Showing posts with label Tucker Carlson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tucker Carlson. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tucker Carlson gets a little panicky about white people becoming the minority in America.

 Courtesy of Vox: 

On his top-rated Fox News show Tuesday night, conservative pundit Tucker Carlson opined on demographic change and immigration in America, saying that though “most immigrants are nice ... this is more change than human beings are designed to digest,” and asking viewers, “How would you feel if that happened in your neighborhood?”

The segment was focused on a National Geographic article featured in the magazine’s April issue. Though the article, centered on the Pennsylvania town of Hazleton, was titled “As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind,” Carlson focused his remarks on the growth of Hazleton’s Hispanic population, which has increased exponentially since 2000 — a change that Carlson said “makes societies volatile.” 

But he saved his strongest words for “our leaders ... who caused all this,” who, in his words, live in neighborhoods that “are basically unchanged — they look like it’s 1960. No demographic change in their zip code.” He concludes, “Our leaders are for diversity, just not where they live.”

My favorite line is  “How would you feel if that happened in your neighborhood?”

Perhaps Carlson should have some native Americans on and ask THEM that question.

It kind of sounds as if Tucker is suggesting that the uptick in violence that we have seen is due to the fact that there are more brown people in the country these days.

And his argument is not that THEY are being violent, but that there very presence incites violence from those who were here before them.

Essentially white people, right?

So rather than educate everybody to be more tolerant by teaching our children about different cultures and customs, while trying to create more inclusive activities in communities to unite the people living there, we should instead start blocking nonwhites from entering the country?

Let's call that the "Fox News solution. "

Saturday, October 14, 2017

This is a cover that's guaranteed to give the conservatives a conniption fit.

The Republicans and Right Wing media keep banging the drum about Harvey Weinstein while remaining seemingly oblivious to their own hypocrisy.

Just get a load of what Tucker Carlson, who currently occupies the time slot made available after Bill O'Reilly was forced out of Fox News due to his own accusations of sexual harassment, tweeted the other day.
I know right?

Friday, March 17, 2017

In case you missed it here is Donald Trump admitting that the Republican health care bill screws the very people who voted for him.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

CARLSON: This bill has as one of its centerpieces a tax-cut for investors that would primarily benefit people making over $250,000 a year. They’ve already done pretty well in the past ten years, as you know. 

TRUMP: Yeah. 

CARLSON: A Bloomberg analysis showed that counties that voted for you — middle-class and working-class counties — would do far less well under this bill — 

TRUMP: Yeah. Oh, I know. 

CARLSON: — than the counties that voted for Hillary, the more affluent counties. 

TRUMP: I know. It’s very preliminary. 

CARLSON: It seems like maybe this isn’t consistent with the last election. 

TRUMP: No. A lot of things aren’t consistent. But this is going to be negotiated. 

From there, Trump went on to merely complain that Democrats “hate the Republicans so badly that they cannot see straight, so they’re always going to vote against us.” He never said anything more to address the actual substance of the legislation and the impact it’ll have on the many Americans who depend on the insurance they can access through Obamacare, which they would lose.

I am not even surprised that the people who will be hurt the worst by the GOP policies are the ones who voted Donald Trump into office.

And the sad fact is that they are very likely too stupid to even see it, and in the next election cycle they will once again vote Republican just like a victim of domestic violence who keeps convincing themselves that this time things will be different.

Here is the Bloomberg article that Carlson is referencing. 

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Fifteen years ago Donald Trump responded to criticism from Tucker Carlson by bragging that he gets more p***y than he does.

Courtesy of The Daily Beast:  

Carlson had a bit of a more measured take on Trump’s candidacy in a piece he wrote for Politico in January of last year. The premise was basically that Trump could teach Republicans a valuable lesson and that he demonstrated that their brand of politics had failed. 

It also began with a pretty stunning anecdote. 

“About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair,” Carlson wrote. “I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day. “It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.” 

Carlson goes on to say that “The message had all the hallmarks of a Trump attack: shocking, vulgar and indisputably true” and that Trump was not his “first choice for president.”

There you go ladies and gentleman, this is the man who will be representing your country to the world for the next four years.

