Showing posts with label child support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child support. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Amid accusations of violence toward the mother of his second child Track Palin files motion to modify child support payments to the mother of his first child.

So yes according to Court View Track reopened his first child custody case and filed a motion to modify his child support.

Since it would be the rarest of rarities for a father to reopen a case to increase his child support, and this IS a Palin we are talking about, I think it is safe to assume that Track is reducing his support payments.

So is this a coincidence that the case reopened on the day that Radar Online reported that Track's parents have washed their hands of him, or is losing THAT support in fact the reason that Track can no longer meet his financial responsibilities?

Remember this comes on the heels of Britta Hanson modifying that custody agreement back in March of last year when she heard that he kicked the shit out of Jordan Loewe, his newest baby mama, in a drunken rage.

At that time Track lost overnight visits with Kyla Grace as well as a significant amount of his time during the day with her, and he has never been granted that time back.

Now I know that the Palin troll will be here spinning her bullshit about how the Palins are good parents, and that Track is some kind of special case.

However if you are even a casual Palin watcher you know that is definitely not true.

And one needs to remember that Track could have received help for his substance abuse and out of control behaviors several times along the way, but at every opportunity to get that help his mother interfered and kept him from facing the consequences for his actions.

Seriously the best thing for Track Palin right now is that he get arrested for some crime that hopefully does not leave anybody dead, and that he finally receive the counseling and substance abuse therapy that he has clearly needed since he was a teenager.

Currently this young man is a danger to himself, and to all of those around him until that happens.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The saga of Bristol Palin and her baby daddies.

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on
I think we can stop beating around the bush and just say that Bristol has either already lured Dakota back into her bed again, or she is still in the process of reeling him in.

That boy is dumber than a box of rocks.

But he should be paying very close attention to how she treats her other baby daddy.

Courtesy of People: 

Looks like a win for Bristol Palin. 

Her former fiancé Levi Johnston has reportedly been ordered by a judge to pay the mother of two $61,915.20 in back child support for their 7-year-old son, Tripp, according to TMZ. 

Palin's apparent child support victory is the latest development in a years-long and sometimes bitter custody battle between the ex-couple, who in February were finally awarded joint custody of their son. 

Now on the one hand this is exactly what Levi fought for in court, joint custody of his son. (Well almost joint custody.)

However I am told that he did not expect the support to be so high.

And what is even worse is that both parties signed a confidentiality agreement so that the details of the case would not end up in the gossip rags.

The Johnstons kept their part of the deal (Trust me.) but clearly Bristol did not.

And it is this kind of nasty back stabbing that Dakota Meyer can look forward to as well.

If he think that there is a happily ever after in his future he needs to wake up and smell the arsenic, because everything about these people is poisonous.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Just so you know, this story is false.

Courtesy of Fox News:

Levi Johnston is stripping down again for Playgirl. The 25-year-old Alaskan is in talks with the magazine to do another photo shoot to help with his legal bills reports Rob Shuter of But this time they are insisting that Johnston do full-frontal. 

(Johnston racked up legal bills securing joint custody of his 7-year-old son Tripp with ex-fiance Bristol Palin). 

“Levi has an opportunity now that he was won the custody case with his son to show how hot daddies can be”, a Playgirl rep told Naughty Gossip, “we’re currently in New Orleans doing a Daddy model search.”

Levi's wife Sunny just posted this on her Facebook page:

Shouldn't Fox News have to have conformation about something so personal in someone's life? Or are they a tabloid now and just write about anything? Levi has not spoke to Playgirl about doing another issue but the part that he spent 7 years and $100,000 in legal fees fighting for his son is very true. I guess he needs to speak up again to clear up some rumors!

Yeah, you would think. Right?

Levi appearing in Playgirl in the first place was the brainchild of Tank Jones, and it was perhaps the first time that I occurred to me that he was trying to destroy Levi's credibility.

And to some degree it worked.

So no, Levi has absolutely NO plans to take it all off for money any time soon.

Gee, I wonder who would have sent out a story like this in an attempt to damage Levi's image?

Hmm, any ideas?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Levi Johnston sets the record straight about his child custody situation and child support payments. Update!

Courtesy of Levi's Facebook page: 

I have been getting a lot of inquiries about recent articles and headlines in the news. I have been asked what I think and while I would rather not have my words twisted in an interview I have decided to post a little statement on here. 

