If you have not read the story about Rachel A. Dolezal you can read more about it
In a nutshell Dolezal is a white woman, who attended the predominantly black Howard university, married an African American man, has a biracial child, and has recently been the head of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington. Oh, she has also claimed to be biracial herself, which by the way is no prerequisite for working with the NAACP.
However it is pretty clear that Dolezal has some real issues, and seems to have lied about not only her racial heritage but also about several
events that took place in her life.
Here she is in an interview essentially being outed:
Okay so it's an odd story which has a lot of people talking about the definition of race in America.
However as a pasty white guy living in Alaska, I did not feel it was my place to weigh in on the story.
However being a pasty white woman from Alaska did not seem to stand in Sarah Palin's way:
Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what this white chick perpetrated. But it's a most crystal clear picture of so many screwed up things we've let society adopt as the norm. Namely, the practice nowadays of judging someone not based on character, but on skin color. Our original civil rights freedom fighters are rolling in their graves over the backward steps we've taken lately. It's politically incorrect to call out Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming she's American Indian, or dinging Obama for just making up his former multi-ethnic girlfriend, and I guarantee I'll be branded a racist for laughing at this Rachel Dolezal story. Whatever. Dolezal is an unsatisfied lily white leftist who believes the only thing less politically correct than being a white girl is to be a white guy today. Can't help but be preemptively amused as I post this and invite Dolzel's defenders wrath to aim and miss at we who won't put up with political correctness destroying truth in America. Oh, and on a personal note, I can finally look forward to the Left's positive comments about a scholar's association with college in Idaho! After all that high-falutin' criticism for choosing a good school that I could afford to attend while working my way through, graduating college debt-free, I can't wait to hear the former mockers of Idaho now defend the integrity of that great state's academia! Go Vandals!
Dufaq? Well hey, at least she's writing her own posts.
I was forced to actually visit Palin's link to Breitbart (Which I usually avoid because you know, cooties.) in an attempt to decipher this gibberish but it did nothing to help me.
I am not at all sure why she brought up her own college career (By the way it was five schools not one "good school."), but it seems to have little to do with Dolezal's story.
However her undisguised racism, as usual, is more than apparent, as is her penchant for making EVERY single story an opportunity to attack the President.
Which by the way is also somewhat racist.
My take is that meth, red bull, and computer keyboards should never be mixed together.
After all you have ghostwriters on retainer crazy lady, use'em.