So I think this helps to explain why so many women are coming out to protest his inauguration.

The only question remaining is why isn't EVERYONE?

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Sean Hannity interviews Julian Assange who insists that he is NOT working with the Russians and the American intelligence agencies are a bunch of lying doo doo heads.

Courtesy of Variety: 

Sean Hannity has landed a sit-down interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that will air Tuesday on Fox News Channel, the network announced Monday. 

According to a Fox News release, the two will discuss Russian hacking, the 2016 presidential election, and both the Obama and upcoming Trump administrations. It will air at 10 p.m. on Jan. 3, with additional portions of the interview airing throughout the week.

For the record Sean Hannity used to despise Julian Assange right up until he started helping his side.

I'm sorry, ALLEGEDLY started helping his side.

If you have been paying attention Wikileaks has been tripping all over themselves with denials that they got their information from the Russians, or that they were trying to influence the election to favor Trump.

Which is a hard case to make since Trump himself quoted from the Wikileaks e-mail dumps to deflect from the pussy grabbing video, and to attack Clinton.

Speaking of Trump his spokesperson Sean Spicer (I assume that is his porn name.) also claims that there is "zero evidence" that Russia influenced the election.

Which is also essentially the claim that Vladimir Putin is making as well.

Well gee if you can't trust the organization that coordinated the leaks, the campaign that benefited from the leaks, and the government that may have been behind the leaks, then just who can you trust?

Monday, October 19, 2015

The hosts of Fox and Friends get their panties in a wad over new black Captain America and his apparent anti-conservative views.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A Fox & Friends segment on Saturday warned that Captain America’s new mission was to “target conservatives.” 

“He’s got a new odd enemy,” Fox News host Clayton Morris reported, noting that Captain America was now a black man. “Instead of going against Hydra and the typical Captain America villains, he’s going up against conservatives. That’s his new enemy.” 

Tucker Carlson argued that Islamic extremists or ISIS members would have been more appropriate enemies. 

“The [Supreme Serpent] is an American who has misgivings about unlimited illegal immigration and the costs associated with it,” Carlson said. “And that, according to the comic book, is evil.” 

“Right, so these serpents are stopping people from coming over the border and Captain America is saying, ‘That’s not going to happen on my watch, I’m Captain America,'” Morris agreed. “An interesting discussion around the idea of [immigrants bringing] disease and rapists and everything else.” 

Carlson declared that Marvel was portraying average Americans as “snake-handling bigots and they need to be held in place or else they’ll turn this country into Nazi Germany. It’s like, the people who run this country, a lot of them actually believe that. I live near them. They really think that.” 

Morris called for comic books to return to story lines like Captain America “punching Hitler in the face.” 

“And now the threat comes from ordinary Americans,” Carlson lamented. “Probably some of you watching at home, they think you’re dangerous.”

Probably because some of the most loyal viewers of Fox News ARE a little dangerous.

Besides there is a reason that the Justice Department felt compelled to create an entire post just to deal with right domestic terrorism fed by Right Wing propaganda in this country.

However it might, or might not, put the Fox host's minds at ease to learn that in the 1950's Captain America was also a red, white, and blue fascist just like them.

Back then Cap was recruited to join the fight against the Commies that Joe McCarthy swore were infiltrating America:  

Fueled by the mass paranoia caused by Senator Joe McCarthy’s claims that the United States had been infiltrated by large numbers of Communists, Soviet spies and sympathizers, and the very real threat of the Cold War itself, Atlas began publishing three titles featuring Rogers as Captain America: Young Men’s, Men’s Adventures, and Captain America Comics. Because, as Steve Rogers himself says in one of his commie-smashing adventures, the Communists are “the Nazis of the 1950s.”

Later Marvel Comics resurrected Captain America from an ice floe where they swore he was frozen since his days fighting the Nazis and simply pretended that the Cap of the 1950's was a mentally unstable fraud.

What the folks at Fox and Friends seem not to understand, is that comic book heroes do not lead their readers and movie audiences down ideological paths, but rather reflect what is true about society at the time of the book's publication or the movie's distribution.

