Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Supporters of Bernie Sanders are securing permits to hold protest rallies outside the Democratic National Convention. Oh goody.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) presidential campaign have secured permits to hold rallies near the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. 

The Sanders backers, who are not officially associated with the campaign, got a four-day permit for rallies at FDR Park, which is located next to the convention venue, the Wells Fargo Center. The city anticipates 30,000 people will attend the gathering, and the organizers told the Wall Street Journal that they're hoping for more. 

Backers of Sanders have also obtained permits for three separate rallies at Thomas Paine Plaza, which is located farther from the Wells Fargo Center, according to the Wall Street Journal.

This going to be a shit storm.

I wonder how many of Sander's supporters will end the night sitting in a jail cell after the riot that is almost certainly going to take place when Sanders loses the nomination?

Some of them already went all torch and pitchforky over a Facebook post by Robert Reich suggesting that if Sanders loses that they should all work hard to elect Hillary Clinton.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post expresses this very real concern:

Bernie Sanders is playing a dangerous game. If he and his campaign continue their scorched-earth attacks against the Democratic Party, they will succeed in only one thing: electing Donald Trump as president.

Lindsey Graham of all people recognizes that he has seen all of this before.
And so has Ron Paul:

Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said he feels a “kinship” with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, noting that the two occasionally agree on some policies and oppose favors to the corporate world.

The "Paulites" as they are often called were actually successful in taking over the Alaska Republican party for a brief time, before the GOP establishment wrested it out of their control and sent them packing.

I wonder if that is the future for the "Bernie Sanders' movement?" Or if after going on a rampage in Philadelphia, and becoming completely frustrated with the real sausage making of politics,  they will simply disappear back into the ether?

I can tell you what they are not likely to do at this point, and that is to vote for Hillary Clinton.

And no that does NOT mean that Hillary should choose Bernie Sanders as her running mate. In fact I am absolutely certain that she will lose more votes if she does.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Republicans unleash Rand Paul on Alaskan voters in support of Dan Sullivan. Awkward!

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:

 Sen. Rand Paul is engaging in the Alaska Senate race with an endorsement for Republican Dan Sullivan in a new ad. 

Paul, who has quickly become one of the prized Republican surrogates in this midterm election cycle, is featured in a television spot from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which debuted Friday. 

"In states like Alaska, the chamber is focused on the independent swing vote and we think Sen. Paul is well positioned to deliver a message that appeals to them," said Blair Latoff Holmes, a chamber spokeswoman. 

In the ad, Paul looks straight to the camera to deliver the message that "Washington is broken." 

"Washington takes too much of our freedoms and too much of our money," Paul says. "I think Dan Sullivan will get it back." 

"To change Washington," Paul adds, "change your senator."

Wow you know filmed in that light, it almost covers up for the fact that Rand Paul has a dead squirrel on his head. 

You know I agree with Paul that we need to "change Washington." And by that I mean we need to stop sending obstructionists whose sole objective is to undermine the President, and force the government to grind to a halt.

You know the same objectives embraced by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mile Lee, and other political insurgents who are in Washington simply to prove the old GOP adage that government does not work.

By sending yet another Tea party douchebag we help to ensure that nothing that Alaska wants or needs will be delivered.

And let's not ignore the elephant in the room.

In 2012 Joe Miller used the Ron Paul supporters up here to stage a coup of the Republican party.

Ultimately the Alaska GOP dropped the hammer on the Paul supporters, wrestled back control of the party, and then instituted new guidelines to keep that from happening again.

However it left a really bad taste in the mouth of establishment Republicans in this state, so the idea of Ron Paul lite making a commercial in support of Dan Sullivan might not be as warmly received as the Chamber of Congress seems to expect.

And besides that, and maybe this is just me, but how can we take anybody seriously about his message of transparency in government when he wears this thing on his head?

 I mean come on! His hair is straight, why would it suddenly get all curly just at the top of his head?

I totally disagree with his father on almost everything, but at least the little guy wore his obvious comb over proudly.

I have a new policy that I will only take Rand Paul seriously when he stops insulting out intelligence and reveals that he is bald.

I mean I will still disagree with him, and attack him on his political points of view. But I will do it seriously.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mitch McConnell's campaign manager resigns most likely due to 2012 political payola scandal.

Courtesy of TPM:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) campaign manager, Jesse Benton, announced his resignation amid questions about his alleged role in 2012 Iowa bribery scandal. 

According to the Kentucky Herald-Leader, Benton met with McConnell on Friday afternoon and gave the top Senate Republican his letter of resignation, which McConnell accepted. 

Benton's resignation is effective Saturday. 

Gee, I wonder what ole Jesse did to get the heave ho like that?

Could it be bribing an Iowa state Senator into endorsing Ron Paul?

Nah, that couldn't be it, could it?

Personally I think this is a pretty good indication that McConnell is feeling the heat in Kentucky.

There was a time that Mitchy would have circled the wagons to defend his boy and claim it was all a liberal attack to undermine his campaign.

But not anymore, oh no, not anymore.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Former Iowa state senator pleads guilty to taking bribes to stop supporting Michele Bachmann and start supporting Ron Paul for the GOP nomination. Funny thing, turns out Bachmman was paying him as well.

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

A former Iowa state senator pleaded guilty Wednesday to concealing campaign expenditures and obstructing justice as part of an endorsement-for-pay scheme that roiled the Iowa Republican caucuses in 2012. 

