Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Happy Easter heathens!

Y'all know the story.

Jesus died.

They buried him.

He rose from the dead.

And then he started biting people and that's how Christianity spread throughout the world.

I may be a little hazy on the specifics, and I HAVE been watching a lot of zombie movies, but I think that's the gist.

Personally I do not think it is all that weird that Easter fell on April Fool's Day this year.

After all I have been calling it a fool's holiday for decades.

But still, in the interest of human fellowship, I hope you have a great holiday.

And stay away from those Peeps, I have it on good authority that they are Satanic.

I'm pretty sure these kids think the Easter Bunny is as well.
Christianity, terrifying children for over 2000 years now. 

Monday, February 05, 2018

Believe it or not it may be retiring Congressman Trey Gowdy who put the final nail in the "secret memo" coffin.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

CBS's Margaret Brennan pressed Gowdy on whether he believes the memo has "no impact on the Russia probe." 

"Not to me, it doesn't — and I was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it," Gowdy, who recently announced he will not seek reelection, said. 

"There is a Russia investigation without a dossier. So to the extent the memo deals with the dossier and the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] process, the dossier has nothing to do with the meeting at Trump Tower. The dossier has nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica." 

He added that the dossier has "nothing to do with George Papadopoulos's meeting in Great Britain." 

"It also doesn't have anything to do with obstruction of justice. So there's going to be a Russia probe, even without a dossier," he said.

And that my friends, is that. 

Also keep in mind that Gowdy was the one that Nunes sent to read the actual documentation behind those FISA applications.

He then brought his notes to Nunes and his staff, and that is where this memo originated.

So if Gowdy is stating emphatically that the memo has "no impact on the Russia probe" THAT is game over.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

It's Sunday so why wouldn't Donald Trump attack NFL players? Update!

These two tweets are from just this morning as Trump apparently decided to triple down on his infantile attacks directed at football players who exercise their First Amendment rights.

(This of course was briefly interrupted when Trump switched gears and briefly got into a kerfuffle with NBA players yesterday.)

Unfortunately for Trump while all of this might play well with the slack jawed morons who attend his thinly disguised KKK rallies, it does NOT play well in the rest of the country.

Instead Trump has now made national heroes of defiant football and basketball players, as well as some of their moms.
Last night even the great Stevie Wonder waded into the controversy.

 Courtesy of CNN:

Legendary musician Stevie Wonder took both knees at a New York music festival, seemingly showing solidarity with NFL players criticized by President Donald Trump hours earlier. 

"Tonight, I'm taking a knee for America; but not just one knee, I'm taking both knees," he said on stage Saturday before his performance at the Global Citizens Festival. 

"Both knees in prayer for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world and our globe. Amen ..." 

During the event, Wonder also spoke about interrupting hate, bigotry and condemning sexism.

One of Trump's supporters, who also happens to own an NFL team, had this to say:

One of Donald’s Trump most prominent NFL supporters offered his regrets on Sunday following the President’s comments on NFL players remarks kneeling during the national anthem. 

“I’m pissed off, I’ll be honest with you,” Rex Ryan said on ESPN’s Sunday NFL Countdown. “I supported Donald Trump. When he asked me to introduce him at a rally in Buffalo, I did that. But I am reading these comments and it is appalling to me. And I am sure it is appalling to almost any citizen in our country. It should be. I mean, calling our players S.O.Bs and that kind of stuff, that is not the men that I know. The men I know in the locker room, I am proud to be associated with them in the locker room. 

“I apologize for being pissed off but that’s it. Right away I am associated with what Donald Trump stands for because I introduced him. I never signed up for that. I never wanted that.”

And just today NFL players in London also took a knee in protest:

 And that included both teams by the way.

Donald Trump just lit a fire under a protest movement that is surely going to spread throughout the country.

I expect soon we will see players in every sport, and athletes of every ethnicity, following these examples and sending Trump a simple message.


Update: Yep, it's spreading.
So does Trump want the entire Pittsburgh Steelers team to be fired now?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Trump attorney says that president is not talking about pardons, while at the same time his new spokesperson is saying he JUST had a conversation with Trump about pardons.