I'm so happy to have my son in my life, and to put all of this back in forth in the courts behind me. 

It might have taken me 7 years and cost me around $100,000 in lawyer fees, spread out among 3 different lawyers, as well as a lot of patience, but it was all worth it. 

I'm happy now to be successfully co-parenting. 

Altogether I have paid $50,000 in child support for Tripp, which is $600 a month, since Tripp's birth so at the end of the day I know I have worked hard to meet my obligations as a father. 

Despite what some have heard I've always been there for him, and I go to almost every school event that I can and spend all of my free time with my kids. 

Right now life is really looking up for our family. 

And I want to say that even though fathers in this country don't usually have the upper hand in court, I encourage every father to never give up on fighting to keep their kids in their life. 

It's always worth it.

Good for Levi.

It's about time he started to call bullshit on some of the accusations directed his way.

Update: Oddly enough this is what Bristol posted on Instagram this morning.

☝🏼️just thinking out loud this morning

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on

Yeah, I'm not sure if I would call what is going on between Levi and Bristol "respect" but at least nobody is being accused of being a deadbeat dad or a rapist right now. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bristol Palin claims that DNA test proves that Dakota Meyer is the father!

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Bristol Palin has conceded that her ex-fiance Dakota Meyer the father of Sailor Grace, Daily Mail Online has learned exclusively. 

Meyer was forced to take a paternity test in what was gearing up to be an increasingly bitter custody battle over her new baby. 

Court documents seen by Daily Mail Online reveal that Bristol admits that she was engaged to Meyer and that paternity was established via DNA testing at 99.9957 percent certainty. 

Meyer's bid for joint custody in a suit filed in Kentucky and Alaska was stalled pending the results of the paternity test. 

But Bristol contends that because Meyer lives in Kentucky and she lives in Alaska, shared physical custody may not be 'practicable and agrees to a 'decree of shared legal custody except that, due to geographic distance, in the event of a dispute, Palin shall have final say.' 

Bristol is also demanding that Meyer pay interim and permanent child support, and that he pay for Sailor's delivery costs and medical expenses.

And this is only a taste of what the Palins have planned for Dakota if this test stands up in court.

Right now I cannot imagine how the Palins could have messed with the DNA results, but if Dakota has real doubts he better get his lawyer to demand a second one now!

Oops, more bad news for Bristol Palin!

Courtesy of Radar Online:

Palin, 25, recently filed a motion asking a judge to get Johnston, 25, to pay up roughly $66,000 in back child support payments. But according to new court documents filed on February 11, a judge denied her motion. 

The court documents state that the judge denied her “motion for collection of past due child support, insofar as that motion relies on the interim support order,” explaining “because the order was an interim order, it no longer was in effect once the case was dismissed.” 

The main issue is that their custody case was dismissed in September 2012 for lack of prosecution. At that time, the judge wrote in the new documents, the couple’s initial child support agreement became invalid, so Palin can’t claim Johnston hasn’t met those obligations. 

After the dismissal, Palin didn’t file a motion for an interim support order again until August 2014. And the couple finally settled the case in December 2015.

So this does not mean that Levi does not owe back child support. However it DOES mean that what he owes, based on the new child custody agreement and accurate financial information, will be a fraction of what has been claimed by Bristol for these last five years or so.

I think at one point they were claiming it was up to $82,000, or something ridiculous like that. 

I'm trying to decide who is having the worst 2016, Jeb Bush or the Palin family?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Wait, so suddenly Bristol Palin thinks Levi Johnston is a "great dad?"

 Posted with the caption "This daddy makes it to every school event!" on Sunny Johnston's Facebook page
So this showed up on ET Online yesterday:

"Levi is a great dad," Palin told ET in a statement. "We have a great co-parenting relationship and Tripp loves him." 

Palin's rep, David Martin, explained that his client and Johnston, also 25, are currently awaiting the court's decision to "wrap up this case." 

"Child support in Alaska is calculated based on a mathematical formula in the Civil Rules. The parties are not allowed to use a different formula or forgive or excuse nonpayment," Martin said. "They are also not allowed to demand or accelerate payments. The court is charged with figuring out the amount of past child support as well as the future child support obligations."