Kent Sorenson, of Milo, Iowa, admitted in federal district court that former Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign secretly paid him $73,000 after he dramatically dropped his backing of Rep. Michele Bachmann in late 2011 and endorsed Paul’s White House bid, saying at the time that Bachmann was no longer a viable candidate. 

A furious Bachmann charged then that Sorenson was being paid to flip his support to Paul -- an accusation that Sorenson, Paul and his campaign officials all denied. 

But in court papers filed Wednesday, Sorenson acknowledged that he had been paid by both presidential campaigns.

As it turns out Sorenson was already being paid between $7,000 to $7,500 a month to support Bachmann and the Ron Paul people simply out bid her.

I guess there really is no honor among thieves, or Republicans right?

At the time Sorenson gave this statement to explain his change of heart:

“The decision I am making today is one of the most difficult I have made in my life,” Mr. Sorenson said in a statement. “But given what’s at stake for our country, I have decided I must take this action.” 

Mr. Sorenson said he was “saddened at the dismissive way she’s been treated among some conservatives,” but he said that it had become clear Mrs. Bachmann was no longer a viable contender.

Gee I wonder if it was THIS news that convinced Bachmann to not seek reelection?

By the way, the guy who orchestrated all of this for Ron Paul, Jesse Benton, is now running the reelection campaign for Mitch McConnell.

Color me unsurprised. 

Friday, July 04, 2014

Sarah Palin's super patriotic passive aggressive 4th of July shout out.

Wearing her "With every step I am disrespecting our flag" shoes.
Courtesy of the red, White, ans Blue moron's Facebook page:

Happy Fourth of July, America! Never forget what Thomas Jefferson called “the Spirit of 1776” – a sentiment rooted in the abiding belief that all men are created equal and desire freedom. Reagan invoked that same spirit in his famous speech “A Time for Choosing” when he urged us not to “abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.” 

(Translation:  Happy freedom day you small town living patriots, and fuck all of you elite intellectuals who keep fact checking me and pointing out my ignorance for all to see.)

Today and every day, let’s remember the “Spirit of 1776” and celebrate Independence, not government!  

(Translation: "Let's totally celebrate the spirit that formed this great country, but not the government the Founding Fathers came up with to run it.")

May that love of liberty burn in our hearts and renew our commitment to restore and preserve all that is good and strong and true about America. 

 (Translation: And what is good and strong and true in America is that there are certain people who deserve to have rights, and certain others who simply do not. You know who you are!)

 - Sarah Palin (Translation: RAM.)

Palin's ghostwriter also includes a quote from Ron Paul which kind of makes me think she is seriously considering the idea of the Tea Party breaking off and forming its own political party.

Which would, in my estimation, be just about the greatest thing to happen to this country since Paul Revere rode through the streets ringing those bells and warning the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms.

Okay I know that might confuse a few of you who did NOT sleep through tenth grade history, so here let Stephen Colbert explain exactly how that took place.

By the way I just returned from attending the 4th of July parade downtown where I got the chance to see my Senator. Mark Begich, walking down the street while being greeted by friendly waves from bystanders, and numerous floats promoting diversity and Alaska's commitment to human rights.

It made me very proud of my state, and very proud of my country.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

2nd Amendment blowhard in trouble with the authorities once again for making more terrorist threats on YouTube.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

U.S. Park Police and Washington, D.C. Police are investigating a video posted by gun rights activist Adam Kokesh in which the former U.S. Marine and Iraq veteran is seen loading shells into a pump-action shotgun and promising a “final American Revolution” by “next Independence Day.” According to Talking Points Memo, the video was posted Thursday to Kokesh’s YouTube account. 

The clip, called “Open Carry March on DC a Success,” showed Kokesh standing in a black “Goodfellas”-style jacket and no tie in what appears to be Washington, D.C.’s Freedom Plaza, where carrying a loaded firearm is illegal. “We will not be silent,” Kokesh said, looking slightly wild-eyed and punctuating each phrase with another shell loaded into the gun’s chamber. 

“We will not obey. We will not allow our government to destroy our humanity. We are the final American Revolution. See you next Independence Day.” 

Kokesh, a Ron Paul 2012 supporter and 9/11 “truther” was forced to call off a planned armed march on Washington in May of this year. He and other gun rights activists planned to march across the Memorial Bridge from Virginia into Washington, D.C. carrying weapons that are against the law in the nation’s capitol.

You guys remember this Kokesh guy right?

He was the moron who encouraged his radio listeners to march on Washington D.C. with loaded rifles slung across their shoulders, and then later backed out when he realized he might actually get shot or arrested.

Just WHO in the hell would be impressed with that dramatic cocking of the shotgun?  It looks like somebody has been watching too many Steven Seagal movies.

I am guessing that if he has any following at all it is made up of twelve year old boys.

I know we make a lot of jokes about gun nuts and their penis size, but I swear I have never seen a more obvious case of over compensation in my life. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Where have all the Teabaggers gone? Long time passing. Where has all the Tea party gone? Long time ago.

Courtesy of Salon:  

Who are the names that come to mind when you think about leaders of the Tea Party movement? Maybe Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Jim DeMint, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann? Those were the most popular leaders listed by self-identified Tea Party activists in a 2010 Washington Post poll, at the height of the movement. You could add to that list a handful of other congressmen, especially outspoken Reps. Steve King, Allen West and Joe Walsh, among others. 

And then you’d realize that every single one of them either lost their job or abandoned being a voice of the movement. 

The 2012 election was devastating for the outspoken leaders in Congress. Allen West lost after a protracted battle, Joe Walsh was trounced by rising star Tammy Duckworth, and Ron Paul retired. Other, lesser-known members like Roscoe Barlett also lost. The two House Tea Party Caucus members who ran for the Senate last year both lost — Reps. Denny Rehberg in Montana and Todd Akin in Missouri. 

