Showing posts with label Focus on the Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focus on the Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell presents Al Franken's masterful take down of Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I think we can all agree that what Al Franken did was a thing of beauty!

God I cannot tell you how often I wish my Democratic Senator demonstrated that kind of skill while doing his job.

Minnesotans are a lucky bunch!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Right wing religious groups fight against anti-bullying legislation for fear that it promotes an acceptance of homosexuality. Are you thinking "WTF?" Yeah, me too.

From Think Progress:

Last week, Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi jumped to his death after two classmates secretly recorded his sexual relationship with a man and broadcasted it over the internet. Tragically, Clementi marks the fourth gay student to commit suicide in three weeks because of anti-gay harassment from fellow students. Seth Walsh, 13, Asher Brown, 13, and Billy Lucas, 15, also took their own lives last month because fellow students bullied them in school.

Many states across the country are taking laudable steps to enact measures that bolster administrators’ ability to protect students who face such harassment. However, despite the evidence supporting the need, right-wing lawmakers and activists insist that anti-bullying measures are nothing more than insidious tools of the “homosexual agenda”:

– The American Family Association of Michigan has spent years decrying a proposed anti-bullying measure as “a Trojan Horse to sneak [homosexual activists'] special rights agenda into law” and to “legitimize homosexual behavior” which is “a practice scientifically proven to result in a dramatically higher incidence of domestic violence, mental illness, illegal drug use, promiscuity, life-threatening disease, and premature death.” The bill “died in 2008 in the state Senate because senators could not agree” on whether to address bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the measure.

– In Minnesota, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer said he would not sign the anti-bullying Safe Schools For All bill because “I don’t want the government” instead of parents to be on “the front line of defense of our children.” Indeed, Emmer voted against and Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) vetoed the same bill in 2009 after the right-wing Minnesota Family Council pushed legislators to reject the bill in 2009 because it would “promote acceptance of homosexuality.”

– The right-wing Christian media ministry Focus on the Family is attacking an anti-bullying standard on the federal level. Insisting that bullying prevention is being “hijacked by activists” who are “politicizing or sexualizing the issue,” Focus on the Family’s Candi Cushman claims that the anti-bullying bill currently before Congress “cater[s] to a narrow political agenda” that “becomes a gateway for homosexuality promotion in school.” In their current back-to-school guide “equipping” parents with tools against the “sneaky” gay agenda, Cushman told parents to look out for bullying seminars, diversity lessons, and “cute little pictures of furry animals” as “red flags” signaling the “gay agenda.”

If this were forty, to forty five, years ago how many of us believe that the argument then would have been "The anti-bullying agenda is being hi-jacked by racial equality activists?"  Same argument, just targeting a different minority.

Obviously this is ridiculous and feeds into the Fundamentalist's idea that homosexuality is contagious and that the more accepted it is the more likely that the gays will be viewed as equal to the breeders that are now the dominant force in America.  And doesn't THAT remind you of the Teabagger's fear of brown people coming over the border in Mexico, their fear of Socialism replacing Capitalism in our government, and their barely contained rage at the African American sitting in the White House?

It seems like everything that drives these groups is fear of change.  Fear that what they have always seen as "normal" will be forever altered and that they will no longer be able to victimize groups different then their own like they did back in the "good old days,"  Did you ever notice that the "good old days" seemed to be much better for the white males in this country over every other demographic?

"Hey Frank!  Remember how we used to be able to make those lewd jokes around the break room, without fear of one of these skirts accusing us of sexual harassment?  Yep, them was the good old days alright!"

Sadly it is natural for the dominant groups to harass and bully, and even kill, those different from themselves.  We see that same savagery play out in the animal world all of the time.

However the difference is that we are self aware.  We can choose to resist our natural instincts, and learn to accept, and even care, about those who are not exactly like us. That is what makes us human. And for those of you with faith in the bible, I am sure you have read that humans were made in God's image, therefore to use the abilities that God bestowed on his children is to honor God, don't you think?

I would think that if EVERY Christian stopped for just a minute, and asked themselves "How would Jesus treat this person?" That it would fundamentally change our county, hell even our world, for the better.