(By the way this David Martin dude is the same guy now in charge of Bristol's Instagram account and the one that her mother clearly hired in order to gain some semblance of control over her daughter. )

Soooo, Bristol's official statement is that Levi is a "great dad."  Isn't THAT interesting?

Especially since she has spent the last seven years trying to convince the world that he is a deadbeat dad and a rapist.

And let's not forget this contrived scene from "Life's a Tripp."

I actually know some of the behind the scenes info on this episode and the facts are that Levi was contacted only about two hours before he was supposed to show up, and Rex Butler, his lawyer at the time, told him not to go as it was clearly a set up.

I don't typically agree with Rex, but this was a good call on his part as the entire episode was framed to paint Levi as a loser and a man-child who was not an active participant in his son's life.

I would remind everybody that the entire reason that Levi hired Rex Butler, and agreed to all of those magazine and television interviews, was to fight for joint custody of his son.

That is all he has ever wanted, and that is what he has spent the last seven years fighting for.

So if Bristol is now finally putting out a statement saying that Levi is not a deadbeat dad, but rather a "great" one, that is only because he finally beat her and she is essentially waving the white flag of surrender. 

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Dakota Meyer decides to learn from Levi Johnston's mistake and get the child support portion of his custody case taken care of up front.

Courtesy of TMZ:  

Bristol Palin's newest baby daddy is one smart cookie, because he just beat her to the punch by telling the family law judge exactly how much he can afford in the child support department. 

Dakota Meyer -- the father of Bristol's 2-month-old daughter Sailor -- claims in new legal docs he makes $100,000 a year working construction, and gets another $37k in disability from the Marine Corp. 

Under Alaska law, Dakota's income would entitle Bristol to $1,754 a month in child support. 

The article goes onto suggest that Meyer is taking these steps because of what he learned by watching what Bristol put Levi through in THEIR child support case.

However rather than giving Dakota any credit for intelligence, I would suggest that he has a smarter attorney.

Unlike others I don't actually think this proves that the DNA tests have come back and proven Dakota is the father. I instead think that his lawyer is getting all of their ducks in a row in preparation for all contingencies. 

Somebody asked earlier why Levi had not provided up to date financial information when asked, but that is not accurate as it pertains to recent court filings.

However that is true back when Rex Butler was handling his case, and the reasons why Rex provided Levi with bad legal advice is open for interpretation.

I know why the Johnstons think he sold Levi out.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

So yeah Levi Johnston is still trying to get his child support payments lowered. But Bristol Palin has bigger worries.

Courtesy of DM: 

Bristol Palin's ex-fiancé Levi Johnston has come out swinging in the latest round of their long-running, bitter custody battle after she claimed he owes more than $80,000 in unpaid child support for their son. 

Johnston filed court papers on January 26 pleading with the judge to reduce his payments for seven-year-old Tripp. 

In court papers seen exclusively by Daily Mail Online, Johnston, 25, claims his earnings have dropped since a temporary child support order was granted in 2010. 

That order had been based on his estimated income which was in excess of $100,000 - and now he claims he makes nowhere near six figures.

 Johnston was ordered to pay $1,750 a month for Tripp to a then 20-year-old Bristol. 

My understanding is that the courts could not address the child support until a child custody agreement had been hammered out. Now that the first part is finished now comes the part that Bristol REALLY cares about, getting paid.

Part of the problem of course is that Levi was betrayed by his former lawyer Rex Butler, who not only did not represent him adequately but seems to have sold him out at every opportunity.

So now Levi is left try to explain how he got into this mess, and the reality of his life as it is today.

Of course he cannot afford to pay $1,759 each month in child support, there are very few electricians working in Wasilla who could.

And even if Bristol really wants all of that $80,000 that she feels she is entitled to, I think that after Levi shows his pay stubs and tax info the judge will recognize that it is and obscene and punitive amount.

However like I said this is really only a minor concern for Bristol at this point the far bigger concern has a name, and that name is Dakota Meyer.

Also courtesy of DM:

And Bristol's feud with Levi is not the only custody fight that she is currently embroiled in; the Alaska native and daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is also caught up in a battle with her ex Dakota Meyer, the father of her daughter Sailor. 

Medal of Honor recipient Dakota is now being forced to take a paternity test as part of the former couple's increasingly bitter custody battle over her new baby. 

