Hillary Clinton will take the Democratic nomination even if she does not win the popular vote, but persuades enough superdelegates to vote for her at the convention, her campaign advisers say.
The New York senator, who lost three primaries Tuesday night, now lags slightly behind her rival, Illinois Senator Barack Obama, in the delegate count. She is even further behind in "pledged'' delegates, those assigned by virtue of primaries and caucuses.
But Clinton will not concede the race to Obama if he wins a greater number of pledged delegates by the end of the primary season, and will count on the 796 elected officials and party bigwigs to put her over the top, if necessary, said Clinton's communications director, Howard Wolfson.
"I want to be clear about the fact that neither campaign is in a position to win this nomination without the support of the votes of the superdelegates,'' Wolfson told reporters in a conference call.
"We don't make distinctions between delegates chosen by million of voters in a primary and those chosen between tens of thousands in caucuses,'' Wolfson said. "And we don't make distinctions when it comes to elected officials'' who vote as superdelegates at the convention.
"We are interested in acquiring delegates, period,'' he added.Simply put this is a recipe for disaster!
What the Clinton campaign has failed to realize is that these giant turnouts in the Democratic caucuses are giant turnouts for Barack Obama, not Hillary Clinton.
The reason the Democrats are out-voting Republicans 2 to 1, is not just because George Bush is the worst President in American history. It is because Barack Obama has inspired these voters like nobody has done since John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That is not just hyperbole. That is a fact!
And what happens if all of these people, many of them first time voters or independents, find that the nomination has been stolen from right under the feet of their candidate? They get turned off to the process. They learn that their passion and their vote mean nothing. And so why would they bother to vote in the general?
If Hillary gets the super delegates to vote her way she may hang onto the party faithful, but she will lose the independent vote that will naturally return to McCain, and she can kiss those Obamicans (Republicans who support Obama) good-bye as well. In short, she will lose the lead that Democrats now enjoy over the Republicans and will give John McCain not only a fighting chance but the advantage.
This election is the Democrats election to lose, and now we know how they will do it.
And what is more if this loss gets blamed on Hillary, and how could it not, she can kiss her Senate seat goodbye as well.
And the Clinton brand will have suffered irreparable harm as well. No longer will Bill and Hillary Clinton be synonymous with prosperity; they will forever be connected to dirty political tricks and the losing of a gift wrapped election.
I implore Hillary and her supporters to put their egos and ambitions aside and to focus on the needs of our country instead. We need to stay focused on defeating the Republicans and getting our country back into the hands of those who can start the process of healing.
Healing requires hope. Please do not take away our