Courtesy of Red State: 

The president in that tweet stated something that is rather unremarkable, that is, under the Constitution, Article II, Section 2, the President has the authority to pardon. But, I want to be clear on this, George, we have not, and continue to have not, conversations with the President of the United States regarding pardons. Pardons have not been discussed and pardons are not on the table. With regard to the issue of a president pardoning himself, there’s a big academic discussion going on right now, an academic debate. You’ve got Professor Tribe arguing one point, you’ve got Professor Turley arguing another point, and while it makes for interesting academic discussions, let me tell you what the legal team is not doing. We’re not researching the issue, because the issue of pardons is not on the table. There is nothing to pardon from.

Well there you go then. This is all just made up fake news that is not backed up by any fac.......wait what just happened?

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Scaramucci why Trump tweeted about his “complete power” to pardon last week if no crimes had been committed. 

“Why even talk about pardons?” Wallace wondered. 

“This is one of those things about Washington, the convolution and the nature of things,” Scaramucci explained. “I’m in the Oval Office with the president last week and we were talking about that, he says he brought that up, but he doesn’t have to be pardoned, there’s nobody around him that has to be pardoned. He was just making the statement about the power of the pardon.” 

“Now, all of the speculation and all of the spin is he’s going to pardon himself,” he added. “The president does not need to pardon himself. And the reason he doesn’t need to pardon himself is he hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Sooooo Mooch was in the Oval Office talking about the subject that his attorney swears has never come up?

Well good thing we got that cleared up.

By the way his Mooch guy seems to essentially see his job as similar to the job performed by the spokesman for the North Korean dictator.
In other words his Trumpiness is perfect in every way, and any claims to the contrary are to be ignored as "fake news."

Oh this should be fun.

ABC invites Eric Bolling of Fox News to join Sunday panel, because apparently journalism is dead.

Courtesy of Media Matters:

Fox News host and Trump shill Eric Bolling is scheduled to appear as a panelist on ABC’s This Week. Aside from cheerleading everything President Donald Trump says and does, Bolling was a prominent birther who challenged former President Barack Obama’s legitimacy, as well as a racist, sexist and Islamophobic conspiracy theorist. Bolling has been one of Trump’s most outspoken media sycophants, even on Fox News. 

He’s dismissed Trump’s lies, downplayed the controversies surrounding the president, and deflected blame from Trump and his allies. Even his colleagues at Fox News have called him a “Trump apologist.” Bolling has also criticized the integrity of the host of This Week, George Stephanopoulos. In October, Bolling speculated that Good Morning America, ABC’s morning show which Stephanopoulos also hosts, did not cover hacked emails from former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s top aides released on WikiLeaks because Stephanopoulos used to work for former President Bill Clinton.

MM goes on to list a number of sexist, racist, and Islamophobic remarks that Bolling has made over the years, complete with video, and then sums up the problem with his appearance on what is considered a serious Sunday news program at the bottom of the page: 

During his time at Fox News, Bolling has pushed a number of conspiracy theories. He was a big force behind the “birther” conspiracy theory that alleged that Obama was not born in the U.S. After Obama released his long-form birth certificate, Bolling still claimed, that “there is a legitimate question as to whether or not the president of the United States is allowed to be president of the United States.” 

Bolling took it upon himself to thoroughly examine Obama’s birth certificate on air, even speculating that the certificate’s border showed it may have been photoshopped. Bolling also speculated about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich who was murdered in 2016, dismissing the police conclusion that his death was the result of a botched robbery: “It’s clearly not a robbery. There wasn’t a robbery. … This was a hit.” Bolling concluded that there’s “lots of smoke right now” and that the death was “like an episode of Homeland.” 

Beyond that, Bolling has pushed a number of other conspiracy theories, alleging that Obama was trying to “bring people closer to the cities” to keep an eye on them and questioning whether Obama “let” an oil rig leak so he “could renege on his promise” to “allow some offshore drilling.” Perhaps his most entertaining conspiracy theory came in 2011 when Bolling wondered if “liberal Hollywood was using class warfare [in a Muppets movie] to brainwash our kids.”

Simply put not only should Eric Bolling NEVER be given legitimacy by inviting him on an actual news show, but NONE of the Fox News talking heads, or Right Wing radio hosts, should be provided that platform to spread their lies to the American people. 

And yes I include Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren, and Hugh Hewitt in that category.

These are NOT journalists.

They are purveyors of conspiracy theories, alternative facts, and Right Wing talking points. 

