This is from Ham's website, ironically name,
Answers in Genesis:
Christian education is under attack in America as never before. (Yep got to remind the sheep that they are constantly being persecuted, despite the fact that they own everything, control politics, and live in a country that they constantly brag is a "Christian nation.")
Today, we bring your attention to another attack on Christian education. A Christian K–12 school in South Carolina, with dedicated and highly qualified Christian teachers,1 has come under vicious attack by atheists. Why? Because one of its instructors, a fourth-grade teacher, tested her children about biblical creation, science, and dinosaurs (using AiG resources), and she has become (in)famous on many atheist websites and blogs.
The to demonstrate how unfair the criticism is he provides a picture of the actual test. Here it is.
As you can see we Atheists are completely overreacting to a test which tells the child that dinosaurs were only about he size of sheep, the earth is NOT billions of years old, and that the Bible is the "History book of the Universe." How unreasonable of us.
Hamm goes on:
The atheist buzz about the dinosaur-and-Bible quiz, however, is not really all that surprising. Over the past few years, we have seen atheists becoming more aggressive and intolerant towards Christians. (See the sidebar for just a few of the many examples we could cite.) They are attempting to impose their belief system (yes, their religion) on the culture.
It seems that since the last presidential election, atheists have grown more confident about having something of a license to go after Christians. These secularists want to impose their anti-God religion on the culture. They are simply not content using legislatures and courts to protect the dogmatic teaching of their atheistic religion of evolution and millions of years in public schools. There is something else on their agenda: they are increasingly going after Christians and Christian institutions that teach God’s Word beginning in Genesis.
"Teaching their atheistic religion of evolution?" Seriously?
Clearly this moron has NO idea where the difference lies between science and faith, and seems to be laboring under the assumption that they share similar traits.
NO! They do NOT!
Science is open to challenge by ANYBODY, and every student who enters into a university classroom is encouraged to exam the evidence, test the hypothesis, and see if they come to a similar or different conclusion. That is science.
Now religion? Yeah, not so much.
And yet this idiot, who cannot tell the difference between the two, writes "science" textbooks for children.
As an Atheist let me just say that I am not interested in attacking religion simply for being a religion, if it is taught as a relgion.
But when you try to pass it off as science? Yeah then we have a problem!