Court documents seen by Daily Mail Online reveal that Meyer's bid for joint custody in a suit filed in Kentucky and Alaska has stalled pending the results of the paternity test. A question has also been raised over the actual birth date of Bristol's baby. 

The Instagram photo posted by Bristol announcing the birth of Sailor on December 24, places the birth date one day earlier. The date of birth on court papers filed in the custody case is also given as December 23. 

But the same Instagram picture posted by Dakota with the caption 'Best Christmas present ever!!' reveals a detail whited out in Palin's account – the date scribbled on her IV line. 

There, in black and white, is a date that appears to read November 4 – placing the birth almost two months before Bristol claimed. 

Yeah like I said, FAR bigger concerns. 

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Sarah Palin responds to Dakota Meyer filing custody papers with the Alaska court. Oh, and Bristol claims to have no idea where Dakota got that incriminating photo of Sailor Grace Palin.

Courtesy of ET: 

Bristol's mother, former vice-presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, spoke to ET exclusively about Meyer's claims. 

"For many months we have been trying to reach out to Dakota Myers [sic] and he has wanted nothing to do with either Bristol's pregnancy or the baby," Palin told ET. 

"Paramount to the entire Palin family is the health and welfare of Sailor Grace," she added, claiming that Meyer is attempting to "save face."

Well he had sex with Bristol "for a good time call" Palin so I think it is a little late to "save face."

However obviously Dakota has no intention of sitting idly by while the Palins subtly hint to the world that he is a deadbeat dad who abandoned his child. 

And how is that Palin cannot get her almost future son-in-law's name right?

Here is my favorite part of the article:

According to Bristol's rep, it's unclear where Meyer received the photo he posted.

You mean this photo?
Really? Well according to Sarah, via Bristol's ghostwritten blog, " The most important people in Bristol’s life were there to witness the miracle of Sailor Grace Palin’s arrival last night." So I would start with one of them.

However I think we all know that Bristol sent that picture, and simply did not realize the controversy that it would inspire.

Okay folks grab your popcorn because it looks like we are all set for yet another "Thrilla in Wasilla."

See? I told you 2016 was going to be a very entertaining year.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

So now Dakota Meyer is claiming he is Sailor Grace Palin's dad and wants child support! Update!

Courtesy of TMZ: 

Bristol Palin's new baby daddy may no longer be a mystery ... her ex-fiance says he's the daddy, and he's gunning for some serious custody. 

Dakota Meyer flied legal docs, obtained by TMZ, in which he claims he's the biological father of 3-week-old Sailor. 

Dakota wants a judge to award him joint legal and physical custody. 

Bristol has never publicly revealed the identity of the father. She and Dakota broke up 3 months after conception. 

Bristol's baby daddy wants one more thing ... child support. 

Holy shit!

I will have to assume that Dakota got a DNA test and based on that wants to get his parental rights established and a little cash on the side as well.

Man you KNOW that Dakota is in for the fight of his life, but the great thing is that ALL of the sympathy will be with him, and if the Palins attack him they will be smearing an honest to goodness war hero.

I literally could not have made up a more satisfying scenario if I tried.

Update: So yes I visited Court View and Dakota did indeed file for custody with the Alaska courts.

I'm going to start popping the popcorn now.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why I don't think that Bristol Palin will EVER identify her new baby daddy.

Like I told you in an earlier post I spent the afternoon with some friends that live in Wasilla this weekend, and the subject of the identity of Bristol Palin's sperm donor came up in conversation.

These friends do have some connections close to the Palin family, but were at a loss as to who the father might be.

However one of them suggested that once the baby was born she would have yet another source of income in the form of child support payments.

After they left I thought about that for awhile and I have to say I disagree. I don't think that Bristol WILL pursue child support from this as yet unnamed father.

The reason I say that is because I don't think that the Grizzled Mama wants the kind of publicity that would surely occur if Bristol named a father who did not believe it was his child.

As we already know, Dakota Meyer, who Bristol was living with at the supposed time of conception, has said NOTHING about impending fatherhood, nor has Bristol publicly named him as the poppa, which indicates to me at least that it is very unlikely that he is willing to be named as the baby daddy.

So that means if Bristol wants to be paid, like Levi is already paying her for popping out his kid, she is going to have to identify the father on the birth certificate and then start proceedings with CSSD to get her money.