There is a place for that, but it is certainly NOT on actual news programs that advertise themselves as practicing journalism.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Trump attorney suggests that Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Russians was not nefarious because Secret Service did not interfere. SS crushes that argument.

So this is the argument put forward by Trump attorney Jay Sekulow on various Sunday news program yesterday.

On its face it is kind of ridiculous since the Secret Service is supposed to protect candidates and their families from physical harm, not stupid choices.

However as it turns out the SS has an even better reason why they did not protect Junior from himself.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

The Secret Service responded on Sunday to President Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow’s claim that Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the campaign would not have happened if the Secret Service had considered it “nefarious.” 

“If this was nefarious, why'd the Secret Service allow these people in?” Sekulow asked on ABC’s “This Week.” 

"The president had Secret Service protection at that point," he said. "That raised a question with me.” However, that protection did not extend to Trump Jr. at the time, according to the Secret Service. 
"Donald Trump, Jr. was not a protectee of the USSS in June, 2016. Thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at that time,” Secret Service spokesman Mason said in a statement to Reuters on Sunday.

So to be clear so far the line of defense for Junior taking this meeting are that Hillary Clinton may have received town hall questions early and the not yet assigned Secret Service agents did not stop the Russians from meeting with Donnie Jr, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort.

This is all like an SNL skit come to life.

Monday, February 13, 2017

White House policy adviser, Stephen Miller, states emphatically that Donald Trump's powers "will not be questioned."

Courtesy of Share Blue:  

Donald Trump senior policy advisor Stephen Miller’s debut on the Sunday shows was rife with troubling foreshadowing, with his high-volume repetition of Trump talking points and botched invocation of Trump’s “voter fraud” lie.

There was one moment, though, which stood out for its shocking audacity: Miller explicitly told Face the Nation’s John Dickerson that Trump’s power exceeds that of the judiciary, the people of the United States, the free press, or anyone else. 

Miller railed against a “supreme” judicial branch in other television appearances, but on CBS, he made Trump’s despotic ambitions explicit (emphasis added):

"The end result of this, though, is that our opponents, the media, and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial, and will not be questioned."

Just a reminder that Donald Trump did not run to be president.

He ran to be king.  And he will not suffer those he considers "less than" to dare question him, his authority, or his policies.

Even if they are wearing judicial robes and representing the third branch of the government.

By the way this beady eyed little shit weasel made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows, and essentially repeated the same old talking points in each and every interview.

In fact in several of the interviews it appeared that he was reading the answers off of a teleprompter:
Well good, then I wasn't just imagining it.

So gee look, yet another soulless, dead eyed, seemingly animatronic spokes-liar representing the Trump administration.

I wonder if they build these in a factory, or if they are the result of some frightening Nazi inspired biological experimentation?

Monday, February 06, 2017

CNN refuses to have Kellyanne Conway on their Sunday show because of "serious questions about her credibility."

Courtesy of WaPo: 

CNN declined to welcome Conway onto the set of Jake Tapper’s “State of the Union” over the weekend. The reasons? Because Team Trump volunteered her instead of Vice President Mike Pence, but also because of “serious questions about her credibility,” according to the New York Times. 

Kellyanne Conway responded to that story with this tweet:
But CNN was having none of that.
Of course all of this started after Conway was caught lying about the now famous "Bowling Green Massacre."

Which Conway has repeatedly attempted to explain away as a simple one time misstatement.

However the Washington Post found that Conway had a history of telling that particular lie:

Kellyanne Conway thinks she took too much flak for citing a nonexistent “Bowling Green massacre” to justify President Trump's travel ban. She said she simply meant to say “Bowling Green terrorists,” and she later said, “I misspoke one word.” 

Except now she doesn't appear to have misspoken at all; she seems to have believed that the Bowling Green massacre was a real thing. 

How do we know? Because she cited the same nonexistent attack in separate interviews with two other outlets — Cosmopolitan magazine and TMZ. 

While discussing why former president Barack Obama halted refugees from Iraq in 2011, Conway explained to Cosmo on Jan. 29: “He did that because two Iraqi nationals came to this country, joined ISIS, traveled back to the Middle East to get trained and refine their terrorism skills and come back here, and were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre of taking innocent soldiers' lives away.” 

And she echoed those comments when interviewed by TMZ that same day, as the Daily Beast pointed out Monday afternoon. 

