Showing posts with label women's rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women's rights. Show all posts

Thursday, March 01, 2018

So Mike Pence predicts that legal abortion will end in our lifetime. I'm sorry, what?

No abortion for you, no abortion for you, nobody gets an abortion.
Courtesy of The Hill: 

Vice President Pence predicted Tuesday that legal abortion would end in the U.S. "in our time." 

"I know in my heart of hearts this will be the generation that restores life in America," Pence said at a luncheon in Nashville, Tenn., hosted by the Susan B. Anthony List & Life Institute, an anti-abortion organization. 

"If all of us do all we can, we can once again, in our time, restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law." 

Pence has long championed anti-abortion policies, as a congressman, as the governor of Indiana and as vice president. 

He told the crowd he has seen more progress in the Trump administration's first year in office than he has in his entire life. 

Okay, well this seems bad.

Perhaps Mike Pence does not realize this, but the Supreme Court decided that access to legal abortions in this country is a woman's right.

It was a little case called Roe vs Wade. You may have heard of it, it was in all the papers.

So the vice president can do nothing to erase that, nor can he do it once he replaces an impeached Donald Trump as our new president.

But the fact that he is so determined to try is extremely troubling, and just one more reason that in the 2018 election cycle we need to elect as many Democrats as possible and send them to Washington.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Missouri Senate candidate has some rather antiquated views of women's rights. And yes he's a Republican.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

In a statement posted to Facebook on Tuesday, (Courtland)Sykes said that he had been asked if he “supports women’s rights.” 

“I want to come home to a home cooked dinner every night at six,” Sykes said, referring to demands he makes of his girlfriend. “One that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives.” 

According to Sykes, feminists push an agenda that they “made up to suit their own nasty snake-filled heads.” 

The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.” 

Sykes ended his rant by insisting that he supports women’s rights “but not the kind that has suppressed natural womanhood for five long decades.” 

“But good news,” he concluded. “They’re finished. Ask Hillary.”

And this guy is go up against Claire McCaskill?

She will clean his clock, and then teach him to make his own damn dinner.  

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It drives me crazy when people try to convince us that John Kasich is a "better" Republican.

Hah! Fooled you.
Courtesy of CNN: 

Ohio is prohibiting doctors from performing abortions in cases where tests reveal the fetus has or likely has Down syndrome. 

Republican Gov. John Kasich signed the legislation Friday and the law goes into effect in 90 days. "The governor is pro-life and supports policies that protect the sanctity of life," press secretary Jon Keeling tells CNN.

The law prohibits abortions after prenatal tests reveal Down syndrome in a fetus or if there's "any other reason to believe" the fetus has the genetic condition. 

A person performing an abortion in such a case could face a fourth-degree felony charge, and physicians could lose their licenses. The woman seeking the abortion would not be held accountable, according to the legislation.

Sure Kasich may seem relatively reasonable when compared to the Donald Trump's of this world but he is still a Republican willing to tell women what they can do with their own bodies and condemning them to raising a child they may be ill equipped emotionally or financially to parent. 

Taking care of a child with Down Syndrome, or any other challenging diagnosis, can bankrupt families, destroy marriages, and negatively impact the other children in the home.

This is simply NOT a decision that anybody other than the mother and father of the child should be involved in making.

The fact that John Kasich does not respect that is why nobody should respect his criticisms of the Republican party or Donald Trump.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Trump Administration formally backs ban on abortions after 20 weeks. Oh come on, you KNEW this was coming.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. 

The administration "strongly supports" the bill and "applauds the House of Representatives for continuing its efforts to secure critical pro-life protections," the Office of Management and Budget wrote in a statement of administration policy. 

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), will come up for a vote in the House on Tuesday. 

It would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of a fine, up to five years in prison or both. 

There are exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the woman, and the bill wouldn't penalize women for seeking abortions after 20 weeks.

Oh well, gee at least they are willing to let a woman have control of her reproductive organs if there is a chance they might kill her.