However since Bristol is a "Z" list celebrity that means the man she targets could make a shit ton of money by going to the tabloids and denying paternity, which is EXACTLY what they are likely do.

And that is certainly something that Palin absolutely does NOT want to have happen.

Hell, so far she is refusing to even acknowledge that Bristol is knocked up again. If Bristol's greed turns this into fodder for the tabloids Palin's head is likely to explode.

So no, I do NOT think that Bristol is first, going to ever even name the father, and second, try to squeeze any money out of him.

Having said that let me also add that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope I am wrong about all of that because it would be endlessly entertaining to blog about the tabloid war that would result from Bristol reaching out to some random dude and saying "Bitch better have my money."

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The secret marriage, and ugly dissolution of that marriage, that Anchorage mayoral candidate Amy Demboski really does not want you to know about.

So Amy Demboski is in a runoff election with Ethan Berkowitz to decide who will be the mayor of our fair city.

Demboski is a completely unqualified candidate who nonetheless has attracted the backing of the Koch brothers and of course our Baptist minister king maker Jerry Prevo.

Essentially Prevo is drawn to Demboski because she is a family values embracing homophobe who is pushing a conservative agenda.  You could say that hate and ideology binds them.

But what if there were something about Amy Demboski that was not quite so pro-family values? You know perhaps something like a brief marriage and an attempt to force your former husband into paying child support for a child that was not his.

Because you know what? That is something that really happened.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Man gets six months in jail for being too good of a father. This is some bullshit!

Courtesy of  

A father will spend half of 2014 behind bars for doing too much for his son. After overpaying child support and seeing his son too often - breaking terms that were secretly modified without his knowledge - a judge sentenced him to a lengthy jail sentence. 

Clifford Hall has been doing his best to give care to his 11-year-old son, who lives with his ex-wife. He pays his child support and visits regularly. "I'm his father it's my responsibility to take care of him," Hall said. 

Last November, his child support payments were paid in full. Sometime between then and now, the child support agreement between Hall and his wife was modified without his knowledge. 

Hall wound up overpaying by $3,000, a fact that Harris County District Court Judge Lisa Millard found contemptible. 

Another term that was modified without his knowledge was his visitation schedule. Subsequently, Hall was found to have over-visited his son. 

Judge Millard ended up finding Hall in contempt of court. 

When she said I remand you to the Harris County Jail for 180 days my mouth just dropped," Hall told FOX 26 Houston. 

 In addition to the six month jail sentence, Judge Millard is forcing Hall to pay his ex-wife's attorney fees. "I can't be there for my son in jail," Hall said. 

"I can't pay child support in jail. This is not in the best interest of the child." 

I don't address this very often on the blog but the treatment of fathers by the courts is one of my pet peeves. Things like this happen WAY too often, and the end result is fathers running from their responsibilities rather than risk being mistreated by the courts. 

I had some problems with child support enforcement up here in Alaska, and I was absolutely doing everything I could to meet my obligations.

In fact my brother ended up paying over a hundred thousand dollars in child support for a child that DNA tests proved was not even his.

There are plenty of loving fathers out there trying to do the very best for their kids, but when this kind of thing happens......

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Track Palin sure has his priorities straight. Guns first, kids last.

This according to TMZ:

 Track Palin and his soon-to-be ex-wife Britta filed divorce docs which tick off who gets what. 
-- 23-year-old Track -- an Army reservist -- gets the $30,000 Wells Fargo bank account, $500 in tools, and his $1,000 gun collection. 

-- 22-year-old Britta gets her $2,500 bank account and her $4,000 in jewelry. 

According to the doc, Track rakes in $42,800 a year -- and has agreed to pay $642 a month in child support. Track and Britta have agreed to split any other child-related expenses, including medical and travel. 

Britta gets physical custody, and will share legal custody with Track. 

Jesus, what a guy.

So essentially Track gets off scott free with his cash and his toys, while Britta gets the responsibility of raising their child, some trinkets, and a piddly $2,500.00. Damn she got screwed when she got pregnant, screwed when she was forced into a Wasillabilly shotgun marriage, and screwed again in the divorce. Poor kid.

Okay does anybody have any idea how Track earns $42,800 a year as an "army reservist?"