“He did that because, I assume, there were two Iraqis who came here, got radicalized, joined ISIS, and then were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green attack on our brave soldiers,” she said. 

All bullshit.

Gee, no wonder CNN did not want her on their Sunday programs. 

In fact at this point why would ANYBODY invite her on to tell her lies?

And while we are on the subject why would new outlets invite ANY of Donald Trump's people on to lie?

Because none of them, not ANY of them, actually consistenly tell the truth.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

New Trump team strategy, hacks happen every election period and this one did not change the outcome.

Damn do I dislike this woman!

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Instead of focusing on the crux of the report — that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a multifaceted campaign aimed at helping Trump take the White House — members of the president-elect's team emphasized Russia's failure to actually disrupt the country's democracy and influence election results. 

Incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday he thinks Trump accepts the findings of the intelligence community. 

"He is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign," Priebus told "Fox News Sunday." 

But, he alleged, that's not new. 

"It happens every election period," he said.

Okay that is simply not true.

But even if it were true it would not matter unless the people doing the hacking released that information out into the new media in order to benefit the candidate they wanted to win.

Here is more of Kellyanne's spin on this topic: 

She said foreign entities hacking the U.S. is not new and sought to pivot from discussing election meddling, alleging that under President Obama there have been hacks of the Department of Defense and Department of State. 

"Very concerning," she said of such cyber attacks on NBC's "Meet The Press," noting there was " very little punishment." Americans should know the country is "woefully unprepared for cybersecurity in the 21st century," she added. 

At the same time, she maintained that Russia's attempt to meddle in the presidential race had failed. 

"They did not succeed. They did not succeed to embarrassing this country on the world stage," she said. 

"They did not succeed in throwing the election to Donald Trump. That's very clear in this report."

As I have mentioned before that last part is not even mentioned in the report.

So to sum up the Trump team's talking points are, there is nothing new about this, it did not change the outcome of the election, and the news media is blowing this all out of proportion.

It may be a little challenging, but remember THESE are the REPUBLICANS, talking about RUSSIA.

Russia was the GOP's go to bogeyman for decades.

But now that they have actually undermined our democratic process we get, "Move on, nothing to see here."

And they are not alone, Trump voters seem to be in total agreement: 

“Sour grapes,” explained Bob Marino, 79, weighing in on the recent spycraft bombshell from the corner table of a local McDonald’s. 

“Sour grapes,” agreed Roger Noel, 65, sitting next to him. 

“Bunch of crybabies,” Reed Guidry, 64, offered from across the table. 

But Mr. Gubert came to a different conclusion. 

“If that’s what it took,” he said, “I’m glad they did it.”

And that is how America was taken over by a hostile foreign government boys and girls.

NOT after a long and destructive world war, but with a few simply hacks, a compliant media, and a complacent electorate. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Trump team now coming out pretty aggressively against this recount effort.


"But this is the president-elect’s position right now and I would say he has been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when, for whatever reason, her folks are saying they will join in a recount to try to somehow undo the 70 plus electoral votes that he beat her by. I mean this — you know, I was asked on CNN and elsewhere, goodness a thousand times, will Donald Trump accept the election results? And now you’ve got the Democrats and Jill Stein saying they do not accept the election results? She congratulated him and conceded to him on election night. I was right there. And the idea that we are going to drag this out now where the president-elect has been incredibly magnanimous to the Clintons and to the Obamas is incredible."

 The above was from this morning, but Conway was also talking about it yesterday: 

“What a pack of sore losers,” she said in a statement on Saturday. “After asking Mr. Trump and his team a million times on the trail, ‘Will HE accept the election results?’ it turns out Team Hillary and their new BFF Jill Stein can’t accept reality.” 

“Rather than adhere to the tradition of graciously conceding and wishing the winner well, they’ve opted to waste millions of dollars and dismiss the democratic process. The people have spoken. Time to listen up. #YesYourPresident,” Conway said.

And then both she and Reince Priebus talked on NBC and Fox News about the recount:

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Conway said the recount effort was “confounding and disappointing.” And Reince Priebus, the incoming White House chief of staff, said on “Fox News Sunday” that the planned recount would serve “only to divide this country when we need to come together.”