Or am I simply misunderstanding the message that Jesus tried to teach mankind?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

James Dobson forced to resign from "Focus on the Family"? Gee, maybe there is a God.

A prominent friend and supporter of James Dobson believes Dobson was pushed aside by the new leadership of Focus on the Family, who want the powerhouse evangelical ministry to project a softer image on issues ranging from abortion to gay marriage to relations with President Obama.

In February 2009, Dobson stepped down as chairman of the Colorado Springs-based group's board of directors, after relinquishing his longtime role as president in 2003. But he kept his role of host of the popular Focus radio show, which is reportedly heard by 1.5 million Americans each day.
Then, this past November, Dobson said on the show that the Focus board had asked him to give up the radio program in a few months time. Late last month, he delivered his final Focus broadcast.

In little-noticed comments from the November show, Dobson seemed troubled by the board's decision to ask him to give up the program.

"[T]the board of directors voted privately on Wednesday -- before we got there -- to ask for my resignation, although their request was made with kindness and respect. We can only guess the reason for their decision because frankly I don't fully know," Dobson said. "But it apparently has to do with the desire for closure on my tenure and the beginning of another."

Well this can only be taken as good news. Though I don't expect Focus on the Family to suddenly become a bastion for tolerance and progressive ideals, I certainly think throwing Dobson overboard gives them a chance to at least move away from the crazier side of Christianity.

Remember James Dobson is the same genius who suggest that watching Spongebob Squarepants would make your children gay. He also gave serial killer Ted Bundy a kind of absolution by allowing him to suggest that pornography was to blame for his desire to rape and murder women. And perhaps most egregious of all is that Dobson and his Evangelical cohorts are the one's to blame for John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Yes I think we can all agree that the world is a safer, saner place without the likes of James Dobson running an influential group like Focus on the Family. However, in my opinion, the world might be improved even further if groups like Focus on the Family did not exist at all.

But they that is just me.

(Oops I almsot forgot to give a hat tip to kellygirl. Thanks Kelly!)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is the Tim Tebow Superbowl abortion ad based on a lie? Well Sarah Palin endorsed it, so what do you think?

This from the Huffington Post.

The ad, which is expected to promote an anti-choice message, will be based on the theme "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life." The Christian conservative group Focus on the Family has paid for the spot. James Dobson, the group's founder, has a history of inflammatory statements and once said that gay marriage will "destroy the earth."

Despite resistance from women's groups, the ad is expected to air during the Super Bowl. It is believed that the commercial will focus on Pam Tebow's 1987 pregnancy, during which time she fell ill in the Philippines. According to reports, doctors recommended that she abort the pregnancy, but she chose to go through with the birth of her son Tim.

Tebow grew up to be one of the most accomplished and celebrated stars in college football history, capturing two national championships and becoming the first sophomore to win the Heisman trophy.

Because abortion under any circumstance has been illegal in the Philippines since 1930 and is punishable by a six-year prison term, Allred says she finds it hard to believe that doctors would have recommended the procedure.

This not like a car company claiming that their car gets the best gas mileage without the facts to back it up, this is a very aggressive religious message aimed at young women that might be based on a total fabrication.

I believe that the people in charge of Superbowl advertising have a responsibility to make sure they are not presenting a potentially upsetting advertisement that is based on a complete lie. Even without the lie this is an insulting commercial, but with the possibility of the lie it is completely inappropriate.

Just yesterday NOW called Sarah Palin out on her disingenuous Facebook endorsement of this ad. In her ghostwritten post Palin essentially claimed that the women's groups were being hypocritical. This did not sit well with the National Organization for Women and NOW President Terry O’Neill had this to say about it.

“The goal of the Focus on the Family ad is not to empower women. It's to create a climate in which Roe v. Wade can be overturned,” O’Neill said. “There are always going to be women who need abortions. In this country, one in three women will have an abortion.”

“Focus on the Family has cynically set it up so they can say anyone who disagrees with airing this ad is disrespecting one woman and her choice. NOW respects every woman's right to plan her own family and insists our laws do the same,” said O’Neill.