Meanwhile Jim DeMint, the most prominent Tea Party leader in the Senate, who funded primary challenges against more moderate Republicans, left the Senate a month after the election to head the Heritage Foundation. 

As for Bachmann, the founder of the Tea Party Caucus, she’s gone almost completely silent, as MinnPost noted last week. Since the November election, she hasn’t done any national television, has appeared on the radio only once, and has ducked most interview requests. Instead, those close to her say she’s focusing on the quotidian work of a legislator — advancing bills and helping constituents — instead of the more exciting work of being a national movement leader and media star. 

The same is true for Rep. Steve King, who has rarely been heard from since November, when he got a run for his money from Democrat Christie Vilsack. Perhaps a bit chastened, or perhaps in anticipation of a rumored upcoming Senate bid, King has laid low and spoken out mostly to soften his hard-right image. 

King has always staked out the far-right flank of the the party on immigration, so it was shocking to hear him say in January that he supports most of the comprehensive immigration reform bill emerging in the Senate. It seems to be indicative of a concerted effort to moderate his image. 

Then there’s Sarah Palin, whose long decline into irrelevance got a big kick from behind when Fox News dropped her in January. 

It’s a similar story for Glenn Beck, who, despite his success on the Dish Network, has nowhere close to the following he had during his Fox News days. And he’s moved away from the partisan red meat that made him famous, rebranding himself as a nonpartisan libertarian with a big emphasis on faith and religion.

Essentially all of these people who once trumpeted the Tea Party movement at the top of their lungs, have lost their jobs, lost their credibility, and in the case of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, essentially lost their minds. With Palin now fanning conspiracy theories about government buying bullets to exterminate citizens and Beck working on plans to build a 2 billion dollar tree fort in the woods, the only people REALLY listening to them are those measuring them for straitjackets.

Today the ONLY real prominent Teabagger still making the news is Ted Cruz, whose vicious tactics in the Chuck Hagel confirmation hearing and elsewhere, have earned him comparisons to Joe McCarthy. If that sticks, and the Tea Party becomes inextricably tied to McCarthyism, the Tea Party is not only doomed but they will serve as an object lesson for the dangers of allowing the fringe a place at the political table for decades to come.

Personally I don't think this Koch brother backed Astro-turf party can end too soon. Already their damage to the ability of policy makers in Washington to do their jobs has been extensive and threatens the very stability of our nation.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ron Paul seeks support from the United Nations, an organization he once described as "rife with corruption and backroom deals," in battle with (Get this!) his own rabid fan base.

"You give me back my name or I will sic the UN on you."
Courtesy of the Atlantic Wire:

Paul was interviewed by Conservative radio show host Alex Jones at the beginning of January and said he wished he had control of It's not an uncommon wish. Everyone wants to own The site was registered by his fans years ago, though it's unclear who exactly owns the domain. Ownership have protected their identity from public searches. Regardless, Paul supporters have used the site as an organizational tool to help the popular libertarian since. 

The proprietors of say they reached out to the retired politicain and offered him as a free gift, but if he "insisted" on owning then they would sell it to him. There was a catch, though. It would be part of a "liberty package" with the site's 170,000 person mailing list for... wait for it... $250,000. They think the price is totally worth it: 

"The value we put on the deal was $250k; we are getting our mailing list appraised right now but we are confident it is easily worth more than $250k all by itself. Claims that we tried to sell Ron Paul “his name” for $250k or even $800k are completely untrue, and there is little doubt that our mailing list would have enabled Ron Paul to raise several million dollars for the liberty movement this year. It would have been a win/win/win situation for everyone involved."

But Paul did not respond to their generous offer. Instead, he went to the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organization to file a 13 page complaint asking for control of both domains. 

Oops! Paul's opting for legal action is notable because he's spoken out against the U.N. in the past. They generally aren't very popular among libertarians. They aren't so bad now that he wants control of his own name's website. 

And now his fans are pissed: 

"Back in 2007 we put our lives on hold for you, Ron, and we invested close to 10,000 hours of tears, sweat and hard work into this site at great personal sacrifice. We helped raise millions of dollars for you, we spread your message of liberty as far and wide as we possibly could, and we went out of our way to defend you against the unjustified attacks by your opponents. Now that your campaigns are over and you no longer need us, you want to take it all away – and send us off to a UN tribunal?"

Ron Paul's supporters did not reach there distrust of the UN all on their own, Ron Paul led them there with statements like this:

  • Its global planners fully intend to expand the UN into a true world government, complete with taxes, courts, and a standing army. 
  • The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body. 
  • Like any government or quasi-government body, the UN is rife with corruption and backroom deals. Worst of all, it serves as a forum for rampant anti-Americanism. 
And Ron Paul supporters ate that up with a spoon. So for Paul to suddenly turn to the UN as arbiters in this disagreement, is like walking up to each and every one of his fans and pissing on their shoes.

Personally I have NEVER understood the Ron Paul attraction. But it has been widespread, mostly because of his anti-war stances and desire for us not to get involved in the conflict that happen in other countries. I agree with that as well, but then Paul loses me when he talks about returning the country to the Gold Standard or suggests that government has virtually no role to play in the lives of the American people.

Clearly he is somewhat of a lunatic, and the evidence for that is in the first few lines of this post:

Paul was interviewed by Conservative radio show host Alex Jones.