No, actually this recount can serve to bring the country together by proving beyond any doubt that Trump legitimately won this election, (You know aside from all of that Russian hacking, unnecessary GOP investigations, and FBI putting their thumb on the scale of course.)

The only way it would further divide the country would be if.....Oh, so perhaps there is something to find here?

By the way do I even need to remind everybody that Trump once said this: 

"I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States, that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election - if I win," he said. 

He added he would accept "a clear election result," but reserved the right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result.

And that was BEFORE the election even took place.

Yet now that he has "won," he would fault the Hillary campaign, or anybody else, for wanting to request a recount?

I guess it really doesn't matter that my irony meter has been broken for over a year now, because this would probably just break in anyhow.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Bernie Sanders refuses to acknowledge that he has no path to the nomination, turns to super delegates for help. Update!

Courtesy of Mediaite:

The math isn’t there and a lot of pundits are saying this is over, and yet Bernie Sanders affirmed on CBS this morning that it’s not “impossible.” 

Sanders acknowledged it’s an “uphill fight” as John Dickerson told him it is mathematically impossible for him to win now. Sanders said it’s still possible he wins the majority of pledged delegates, but if not his campaign is ready to make their case to superdelegates.

During the interview Sanders repeatedly makes the case that polls show he is in a stronger position to beat Donald Trump than is Hillary Clinton, but the facts are that the only reason that appears true right now is because the Republicans have mostly left him alone.

Once the GOP really ramps things up Sanders will find his poll numbers dropping like a lead balloon.

Of course the Republicans will never get that chance, because Bernie Sanders simply does NOT have a path to victory.


Update: Sanders is also predicting that there will be a contested convention: 

In a news conference from Washington, D.C., on Sunday, the Vermont senator urged superdelegates from states where he has won the majority of the vote to reconsider their support. 

"It is virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention delegates by June 14 with pledged delegates alone," he said. 

"She will need superdelegates to take her over the top. The convention will be a contested contest," he said.

This can only make those who despise Hillary Clinton happy. 

Democrats having their act together and acting like the grownups while the Republicans bicker and fight at their convention is our best strategy moving forward.

If the American voter sees infighting in both parties, it takes away much of our advantage.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Marco Rubio is not happy (But he's kind of happy.) about the Paris attacks.

Courtesy of Addicting Info: 

When Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio was asked by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday if he thinks his “foreign policy credentials” are giving him “a boost with voters” after the terror attacks, Rubio responded: 

“I obviously am not happy about the events that happened last week in Paris, but I think it’s a positive development that it suddenly has forced Americans to confront more carefully the issue of national security, because it is the most important thing a president will do, and it’s the most important function of the federal government.” 

He literally just said, “I’m not happy, BUT…” So, in other words, yes, he is quite pleased that an event took place that will boost his polls numbers as he’s able to display what a xenophobic war hawk he is.

Make no mistake, the attacks in Paris are a gift to the Republican candidates.

Their only real hope of defeating the Democratic candidate is for the American people to be frightened into voting for what they perceive as the party of defense.

Remember that during the Bush administration we were kept in a constant state of fear with those terror warnings which allowed the Republicans to torture in our name, spy on us in our homes, and attack Iraq without justification.

Unfortunately for the Republicans our most likely candidate will be Hillary Clinton, and it is hard to make the case that the former Secretary of State will not be aware and prepared for acts of terrorism.

In fact she is currently leading in the polls when Americans are asked who they trust more to protect us from terrorism. 

Yes I know they will attack her over Benghazi (Good luck with that!), and just about everything else they can come up with, but the fact still remains that her resume puts ALL of theirs to shame.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Donald Trump doubles down on Muslim database and suggests bringing back waterboarding.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

After pointing out that a majority of the Syrian refugees were, in fact, women and children, Stephanopoulos wondered if Trump would bring back waterboarding, which was banned by President Barack Obama. 

“We have to be strong,” the candidate insisted. “You know, they don’t use waterboarding over there, they use chopping off people’s heads, they use drowning people.” 

“I would bring it back, I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they do to us,” he opined. “I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.”

Earlier in the exchange you can her Stephanopoulos pointedly asking Trump about the Muslim database, which he had walked back earlier, and he reiterates that he "definitely wants a database and other checks and balances."

So not only would Trump be willing to single out all Muslims and force them into a database, but he also likes the idea of perhaps doing a little waterboarding if there is any suspicion of terrorist proclivities.