And right now it seems that marvel Comics believes that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of conservative rhetoric and scare tactics as it relates to undocumented immigrants.

If that proves to be untrue then that will be reflected in the sales of the comics.

That's a little thing we call Capitalism.

P.S. Is it wrong that I secretly harbor a fantasy of seeing this new Captain America punch Tucker Carlson right in his fat face? It is right?

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Fox News blatantly exhibits their bias against the non-religious.

So the clip above is from Fox and Friends, which is the Fox network's attempt at a Today Show like format if everybody on the set huffed paint during the commercials.

Now for quite some time Fox and Friends have been stamping their feet and holding their breath in support of laws that would allow religious people to discriminate against people who refuse to think exactly like they do.

However in Madison, Wisconsin they flipped the script and decided that perhaps the rights of Atheists deserved to be protected as well.

"What?" said Fox News.

Well hell Fox and Friends aren't going to sit still for that (Well they're still sitting down but you get what I mean.)

Here is my favorite quote from this segment, "You know there's a lot of reasons why Christians or Jews might not want to hire an Atheist. In fact it's in the New Testament. It says things such as 'avoid them,' 'disassociate with them,' in Romans, Thessalonians, Corinthians."

This Jay Christian Adams guy goes on to suggest that you would want a person of faith for certain jobs such as for an airline hiring a pilot, because apparently believing in hell makes it so much less likely they will fly a planeload of innocent passengers into the side of a mountain. (Spoiler alert: It doesn't.)

I love how these people are all for freedom so long as it benefits people who think like them, but the second that the freedoms extends to those outside their tribe, well that is simply intolerable.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

In the world of Fox News a reduction in homework clearly shows that teachers are trying to hide something from parents.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asserted over the weekend that American teachers were assigning less homework because they were lazy union members and wanted to hide the curriculum from parents. 

During the Sunday edition of Fox & Friends, Carlson noted that many schools had argued that students should spend time in the evenings with their families. 

“But is this really about the kids or could it be a move by teachers unions to get teachers to do less work for, of course, the same pay?” he asked Whitney Neal, a former teacher with the Koch brothers-funded Bill of Rights Institute. 

“That’s a great suspicion,” Neal agreed. “As much as we don’t want to look at teachers that way as wanting to eliminate the amount of work they have to do, I almost think this is more of a ploy to keep parents out of the classroom, to limit the involvement parents have on what’s going on with teachers. Because if kids aren’t bringing home homework, the parents don’t really know what’s going on.” 

“That is exactly right!” Carlson exclaimed. “It’s a window for me, I think for all parents into what our kids are learning in the classroom. You can see it… So this is a way — another way to disenfranchise parents, you think?”

Wait, what?

How poorly must you think of public education to believe that reducing the amount of homework is some subversive attempt to hide class work from parents?

Does Carlson not believe that the children will show their parents completed assignments? Or bring a textbook home to study for an upcoming test? Or just talk about what they learned that day in the classroom?

Personally I have long been an advocate of less homework, which in recent years has reached levels that are almost insurmountable for young children.

I have worked with more than one teenager who has so much homework that they quite literally have no time for extra curricular activities or to spend significant time with family members during the weekdays.  

Of all of the terrible things that Fox News has introduced to this country, this vilification of teachers and undermining of our public education system may just about be the worst.

And it is dong incredible damage to the future of this nation. 

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

CNN host grills Daily Caller editor over allegations from Dominican prostitute that she was paid to lie about Senator Menendez.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar interrogated The Daily Caller Executive Editor David Martosko on Monday over his publication’s willingness to stand by their claim that Menendez patronized prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and that the Washington Post’s story debunking that report was inaccurate. 

“You have to understand that all of this was ginned up by a Washington Post report yesterday that basically uncritically reported this affidavit from the Dominican Republic,” Martosko said. He went on to list the reasons why the Post’s report was flawed. 

“Even if you say her claims are false, what is the proof she is not – that she is not on this video that she says she is?” Keilar asked. Martosko listed a number of reasons why the subject quoted in the Dominican affidavit was not the same person that The Daily Caller interviewed. 

“Someone could obviously fib about their name or they could fib about their age,” Keilar said. 

