Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Disney adds Donald Trump to the "Hall of President" and it is just as bizarrely creepy as everything else about his presidency.

I like how Abraham Lincoln seems to be thinking "Now there is somebody needs to take in a play at the Ford's Theatre."

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

And you thought the real version was scary. 

On Tuesday, Disney World will unveil an animatronic version of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The robot Trump will stand next to other American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, and George Washington, who introduces Trump, as part of the Mouse House’s Hall of Presidents attraction. 

The Disney-centric website WDWMagic posted a video on Monday of robot Trump’s Disney speech, wherein he says: 

“From the beginning, America has been a nation defined by its people. At our founding, it was the American people who rose up to defend our freedoms and win our independence. It was why our Founders began our great Constitution with three very simple words: We the people. Since that moment, each generation of Americans has taken its place in the defense of our freedom, our flag, and our nation under God.

“These are the achievements of the American spirit—the spirit of a people who fought and died to bring the blessings of liberty to all our people. Above all, to be an American is to be an optimist, to believe that we can always do better and that the best days of our great nation are still ahead of us. It’s a privilege to serve as the president of the United States, to stand here among so many great leaders of our past, and to work on behalf of the American people.”

There is actually video of animatronic Trump saying those words, and even when spoken by a robot they sound like bullshit.

There are some on the internet claiming that Trump's robot doppelganger looks more like Jon Voight than the stubby fingered vulgarian, but I like the theory that Disney actually thought that somebody else was going to win that 2018 election and started to craft a robot of her before suddenly being forced to modify it to look more Trumpian.

I mean look at those eyes. They look decidedly Clintonian to me.

Personally I don't know why they even had to add Trump to this exhibit.

I mean don't they already have one Haunted Mansion?

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Donald Trump literally used a Disney sticker book to defend his use of the Star of David image. Update!

So did Disney also get Their image from a neo-Nazi message board?

(Update: Apparently Trump's use of the "Frozen" sticker book ALSO came from a white supremacist source. Cannot make this stuff up folks!)

I cannot believe that Trump would dare to attack the animated movie "Frozen" in this way.

Does he not realize how beloved this film is by the children of this country?

Well he's certainly lost their vote.

But all kidding aside I really think that Trump might be breaking under the strain here folks.

Take a look at his overreaction to a mosquito that dared to fly close to him during a rally.
Oh yeah, he's getting ready to snap.

Fortunately he can take some comfort in the fact that the leader of France's National Front Party, you know the anti-immigrant white nationalist group, has essentially endorsed him now as well.

Kind of hard to argue that you're not anti-Semitic or racist, when other anti-Semitic and racist groups around the world flock to you.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Texas "values" group claims that Disney and other major corporations "declared public war on religious freedom" because they do not support hating on the gays.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

A Texas-based “values” group is blasting a number of major American companies for having the nerve to demand equal rights for LGBT people. 

Texas Values called Apple, Disney, Intel and the NCAA “corporate bullies” for pressuring Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) into vetoing a bill that would have allowed discrimination against LGBT people. 

A number of companies spoke out against the bill; Disney also threatened a boycott, saying it would stop filming in the state if the bill became law. 

In response, Texas Values claimed the companies had “declared war“ on religion: 

"It’s striking that the day after Easter, churches in Georgia are told their freedoms are not that important to protect. It’s clear that corporate giants like Apple, Disney, NCAA, Intel have finally come out of the closet and declared public war on the religious freedom of clergy and religious schools, as was the protection in Georgia’s very modest HB 757 that they worked to bring down."

So I guess, according to these folks, that if you embrace Jesus's teachings that you should love your fellow man, that means you are attacking Christianity.

I swear, I will never understand religion.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Republicans are so pro-war that almost one third of them are willing to bomb the fictional home of Aladdin.

OMG Jasmine! Is that an ICBM missile?
Courtesy of the Guardian:

A poll on Friday by Public Policy Polling perfectly encapsulates the Republican presidential race so far: “30% of Republican primary voters nationally say they support bombing Agrabah.” That would be the fictional country in Aladdin. 

Republican voters, urged on by the Republican candidates, are now eager to bomb anywhere that has a Muslim-sounding name regardless of whether it comes from a cartoon. While the poll itself may be amusing, it’s not exactly surprising given the cartoonish levels of tough-guy militarism that spews from the mouth of every Republican candidate as they try to one-up each other on who would start more wars harder and quicker.