Gee, you would think he had a side job as a recruiter for Daesh.

Most recent polls have Trump leading the rest of the pack by ten points or more.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Ben Carson's racist appeal revealed in all its disgusting detail on MSNBC's "Up" this morning.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

On Sunday’s episode of Up, host Richard Lui asked Republican strategist and Irish Name Generator O’Brien Murray what Carson’s appeal was to a group of Republican voters, and Murray explained that Carson was a “black man attacking a black president.” Democratic strategist L. Joy Williams agreed, but put it in slightly different terms:Murray: It was his attack of Obama, and frankly a black man attacking a black president, which is something people get away… Williams: And that’s where we are. 

Murray: When you talk about it years ago, remember he stood in front of the president and he made his bona fides originally attacking the president face to face, at a prayer breakfast, mind you. 

…Williams: The really important thing of people supporting him because it’s, oh, there’s another black man commenting or — negatively against the president, and I don’t feel comfortable in doing so because of the race factor. So here’s someone who can do it that’s kind of — 

Murray: Not at all. The question was what was he doing. He was attacking the president, and he was going after him in such a way that was very well pointed out, where the issues were with the president with Obamacare and other things. Given his narrative and history and his bio, which is fantastic — 

Williams: Which is one n terms of having the, I was going to say, having the “safe negro” comment on someone that you’re against. 

Murray: No, not at all!

I actually watched this exchange this morning and I was nodding my head the entire time.

I think a lot of us have known for quite awhile that Carson's appeal was almost exclusively  connected to the fact that he criticized the President to his face during that prayer breakfast back in February.

Before that he was a relative unknown, and after that he was a conservative star.

And this did two things for the conservatives and the Republican party. It provided cover for their own racism, and it gave them their own, sorry but this is true, Uncle Tom to use as a surrogate for attacking the President and his policies.

Salon knows what I'm talking about:

White conservatives love Ben Carson, the black face in a high place, in a sea of white candidates, because his symbolic presence provides cover for the white supremacist politics endorsed by the post-civil rights era Republican Party.

And by the way, that is essentially almost the exact same reason that Carly Fiorina has the support she has as well. Only instead of President Obama, her target is Hillary Clinton. And instead of covering for the Republican party's racism, she is covering for its sexism.

So yes the Republicans use these tokens in their party as pawns to deflect criticism.

But if you think that Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, or even Ted Cruz are going to win this nomination, then you my friend have simply NOT been paying attention.

It is going to be a white guy. And you can take that to the bank.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Jeb bush trips all over himself trying to explain why it is reasonable to blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi but not blame his brother for 9-11.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Tapper wondered if Bush’s loyalty to his brother “might be in some ways a political or policy liability blinding you to mistakes he made.” 

“It’s what you do after that matters,” Bush insisted. “Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11? If they do, they’re totally marginalized in our society. It’s what he did afterwards that mattered, and I’m proud of him. And so are a bunch of other people.” 

“Obviously al Qaeda was responsible for the terrorist attacks of 9/11,” the CNN host pressed. “But how do you respond to critics who ask if your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all, how do you then make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?” 

Bush stammered in response: “Well, I — the question on Benghazi, which we will now finally get the truth to, is was the place secure? They had a responsibility at the Department of State to have proper security.” 

“And how was the response in the aftermath of the attack?” he continued. “Was there a chance that these four American lives could have been saved? That’s what the investigation is about, it’s not a political issue… Were we doing the job of protecting our embassies and our consulates, and during the period, those hours after the attacks started, could they have been saved?” 

“That’s kind of proving the point of the critics,” Tapper noted. “You don’t want you brother to bear responsibility for 9/11 — and I understand that argument and al Qaeda is responsible — but why are the terrorists not the ones that are responsible for these attacks in Libya?” 

“They are!” Bush replied. “But if the ambassador was asking for additional security and they didn’t get it, that’s a proper point. And if it’s proven that the security was adequate compared to other embassies, then fine, we’ll move on.”

Actually there was already a report released back in 2014 which found that Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration acted appropriately to the attack, and that there was no cover up: 

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.

Of course Jeb! already knows this just like WE all know that his brother was warned repeatedly about a pending terrorist attack before 9-11 and did nothing to stop it. 

it should also be noted that there were 39 separate attacks on American embassies or embassy personnel during the Bush Administration resulting in the deaths of 87 people. Not all of them were American of course, but enough were to make the American death toll significantly higher than at Benghazi.