How white of them.

It should be remembered that abortions performed after 20 weeks are typically for problem pregnancies, not only ones that endanger the mother, but also which might endanger the fetus, or due to newly discovered birth defects.

This should also serve to remind everybody why the Republicans are not exactly on board with impeaching Trump, no matter what emerges from the Russian investigations.

As long as he is pushing this ultra conservative agenda they could not care less that he is Putin's puppet.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Okay I think we can all agree, the Girl Scouts are pretty awesome.

Courtesy of CNN Money: 

The organization on Tuesday announced it is adding 23 new badges related to science, technology, engineering, math and the outdoors. 

Girl Scouts can now earn badges through activities like programming robots, designing model race cars, writing code and going on environmentally conscious camping trips. 

The Girl Scouts of the USA, founded in 1912, has created badges with the help of organizations like, SciStarter, GoldieBlox and the Society of Women Engineers.

The new experiences are meant to address "the lack of exposure many girls have to STEM," Girl Scouts CEO Sylvia Acevedo told CNN Tech in an email. 

The new STEM badges come a month after the organization added cybersecurity badges. Those badges will be available to girls in kindergarten through 12th grade over the next two years.

Gee support for young girls to pursue their interests in science and technology without all of that religious baggage that the Boy Scouts are burdened by.

And here we thought they were just a front for a cookie selling operation.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

A new video by the folks at Funny or Die combines Donald Trump and the "Handmaid's Tale" into something truly horrific.

When I first saw this I thought it would be good for a laugh.

However after watching it I was not laughing at all.

In fact it chilled me to the bone.

The comparisons are simply too close for comfort.

Friday, May 05, 2017

Mike Pence brags that Donald Trump has "literally filled this White House and agencies with pro-life leaders.”

Trump signing his anti-abortion executive order
Courtesy of HuffPo:

Vice President Mike Pence declared victory for the anti-abortion movement Wednesday night, boasting that President Donald Trump has “literally filled” his administration with politicians who oppose reproductive rights. 

“Life is winning in America,” Pence said at a gala for the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List. “President Trump has been keeping his promises to stand for life. He’s literally filled this White House and agencies with pro-life leaders.” 

Pence, who led the fight against reproductive rights as a congressman and governor of Indiana, went on to list the members of what he called the anti-abortion “A-team”― Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Housing Secretary Ben Carson, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway, who spoke at the gala before Pence. 

Also listed on his “A-team” was Charmaine Yoest, the former CEO of Americans United for Life, who is assistant secretary of health and human services, and Teresa Manning, a former lobbyist for the National Right to Life Committee who is expected to be appointed to oversee the nation’s family planning program at HHS.

Well I'm nauseous,  how is everybody else feeling?

I swear it is like a who's who of "women should not have control over their own reproduction" advocates.

If Trump gets even one more seat on the Supreme Court I think we can say goodbye to "Roe vs Wade." And hello to the return of back alley abortions. 

And remember folks these assholes only want to force you to have the baby.

Once you have birthed it don't go crying to them for the baby's health care needs, help with daycare, or improved educational opportunities for your little mistake.

Because they really don't give a shit.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hillary Clinton comes out of the woods ready to fight.

Courtesy of SF Gate:  

In the latest sign that she is ready to come “out of the woods” politically, Hillary Clinton offered a mantra Tuesday in San Francisco to those opposing the Trump administration: “Resist. Persist. Insist. Enlist.” 

Clinton appeared on stage for about an hour Tuesday at the Professional BusinessWomen of California Conference at Moscone Center West, with most of her remarks focusing on the struggles women face in the workplace. 

Resist actions that go against our values as Americans, she said. Insist that we can all do better. Persist, as Clinton said Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., did when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to prevent her from quoting Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor during the debate over Jeff Sessions’ appointment as attorney general. 