Ms. O'Neill does an excellent job of pointing out the REAL hyocrisy at work here, and now with the added information that Pam Tebow may have made her story up, I think that the direction that CBS must take is clear.

Originally I was all for Focus on the Family wasting their 3 million dollars on this ineffectual advertisement, but now I think that CBS really needs to stand up and protect their brand against being associated with this religious fairy tale.

And if CBS is jsut looking to drum up some interest through controversy, then isn't this gay dating site ad a much better choice?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

LET'S PLAY SOME FOOOT (anti-abortion ads) BAAALL!!! Wait, what? Updated!

On Superbowl Sunday, along with the ads for beer, potato chips, and big manly trucks, fans will also get a very festive advertisement on anti-abortion from Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow, and his mother. Which has some women's rights groups a little upset.

Wait did somebody mention anti-abortion and tie it to a sporting event? NOOO! Don't do that! With that combination you might awaken the slumbering creature from Wasilla, "She who must not be named", the "Mindlessly Menacing Mom from the Mat-su"....oh no it is too late! She has already flogged RAM into firing up her Facebook page.

Women’s Rights groups, like NOW, commendably call out advertisers and networks for airing sexist and demeaning portrayals of women that lead to young women’s diminished self-esteem and acceptance of roles as mere sexed-up objects.

What a ridiculous situation they’re getting themselves into now with their protest of CBS airing a pro-life ad during the upcoming Super Bowl game. The ad will feature Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mom, and they’ll speak to the sanctity of life and the beautiful potential within every innocent child as Mrs. Tebow acknowledges her choice to give Tim life, despite less than ideal circumstances. Messages like this empower women! This speaks to the strength and commitment and nurturing spirit within women. The message says everything positive and nothing negative about the power of women – and life. Evidently, some women’s rights groups like NOW do not like that message.

Yeah NOW what is your problem? This ad will only encourage women to defy their doctor's advice and do one of the only things women are good for besides fetching another beer, and destroying a Republican candidates presidential hopes, which is giving birth to a potential Heisman trophy winner. How is that NOT empowering?

NOW is looking at the pro-life issue backwards. Women should be reminded that they are strong enough and smart enough to make decisions that allow for career and educational opportunities while still giving their babies a chance at life.

Not to nitpick or anything but I don't believe that Pam Tebow actually had "career opportunities" to allow for. She is the wife of a missionary who now heads up the Bob Tebow Evangelical Association. In other words, and once again not to nitpick, but her whole job was to give birth to little Christian evangelical babies.

In other words, Palin's argument is specious and does not really relate to the actual circumstances surrounding this choice.

So in order to drive her point home more effectively Sarah is going to have to resort to her fall back position. Trotting out one of her children.

Now the question is, which one? Trig? No, even though he is the evangelical poster child for not getting an abortion, he undermines the message of giving birth to super athletes. Piper? Nope. Willow? Still under lock and key after her last B & E. Ahh Bristol! Perfect!

In my own home, my daughter Bristol has also been challenged by pro-abortion “women’s rights” groups who don’t agree with her decision to have her baby, nor do they like the abstinence message which she articulated as her personal commitment.

By the way there is NO pro-abortion group. It is called "pro-choice". And as far as I can tell NOBODY suggested that Bristol should not have given birth to Tripp. And if somebody did, they are just internet trolls who have no affiliation with any organized groups or intelligent Americans. As for people taking offence at Bristol's abstinence message, it does seem a little disingenuous to, on the one hand talk about what a blessing having little Tripp has been, and then on the other hand telling other young women "just say no" to the possibility of having a baby of your own until you can rope some guy into marrying you.

NOW could gain ground and credibility with everyday Americans, thus allowing their pro-women message to be heard by more than just their ardent supporters, if they made wiser decisions regarding which battles to pick. They should call attention to and embrace the Tebow’s message, instead of covertly and overtly disrespecting what Mrs. Tebow, Bristol, and millions of other women have chosen to do (in less than ideal circumstances).

Of course the protest has nothing to do with disrespecting Mrs. Tebow (and has absolutely NOTHING to do with Bristol, even though Palin is trying to conflate the two), it is really about proselytizing on national television. It is one thing for a running back to fall to his knees after making a touchdown and giving thanks to his God, and quite another for a group to introduce such a divisive topic in front of a huge viewing audience and pushing their religious agenda.

