether or not he registered as a foreign agent, which he should have and didn’t,” Mr Bernstein said.
“There, he is central to what the FBI believes is a cover-up going on among people close to the president of the United States about what happened with the Trump campaign and Russia,” Mr Bernstein, who is now a CNN commentator, said. "The FBI, the congressional investigators are trying to learn what happened. And Flynn is almost like the ball of yarn that begins to unspool and is key to understanding it."
Mr Bernstein said that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, now that he is leading the Justice Department's probe into Russia's role alleged in the election, will eventually see that there is a cover-up as well. "He is going to see, ‘Oh my god, there’s a cover-up going on,’" Bernstein said.
This is not the first time that Carl Bernstein has dropped a bomb about an active coverup within the Trump Administration nor is he now the only one doing so.
It should also be noted that currently 4 in 10 Americans believe that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians:
An ABC News/Washington Post poll published Wednesday morning found 56 percent believe Russia tried to meddle in the election, while 39 percent think Trump campaign aides intentionally tried to help them.
With public opinion turning against them so dramatically it makes sense that the Trump folks would be trying to cover up what actually took place during the 2016 election cycle.
However to do so would indicate that they have not paid attention to history, and are unaware of the lessons of Watergate.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Carl Bernstein states that the FBI believes the Trump Administration is attempting an "active coverup" to interfere with investigation into collusion with Russia.
If Carl Bernstein knows anything, he knows how anonymous sources can reveal how a high-level criminal cover-up can take an administration down. So when he stated that the FBI had a “serious belief” that there was an “active coverup” in the alleged coordination/collusion between the Trump campaign and a Russian effort to reveal the election last night on AC360, we take notice.
In a remarkably entertaining segment pegged to a CNN’s recent report, Bernstein dropped some knowledge about FBI suspicions. According the the Watergate legend, intelligence suggests that Russia tried to use advisers of Donald Trump to penetrate the presidential campaign.
Can you believe that Jason Miller douchnozzle actually brought up Susan Rice's name?
You might remember Miller as the former Trump transition spokesman who was forced to quit his job after his affair with another Trump spokesperson came to light.
A.J. Delgado and Jason Miller, naughty, naughty, naughty. |
If the FBI has evidence that they are actively involved in a coverup that could be perhaps even more damaging than the evidence of communicating with the Russians during the campaign.
Which reminds me of another lesson learned during Watergate, "It's not the crime, it's the coverup."
Monday, June 20, 2016
Carl Bernstein calls Donald Trump, a "pathological liar" and a "neofascist." Sounds right to me.
Trump has “shown himself throughout this campaign to be a pathological liar,” Bernstein stated.”There’s very little truth that comes out of his mouth, so let’s start there.”
“Really, this is about a candidate for president of the United States who does not believe in a free press,” he exclaimed. “He keeps talking about changing libel laws and suing the press and has instituted many, many lawsuits throughout his career. The underlying story here is who is Donald Trump? And I will say, and have said, that we are seeing the nominee of a major political party for the first time in our history, who is a neofascist, a particular kind of neofascist — a strong man who doesn’t believe in democratic institutions.”
“His bigotry is evident and we need to keep looking at it, but this is a story of a candidate who is a total break in our history and we need to be doing reporting on it, not just debating it on television,” he continued.
It looks like Trump's free ride with the press is coming to a screeching halt.
Yeah it was all fun and games and high ratings a few months back, but now that he is this close to winning the White House, shit just got real.
Personally I would argue that shit was getting real way back when Trump, Cruz, and Kasich were the only three GOP candidates still standing. Because not ONE of those guys should ever get close the Oval Office in my opinion.
Once we get passed this campaign season it will really be time for the press, and especially the cable news outlets, to sit down and reassess how they cover presidential candidates.
I think it's abundantly clear that the Donald Trump candidacy would not even have existed if not for the eager cooperation it enjoyed from various news agencies.
P.S. By the way reports are coming in right now that Trump has fired his controversial campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
Courtesy of the New York Daily News:
Donald Trump is reportedly dumping his hothead campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, only weeks into the real estate mogul's disastrous general election run.
Good now the news media can cover the disintegration of the campaign that they helped to create.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Carl Bernstein refers to phone hacking scandal as "Murdoch"s Watergate." Well, he should know.
The hacking scandal currently shaking Rupert Murdoch’s empire will surprise only those who have willfully blinded themselves to that empire’s pernicious influence on journalism in the English-speaking world. Too many of us have winked in amusement at the salaciousness without considering the larger corruption of journalism and politics promulgated by Murdoch Culture on both sides of the Atlantic.
The facts of the case are astonishing in their scope. Thousands of private phone messages hacked, presumably by people affiliated with the Murdoch-owned News of the World newspaper, with the violated parties ranging from Prince William and actor Hugh Grant to murder victims and families of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The arrest of Andy Coulson, former press chief to Prime Minister David Cameron, for his role in the scandal during his tenure as the paper’s editor. The arrest (for the second time) of Clive Goodman, the paper’s former royals editor. The shocking July 7 announcement that the paper would cease publication three days later, putting hundreds of employees out of work. Murdoch’s bid to acquire full control of cable-news company BSkyB placed in jeopardy. Allegations of bribery, wiretapping, and other forms of lawbreaking—not to mention the charge that emails were deleted by the millions in order to thwart Scotland Yard’s investigation.
This article is a "must read" for anybody who is closely following this scandal. Bernstein carefully outlines Murdoch's empire and does not hold back in revealing its overall negative impact on journalism around the world, and particularly in America, and how this indefensible breach of the public trust might serve to undermine a free press in Enlgand, and may have ripple effects that spread much, much further.
Once you have read through that wonderful piece I urge you to visit to learn that the things Murdoch has done here in the United States may in fact be much worse than what he did in Britain. For example:
Iraq and the war on terrorism: America's misguided "pre-emptive war" in the oil-rich Persian Gulf would not have been possible unless the 9/11 attacks and a response to terrorism became conflated with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, which for all its horrors had nothing to do with the assault on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Fox News Channel, and its parade of GOP-talking-point infused hosts and military "experts," helped to make sure that wrongful conflation took place, as later evidence proved.
A 2003 poll by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks found that regular Fox News viewers were significantly more likely than other news consumers to believe one of three significant falsehoods about the Iraq war -- that Iraq was somehow connected to 9/11, that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, or that global opinion was in favor of the war. These jingoistic myths -- most heavily adopted by Fox viewers -- fueled years of continued fighting in a war in which thousands of Americans and Iraqi civilians died needlessly.
After reading that I imagine that you are just about as pissed off as I am at the entire fucking Rupert Murdoch empire! So allow me to offer you the chance to cleanse your palate by watching ex-NOW editor Paul McMullen getting his ass handed to him again by yet another British actor, Steve Coogan.
That McMullen douchebag is a special brand of sleazy isn't he? Just watching him on camera makes my skin crawl.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Carl Bernstein performs the final autopsy on Sarah Palin and then Pat Buchanan tries desperately to resuscitate the corpse.
"She's a demagogue! She's ignorant. She's a flake!"
I could not have said it better myself.
How does Pat Buchanan shave his face in the morning without wanting to cut his own throat? If I had to go on television now to defend Sarah Palin I would leave the studio, climb out onto the balcony of my hotel room, and swan dive onto the New York streets below.
I almost feel sorry for these people. And that includes the websites that are still demonstrating fealty to her after she essentially abandoned them, after convincing them to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for her.
Come on people! Buy a clue here!