Then bring that “passion we’ve seen in the last few weeks,” to the voting booth in 2018. “Show up and vote, for goodness sakes.” And enlist in the resistance effort — “get in the arena,” she said, by running for office or starting a business that is supportive of your employees. 

What Clinton found “so maddening” during was the recent health care debate was that Republicans were not showing empathy to the people they represented. 

“Really? Take away maternity care?” Clinton said. “Really? Take away mental health and substance abuse care? Who do these people talk to? Do they not have any idea about the suffering that goes on?”

It is nice to see the People's President again.

I think she provides an important voice for the resistance and that she can help rally the troops and keep them fired up for the battle ahead.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Female Texas Representative introduces bill that would fine men for masturbating.

Courtesy of the Dallas News:

If state Rep. Jessica Farrar has her way, men in Texas will pay a $100 fine for "unregulated masturbatory emissions" and undergo a digital rectal exam to get a vasectomy, a colonoscopy or a Viagra prescription. 

Farrar's proposed legislation, filed last week, calls on the Department of State Health Services to explain the rules in an illustrated booklet titled "A Man's Right to Know." 

Sound familiar? The Houston Democrat's bill is a satirical version of a Texas law passed in 2011 that requires women to have a sonogram and hear a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. Those rules are outlined in a booklet produced by the state called "A Woman's Right to Know." 

"A lot of people find the bill funny," Farrar told the Houston Chronicle. "What's not funny are the obstacles that Texas women face every day, that were placed there by legislatures making it very difficult for them to access health care."

As a supporter of women's rights I am all in favor of this.

As a man however I am deeply disturbed by even the idea of this.

Which one would assume is the point.

Besides what do I care? You could not get me to visit Texas at gunpoint.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Texas Senator gets so incensed over testimony against anti-abortion bill that he shatters a table with his gavel. Temper temper.

That last sound you heard was the glass on top of the table shattering.
Here is more on this courtesy of the San Antonio Current:  

It only took state Sen. Charles Schwertner ten minutes of listening to testimony against anti-abortion bills before he broke a table. 

 Schwertner, the Republican chair of the Texas Senate's Committee on Health and Human Services, spent Wednesday morning introducing and defending a bill that would ban most women from donating fetal tissue from their abortions to science. His legislation was bundled with two other anti-abortion bills — one to throw out the safest abortion procedure for second-trimester pregnancies, the other to mandate all abortion remains are buried and cremated — penned by two other GOP senators, Charles Perry and Don Huffines.

When it was the turn of Maggie Hennessy, a UT student and intern with NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, to speak however Schwertnerkind of lost his shit:

"Ms. Hennessy —" Schwertner interrupted a minute into her testimony. "Your time is done." 

But Hennessy went on, saying, "I urge you to all stop playing with reproductive health care like it's your own political puppet." That's when Schwertner dropped the gavel — so hard that he shattered the glass table before him. 

"Your time is done," he repeated.

It should be noted that the Senator let a speaker from the anti-abortion advocacy group Texas Right to Life, speak at least twice as long and did not once lose control of his gavel.

Boy these male politicians sure do get testy when the lady folk argue against them taking away their right to control their own bodies.

It's almost as if they still consider them second class citizens, or perhaps simply property, or maybe something even worse.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

New Arkansas law allows family members to stop abortion by suing the doctor.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

A new Arkansas law bans one of the safest and most common abortion procedures and allows family members to block an abortion by suing the abortion provider. 

Arkansas Act 45, signed by Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson last Thursday, bans dilation and evacuation abortions, the most common abortion procedure during the second trimester of pregnancy. Rushed from filing to law in less than two months, the legislation effectively blocks abortions after 14 weeks by making the safest procedure a felony. The earliest current abortion bans block the procedure after 20 weeks. 

With no exception for rape or incest, and a clause that allows a woman’s spouse or parent to sue an abortion provider, the law potentially allows the fetus’s father to sue even in cases of spousal rape or incest, abortion rights activists say. The law could go into effect as early as spring.

