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So yes despite past attacks from the Sarah Palin Channel producers,
Wonkette has once again dared to go where no sane man dare tread to bring you yet another report of exactly what old people watch to help them go to sleep at night. A heavily drugged Sarah Palin talking about national security, terrorists, and what a bad job the President is doing.
Here is the transcript because as we know the minute that Palin sees I have put this up that bunch of TAPP assholes will force Wonkette to take it down:
"Now here's what I don't get. (Simple math equations? How to program the DVR? How to keep you family from attacking the neighbors?)
The world's largest and most powerful terrorist group has vowed to attack the United States. You're reading about that, hearing it on the news every night, right? (Assuming of course your TV only gets Fox News.)
It even has supporters in our nation, this horrible death cult. Supporters in our nation tweeting pictures of our national landmarks. including the White House. Taunting us.
Yet we don't protect our borders. (Wait, what? I thought we were talking about ISIS.)
So we can't stop this. Hard working Americans have struggled to find good work, and when they do find work that wages are low and they just can't seem to get ahead. (Okay so NOW we are talking about the minimum wage? I am so confused.)
Why? Partly because the flood of illegal immigration makes labor cheap. So cheap that it's hard to make a living. (Yeah, that's not really true.)
Come on President Obama, if you don't know that by now..whew..it's...it's..uh..well we don't protect our borders, the President isn't protecting our borders though that's one of his very first duties in office is to make sure that the homeland is secure. (Does anybody else hate the word "homeland?" It makes me feel that we are just one stiff armed salute from becoming the Fourth Reich.
Young people from across Central America are making a dangerous trek to America. Flooding the border, overwhelming our social services. Yet we still don't protect our borders. (Protect them from What? Young people from Central America crossing the desert?)
Nah, the President won't protect our borders because of POLITICS. As usual Barack Obama puts politics above good policy, above serving the people he swore to serve. Barack Obama wants to pander to special interests, He's even threatening to violate the Constitution, again. But only after the November elections. He says. That's when he'll grant amnesty to millions, upon millions of illegal immigrants.
This makes no sense for our national security. Makes no sense for our economy, Or for the health and welfare of the tens of thousands of foreign children who risk death to flood across our open border. He's inviting them over? He's putting them in danger, via his invitation to come on over. (So to be clear, Sarah Palin says that the President is putting the children who travel hundreds of miles to come to America at risk by not stopping them at the border and forcing them to walk the hundreds of miles back where they came from?)
In November though, mmm we have a choice. On one hand we have a party that wants to leave us vulnerable, and doesn't care if their immigration policies mean that hard working Americans, of every race and background (But mostly white.)
, struggle to get ahead.
On the other hand we have candidates who want to protect our nation. Protect our nation from the threat of terrorists, and drug and human traffickers, coming across our borders. Protect American jobs, protect American wages, and yes, protect the children too who are flooding our borders by discouraging them from taking such a dangerous trek.
So this is a call to action. You need to take action America. We can't just sit around complaining about this and throwing stones at the problem of these open borders. (Oh good, at least she is not advocating throwing stones at the children who travel hundreds of miles to cross our borders. That's something at least.)
We have to elect people in November who understand how important it is buck Obama's mission this time and not allow him to open the borders even more grandiose than he already has. ("More grandiose than he already has?" WTF?)
It makes no sense to open our borders, No sense that is unless you're just playing politics."
So yes if you are just joining us Sarah Palin has now completely blurred the lines between undocumented immigrants from right here on this continent looking for work and freedom, and terrorists from across the ocean looking to launch an attack on our country.
Same thing, both usually have darker skin than REAL Americans.
Actually if you do get the chance to watch the video before TAPP stomps their feet and forces YouTube to take it down, you will notice that despite her rhetoric Palin looks very subdued, and barely worked up at all.
She is also wearing less makeup, and her hair is flat and mousy. In other words she just doesn't seem to have that old "fire in the belly" that she used to brag about.
And if you don't believe me, here is what Wonkette observed:
And that’s just about it for the Sarah Palin Channel this week! Palin’s channel released two pieces of content in the last seven days: this rambling, incoherent glob of sputum scraped off the splashguards at a World Net Daily comment buffet, and a five-minute “Ask Me Anything” video. Everything else is more than one week old, and nine of the next 15 posts are old clips from her TLC show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska.
Are you beginning to feel it? She’s losing steam. Wouldn’t you? We’re exhausted by Palin, and we only have to cover her once a week. She has to cover herself 24/7.
Yeah it's kind of like something is eating at her, distracting her, possibly really worrying her.
Gee I can't imagine what that might be.