Simply put Donald Trump is destroying Jeb's candidacy one trolling tweet at a time, and Jeb! is helping him do it by rushing to defend his brother which invites unfavorable comparisons with the Obama administration.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Sarah Palin's CNN interview attracted attention as she hoped. And once again most of it is not favorable.

Sarah Palin apparently on her way to Washington D.C. (Source)
I, like I am sure some of you, have a Google alert for Sarah Palin to keep me up to date on anything that she might do or say that is blog worthy.

Most of the time, thankfully, it only sends things to me occasionally.

However after Sunday's CNN interview, it has been firing like a sub machine gun sending me links one after the other, with no end in sight.

Much of it has been focused on her ridiculous "Let's speak American" statement, but some news agencies found other moosenuggets of ignorance to mine. 

Such as this courtesy of Vox: 

Sarah Palin is already picking out a job for herself in the forthcoming Donald Trump administration. She'd like to run the Department of Energy for a brief period, before abolishing it. 

Sounds promising. Except for one tiny little hitch — it's not clear she even knows what the department does. Here's what she told CNN: 

"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind’s use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations." 

"I'd get rid of it. And I'd let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries and the people who are affected by the developments within their states. If I were in charge of that, it would be a short-term job, but it would be really great to have someone who knows energy and is pro-responsible development to be in charge." 

Except this all has very little to do with the Department of Energy, which mainly oversees the nation's nuclear weapons program — a task consuming nearly half its budget — and conducts energy R&D. 

What Palin wants is the Department of Interior, which manages most federal lands. They're the ones handling leases for coal mining or supervising offshore oil and gas drilling. If you wanted to transfer public lands back to the states, you'd focus on Interior, not Energy. 

The article goes on to say that even if she were to get the Department of Interior position, a job that she is chronically unfit to fill, she would still not be able to shut it, or any other department, down.

A fact, by the way, that should not have to be explained to anybody with even a middle school education.

It was not this, but yet another one of her statements in the interview, which inspired Ring of Fire to ask this question:

We think that Sarah Palin just may be the stupidest person in politics. She recently told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she’d “rather have a president who is tough and puts America first than can win a game of trivial pursuit.” What Palin was responding to was the fact that Trump could not answer several questions regarding current foreign policy issues and known terrorist groups, just as Palin could not once remember a single newspaper she reads. To Sarah knowing about the politics and issues in other countries is “trivial”. All you need to know about is America, and protecting white, Christian, people, and especially rich men. 

The depressing thing here is that this is not hyperbole. She means it. She really rather have a barbaric numbskull in the White House, someone like Trump, than an intellectual mind with logic, reason, diplomacy, and the best interest of the entire country (present and future) at the center of all decisions.

Like I said many moosenuggets of ignorance to mine.

However this response is understandable only if you care about facts. If your thing is faith, well then you find inspiration in the interview, such as this Catholic blogger did when Palin lied about the circumstances surrounding Trig's birth:

There's a few things to love here. The way Sarah Palin speaks from the heart and experience about the miracle of life even when one is scared about their child being different. 

And that really seems to be the line of demarcation here.

If you look at Sarah Palin through a critical lens she is an ignoramus of almost stunning proportions.

But if you look at her through the eyes of faith........

Well whatever lens you see her through, it is clear that Palin is pulling out all stops to get herself back onto the public stage, which is why we now see her heading off to Washington D.C. to join Ted Cruz and Donald Trump as they pontificate about a policy that they can do nothing to stop.

However failure is no obstacle to Sarah Palin. In fact for her it seems to almost be seen as a badge of honor. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

MTV broadcasts fake commercial about racial disparity during Video Music Awards. Seems to have really hit a nerve with racist white people.

This courtesy of Inverse:  

Turns out that the fictional White Squad was produced by MTV’s “Look Different” campaign, which aims to expose very real “hidden” (ha!) biases and tackle racial inequality. Skeptics may find it disingenuous, coming from MTV itself, but the ad does a brilliant job of exposing uncomfortable truths and targeting the audience that’s most likely to respond. Even white kids, who might not be aware of the discrimination their peers face, can look at White Squad and think, perhaps with a moment of clarity, “That’s fucked up.” 