The way this law is written it might also allow a young girl's rapist to sue her and keep her from aborting his child. That way he can keep right on violating her.

So long 2017, welcome back 1950's.

This is just one more law in a whole slew of laws coming down the pike that will strip away the rights of women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community.

Welcome to Donald Trump's America.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Immediately after Donald Trump assumed office the White House website scrubbed all mention of Climate change. And so it begins.

Courtesy of Motherboard:  

At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming. 

It’s customary for to flip over to the new administration exactly at noon, but the only mention of climate on President Trump’s new website is under his “America First Energy Plan” page, in which he vows to destroy President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, which is a government-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change. To reiterate: It is normal that the site is completely new; it is notable that climate change is not mentioned on any one of Trump's new pages.

“President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule,” the site says. A search of the website found no mention of "global warming," and the only mentions of "climate change" were archived pages that, after clicking on the links, led to scrubbed pages.

This is only the beginning.

The website also scrubbed any mention of LGBTQ protections, Women's rights, civil rights, and health care.  

The Republicans, with Trump's help, are determined to reverse every bit of progress President Obama achieved, and to scrub him from the pages of history.

It will be up to us to protect his legacy, fight against any attempts to take us back to pre-Obama times, and remind people of all that he accomplished during his time in office.

Remember what a great American President once said, "WE are the change we have been waiting for."

And if we want to defend that change, then our fight is far from over.

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Trump transition team wants a list of State Department employees who worked on gender equality and ending violence against women. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of NPR: 

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has asked the State Department to list its workers who focus on gender equality and ending violence against women, in what's being seen as an echo of an earlier request for the Energy Department to list employees who work on climate change. 

In a brief email that was sent Wednesday morning, the Trump team asked the State Department's bureaus and offices to list any programs or activities that "promote gender equality, such as ending gender-based violence, promoting women's participation in economic and political spheres, entrepreneurship, etc." 

The email was acquired and published by The New York Times, which reports: 

"Although the wording of the memo is neutral and does not hint at any policy change, it rattled State Department employees, even those at senior levels. Some officials said they feared that the incoming Trump administration was trying to determine what programs were focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, though the memo did not refer to them." 

The team also asked the department offices to "note positions whose primary functions are to promote such issues" and to highlight any funds for the current financial year that are "already allocated to such programs and activities." 

Is it just me, or is every single new thing we learn about this administration more upsetting than the thing before?

I actually tried to imagine what possible reason the team could have for requesting this list if were NOT to do away with any work protecting women against violence or protecting them from gender bias, and I came up with nothing.

Targeting Energy Department employees for attempting to protect the planet, and now targeting State Department employees for attempting to protect women. All while talking about reentering a nuclear arms war.

Can it really get any worse than this?

Wait, don't answer that. I am afraid I already know the answer.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Trevor Noah interviews conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren. Perhaps his best interview so far.

Courtesy of the Business Insider: 

Conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren appeared for an interview on Trevor Noah's "The Daily Show," and it immediately turned confrontational as Noah asked Lahren to explain her positions. 

"Why are you so angry?" Noah asked Lahren to start after showing a clip of the conservative host for TheBlaze railing against protesters of President-elect Donald Trump in the days after Trump won the election. 

After saying she wasn't actually angry, Lahren said, "Sometimes people just need to be called on their s---." 

The nearly 30-minute interview covered a lot of political and cultural ground including Lahren's conflicted response to Trump's lewd "Access Hollywood" tape, Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, and the "shake-up" Lahren has said Trump will bring to Washington, DC.

This bleached blonde bimbette is so ignorant and filled with conservative rage that it hurts my brain to listen to the garbage that falls out of her mouth.

However I thought that Noah did a very good job with this interview.

One of the things that I have missed the most since Jon Stewart left was his incredibly ability to interview people and get to the meat of their disagreements without denigrating them or attacking them personally.

