Showing posts with label Walt Moneghan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walt Moneghan. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My new favorite MSNBC host Rachel Maddow interviewed Walt Moneghan about "Troopergate".

From Walt Moneghan's own mouth we learn that the Palinistas applied constant pressure on him and others on his staff to fire Trooper Wooten.

However Sarah Palin denies this, so who should we believe?

But let us remember that Palin also denies trying to get books banned, yet we have learned she DID indeed try to get books banned.

And then she claimed she went to Iraq, and this was simply not true.

She also stated that concerning the "bridge to nowhere" she said, "Thanks but no thanks", and THAT was not true.

So now after listening to Mr. Moneghan, and hearing his version of events, who do you believe?

McCain/Palin attempt to slime reputation of Walt Moneghan.

Walt Monegan lost his job as public safety director because he resisted Gov. Sarah Palin's budget policies and showed "outright insubordination," say papers the governor's lawyer filed Monday with the state Personnel Board.

It was Palin's strongest effort yet to snuff allegations she sacked Monegan because he refused to fire a state trooper involved in an ugly divorce with the governor's sister.

Along with the papers filed Monday were a slew of e-mails from the governor's office purporting to show Monegan's "rogue mentality" as a member of Palin's Cabinet.

"Rogue mentality"? Walt Moneghan? Are these people out of their damn minds?

You know the only time I ever read about Walt Moneghan in the paper or saw him on the news, was when he was being interviewed about a police investigation while he was Police Chief in Anchorage, or to see him receiving a commendation or a promotion. The guy is so clean he squeaks when he walks.

What the McCain/Palin campaign is doing to his man's impeccable reputation in order to sabotage an investigation into the Palin administration's obvious abuse of power is criminal.

And look how quickly the campaign is to claim victory after this attempted character assassination: To coincide with Monday's filing, spokesmen for the Republican national ticket of John McCain and Palin, his vice presidential running mate, held an Anchorage press conference touting the "important new information" they said cleared Palin of misconduct in what has come to be known as Troopergate.

This is not "information", this is a smear tactic, and it will not stand.

Monegan, in an interview Monday, said that the papers the governor's lawyer filed are selective and he's provided other documentation to the legislative investigator, Steve Branchflower, that will provide a more balanced portrayal of his time as commissioner.

If these Republican hatchet men think they can come up here and destroy a great man's reputation this easily then they don't know dick about Alaskans! All they have done is pissed us off!