From what I could find online he should only be making a fraction of that. I know they get more when they are on active duty overseas but it is almost impossible to find out how often, if ever, he was actually deployed.

And since we're talking about this topic, HOW in the hell does he only have to pay $642 a month with that kind of steady income while Levi had to pony up $1,750 a month when his employment was anything but steady?

Oh that's right, Track didn't hire Rex Butler to represent him.

Well anyhow all I can say is that Britta is lucky to get away from the family at such a young age when she still has years to recover mentally. Let's face it living with, or around, the Palins must be like visiting a mental hospital for the criminally deranged.

Hopefully she can raise Kyla as far away from their influence as possible.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Levi's wife is tired of Bristol Palin's lies. And really who can blame her?

Courtesy of Rumor Fix:

Now that Sunny Oglesby is officially Sunny Johnston — she is on the attack — and the target of her double barreled remarks is Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston’s first baby mama. 

“I’m tired of Bristol’s lies and put downs to make herself look better,” Sunny tells RumorFix exclusively. 

Sunny came to RumorFix to set the record straight about Levi’s finances, child support and his visitation with his three-year-old son, Tripp. 

The 20-year-old newlywed says despite media reports Levi does have a real job “he had for months and works as an electrician five to six days a week, eight hours a day now.” 

She says he has turned down TV offers, because he wants out of the media. He is making an honest living, but not making what he used to. “He does not owe even close to what Bristol says in child support,” Sunny tells us, “and the only reason it’s not paid yet is because he needs to figure out how much he owes now that he makes less than he use to. They are basing his income off the peak of how much he’s ever made in his life and that hasn’t even been close in years.” 

Mrs. Levi Johnston tells us that Levi is looking for a lawyer, but the best one around wants $15,000 just to get started, “which he can’t afford right now.” 

But she says her 22-year-old husband ‘asks for Tripp everyday.”

I know that many of you have complained bitterly that Levi has always seemed too passive and unwilling to stand up for himself, and there is certainly some truth to that. However  from all that I have heard about the new Mrs. Levi Johnston, she does not share those traits with her husband.

Sunny is a little spitfire and has been pushing Levi for quite some time now to stand up to the Palins and not let them push him around.

Sunny is both smarter and more capable than Bristol, so if Bristol has a brain in her head (Yeah I know) she will simply NOT pick a fight with somebody who will hand her ass back to her at the end of a pointy stick.

Personally I am thrilled that somebody besides just Mercede is calling Bristol out on her bullshit. And with Sunny and Sadie working together I think the Palins may want to walk away from this one.

P.S. By the way speaking of the Grizzled Cub, it does not sound like her new romance is going to work out any better than her last half dozen or so attempts to trap a man. At least not according to Joey Junker's sister:

“Until he marries these girls, I don’t care,” the tough-talking relative added. “He’s young so that’s not going to happen anytime soon. He’s got a lot going on.” 

In my opinion the only reason we even heard about this crush of Bristol's was because she was consumed with jealousy over Levi's new found happiness. So now thanks to her impulsive desire to snatch the attention away from his new marriage we get to watch yet ANOTHER relationship of hers blow up in her face.

 I swear the people in this family just NEVER learn.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunny Ogelsby defends Levi Johnston against Bristol's reality show slurs.

Courtesy of Radar Online:

“Levi saw Tripp twice in January and shortly after that, Bristol’s people offered him about $10,000 to appear on one episode [of her show],” his current baby-mama-to-be Sunny Oglesby tells the new issue of Star magazine. 

“It’s clear they thought it would boost the ratings, but Levi wants nothing to do with her show,” Sunny, who is seven months pregnant, says about the interest in having Levi on Palin's new reality hit, Life’s a Tripp. 

Sarah Palin’s daughter subsequently turned on Levi in spite after he turned down the show offer, Sunny claims. 

“Bristol got so angry after he refused that she hasn’t let Levi see or talk to Tripp since,” she alleges. 

Sunny says that Levi is working to pay Bristol the $20,000 he owes her in child support but that Palin has taken drastic measures to ignore the father of her child. 

“She’s ignored Levi’s pleas to see his son. It got to the point where she simply changed her number,” she claims. (Which, by the way is the same thing that Mercede mentioned right here at IM last Friday.)

Well good for Sunny, however I am torn.