This is the first time I have seen Noah demonstrate that skill set.

There was a point at the end of this interview that made me literally cringe.

In response to Noah's question about how black Americans should protest, she says this:

"I being a woman, I didn't have rights until after black people, until women got the right to vote. But because I feel I'm a woman, and I am marginalized in some way, I do not protest my country.....I don't protest, I'm not a victim."


This Lahren woman has NO idea how women, who she is very correct could not vote until 1920, got that right to vote.

They got the right because THEY PROTESTED THEIR COUNTRY!

In fact every fucking right this bleached barbie enjoys was earned on the backs of citizens who not only fought oppression and died during a war, but also protested in the streets against business, religious, and government powers who did not believe they deserved the same rights as the white Christian men who made the laws.

I think this entitled piece of conservative fluff, literally thinks that she has the job that she has solely based on her talent, and that she owes NOTHING to the woman who protested for her right to have a job in field that only thirty or forty years ago was a boys only club.

In reality she is nothing more than a younger, thinner version of a know nothing Sarah Palin, who spouts conservative talking points when you pull her string, and gets to be on television because men like to watch her rants with their hands down their pants.

She is an embarrassment to women every where, and she is too ignorant and self righteous to realize it.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

VP candidate Tim Kaine seems to be at odds with Hillary Clinton's desire to repeal the Hyde Amendment.

(To hear the relevant portions fast forward to the 4:45 mark.)

Courtesy of CNN: 

Tim Kaine differs with Hillary Clinton on a longstanding rule banning federal taxpayer dollars from funding abortions, the Democratic vice presidential candidate told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," in an interview that aired Sunday. 

That's a rare policy disagreement with Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, and her running mate, who said he was "so humbled" to be chosen for the ticket. 

"My job is really to just do everything I can to support a great Clinton presidency and I'm really excited to be off and running on that task," the Virginia senator said. 

Abortion, though, remains a point of difference between the pair. Kaine said he supports the Hyde Amendment, a 40-year-old rule preventing federal taxpayer dollars from funding abortions. That contradicts comments by Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in a July 24 "State of the Union" appearance. Kaine "has said that he will stand with Secretary Clinton to defend a woman's right to choose, to repeal the Hyde Amendment," Mook quoted Kaine as saying. 

"My voting position on abortion hasn't really changed," Kaine said in the interview aired Sunday. "I support the Hyde Amendment. I haven't changed that."

Well this is interesting, and kind of addresses some of the concerns that certain progressive had about Hillary's selection of Tim Kaine.

While it is nice to hear that he supports Roe vs Wade, it is a little troubling that he is not as pro-choice as Hillary. Or as pro-choice as the majority of progressives in this country.

The thing that is kind of frustrating to me is that Kaine's point of view seems to stem completely from his Catholic faith, which means that he is a candidate for the VP slot on the Democratic ticket whose opinions are informed by a belief in primitive superstitions.

That is quite troubling in 2016.

As I have stated before I really don't give a shit what fantasies you choose to embrace so long as they do not impact your real world decisions.

Friday, July 29, 2016

According to Mike Pence if Donald Trump is elected Roe vs Wade will be "consigned to the trash heap of history."

A new day is dawning ladies, and it's not one where your rights are respected.
Courtesy of the LA Times:  

GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Thursday predicted Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion, would be overturned if Donald Trump is elected president. 

“I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it,” he said during a town hall meeting here. “We’ll see Roe vs. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.” 

The comments — made in a conservative stronghold that strongly supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz over Trump in the Michigan primary — were part of a broader argument Pence has been making on the stakes of the election: Voters need to consider that the next president will likely select multiple Supreme Court justices. 

Pence said Trump would appoint strict constitutionalists in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. 

“While we’re choosing a president for the next four years, this next president will make decisions that will impact our Supreme Court for the next 40,” he said. “… Go tell your neighbors and your friends, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of sanctity of life, for the sake of our 2nd Amendment, for the sake of all our other God-given liberties, we must insure the next president appointing justices to the Supreme Court is Donald Trump.”