My message to these groups who are inexplicably offended by a pro-woman, pro-child, pro-life message airing during the Super Bowl: please concentrate on empowering women, help with efforts to prevent unexpected pregnancies, stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our “modern” culture and that we can expect better in 2010. But don’t let your double standard glare so vividly as to undo some of the good to which you could contribute.

Hang on. I had to clear my throat, since reading that sentence about "being made to feel like sex objects" from the Facebook ghostwriter of a woman who used her Naughty Monkey pumps, high definition makeup, and short skirts to seduce men into voting for her made me gag a little. ("Ms. Palin? I have hypocrisy holding for you on line two.")

And CBS: just do the right thing. Don’t cave. Have the backbone to run the ad.

Translation: Oh we DEFINITELY want you to cave. But we want you to cave to us. Or else we will unleash the fury of the Palin-bots. At least the ones that are not currently unleashing their fury at me right now for backing John McCain.

To the Tebows: thank you. America is listening. We appreciate you.

- Sarah Palin

Okay just a few things to clear up here. Number one this ad is is designed to cause controversy. That is the damn point. So of course it attracts attention whores like Sarah Palin.

Number two this ad has been paid for by the group Focus on the Family. That is James Dobson's wacky group of Evangelicals. The same group, by the way, who decided that, after she gave birth to magical baby Trig, Sarah Palin HAD to be John McCain's running mate to get the support of the Fundamentalist Christians who were the most reliable voters for the GOP candidate. If Dobson had not become so enamored of Sarah Palin, and her magical pregnancy, she would NEVER have been on the 2008 ticket. And of course McCain would have still lost the election.

You to be honest. I could care less if they play this commercial or not.

Does anybody really believe that this buzz kill of a television ad is going to make some long suffering sport addicts' girlfriend suddenly make a decision like this? , "By God if Cletus's team wins and he throws me down on this futon to celebrate by giving me sixteen seconds of fumbling,drunken, semi-erect lovemaking, and I become pregnant with his slope headed offspring, I am absolutely NOT going to abort it! But instead I am going to raise it on my meager salary as a waitress at Denny's in the hopes that someday he can grow up and be a football star!" Yeah, good luck with that.

So let Dobson waste three million dollars on a Superbowl ad if he wants to. I am guessing that after the ratings come in, and they see how poorly it was received, they my decide to go back to picketing health clinics and telling women that their uterus is on loan from God, and they have no say in what pops out of it.

Update: The folks at Jezebel (usually a pretty humorous site) took serious umbrage at Sarah's latest Facebook rant.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Christian Right makes their case for McCain in an intelligent rational manner. Just kidding they are using scare tactics!

Terrorist strikes on four American cities. Russia rolling into Eastern Europe. Israel hit by a nuclear bomb. Gay marriage in every state. The end of the Boy Scouts.

All are plausible scenarios if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president, according to a new addition to the campaign conversation called "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America," produced by the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family Action.

The Boy Scouts? Oh my God! Why does Barack Obama hate the Boy Scouts? How Un-American can you get?

And how desperate must these knuckle draggers be that they are resorting to these transparent attacks?

If you are unfamiliar with Focus on the Family, then you should know that they are the people who have programs like "Pray away the Gay" and who prayed for it to rain during Barack Obama's DNC speech.

James Dobson is the leader of this crazy, homophobic group and he has been a huge fan of our very own Governor Sarah for quite some time. In fact there are even rumors that he forced Caribou Barbie on the cantankerous John McCain. No wonder he is so damn irritable these days.

And Dobson even tried to interfere with Alaska's investigation of Palin's possible wrongdoing by sending his Liberty Legal Institute pals up here to challenge it's validity, and after failing that they tried to suppress the release of the Branchflower Report.

But thanks to "Alaskans for Truth" they failed to have any impact at all.

We were able to beat these jerks simply by getting out the truth and I am confident that once people understand their real agenda that these indefensible attacks will have little to no impact on the outcome of this historic election.

The Boy Scouts? Really? Give me a damn break!