On the one hand I absolutely DON'T like the fact that Sunny feels the need to go to the tabloids to set the record straight, but I DO feel that Bristol's attacks against her baby daddy should not go unanswered. (By the way it was a good call for Levi to avoid being part of the reality show. He would have been CRUCIFIED!)

In one way I understand that using a tabloid means that the information will be read by the same kinds of people who actually watch reality shows for entertainment (Unlike us of course, who only watched Bristol's show out of morbid curiosity and to make sure the Palin family corpse was still dead. It was by the way.), however I would much prefer it if Levi and Sunny instead went to one of the many lawyers I have sent their way and took their child custody case back to court.

And if they need any inspiration when it comes to standing up for their rights they need look no further than mother Massey, who has filed a very serious lawsuit against the producers of Bristol's crapfest of a show.

"It is unfortunate that after months of trying to resolve this matter the professional way, we were left with no other course of action than taking legal action to protect ourselves," Angela Massey said in a statement announcing the legal claim. 

"If you read the entire complaint, and particularly pages 8-11, you will see how we came up with and created the show, registered the show and did all the leg work to bring this idea to TV and to the defendants, who stole our concept." 

The Masseys are asking for damages and a permanent injunction against the show's producers from profiting on what they claim was their idea. 

The lawsuit alleges copyright infringement, fraud and deceit, breach of contract, bad faith, misappropriation, tortious interference and unfair competition. 

Personally I believe that Levi has EVEN better grounds to sue Bristol and the producers of the show for defamation of character and he has EVERY right to sue Bristol herself for defying a court order concerning his visitation. (And before any of you Palin fairy tale trolls start, the child support situation has NOTHING to do with Levi's visitation!)

All he has to do is make a phone call and the process can start today.

You have to trust somebody Levi.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

If Levi Johnston's child support payments are $1,750 a month for one child , just imagine how much Jon Gosselin has to pay! Wait, what?

As we all know, and often can't quite rationalize, Levi Johnston is currently in arrears for back child support to the tune of $39,000. 

This is based on the $1,750 per month that his useless lawyer allowed him to get stuck with, in the original custody agreement, back in August of 2010.

The reason it was so high, according to the court documents, was that it was based on Levi's perceived ability to earn $72,000 per year.  That essentially works out to almost 30% of Levi's projected earnings.

Which is bizarre because using the CSED child support calculator, which is essentially how the state determines these payments, Levi should really only be paying about $947.00 per month.

So how is is possible that Levi was forced to pay almost twice that amount?

Good question.

Now just to make that even MORE mind numbing, it has recently slipped out that Jon Gosselin, you know the guy with EIGHT children, is only paying $1,200 a month. Today Jon Gosselin is working, as his ex-wife calls it, a mediocre job, but still $1,200 dollars for eight growing children is certainly not very much.

Which sort of brings up the question as to what exactly are Tripp's needs which require a $1,750.00 payment each month?  Especially since his mother makes bank as a re-virginity spokesperson/reality show failure/book author, and has access to assistance from her millionaire mother?

The other day somebody in the comments cautioned about implying that Levi had been misrepresented, or even potentially victimized by Rex Butler and Tank Jones.

Really?  Well from what I have revealed about their mishandling of Levi in the past, and the fact that Levi was taken to the cleaners over his child support, and that it was allowed to fall this far into arrears, what would YOU call it?

I know that all you want to know if I am any closer to being able to reveal anything more about what is going on behind the scenes, and as of right now I am not.  Apparently Levi has been receiving instructions from BOTH sides, the Palins and his representatives, to avoid me like the plague.

I am hoping that Levi himself will soon come out and explain what is going on, but I am not yet sure when that will be.  I cannot imagine that he can stay silent for long however.

As many of you know I have had issues with Levi in the past for allowing himself to be manipulated by both the Palins, and the so-called "Team Levi," but NOBODY deserves to have done to them what has been done to him.

Today Levi is considered one of the top ten most overexposed celebrities, yet he barely has two nickles to rub together, a name that is now synonymous with loser, a pregnant girlfriend, virtually no access to his son, and very few prospects fro the future.

I once sat in the office of Tank Jones, and warned him to NOT allow Levi to turn into the next Kato Kaelin. Of course I was assured that would NEVER happen.