“And they could fib about an affidavit as well,” Martosko shot back, “and the Washington Post could take it and run with it in a very irresponsible way.” 

Keilar cited an ABC News report which has alleged that the interview the Daily Caller conducted was set up by a Republican operative. “Is it possible that you were duped?” Keilar asked. 

Martosko and Keilar engaged in a heated back and forth over the credibility of the sources The Daily Caller used in their original report on Menendez’s Dominican liaisons. Martosko confirmed that his website is going back and checking with their original sources.

You can't help but notice that every single time Brianna Keilar tries to get this douchebag to admit that he has no proof that this is not the same woman on the Daily Caller video, he obfuscates and tries to distract by claiming that it was the Washington Post that engaged in shoddy journalism.

Yes right, the same Washington Post that broke the Watergate story in the 1970's, and is one of the most respected newspapers in the world, does not match the journalistic high standards of a blog run by an often ridiculed occasional Fox News contributor.

Clearly these guys are in panic mode and worried that when this thing finishes blowing up in their faces they will be left with no credibility whatsoever.

But what am I saying? Since when do these Right Wing outlets care about credibility?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Joe Scarborough calls out the Right Wing media for their racist attacks on Trayvon Martin.

More from Wonkette:

We wonder who Joe Scarborough is talking about here, when he calls out rightwing websites for being “beneath contempt” in their treatment of Trayvon Martin! (No we don’t. He is talking about Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller.) Noting that the Daily Caller had breathlessly presented Trayvon Martin’s Twitter feed as fodder for the poor oppressed whites of the world to note what a bad bad boy Trayvon Martin was, Scarborough practically throws up at the disingenuousness of presenting something so “innocuous … I can show you a lot of white kids, from suburban neighborhoods … come on.” Then he goes on and on and on about some on the right (Tucker Carlson) being “disgusting, warped, twisted and distorted.”

I don't always agree with Scarborough by any stretch of the imagination, but he is dead on here.  And good for him in calling out these racist assholes on the Right.

You know I had no intention of making it "Right Wing Racism Day" here at IM, but what can I do when it seems to be seeping out of their pores lately?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tucker Carlson: "The Tea Party has destroyed the Republican establishment."

Courtesy of Mediaite:

"Leaderless movements don’t endure because they can’t. This is basically a leaderless movement. But I think it’s had a huge effect, and its biggest effect that almost no one ever mentions is that the Tea Party destroyed the Republican establishment. All the people Republicans and conservatives have looked to for guidance have been basically discredited by the Tea Party, which has alllowed this current chaos to flower. That may be a good thing, it might be a bad thing. I don’t even know. But that is the legacy of the Tea Party. No more Washington establishment on the right."

So since Sarah Palin served as the face of the Teabaggers when they were struggling for recognition, and provided them access to the media, does this mean we need to send her "thank you" cards? Cause you KNOW she did not do this on purpose!

I imagine in her simplistic fashion she believed that ALL the Republicans needed to do was to elect a couple of criminally under educated politicians, with no ability to compromise, and they would "fix" what she, and people just as dimwitted as she, perceived as the problems in this country.

Instead, electing these Teabaggers did nothing except slam the brakes on any progress that could have possibly come out of Congress, helped define the Democrats as the only serious political party trying to help Americans, while forcing the current crop of Republican presidential hopefuls to embrace the most ignorant political points of view imaginable in a desperate attempt to seem even more like a crazy right wing loon than their  opponents, and hopefully earn the support of the Tea Party paint chip eaters in the process.

We progressives could not have planned it better if we had tried.

Gee thanks Sarah!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Greta Van Susteren and Tucker Carlson have a knock down, drag out, hair pulling, slap fight over Sarah Palin. Don't forget your popcorn!

Van Sustern: You're a liar!

Carlson: No I'm not!

Van Susteren: Yes you are!

Carlson: Am not! Am not! Am not!

I think I will play this over an over today whenever I am feeling a little down. It cannot fail to put a huge smile on my face.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillary 4U&Me is on Tucker right now!

I am a little disappointed since I wanted to see it on Countdown first.

Now that is just a great video!

God I just cannot stop giggling after I see that thing.