You don't get much more fringe, or outright insane than Alex Jones, who many of you may remember from his venom spewing defense of the 2nd Amendment on the Piers Morgan show.

I think that for those Ron Paul supporters who are still clinging to the ridiculous belief that Paul, or his son, actually have a shot at becoming President of this country this will serve as a long overdue wake up call. 

For the rest of us it is just an affirmation that Paul is essentially full of shit. Which is really not much of a shocker.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Year in Political Fashion. And some obvious observations by moi.

The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart has put up his picks for "The Year in Political Fashion."

There were a number of obvious choices such as Santorum's sweater vest, Chris Christie's omnipresent fleece, and Mitt Romney's Costco purchased mom jeans.

There were also a few that became internet memes, such as this picture of Hillary.

And this picture of Paul Ryan.

I am certainly by NO means an expert on fashion (Understatement of the year), and I disagree with some of Capehart's choices. However with one example I think he was dead on.

Here is how Capehart described this look: 

Sarah Palin was all over the place with this outfit, worn while stumping for Missouri Senate candidate Sarah Steelman. The superman t-shirt screamed: “laundry day!” The Capri pants were fine, even with that belt. Don’t get me started on her wedges. Any taller and they’d qualify as stilts.

Yes indeed Palin's choice to just throw on any old thing laying on the Palin recreational vehicle floor certainly sent the message that either she simply did not give a shit about dressing professionally anymore, or she had no idea HOW to dress herself. (Guess which one I am leaning toward.)

However it occurs to me that there were other, earlier examples that she had some form of "dressing yourself dyslexia" as well.

Wearing a see thru top and drenched in sweat in July.
In Wasilla voting during GOP primary in March
Sweaty and bitchy in Iowa wearing Piper's t-shirt during straw poll in February.
Sporting her vagina crucifix during screening of "The Undefeated" in Pella.
 And I am not even going to bother with post pictures of ALL of the bizarre wigs that Palin has stapled to her head in the last few years. Those pretty much speak for themselves.

(And I believe I mean that quite literally.)

However, to be fair, was there EVER really a time that when Palin was forced to dress herself that she WASN'T adorned in trailer park chic?

You know I think that SOME people actually bought into the image of the perfectly coiffed, professionally dressed politician that the McCain campaign spent $150,000 trying to create.

But let's face it, Palin was ALWAYS that poor mentally challenged girl in the corner with the mismatched clothes and the bike helmet on her head to keep her from running into sharp corners. Yet people saw what they WANTED to see in her and THEY were the ones who were surprised that she could not live up to their expectations.

Alaskans? Yeah, not so much.

Update: I almost forgot to include this last photograph which I think succinctly drives home my point.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

So THIS is how the Republican party deals with its Teabagger problem!

So apparently somebody LITERALLY bribed a bus driver to keep delegates opposed to the rules change from being inside the convention hall when the vote was taken. For those wondering how far the Republican establishment will go to retain power, I think you have your answer.

And the fact that the outcome of the "vote" was already pre-written onto the teleprompter is incredible.

Look I COMPLETELY understand the GOP's desire to get their party back out of the hands of these Teabagger idiots, but I think that by doing it THIS way they may have caused a far bigger problem than they temporarily solved.

And as a Democrat, I find that pretty awesome.

Personally I will be surprised if the Republican party survives in its current form for the next twenty years.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So Mitt Romney is on the final leg of his worldwide tour to just three countries. He got off to a rocky start but surely he did better in Poland, right?

Staffers attempt to block the Ron Paul signs that greeted Mitt Romney in Poland. (Source.)

But surely that was just a minor glitch, Look, they love him! Wait, what is that over to the left?

Wow, now that is just awkward!

Well hopefully the rest of his visit went fine. I'm sorry what happened?

The Republican hopeful arrived in Gdansk, northern Poland, for a two-day visit he hopes will attract Polish-American voters. The visit was also aimed at showing Romney would be tougher on Russia than his opponent President Barack Obama, who is running for a second term. 

Romney arrived at Gdansk‘s city hall and briefly chatted with locals before meeting with Tusk. A group was heard chanting, "Obama! Obama!" as Romney later made his way to his next meeting with anti-communist icon Lech Walesa, the former leader of Solidarity.

Then later when reporters tried to get Romney to answer some questions about his earlier gaffes in England and Israel, one of his staffers lost his shit:

CNN: "Governor Romney are you concerned about some of the mishaps of your trip? 

NYT: "Governor Romney do you have a statement for the Palestinians? 

Washington Post: "What about your gaffes? 

NYT: "Governor Romney do you feel that your gaffes have overshadowed your foreign trip?" 

CNN: "Governor Romney just a few questions sir, you haven't taken but three questions on this trip from the press! 

Gorka: "Show some respect" 

NYT: "We haven't had another chance to ask a question..." 

Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect." 

Moments later, Gorka told Jonathan Martin, a reporter for Politico, to "shove it." About a half-hour later, the aide called reporters to apologize. 

Damn, how dare these reporters do their job when the candidate is concentrating on trying to look presidential! What were they thinking? I mean can't this poor guy get respect anywhere, from anyone?

Well at least he had his wife with him to provide a little comfort.

I think he might have brought the family dog as well.

Yeah, you know the Brits, Palestinians, and Poles are right, he IS a giant douche!

We simply cannot allow our country to be represented by yet another clumsy Republican asshole like George W. Bush.

Obama 2012!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mitt Romney avoids Ron Paul ambush, but may not be out of the woods yet.