Can anybody today imagine that Kato Kaelin would be willing to trade place with Levi Johnston even for one day?  That is NOT because of who Levi is, THAT is because of who Levi trusted.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

The war of words between Levi Johnston and the Palin clan heats up. Update!

A brief oasis of happiness in a desert of animosity.
Courtesy of (Who else?) TMZ:

 Levi Johnston owes more than $38,000 in unpaid child support to Bristol Palin -- according to team Bristol. 

Bristol's lawyer tells TMZ, Levi hasn't made a child support payment for the ex-couple's son Tripp since June 2010 ... 22 months ago. 

According to court records, Levi is required to pay $1,750 a month -- which means his outstanding balance is $38,500. 

As for why Bristol hasn't attempted to enforce the order -- via wage garnishment or otherwise -- Bristol's attorney tells us, "We forbore pursuing child support collection in the (perhaps naive) hope that Mr. Johnston would do what men are supposed to do and pay his support obligation voluntarily." 

The lawyer adds, "We were also concerned that garnishment or other aggressive collection efforts could exacerbate an already strained relationship" ... no kidding. 

We're told Bristol is still holding out hope that Levi will pay. So far, no word back from Levi's camp.

I would love nothing more than to say this is bullshit.  But I can't.

There are extenuating circumstances, that I hope to share soon, but for right now I promised to stay silent. (Here is a hint: All of you are not the only ones surprised by this news.)

I will however say that there was an easy way to avoid this WHOLE thing, and it was a way that I suggested to "Team Levi" way back when the issue of child support was first brought up.

In Alaska we have an agency called CSED (Child Support Services Division), whose job it is to make SURE that the payor goddamn well pays the payee on time and in the correct amount.

This removes ANY opportunity for one parent, or the other, to make false claims out of spite, and it makes damn sure that the parent who is in arrears pays up, one way or the other. This is especially important when you have the kind of messy breakup that Levi and Bristol had.

I remember insisting to Tank Jones at one point, that they waste NO time in filing paperwork with CSED to protect Levi, and of course Tripp, from this very thing.  Tank, of course, assured me that everything was handled.

As you can see that was just more bullshit.

Levi has received the worst advice imaginable on how to handle all of this, and now he has been painted as a dead beat dad. As a father I cannot imagine carrying around a more hurtful label.

In my opinion Levi has every right to sue Rex and Tank for every dime they have.  They mishandled his career, mishandled his child support situation, and essentially destroyed his reputation.

Now let me ask you this, does anybody else wonder if they did this out of sheer incompetence, or whether or not there is something even uglier working behind the scenes?

Stay tuned.

P.S. One more thing, in Alaska child support payments and visitation, are two SEPARATE issues.  We do not pay for the right to see our children.

If Levi had an honest, capable attorney he would NEVER have had to miss time with his son. And neither would Sherry and Sadie.

Update: Here is the original custody agreement, courtesy of Radar Online.

According to these Levi is supposed to have Trip every Wednesday and Saturday.

Kind of hard to do when the mother moves the child to Arizona for extended periods of time, or takes him along to California to participate in a reality show, now isn't it?

By the way, neither of those choices were discussed with, nor approved by, Levi. In fact he did not even know they were in Arizona until I contacted Sadie and gave her the heads up.

Update: For the slow people in the room let me clarify.

Yes, my understanding is that Levi DOES owe this amount, or a similar amount in back child support.

What I said is that there are extenuating circumstances as to the reasons, but taht I cannot expand on them right now.

If it had simply been bullshit, I would have said "This is bullshit, but I am unable to give details at this moment." I tried to, at the very least, let all of you know that the Palins had orchestrated this to hurt Levi and that they had also made it impossible for him to meet his obligations.

Let me ask, would you all have rather I simply let this story sit out there without comment? Or was I right to tell you what I could now, with the hopes of following up with more later?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnells' epic takedown of Teabagger, and deadbeat dad, Joe Walsh.

As a divorced father myself, who gladly paid my child support payments on time and in full, I share O'Donnell's disgust with Rep. Joe Walsh.

I cannot tell you how angry it makes me to hear politicians use children to make a political point while refusing to support policies, or social programs, that they so desperately need.

How could we possibly trust a politician who does not even care about his OWN kids enough to make sure they are well cared for, to help protect ours?