Now before any of you Democrats starting feeling smug, you should know that a full 19% of you are ALSO willing to bomb a Disney animated country into oblivion.

However it should be noted that it is NOT the Democratic leaders who are instilling that level of fear into the voters.

It's these guys.

Which by the way is yet ANOTHER reason that we should not be terrifying Americans while at the same time encouraging all of them to buy guns and get conceal carry permits.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tampa Tribune pulls controversial column accusing Disney of indoctrinating children with its pro-gay propaganda.

Image from the Good Luck Chuck episode "Talor has Two Moms."
Courtesy of Media Matters:  

The Tampa Tribune has pulled a controversial column that alleged Disney is indoctrinating children with its "pro-gay agenda." The column, which was highlighted by Media Matters, had also drawn criticism from gay rights activists and Florida journalists. 

On August 11, Douglas MacKinnon, who is listed on the since-pulled column as "Tribune staff," argued that Disney has been engaged in an underhanded effort to wrongly "indoctrinate" children. He also contended the company is trying to subtly push an agenda through its children's programming. 

The piece, titled, "Disney's pro-gay agenda is disturbing," quoted an anonymous "former Disney executive" saying, "the company has taken direct aim at children to indoctrinate them about gay lifestyles and gay marriage through shows it airs on The Disney Channel and Disney XD." 

MacKinnon later added: 

The former executive said one of the more subtle techniques is to incorporate the colors of the gay-pride flag in as many shots as possible. The colors are woven in as a wink and nod to the gay community and show up on shirts, hats, posters, stacked cups and rings. The practice has been picked up by other children's networks and national advertisers. Disney also pushes the gay agenda by introducing openly gay characters and couples on its children's programing. Again, that is their right, but should they be in the business of entertaining children or indoctrinating them?

Sure Disney might be trying to indoctrinate children into the gay lifestyle, OR they might simply be reflecting changing  social mores in their programming.

Besides what does this guy expect from an organization who has a famous character who is raising three young boys on his own while walking around without any pants on?

Who by the way ALSO don't have on any pants?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Disney angers conservatives by naming unlikable character after deceased Right Wing shock "journalist."

See that attractive young lady in the picture?

She seems fairly uncontroversial right?


As it turned out her name is Brynne Breitbart. Here is what it says on her Wiki page:

Bryn Breitbart is a snobby, mean girl that attends East View High School. She was thought to be thirteenth in line for the throne of Denmark, but was then discovered to be a liar. She turned all of Emma's friends against her in the episode Kids Don't Wanna Be Shunned. It is revealed that her family makes toilet paper. In the end, she throws a nacho at Rosie, aimed for Emma, and causes Rosie to "die" (she only fell). She is an enemy of Emma Ross. She is portrayed by Katherine McNamara.

So try to guess WHICH Right Wing news site is throwing a tantrum about this?

Did you guess the one started by this guy?

Well if you did give yourself a big pat on the back.

Here are some of the comments so far.

Leftists — always with the class. 

Breitbart's gone. They can't hurt him now. The only people they may hurt with this are his children. Does that make the show's writers happy? 

indoctrination camp......I boycotted Disney years ago when "Gay Day" was started there...haven't looked back since. 

I'm sure this show isn't any more fit to wipe your a$$ with than anything else on the Disney Channel.

Okay these people do understand that this is a children's program right? 

The kids that watch it have NO idea who Breitbart was, or anything about his crappy propaganda site.

Having said that I think the character was given the wrong name. I don't think it fits very well.

Look at the description. She is "snobby," a "liar", and her family makes something that people use to wipe their ass.

Clearly that makes her a Palin. Of course if her last name was Palin, her first name could not be "Brynne" That's too normal.

It would have to be something like Brittle, or Binge, or Blackout, you know something that describes the Palin lifestyle.

Personally I think "Blackout Palin" has a nice ring to it.

BTW, for those who have forgotten just how arrogant Andrew Breitbart was in life I present you with this reminder of one of the worst interviews ever given.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Fun with pictures: Palin at Republican Party of Florida dinner in Disney World.

