Showing posts with label Alan Grayson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alan Grayson. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Congressman Alan Grayson is kind of a dick.

Courtesy of Politico:

Rep. Alan Grayson threatened to have a POLITICO reporter arrested Tuesday,alleging that the reporter assaulted him as he attempted to question the congressman about allegations of domestic abuse. 

The Florida Democrat and Senate candidate was on his way out of an event hosted by POLITICO in Philadelphia when reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere approached him to ask about allegations by his ex-wife that he had battered her over the course of two decades. The congressman strongly denied the allegations in the story, first reported by POLITICO on Tuesday, but he only provided a comment through his lawyer for the article, which detailed police and court documents dating back to 1994.

 A video of the exchange shows Grayson refusing to stop to talk to Dovere and appearing to nudge him aside as the congressman made his way towards the elevator.

You know I used to really admire Alan Grayson and featured a number of his House floor speeches here on IM, along with a couple of his zingers directed at the Republicans.

But then I started hearing about his corruption allegations, and by the time that Harry Reid was calling for his resignation, I was pretty much done.

It seems that so many of the people that we admire turn out to have less than admirable qualities in the long run.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Instead of having the Democrats boycott the Benghazi hearings, there is a grassroots campaign for another, potentially explosive, solution.

Congressman Alan Grayson
Courtesy of Salon:

Perhaps people don’t realize that Alan Grayson isn’t just another lawyer/congressman. He’s an experienced litigator who fought whistle-blower fraud cases aimed at military contractors. The Wall Street Journal characterized him in 2006 as “waging a one-man war against contractor fraud in Iraq.” And he was very successful at it. As a politician Grayson is usually seen as a pugnacious fighter always at the ready with a pithy put-down on cable news shows. His floor speeches are often fiery indictments of his political opponents and the power elite. 

But that’s not why the Democrats should tap him for the job. As notable as all those characteristics are, they are not where Grayson’s true talent lies. He is a master at the task of committee questioning. During his first term as a member of the Financial Services Committee he practically had bankers whimpering on the hot seat and he took on everyone from Ben Bernanke to Timothy Geithner, eliciting important information. Unlike the vaunted prosecutor the GOP has tapped to lead the inquiry, Trey Gowdy (who specializes in browbeating and histrionic questioning), Grayson is never rude and he isn’t dismissive or insulting. He is serious, composed and extremely well prepared. 

And when he has the floor he is completely in control. And yes, choosing him would please the Democratic base and infuriate the Republicans. That should be a feature, not a bug. The Republicans want a show. Grayson will definitely give them one — but it won’t be the kind of show they’re looking for. He’ll elicit the kinds of responses from the Democratic witnesses that are needed to make their case and he’ll skewer the conservative scandal-mongers with the facts. 

Rabin-Havt had originally suggested that Grayson simply be on the committee as a member, but he and other progressives, including Credo Mobile, are now suggesting that he should be the lone Democrat assigned. It would be an uncharacteristically bold and brilliant move for the House Democrats to do it. Grayson says he’s game if they are. Will they have the guts that he has?

When I first heard of this I was somewhat on the fence.

However the more I think about this, the more I think it would be a hoot.

So go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. Or don't.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Alan Grayson under attack for portraying the Tea Party as today's version of the KKK.

This courtesy of Fox News (So you KNOW it's fair and balanced.):  

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For." 

The email included "pointed analysis" from Grayson in which he said, "The Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan," blasting the conservative organization for its role in the showdown that resulted in the two-week partial government shutdown. 

 Republicans on Tuesday accused the Florida congressman of stepping -- way -- over the line. 

"There's no excuse for the hateful words and imagery used by Congressman Grayson," said Matt Gorman, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. "This hate-filled rhetoric has Americans fed up with Washington." 

 He called on House Democrats to "swiftly and strongly condemn him and return the money he has raised for them." 

Grayson, though, was unapologetic and defended his Ku Klux Klan comparison. 

In a written statement provided to, he cited a litany of examples where the "Tea Party" attacked President Obama by citing his race, including the recurring claims that he is a Kenyan and Muslim "despite all evidence." 

The statement, as an example, included a doctored image of Obama in tribal garb, one of many offensive images of the president from the bowels of the Internet. 

 "One could go on and on, because there is overwhelming evidence that the Tea Party is the home of bigotry and discrimination in America today, just as the KKK was for an earlier generation. If the shoe fits, wear it," Grayson said. 

Um, I am finding nothing about this e-mail to misrepresent the Tea Party in anyway.

Anybody of a different opinion?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

From GOP candidate condemnation to Right Wing saboteurs, Rachel Maddow does a very thorough job of demonstrating how freaked certain parties are concerning the Occupy Wall Street protests.

