Showing posts with label Glee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glee. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here is the video of President Obama's White House Correspondents Dinner performance. Good stuff here!

I have to say that I was at first confused by the live mic joke that started Obama's set. I caught on pretty fast however, and when the toilet flushes I was laughing out loud.

My daughter and I watched it together, and there were certainly portions of it that you HAD to be very well informed about politics and current events to pick up on. I kept having to tell her I wold explain it later, because if I tried to do it on the spot I missed the next joke. (I hate that!)

I thought the President was very good, and pretty damn edgy.  All I can say about that is that I certainly hope Morgan Freeman has a good sense of humor.

By the way here is Jimmy Kimmel's set.  I actually thought the President did a better job, though I laughed pretty hard at some of Kimmel's stuff. (NOT the unnecessary censorship schtick however.)

(P.S. I put this up last night as well, but for those who cannot play video here is the transcript of the President's remarks. I have to say though, it sounds much better the way the President delivers it.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gee I wonder if Sarah Palin is a "Gleek?"

Because if she is not she has just missed one of the funniest portrayals of a Mama Grizzly inspired character yet.

Get a load of this:

Wow! Kathy Griffin making fun of a Palinesque character on Glee.  I think that might be my personal "big smile making" trifecta.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are "Gleeks" ready for a "Sarah Palin-type" character to make an appearance on their favorite show? Are Palin-bots ready for Palin family critic Kathy Griffin to play that character?

From Gather:

A Glee casting call for a Sarah Palin-type, recently announced, was thought to be part of Kathy Griffin's character. Ryan Murphy was coy about his alleged Tea Party, Christian character for the script, but said there was no similarity to Palin, the real person.

Reportedly, the script for the upcoming Regionals episode called for someone to play the role as Tammy Jean, a Tea Party candidate and home-schooler (classic Sarah Palin).

However, an inside source refuted claims that the character was anything similar to the real Sarah Palin. Yea, right! What does the show's creator have to say about this bit of a casting melt-down?

Murphy, when queried about his intentions to cast Griffin's character as a Sarah Palin type, said he was trying to build on the right wing attacks he's taken in the past.

In an effort to move towards a diverse audience with inclusion on many levels, Ryan Murphy once said that he wanted to create a character in Glee that Christian kids and parents can recognize.

But who anointed Sarah Palin as the standard by which all Christians can identify? Is she suddenly an honorary spokesperson for all things Christian?

As much as Murphy has tried to side-step the Glee casting call for Sarah Palin type rumors, if it “walks like a duck and quacks like a duck”, perhaps it's a duck, Mr. Murphy. Just saying, bro.

Okay try not to judge me too harshly here, but both my daughter and I are dyed in the wool "Gleeks."  We watch the show together pretty much every week, along with her girlfriend, and it is quite the a bonding experience.

We both enjoy the humor and my daughter's singer/dancer girlfriend loves the musical numbers (Okay I confess, I kind of like them as well.)

As a fan of the show I am stoked by the idea of watching what they do with a "Sarah Palin-type" character. Especially one played by Kathy Griffin! (Can't you just hear Palin-bot heads exploding at the mere thought?)

In the past the creators of Glee have been accused of having a fairly obvious "liberal bias." (Why? Is there something wrong with that?)

For those of you unfortunate souls unfamiliar with this highly entertaining program here is but a taste.

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tired of political ads? Who isn't? But some are actually pretty fun to watch. Here is an example.

This "Glee" themed ad comes from Illinois Governor Pat Quinn who is in a neck and neck battle with local Teabagger Bill Brady for re-election.

You have to admit that was very imaginitive, and pretty entertaining to watch as well.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The one man who may serve as an antidote to the craziness of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin hints that he might be willing to take up that challenge.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Geese Witherspoon
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

I don't know about the rest of you but my money says that when it comes to a demonstration of support the Colbert Nation would wipe the floor with the pudgy pasty white Beckerheads.

What do you think?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hit show "Glee" has a liberal bias? Man I knew there was something about that show that I just loved!

Yeah kids stop watching this high school teen musical or you may find that your mind has been opened, that you find racism repugnant, and you are not ashamed of your sexuality.  In other words you might be turned into a thinker instead of a believer, a progressive instead of a regressive, and person who sees the glass as half full instead of filled with liberal poison.

And hey, we have good music too!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010