"Whoa there baldy, watch the hands! I get paid to be looked at, not touched! Just ask Todd."
"Ya know I was kinda nervous about coming here, but then Rick Perry hooked me up with HIS speech preparation guy, and now this really IS the happiest place on earth!  Woo hoo!"
"Look I don't want to freak anybody out, and it might just be the speech preparation lubrication talking, but I SWEAR I saw a giant rat and a duck with no pants walking around plain as day back there."
"The rat kind of scared Trig, and I don't want to tell you how Bristol responded to seeing somebody in a sailor suit with no pants!"
Azure's Ghost thought that Palin's outfit was lacking something. (You mean like "class?") So she fixed it.
Even Palin's personal  stylist thought it was an improvement.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Wearing a pelt she obtained during the Walt Disney World Jungle Cruise, Sarah Palin gave a rambling barely coherent speech which demonstrated that the Furries were not the only ones f**king Goofy.

Sarah Palin resplendent in a jaguar coat and a Davy Crockett coonskin cap.

Courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel:

Palin accused the Wall Street protesters of reaching the wrong conclusions. 

"They feel legitimate indignation about the Wall Street bailouts," she said of the protesters. "Financial institutions behaving recklessly and then we get stuck with the bill. And then three years later many of us are still quite ticked off about it all because we don't have assurance that those who caused the financial collapse in the first place, that they be held accountable, and that it won't happen again. 

"They say, 'The Wall Street fat cats got a bailout. I want one, too.' And the correct answer is, no one should get a bailout," she said. 

There is a grassroots movement that wants to end "crony capitalists receiving Wall Street bailouts, auto company bailouts, corporate welfare and the influence of big-business lobbyists, she said, "It's called the Tea Party." 

Much of Palin's address offered the view of Washington D.C. from Alaska. She concluded that Obama, Eastern elitists, leftist environmentalists, the mainstream media, "some of those socialist groups, ACORN, and the Communist party" all try to impose their views from afar.

Besides the demonstration that she simply does not understand anything about the OWS protesters, this speech was essentially the same old thing that most of us have heard a million times before it seems, and the kind of barely coherent bitching about Obama that is obviously still worth $100,000 to the Republicans in this country. (If you have the stomach you can watch a portion of it here.)

However what is more interesting to me at this point is WHO was allowed to accompany the Grizzled One, and who was forced to stay behind.

Grizzly-hunting Tea Party princess Sarah Palin took some of her family to Walt Disney World Wednesday before speaking to the Republican Party of Florida dinner Thursday night and declared that it was “heavenly.” 

“Yesterday, we decided to take a day, our first trip to Disney World. And I was so thrilled. ‘Oh, that’s what people have been talkin’ about all these years.’ It was heavenly,” she told the Republicans. “It was refreshing.” 

She brought he daughters Bristol, 21, and Piper, 10, and son Trig, 3, who has Down syndrome. 

“It was good to see good people, and a good organization at Disney, accommodating a child like Trig,” she said. 

Her husband Todd and other daughter Willow didn’t come, she said, because they were busy hauling a truck of snow blower machines from Minnesota to Alaska. (Now ask yourself WHY would a man married to a multimillionaire miss a visit to the "Happiest place on earth" to drive snow blower machines up from Minnesota when they have a wide selection in the local Fred Meyers right there in Wasilla, Alaska? Or is that the only Alaska sounding excuse that Palin could think of on the spur of the moment?)

Now let me tell you that from an Alaskan's perspective going to Disney World is a pretty big damn deal! Especially, if like Sister Sarah claims, this was the family's first visit.

So what I am saying is that it is NOT a trip which Willow would miss voluntarily, I don't care what kind of teenage "too cool for this shit"  attitude she was currently wearing as a defense mechanism against her mother's moosecrap. (I went to Disneyland for the first time when I was seventeen, and it took a month to wipe the smile off of my face.)

So there has to be a good reason why Willow was MIA.  And the same goes for Tripp, who should have been at the right age to have the time of his life. (What's wrong Sarah? Is there something about Tripp that does not fit into the script?)

As for Todd, I predicted a while ago that his appearances would be few and far between, as the happy married couple shtick became less and less necessary.

Essentially what we are witnessing is the crumbling of the Palin family facade happening in real time.  And no I do not get any pleasure from watching it happen, however I am not at all surprised by it either. The point of almost all of the books written lately is that virtually everything about Sarah Palin is a carefully crafted mythology which is becoming harder, and harder for her to maintain.

Personally I think the strain of trying to hold everything together could be heard in her voice during her speech. It kind of reminded me of her resignation speech back in 2009.