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Rachel pretty much covers every aspect of the Occupy Wall Street movement, as well as the incredible blowback they are currently facing.

It is well worth your time to watch the entire segment.

If you enjoyed that and want to watch the Alan Grayson interview that followed just click here.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Alan Grayson explains what has compelled the Occupy Wall Street protestors to take to the streets.

I dislike P.J O'Roarke (The guy that keeps interrupting Grayson while attempting to jokingly insult the protesters), I know he is considered funny by some people, but he essentially just pisses me off every time I see him on Real Time.

Grayson did an excellent job, and actually GETS IT when it comes to what is really upsetting the people of this country.  These people are not blaming the President for the poor economy and the lack of jobs, they are blaming those truly responsible. They are blaming the corporations that run wall Street and the politicians, on both sides of the aisle, that let them get away with it.

(H/T to Politicususa.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sometimes I really miss Alan Grayson. Updated.

From Hotline on Call:

"Even before I heard earlier Palin's whining about 'misguided finger-pointing' and 'irresponsible statements from people who are apportioning blame,' I thought about this: Palin came to my district, and told her people to 'take me out.' Palin told people again and again, 'don't retreat, reload.'"

Running down threats to him, Grayson says one of his five-year old twins "received a telephone death threat intended for me" the day before last March's health care vote.

"A right-wing commentator offered anyone $100 to punch me in the nose. We received so many threats of violence from tea baggers that we started a file," Grayson writes. "And the day before Gabby was shot, I received a postcard saying 'you better get some personal protection. You could very well be getting your ass kicked soon.'"

In addition to Giffords, Grayson notes other Democrats who had threats made to them during the 2010 campaign, including Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.), and losing Reps. Frank Kratovil (D-Md.), Ron Klein (D-Fla.), and Tom Perriello (D-Va.).

"As I observed on MSNBC last week, there has been a stream of violence and threats of violence by the right wing against Democrats. Gabby warned against it, and then became a terrible victim of it," says Grayson. "Palin has instigated it, and then tried to pretend that it doesn't exist. What do I think? I think that Gabby said it best: 'We can't stand for this.' We have to stand against it."

Update: Here is the entire Facebook post from Grayson.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What happens when a paranoid schizophrenic interviews a woman with bipolar disorder?

It appears that this interview was really set up so that Beck could help Palin do more damage control after the Politico article came out that essentially called her, and her staff, amateurish and disorganized.

I  can attest to the fact that the article definitely hit a nerve just based on the number of Palin-bots who came over here and chastised me for listening to "anonymous" sources.  Palin was clearly seething about the piece and wanted Beck and others to attack it and ridicule the author.  In fact in this "interview" Palin even refers to the Politico author, John Martin, as a "punk" and reiterates a threat that she first posted on her Twitter page:

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny...ya just made big mistake lying about Levin, Beck, Rush...U can lie about me, but taking on the Big Guns? Not smart
7:12 AM Oct 21st via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Then she and Glenn attempt to soothe the frazzled nerves of the Teabaggers by assuring them that their candidates will NOT be co-opted by the establishment Republicans if elected, and that the incredible amount of negativity they have heard about Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, and other teabagger candidates has all been made up by the "lamestream media."

Her defense of Joe Miller is especially desperate, and you can hear in her voice just how pissed she is that the Alaska media and bloggers have revealed the vast number of deficiencies in his character before she could get him safely away from prying eyes and ensconced in D.C. where he could then serve as her very own Senatorial pet.

Perhaps one of the oddest exchanges comes at the end when Beck brings up his frustration with Alan Grayson which presents itself as an attack on his attractiveness, and that of course causes Sarah to giggle like a vicious little schoolgirl.

And of course this comes from a woman who recently accepted a gift of pink underwear from that smoldering hunk of man flesh Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

@RealSheriffJoe I just got done welcoming Sarah Palin to our County. Had a nice chat and gave her a pair of pink underwear.

I can't help but wonder what a psychiatrist would say about Palin's constant attacks on her male critics virility and attractivenes, while pimping her own sexuality to garner attention and political support?  What does that reveal about her character, and childhood experiences?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is the kind of ad I want our Alaska Democrats to put out.

Alaskans respect confident aggressive candidates.

Remember Ted Stevens?

If Scott McAdams were to aggressively define himself and his outrage at the outside interests trying to steal our election he could make a serious impact.  And the same goes for Ethan and Diane.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two segments from Real Time April 23, 2010.

Sorry the videos were removed.  Usually by Sunday morning HBO unclenches its sphincter and allows the segments to stay up on YouTube.  I guess they are feeling especially Grinch-like today.