"Oooh, and I was so close."
Courtesy of The Christian Science Monitor:  

The Republican congressman from Texas has doggedly worked his way through the GOP primary/caucus season, unwavering in his conservative-libertarian message, steadily picking up delegates to the August convention as his enthusiastic and loyal supporters turn out in droves to cheer him on. 

But in his last chance to be nominated at the Republican convention in Tampa, Rep. Paul failed. What would have been a highly-visible event at the venue where Mitt Romney (who garnered the necessary 1,144 delegates two months ago) almost certainly will be nominated, will not happen. 

At the GOP state convention in Nebraska on Saturday, Mr. Paul didn’t win enough delegates to be nominated for president. It also means he won’t be able to demand a speaking slot at the convention.

So Ron Paul's subversive attempt to get his name on the ballot goes limp before the money shot, which should inspire a huge sigh of relief from the Romney campaign.  However if Romney thinks it is smooth sailing from here on out, he really does NOT know this new Republican party very well.

This courtesy of Politico:

Romney’s high command and the Republican National Committee are warily eyeing three potential events outside of the actual convention next month that could serve as distractions to thousands of reporters looking for any semblance of news surrounding the official proceedings. 

Paul, the libertarian-leaning GOP congressman from Texas, is planning a “Rally for the Liberty Delegates” across town at the University of South Florida on the Sunday before the convention begins. 

Just down I-75 that same night in Sarasota, Trump is set to receive a Statesman of the Year award from the Sarasota Republican Party at a local party dinner. 

And then there’s Palin, whose PAC earlier this year spent $4,500 to reserve space for an event within walking distance of the Tampa Bay Times Forum, where the convention will be held. 

"I can SEE the convention from my rented space at the plaza. Just wait until Romney rears his head!"

Any of the three could divert attention from what will be a carefully crafted, down-to-the-minute agenda aimed at elevating Romney and hammering President Barack Obama for his stewardship of the economy. But while organizers ultimately have little control over such outside events, they do determine who exactly is and is not allowed a turn before the cameras inside the arena. And on this – mindful of divisive conventions past like 1964 and 1992 — they’re treading lightly. 

Except for the convention four years ago (for obvious reasons) I have not paid much attention to these GOP conventions, but I have to say that THIS one looks to be the potential equivalent of a three ring circus, under surprise attack from an alien invasion, right before a volcano erupts and sends the entire party fleeing into the sea to avoid the molten lava. In other words, I would not miss it for the world! (Note to self: Buy more popcorn!)

However it still looks like the Romney campaign is doing everything they can think of to make damn sure that the pinhead and bearded lady from side show do not get in the way of the main act.

In the case of the more provocative figures in the party, the Trumps and the Palins, organizers are quietly hoping they’ll be satisfied during the week by having access to the various news outlets arrayed in Tampa and believe they can be made to feel important without necessarily getting time on the stage. 

Too bad really, I can hardly think of anything that would be more entertaining than watching the Romney campaign trying to salvage a shred of their dignity while Little Okey-Dokey Annie and Howdy Doody's illegitimate, and overfed, offspring cling to the stage for dear life while GOP officials drag them out of camera range.

Oh well, you can't have everything!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Joe Miller, Sarah Palin butt-boy and puppet master behind the takeover of the Alaska GOP, has accepted a payoff to settle his lawsuit.

Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch:

On Monday, Miller accepted a $5,000 judgement against the borough and former Fairbanks Mayor Jim Whitaker. The judgement was offered by the borough. 

The borough mayor, Luke Hopkins, said it offered the judgement because it was in the "taxpayer’s best interests to put a stop to this litigation and legal expenses with this low monetary offer." 

Hopkins was also surprised that Miller accepted, given that he initially said that he would do so for $50,000, and then $25,000. He originally claimed that he had over $160,000 in damages. 

You know I'm kind of surprised as well, since Miller is a pugnacious asshole who will go to great lengths to make a point. I wonder what could have convinced him to settle for such a comparative pittance?

After Miller lost in the general election to Murkowski’s write-in campaign, he sued the borough, claiming that someone in the office illegally leaked information about Miller’s time at the borough. 

The judgement admits to none of this, however, and for all the time and money involved in the case, the only salient fact that seems to have emerged is that the former mayor of the borough, Jim Whitaker, had a meeting with Renee Broker, Miller’s supervisor, about Miller's time at the borough and what could be said to the press about that time. 

When deposed about the meeting, Broker claimed attorney-client privilege, even though Whittaker was no longer the mayor. Whether or not Broker and Whittaker could claim such privilege was scheduled to be argued in front of a judge next week. 

The borough contends the law is very specific that former mayors can seek advice about events that occurred while they were in office. 

Miller still believes that someone at the borough leaked the information, his lawyer John Tiemessen said. “But every case has a point of diminishing returns,” he said. “Maybe you haven’t beaten under every bush and overturned every rock, but you’ve done enough that you have a pretty good idea of what’s going on,” he said. 

Miller sought legal fees, but he refused to provide information about whether or not he or his leftover campaign coffers were footing the bill for those fees. He had said that until January 2011, his lawyers were paid a flat fee of $10,000 a month. Since then, however, he’s denied that his campaign has paid for the legal fees. 

The judge ordered him to provide such information by Monday, but he accepted the judgement instead.

Aha! So the real reason that Miller suddenly decided to walk away from a lawsuit which he has pursued doggedly for well over a year now is most likely because he simply did NOT want to divulge who was footing the bill for his legal costs.  Well that is too bad because THAT would be a question well worth finding the answer to.