On the Look Different website, the creators admit: “The truth is, we’re all a little biased — even MTV.” Challenging those biases, they say, is the first step to creating a more equal future. Maybe White Squad just leveraged its privilege to help out people of color after all.

Personally I thought the video was somewhat humorous, but also unfortunately quite accurate when it comes to how certain ethnicities are treated by the system in America.

You can kind of gauge that accuracy by how pissed off it makes white folks who are, of course, totally NOT racist.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:

As you can see these perfectly normal, every day, totally NOT racist Americans, have a point that there is no racism until MTV (And of course President Obama.) creates some by constantly bringing the topic up for discussion.

Could not be more clear.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pastor and Christian researcher claims that this Sunday may see at least 400 church leaders resign due to Ashley Madison hack.

Courtesy of Christianity Today:  

This week, I’ve already written a couple of posts on the Ashley Madison hack and information leak because pastors, Christian leaders, and families are facing devastating revelation and the after-effects of public sin. 

Based on my conversations with leaders from several denominations in the U.S. and Canada, I estimate that at least 400 church leaders (pastors, elders, staff, deacons, etc.) will be resigning Sunday. This is a significant moment of embarrassment for the church—and it should be. To be honest, the number of pastors and church leaders on Ashley Madison is much lower than the number of those looking to have an affair. Yet, there is still much that we must consider in the midst of the embarrassment. 

This Ed Stetzer guy, who wrote the article, is not some outsider reveling in the idea of the Christian church taking a huge blow due to either real or perceived adultery, he is very much an insider simply reporting on what he has been told by those caught up in this scandal.

Personally I think it would be amazing if even a quarter of this 400 were to resign due to their hypocrisy. I am not sure that will happen, but if it does it may force many in their congregations to start evaluating why they take their moral cues from such deeply immoral men.

You know I think I might just cancel my plans this Sunday and plant myself in front of the TV to watch a little Christian broadcasting.

God I love the smell of hypocrite flop sweat on a Sunday morning.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Perhaps the only Sunday school class I would attend voluntarily.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Larger-than-usual crowds of well-wishers meant former President Jimmy Carter had to teach an extra Bible class at his rural Georgia church and a local schoolhouse on Sunday, after he announced on Thursday cancer had spread to his brain. 

Carter, 90, a lifelong Baptist and church deacon, has taught Sunday school for decades, and the Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia, is used to a throng. 

The church’s website asks people to line up before 9:00 a.m. and attend an orientation before the 10 a.m. class. 

The theme of the lesson was love, Carter told the 300 people who filled the church’s sanctuary, after briefly alluding to his health. 

“We are studying the most important aspect of Christianity,” he said, and read from the Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Matthew: “I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

The article goes on to say that Carter taught a second Sunday school lesson so that those who could not attend the first were not left out. And then afterward he posed for pictures with well wishers for over half an hour.

You know along with the great Fred Rogers, Jimmy Carter is one of those people who literally embodies his Christian teachings.  Mr. Rogers was also a Sunday school teacher, and by EVERY account was as wonderful in private as we was on TV.

Jimmy Carter is also a great example of Christianity done right.

It really is too bad that there are so many out there using Christianity as an excuse to hate, or as camouflage to cover for their bad intent.

If there were more Jimmy Carters (And of course Mr. Rogers) serving as examples for their faith in the world, I bet there would also be fewer Christians leaving the fold.

And remember, this is an Atheist saying that.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Fox News is whining because after years of unprecedented attacks against President Obama he is freezing them out. Bummer.

Courtesy of Politicususa:  

After years of putting up with their attacks, President Obama is getting his revenge on Fox News by freezing them out of access and denying them exclusive interviews. 

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace went into full whine mode because the Obama White House refuses to send guests on to his show, “We wanted to ask Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson about the terror threat while the White House put him on another Sunday show. They declined to make him available to Fox viewers. The White House has made a number of guests available to other networks this year while excluding us and you. We did get to interview Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and DHS Secretary Johnson once this year, but only when they appeared on all five networks.”

What a pansy ass.

This is like complaining that the wife you abuse on a regular basis does not seem to love you anymore.

Actually considering the horrible treatment this President has endured at the hands of Fox News they're lucky he doesn't call in a drone strike against them.

I'm joking of course. But just barely.