Oh well, it really could not happen to a more deserving lunatic in my opinion. You know what they say, "You reap what you sow, " and lady you have sowed more hate and ugliness than just about anybody in this country and it is about high time you harvested the fruits of that labor.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sarah Palin to reprise her role as the Wicked Witch at Disneyworld in Florida! What? Oh, never mind I guess she is just giving a speech at the Republican Party Victory Dinner. I think my first headline made more sense.

Courtesy of Politico:

The date is November 3 and the venue is the Republican Party of Florida’s 2011 Victory Dinner in Orlando, where Sarah Palin will be the keynote speaker. 

The event shows that some Republicans still view Palin as something of a draw, even if she has faded dramatically as a figure in the 2012 political lineup. 

RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry laid it on thick in a statement: “Having a Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance is yet again proof of the crucial role Florida will play as the year unfolds. We are so grateful that Governor Palin has accepted our invitation.”

A paid speaking gig, with a free dinner, at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort? And THEY are grateful she accepted?

These people do realize that Palin will try to get her entire family's airfare, hotel stay, and admission to the Disney World comped, so that she can convince her kids that THIS is their family vacation right without having to spend a dime right? I mean by now they MUST know her, don't you think? 

Okay this sentence still confuses me: " Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance." Uh, what stature? And important to whom?

Here is a woman who was defeated as a VP candidate, quit her Governor's job half way through, and then for two years grifted off of a bunch of paint chip eaters by faking her intention of running for President! Doesn't exactly sound like the first choice for a "Keynote speaker at Victory Dinner" to me.

But hey, if MY standards were that low I guess I would be a Republican now wouldn't I?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thankfully we have Christian movie critics to warn us about the Satanic influences contained within the children's film.....The Princess and the Frog.

Did you just run over to your calendar to make sure that this is indeed 2009? Well I can hardly blame you considering the amazing superstitious nonsense vomited forth by these "critics".

At first I thought it must be a joke, but no, they are completely serious.

As evidenced by this review from Hollywood Jesus. (No, I am not making that name up!)

I also want to mention that the spirituality in this film is pretty dark, even for a Disney film. The villain sings a song about his friends "from the other side" making it very plain this isn't just magic that's being used but the powers of hell and its minions. This is serious stuff, and the light-handed manner that it was often handled with made me a bit uncomfortable. One should never lightly toy with the spiritual world, especially the world of demons and their dark powers. Having a show-stopping Broadway-like song about dalliances with dark forces in an animated movie may make it seem like doing such things is really no big deal; not something I want my kids to pick-up on.

Truth is playing around with such spiritual forces is extremely dangerous, be it voodoo, black magic, Ouija boards or whatever, a truth that is highlighted at the end of the film as the villain discovers the evil forces he thought he was in league with and was in control of were really the ones in control of him. Let's just say playing with "friends from the other side" didn't end well. I'm glad that the consequences were shown, but I still feel all of that was a bit too dark and extreme for this kind of kid's film.

This warning comes to us from a site called Christian Spotlight on Entertainment.

I do not personally recommend “The Princess and the Frog.” Practicing any sort of occultic magic is directly against God and is labeled as an abomination throughout Scripture. This movie displays that voodoo magicians hold all the power of both good and evil. A PG rating would have been more appropriate; I strongly advise that younger, undiscerning children not be allowed to see it. For older children, however, “The Princess and the Frog” might serve as an platform for parents to discuss with their children the real existence of occult practices and how to identify them.

The reviewer from Christianity Today finds fault with the movie because it suggests that problems can be solved through self-reliance.

As if this weren't bad enough, on the flip side we get mystical Mama Odie, stereotype piled on stereotype straight out of every cliché of the wise old black woman. Mama Odie knows voodoo, too, but her magic is more of the prosaic, homegrown kind. In a production number that evokes gospel music but with Jesus neatly stripped away, Mama Odie offers up a defiantly American church of the self. Just "dig a little deeper" inside yourself and you'll find what you need to achieve all of your dreams. Sure, there's magic, but it only shows up once you've done everything in your power to get what you desire. Her message is the epitome of works-righteousness, where the only counter to the forces of evil is the good inside the human heart. (And this is somehow bad?)

Sure, this is the message of just about every family film that has come down the pike since the dawn of cinema. But to see it presented in a context that evokes the style of Christianity, Mama Odie's song serves as a stark reminder as to how the American values of self-reliance diverge from the Christian message of humble submission to external grace. Just because something looks and sounds beautiful doesn't make it gospel. (So American values diverge from Christian values? Has anybody told Sarah Palin?)