Especially since we recently learned during the domestic terrorism trial that Miller was the person, along with Palin Chief-of-Staff Frank Bailey, who introduced FBI informant Bill Fulton to, future convicted terrorist, Schaeffer Cox.

It is also an important question because this lawsuit pertains to an incident that happened back in 2008, which is now connected to the recent overthrow of the Alaska GOP by Miller and his minions.

Personally I am hoping that since the recent successful conviction of the militia terrorism squad, that the FBI is now ready to turn their sights on Miller and HIS very interesting connections to certain questionable activities, not to mention his connection to a certain half term Governor which apparently goes back to her days as the mayor of Wasilla.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Just how did Schaeffer Cox meet FBI informant "Drop Zone Bill?" And what does it have to do with Sarah Palin?

Image courtesy of Alaska Dispatch.
I have been closely following the trial of Francis "Schaeffer" Cox this summer, mostly through the incredibly detailed court reporting of Jeanne Devon of Mudflats fame, though admittedly I have been focused on the revelation of a certain detail that I had learned through sources and was waiting to have testified to in a court of law.

Yesterday that detail became part of the official record, when William Fulton finally made his long awaited court appearance:

Nelson Traverso for the defense: When did you first meet Mr. Cox? 

Fulton: At the 2008 Republican convention, Sir. I was introduced to Mr. Cox by Joe Miller and Frank Bailey in my hotel room. We were having a meeting on a strategy session for the next day. 

Traverso: Joe Miller, the ex-candidate Joe Miller? 

Fulton: Yes, sir.

Okay now just savor that for a moment won't you?

The future FBI informant was FIRST introduced to the future domestic terrorist, by both future Tea Party favorite, Sarah Palin butt-boy, and future Senate candidate Joe Miller AND Sarah Palin Chief of Staff, Frank Bailey.

And what were they there to discuss? "We were having a meeting on a strategy session for the next day."

As I wrote earlier Joe Miller and Sarah Palin had teamed up in 2008 in an attempt to take over the Alaska Republican party.  That attempt failed, however just recently another attempt by Miller and, Schaeffer Cox recruit, Russ Millette was much more successful.

Okay so just to tie all of this together, Sarah Palin operatives, Frank Bailey and Joe Miller, were close enough associates of Schaeffer Cox to introduce him in a hotel room to future FBI informant and militia "supply sergeant" William Fulton, in order to hatch a plan on how to wrest control of the Alaska GOP away from Randy Reuderich and the "good old boys" club.

And today, hiding behind the Ron Paul label, that plan has been implemented.

So, WHO is in charge of this new Republican party? Well I can tell you this, it's NOT Ron Paul!

Now of course there are a lot of other strings yet to be tied up, and Miller, Bailey, and Palin's connection to all of this is much deeper than this reveals as of yet, however I have been assured that the true story (And it is a doozy!), will be reported some time after this case is finally wrapped up.

However until then hopefully having this connection between Cox, Bailey, Miller, and Palin on the court transcripts will be enough to shake some reporters awake to the now much more obvious connections between the AIP, the sovereign citizens moment, the militias, and our half term ex-Governor Sarah Palin.

P.S. Before I close this post I just want to give a shout out to the exemplary work done by Jeanne Devon.  I had hoped to be in the courtroom myself for much of this trial, however my work responsibilities have kept me away, but having her do such an amazing job has really made it almost seem that I was there as well. Huge hat tip to Mudflats!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rand Paul's 2016 presidential prospects just crashed and burned.

Many people feel that Ron Paul's subversive overthrow of the Republican party from within is not so much aimed at body checking Mitt Romney off the ticket in 2012, but rather to seed the ground in preparation for his son, Rand Paul, in 2016.

Cheating is a way of life for the Republicans in the political arena and members of the Paul family have been VERY attentive students.

However much of their plan is contingent on being seen as the very embodiment of the small government conservative movement that the Teabaggers only claim to represent.

By staying away from social issues they hope to attract moderates to their side of the aisle, which may in fact NOT be completely aligned with the GOP we see today.

However, that more moderate viewpoint is only a facade, and Ron and Rand are both just as prejudice to their core as ANY Southern White Baptist politician, regardless of how careful they are to hide their religious affiliations. A fact which, at least in Ron Paul's case, was in full display after the discovery of his racist newsletters.

As for their views on the hot topic of the day, gay marriage, the above leaves little doubt concerning Rand Paul's feelings about "teh gays," and Ron Paul's freakout after finding himself in a room with Bruno (Played by Sacha Baron Cohen), doesn't  really leave much doubt concerning his feelings either.

Make no mistake the GOP simply CANNOT abide the idea of the acceptance of same sex marriage, and that will most certainly be front and center in the 2012 election. Which, in my opinion, works in our favor quite well.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

What do Alaska Republicans, Ron Paul supporters, and suspected domestic terrorists have in common? I lot more than most people realize.

Lately the political world of Alaska has been abuzz about the overthrow of the old GOP machine in favor of the Ron Paul Republican machine.  However the question must be asked, exactly WHO are the cogs in the Ron Paul Republican machine.

In my earlier post I mentioned the Sarah Palin connection to the takeover of the GOP, but, believe it or not, that might NOT be the most troubling connection.

You see the guy that took over Republican Chairman Randy Ruedrich's old job is a man by the name of Russ Millette.  Who is Russ Millette you might ask?

Here is what the Alaska Dispatch had to say about Millette:

Millete is little known in Alaska’s political circles, although he said in an Alaska Dispatch interview that he’s been working in politics since 1964, the year he volunteered for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater’s campaign. 