I am always a little confused by this attitude.  Do they really think they will get more people to buy the HBO package JUST to see Real Time if they don't even know what is on it?

Don't they realize that if people get to see how good the program is, and make the assumption that there is other good programming on HBO, that they stand a much better chance of attracting customers?

I remember when Comedy Central pulled the same crap with THEIR programming.  But they had the presence of mind to set up a website where people are encouraged to embed their programs.  In my opinion THAT has really helped to attract new viewers to programs like the Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Tosh 2.0.

Smarten up HBO, not everybody has cable.....yet.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Alan Grayson: Teabagger opponent an "undead minion" in Palin "Zombie Army".

Damn I am REALLY starting to love this guy!

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Less than a week after Sarah Palin directed her zombie army to “take out” Congressman Alan Grayson, one of her undead minions has risen to the challenge. Peg Dunmire has filed to run as the Florida Tea Party’s candidate against Grayson in November. Dunmire evidently is the first person to qualify as an official Tea Party candidate in any House race in the country.

“I read Dunmire’s announcement,” said Grayson. “I then forwarded it to the Guinness Book of World Records, for consideration under the category ‘Most Consecutive Cliches.’ This kind of right-wing drivel gave America $4-a-gallon gas and two endless wars, and drove us all to the brink of national bankruptcy. Was she living in a cave for eight years?”

Grayson was asked why he thinks that Dunmire decided not to run as a Republican. He laughed out loud. “Dunmire is not running as a Republican, because the Republican Party of Florida smells worse than a rotting carcass. The stench reaches all the way to the Georgia state line,” Grayson said. “For goodness’ sake, on the day that their state leader resigned in disgrace, a ‘Shred-It’ truck rolled up to Republican headquarters. Dunmire doesn’t want any part of what the grand jury in Orange County rightly called their ‘Culture of Corruption.’”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson eviscerates Sarah Palin.

At first I was a little upset that Grayson was playing in my pond, after all smacking Palin down for the stupid things she says is MY job, but the guy does such a good job that I think I will give him a pass.

Welcome to my world Rep. Grayson.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson deflects clumsy Palin attack using two things Sarah does not possess, humor and intelligence.

On Friday night, Sarah Palin came to Orlando, and attacked Rep. Alan Grayson. This is what she said:

"I got to meet quite a few candidates who are lining up in a contested primary who want to take out Alan Grayson. And I think Alan Grayson -- what can you say about Alan Grayson? Piper is with me tonight, so I won't say anything about Alan Grayson that can't be said around children. [Good one, Sarah!] But thank you, Florida, for allowing candidates in a contested primary to duke it out over ideas and principles and values, all with the same goal, and that is unseating those who have such a disconnect from the people of America. That's what the goal is here in this race against Alan Grayson. Please fight hard, and do this for the rest of the country. Fight hard, and send a conservative to Washington, DC."

Palin, the former half-term Governor, current-nothing and future-even-less, charmed the all-Republican audience with her folksy folksiness and her homespun homespunnery. Atypically, Palin was wearing clothes that she had paid for herself. At the end of the event, she shared her recipe for mooseface pie.

In response to Palin's attack on Rep Grayson, Grayson actually complimented Palin. Grayson praised Palin for having a hand large enough to fit Grayson's entire name on it. He thanked Palin for alleviating the growing shortage of platitudes in Central Florida. Grayson added that Palin deserved credit for getting through the entire hour-long program without quitting. Grayson also said that Palin really had mastered Palin's imitation of Tina Fey imitating Palin. Grayson observed that Palin is the most-intelligent leader that the Republican Party has produced since George W. Bush.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Alan Grayson has a new website called "Names of the Dead".

Every year, more than 44,000 Americans die simply because they have no health insurance.
I have created this project in their memory. I hope that honoring them will help us end this senseless loss of American lives. If you have lost a loved one, please share the story of that loved one with us.

Help us ensure that their legacy is a more just America, where every life that can be saved will be saved.

If you have a loved one that passed away because of a lack of health insurance, you can leave their name and tell their story. Perhaps seeing the vast amount of people suffering under the current health care system will convince our politicians to get off their asses and fix it.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Countdown reports on how much money Keith Olbermann's call for donations to has helped raise and that Rep. Grayson is the new Dem hero.

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Rep. Alan Grayson is quickly making a name for himself by refusing to allow the GOP to shut him up and for demonstrating what a Democrat with balls really looks like.

Here is Laurence O'Donnell's interview with Congressman Grayson.

I pretty much agree with EVERYTHING that Rep. Grayson says. I am a little jealous of Florida for having such good representation. I hope that my Democratic Senator, Mark Begich, is watching this guy.

By the way if YOU want to donate to than you can do so by visiting here.