Look I have not seen this movie so I cannot argue the merits of the film one way or another. However it seems to me that these critics found much to like about the film apart from the fact that it was an affront to their religious sensibilities.

They liked the music, the animation, and most of the storyline. They just got their panties in a twist when Voodoo reared its dark, sinister head. And apparently voodoo is not presented in the best light imaginable, the villain uses it for evil purposes, and yet it's very presence is of concern to these modern day Cotton Mather's.

This is one of my major bitches when it comes to the Fundamentalist Christian perspective. This idea that information which represents a view differing from, or in direct contrast to, Christianity is somehow inherently evil. This is simply not the kind of thinking that should be going on in the 21st century. It just isn't!

This movie presented the first African American female lead in a Disney film. It should be celebrated for finally breaking through the animated glass ceiling and presenting a young lady that little girls of ALL races can admire and sing along with. But instead the film gets attacked for NOT having enough Christianity in it. WTF?

Did these same critics get bent out of shape when Merlin was teaching little Arthur about magic in "The Sword in the Stone"? Or when the good fairy gave the gift of life to a puppet in "Pinocchio"? Or when Wilby Daniels used a magic ring to turn into a four legged beast in "The Shaggy Dog"? Of course not. And those films were made back in a time when we were less educated than we are today.

So what is the problem? The skin color of the main character? Well I certainly hope not. The getting to first base with an amphibian? Admittedly a little gross but he is not REALLY a frog so that should not be a problem. So if not racism or fear of bestiality then what is it?

Well than it can only be fear of the unknown, and the superstitious nonsense that permeates the thinking of these so-called "critics".

First off there is NOTHING satanic about Voodoo. It is no more bizarre or evil than Shintoism, or Hinduism, or Jainism, or Judaism, or any other religion that is not Christianity. It is simply the prism through which the people of Haiti tried to understand their world. Which by the way is the origin of ALL religions.

Now this may anger some of my Christian visitors, but I am sorry it needs to be explained.

When Christianity was still just a small Jewish cult it was in a real battle for converts. One of the tools that was used was to label the other religious practices as "evil". If somebody was seemingly cured after making an offering to a rival god the Christians labeled that the work of Satan, and cast aspersion on the entire religion.

This was in fact what happened to the so-called witches.

These were usually mid-wives, herbalists, and pre-Christian healers who were utilizing methods that had been handed down from generation to generation to heal the sick and deliver children in to this world. But early Christians felt in competition with these primitive healers and labeled them heretics which provided the biblical license necessary to justify hunting them down and exterminating them.

And before you get all defensive about my picking on Christianity I should probably tell you that these tactics were not invented by the Christians, they are a tried and true methods used by dozens, if not hundred, of religions that came before and continue to exist today. The Christians were just much more successful.

So anyhow I would encourage you to base your decision on whether or not to take your child to "The Princess and the Frog" on what you know about your child's sensitivities, the quality of both the animation and musical score, and NOT on whether it will introduce an interest in exploring "black magic" to your impressionable youngster.

By the way, I had a very good friend who was a Wiccan once. One of the kindest ladies I ever met. Did not ONCE turn me into a frog.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Disney to allow gay couples to marry at theme parks. This just feels right.

The Walt Disney Co. has changed its policy to allow same-sex couples to participate in a popular Fairy Tale Wedding program it runs mainly at its two U.S. resorts and cruise line, a Disney spokesman said on Thursday.

Disney previously had allowed gay couples to organize their own weddings or commitment ceremonies at rented meeting rooms at the resorts, but had barred them from purchasing its Fairy Tale Wedding package and holding the event at locations at Disneyland and Walt Disney World that are set aside specifically for weddings.

"We are updating our Fairy Tale Wedding guidelines to include commitment ceremonies," Disney Parks and Resorts spokesman Donn Walker said. "This is consistent with our policy of creating a welcoming, respectful and inclusive environment for all of our guests."

Come on! Colorful flowers, gaudy music, flamboyant costumes, flashy colors, Disneyland has "gay celebration" written all over it! How could this not have happened sooner?

I am happy for both Disney and the gay community. You just watch and see how the straight couples struggle to pull off the same kind of blowouts that a bunch of gay party planners can throw together. It is going to be wild!