Millete came to Alaska in 1975, left the state in the 1990s, and returned in 2005. His jobs have ranged from substitute teacher to youth minister. The choice to enter politics as a party official, he said, was the result of a “tug from God.”

Sounds fairly harmless don't you think?

New GOP Chairman Russ Millette
Certainly looks harmless.  So no problem right?

Not so fast.

Here is what the Mudflats dug up on Mr. Millette:

Russ Millette, 67, has been elected to replace Ruedrich. In addition to being the heir apparent of the dynasty, he is/was also a “team member” of a group called (the We the People project), at least as recently as 2009. One of the other team members is… wait for it… one Mr. Schaeffer Cox, who is currently a disgruntled “sovereign citizen” awaiting trial for plotting to kill federal judges.

What? Russ Millette is connected to Schaeffer Cox? The SAME Schaeffer Cox currently standing trial on charges of domestic terrorism?  Yup, he sure is.

That should not be terribly surprising as Schaeffer Cox has been a Ron Paul supporter for quite some time now, and was even interviewed about Paul in February of 2008:

 "I think Ron Paul is awesome," says Schaeffer Cox, a 23-year-old who leads an unofficial group supporting the Republican presidential candidate here. "He's not the most dynamic, rock-star kind of guy -- but he's got ideas."

Now apparently sometime after this interview, and after the failed Joe Miller/Sarah Palin Republican party coup in March of that year, Schaeffer Cox became a paid Ron Paul staff member. Something which I learned from an inside source and which you can confirm by clicking on the Give Me Liberty website, and then clicking the "details" button next to Francis "Schaeffer" Cox's name, where you will read this:

General Contractor/Owner of Residential Construction Company 
Student of Hayek, Mises, Rothbard 
Led Ron Paul campaign for Alaska 
Founded the 2nd Amendment Task Force which now has 7,000 members
Founder/Board Member of Interior Alaska Conservative Coalition

As I understand it, part of Schaeffer Cox's responsibilities as a paid staffer was to recruit new members into the Ron Paul campaign for 2012. One of those recruits, you guessed it, was Russ Millette.

So apparently Millette did NOT enter politics as a result of a "tug from God" but instead as the result of a "shove from Schaeffer Cox."

In the words of my source, "Ron Paul did not just take over the Republican party, Schaeffer Cox just did." I was also told that Millette is not the ONLY Cox operative currently working inside today's Alaska GOP.

Never a dull moment in Alaska politics now is there?  And isn't it even more interesting that the other well know name attached to this GOP takeover was none other than Sarah Palin butt boy Joe Miller?

And as we have already demonstrated there is definitely a connection between Joe Miller and Cox, though the depth of that connection has not yet been revealed.

Stray tuned folks I think we have only seen the tip of this particular iceberg.

Monday, May 07, 2012

The problem facing us in the upcoming election. And a possible solution from an unlikely source.

This may be a comic, but there is nothing comical about the very real problem facing us in the 2012 elections.

If this were a level playing field the Democrats would mop the floor with the Republicans, but there will be NOTHING fair about how this election pans out.

The Republicans are like the kid who starts running and then yells "GO," or ties your shoelaces together when you're not looking, or "accidentally" trips you at the starting line. In their eyes winning is all that counts and "everything is fair in love, and war."  And OH how they "love" the "war" of politics.

That is why it is of paramount importance for the Obama supporters to get out the vote, and not JUST get it out, but get it out in HUGE numbers. History has shown that the GOP cannot steal an election if there are too many votes on the other side to fudge.

However there might be a little help coming the Democrats way, because as it turns out there seems to be a very aggressive fly in the Republican ointment.

Ron Paul.

He has yet to win a primary. All his other fellow long-shots have dropped out (or will by the end of the day). The Republican National Committee is calling former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney the “presumptive nominee.” 

Yet at state conventions around the country, Paul supporters are increasing the candidate’s support by taking over state party committees and educating fellow Paul fans in arcane rules. 

While at many conventions Romney backers are split between numerous would-be delegates, Paul supporters are showing up in droves and voting with discipline for a delegate slate. 

With a plurality of delegates from five states, Paul supporters could nominate him from the convention floor — the goal of at least some Paul supporters.

It appears that the Ron Paul people are about to give the Republicans a taste of their own bitter medicine, and are actively attempting to undermine the selection of Mitt Romney as the GOP nominee by hook or by crook.  And make no mistake they will NOT be dissuaded, because apparently they see themselves as the saviors of the Republican party.

At least according to this e-mail.

After we take over the Alaska convention, we will be able to nominate Dr. Paul from the floor at the Republican National Convention. We will have a floor fight at the national convention and when it's all said and done, Dr. Paul will be the nominee. Despite what the Republican Party wants us to believe, this election is not about beating Obama. This election is about cleansing the Republican Party. The poor excuse for Americans that support Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney need to be run out of the Republican Party. Once we have cleansed the Republican Party and President Paul is elected, we will end America’s wars of aggression, we will put an end to American imperialism, and we will end the Fed!

So while the Republicans are actively trying to disenfranchise minority voters, Diebold away votes from Obama, and undermine Democracy yet again in his upcoming election, they are also simultaneous struggling to maintain control of their own party and fighting off an insurgency of Ron Paul supporters.

Wow! And we thought the last election cycle was a train wreck!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The good news: The Republican party in Alaska has been taken over. The bad news: It looks like Sarah Palin surrogate Joe Miller was behind it.

"Well we finally did it!"
This from Alaska Dispatch:

This weekend, it was the young, sometimes bedraggled but always idealstic and not always so polite, supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul who were certain that if they were in charge of the party, Alaska and the country would be a better place. 