Yet another reminder to the whiny little bitches thinking of voting third party or sitting this one out that the stakes could not be higher. 

If you think you are "voting your conscience" by not voting for Hillary ask your conscience how it will feel if you skip this election, or flush your vote down the commode, and Trump's new Supreme Court appointees destroy a woman's right to choose.

I don't know about anybody else's conscience but mine would never stop punishing me.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Supreme Court decision huge victory for women's rights and pro-choice groups in America.

Courtesy of the HuffPo:  

The Supreme Court struck as unconstitutional part of a restrictive Texas statute that threatened to shutter half of the state’s remaining abortion clinics and deny millions of women the right to a safe abortion. 

The ruling in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt represents the most significant victory for abortion rights at the high court since the turn of the century, as states have scrambled to pass and defend similar laws across the country, seeking to chip away at the landmark Roe v. Wade. 

Writing for a 5-3 majority, Justice Stephen Breyer said the two Texas laws at issue in the case are unconstitutional. 

“We conclude that neither of these provisions offers medical benefits sufficient to justify the burdens upon access that each imposes,” he wrote. “Each places a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking a previability abortion, each constitutes an undue burden on abortion access, and each violates the Federal Constitution.”

Damn there is so much going on today I can barely keep up. 

And I imagine that these are the kinds of decisions we can continue to expect from our Supreme Court once President Hillary Clinton replaces the now deceased Antonin Scalia with somebody who actually respects the laws in this country.

Damn kids, things are really starting to look up.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

President Obama comes very, very close to endorsing Hillary Clinton for President.

Okay remember, be subtle.
Courtesy of Politico: 

In his speech Tuesday commemorating the designation of a new national monument honoring women's equality, President Barack Obama said he looked forward to the day when future visitors to the Washington, D.C., site would be "astonished" that at one point in time, a woman had never been president. 

“I want young girls and boys to come here 10, 20, 100 years from now to know that women fought for equality, it was not just given to them. I want them to come here and be astonished there was ever a time when women could not vote," Obama said during his remarks at the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument, which served as the headquarters of the National Woman's Party since 1929. 

"I want them to be astonished that there was ever a time when women earned less than men for doing the same work." "I want them to be astonished that there was ever a time when women were vastly outnumbered in the boardroom or in Congress, that there was ever a time when a woman had never sat in the Oval Office," he remarked. 

Hold on. The President wants young girls and boys who some to the monument in 10 or 20 years to be astonished that there was ever a time when a woman had never sat in the Oval Office?

Because the only way for that to seem unremarkable is if we were to actually elect a female president in the very near future, and the only woman poised to meet that criteria is Hillary Clinton.

And this follows closely on the heels of this comment from Joe Biden: 

"This country’s ready for a woman," Biden said. "There’s no problem. We’re gonna be able to elect a woman in this country. I would like to see a woman elected.”

Now the Vice President also claimed that neither he nor the President were going to endorse any candidates, but I guess that doesn't mean they're not going to drop hints like crazy up until the nomination now does it?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chris Matthews gets Donald Trump to say that he believes women should be jailed for having an abortion.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who had abortions should face “some form of punishment” if Republicans were successful in banning the practice. 

During a town hall event that set to air on MSNBC Wednesday night, host Chris Matthews insisted that Trump could not dodge the question of how to enforce an abortion ban. 

“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump replied. “I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” 

“There has to be some form of punishment,” he said. 

“For the woman?” Matthews pressed. 

“Yeah,” Trump replied, adding that the punishment would “have to be determined.”

You know I think that Matthews gets a lot of well deserved criticism, but damn sometimes he is exactly the right kind of interviewer to the truth out of these politicians. 

Here was how Hillary responded.

So I guess under a Trump presidency things like women's rights, and settled Supreme Court cases simply would not matter.

Good to know.