Showing posts with label memory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Watch Jeb Bush try to remember something he will never forget.

Courtesy of the Daily Banter: 

There are a lot of difficult things about being a Republican, but none so difficult, it would appear, as remembering things they’ll never forget. Whether it’s forgetting 9/11 or forgetting the other 9/11, or even just forgetting the third thing on your own list of three things, rememberating is hard, y’all! 

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush found that out on Wednesday when he tried to make a point by bringing up a certain space shuttle disaster that he said he’d “never forget,” then promptly could not remember when the hell it happened. The audience at the Concord, NH town hall meeting tries to help him out, but he can’t quite get there.

Wow! This guy may be one of the worst presidential candidates I have seen in quite some time. 

And I still remember Rick Perry.

My favorite part of the video is hearing the audience try to help him, and he still can't get it right.

Here is a lesson to all of you future potential political candidates, never start a statement with "I will never forget" in the middle of struggling to remember what it is that you will never forget.

And member folks, THIS is the smart brother!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Presidents' Day!

Presidents' Day dates back to our founding father and first President, George Washington. Washington was born on February 22, 1732. On his birthday in 1796, when Washington was in his last full year as president, the day became the holiday known as Washington's Birthday. However, Americans didn't observe this holiday until 1832, 100 years after his birth.

Abraham Lincoln was the next President to gain reverence similar to Washington. Born on February 12, 1809, Lincoln's birthday was first celebrated in 1865, the year after he was assassinated. Although his birthday was not honored as a federal holiday like Washington's, many states adopted it as a legal holiday.

In 1968, Congress passed legislation placing any federal holiday on a Monday, including Washington's birthday, to create a three-day weekend. In 1971, President Richard Nixon combined Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays into Presidents' Day. It would be celebrated on the third Monday in February, regardless of which day it fell on. Presidents' Day is now viewed as a holiday that pays tribute to both Washington and Lincoln, as well as all those who have served as president.

I have heard a lot of backlash from people who believe that it is presumptuous at best for current President Barack Obama to have linked himself with the great emancipator Abraham Lincoln.

Especially since I eviscerated Sarah Palin yesterday for allowing the Gettysburg address to be altered so that it honored her as Governor of Alaska.

In my mind there is absolutely no comparison between the two in how they honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln, as evidenced by this snippet of a speech President Obama gave:

It's a humbling task, marking the bicentennial of our 16th president's birth -- humbling for me in particular because it's fair to say that the presidency of this singular figure who we celebrate in so many ways made my own story possible. (Who could argue with the accuracy of that statement?)

Now compare that to the debacle that took place to honor Sarah Palin yesterday:

“Two score and five years ago”

“That all women can do what they set their minds to, whether it be running for governor, the vice presidency or field dressing a caribou. ...

“Few will remember what we ate here but never what she said here, or some, in the media what she wears here.”

“And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from Alaska.”

That pretty much sums up the difference between a respectful leader and an immature media whore who will show up at literally any venue that is willing to give her the attention she constantly craves.