And now they’ll get their chance to prove it. 

After at least 12 years of the Alaska GOP being run by what those party newcomers call “establishment Republicans,” a new force is taking over: Alaska Republicans voted Russ Millete as the party’s new chairman and Debbie Holland-Brown as co-chair. They are both supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Millette, 67, has lived off and on in Alaska, most recently returning to the state in 2005. He will assume chair of the state GOP at the start of 2013. But for now, he will serve as the party’s finance chairman. 

Ruedrich, an old-school Republican who had held the job of chairman since 2000, chose not to run again, leaving the field wide open.

Now as somebody who absolutely DESPISES the Republican party in Alaska, I at first welcomed this as good news.  I am NO Ron Paul supporter, but I could NOT imagine how anybody could run the party worse, or make it any more corrupt, than Randy Ruederich.

But then I read this:

... after the party delegates’ votes were tallied Saturday evening, a cheer erupted from Paul supporters on the second floor of the Hilton. Others looked crestfallen. Some blamed failed senatorial candidate Joe Miller and his wife, Kathleen, who spent much of their time Saturday huddled with Paul supporters. Miller was largely expected to jockey for a party leadership position, but it was Kathleen who, sporting a Ron Paul sticker, won a seat on Alaska’s GOP Electoral College. 

The Millers were nowhere to be found at the party afterwards at Ron Paul’s Alaska campaign headquarters in downtown Anchorage, where both Millete and Brown spoke to supporters. 

“They tried every maneuver they could, but God prevailed,” Millete told the crowd, many who were half his age or younger. 

To be sure, not all Paul supporters believe in God, but a certain alliance between the tea party and Paulites was necessary for an upset in GOP politics on the Last Frontier, as evidenced by Joe Miller backers aligning with Paul supporters at this weekend’s convention. And so, regardless of religious beliefs, they cheered for Millete.

Oh shit!

If Miller is quietly behind this pulling the strings, then you can bet your ass that Palin is behind him pulling HIS strings.  After all Palin and Miller attempted a similar coup of the Republican party back in 2008. (As a matter of fact THAT attempt was behind the scandal that helped to derail Miller's run at the Senate seat in 2010.)

Only this time they used the Ron Paul supporters in Alaska to out maneuver the established GOP players. So THAT explains why Palin has been kissing Ron Paul's ass lately!

As much as I have dreamed about the Alaska GOP being taken over, and seeing the old corrupt bastards kicked to the curb, the idea of Palin now having power over the party does NOTHING but fill me with dread.

In fact this might almost make her MORE powerful, and MORE damaging to my state, then she was even as our Governor.

Well so much for me getting a good night's sleep tonight!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rick Perry can be funny on purpose? Who knew?

"Screw politics! I'm gonna be the new Carrot Top!"
Rick Perry apparently tried out a little stand up at last night's Gridiron Dinner.

And do you know what? He was pretty damn good!

Rick Perry: “I can't tell you … what a relief it is to be on a stage with just one podium. … [Laughter]] The Gridiron’s the only time that politicians and journalists can get together for some lighthearted silliness – well, I mean, other than the debates. … Some have said that my debating style is very similar to that other Texas Cicero, George W. Bush. [Laughter] Only difference between GEORGE and me is that I say, ‘Oops.’ [Applause] … Y’know, I shouldn’t make fun of George. But he’s, like, the only one that I can. [Laughter] Y’know, I say stuff like Solyndra’s a country or that the voting age is 21. But MITT would say things like his wife drives a coupla Cadillacs, or his pals own NASCAR teams. Y’known, my problem was sayin’ stuff that WASN’T right. Mitt's problem is sayin’ stuff that IS. [Applause] So with all my gaffes, people forgot that I once led the Republican primary. It was the most exhilarating three hours of my life. Awesome! Now, officially, I have only suspended my campaign -- I never really quit. So technically, I'm still in the race – ’cept I can go home, spend the evening with Anita, relax, and still do about as well. Well, listen, here’s the hardest part for me: The weakest Republican field in history -- and they kicked my BUTT! … Y’know, very once in a while, Herman Cain, Michele Bachman and myself’ll get together. We’ll kinda act silly, we’ll say some stupid things—you know, kinda like old times. "

“Y’know it’s weird standing next to [Mitt] on the debate podium. Y’know, I keep waiting for him to say, ‘Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?’ … I LIKE Mitt Romney. I mean, I like Mitt Romney as much as one really good looking man can like a really good looking man –and not break Texas law. And then there's Rick Santorum. I used to have SO much fun needling Rick. I'd say, ‘Now, Rick, tell me again, which one of the Village People are you? You’re the policeman? Or you’re the Indian?’ And then there's Ron Paul. … Y’know, he kinda reminds me of that crazy uncle that you expect to pull a nickel out of your ear. … Then we have Gingrich. He's like this Pillsbury Doughboy, with this really huge brain. … I do wish I were still in the race. I mean, I don't know why I didn't do better: Governor of a big state. Former military pilot. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in animal husbandry. [Laughter] Maybe that was the problem. Animal husbandry: That sounds like what Rick Santorum thinks gay marriage leads to. …

Not bad.

You know it kind of makes me miss Perry on the campaign trail.

I mean yes the idea of a President Perry scared the pee right out of me, but you have to admit he kind of livened the place up. 

By the way this is still my favorite Rick Perry moment from the campaign.

Newt Gingrich gets the Bad Lip Reading treatment.

You would think these things would get old, but I swear I laugh out loud at every single one of them.