Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Some troubling news about our friend Joe.
Author-journalist Joe McGinniss says he was diagnosed in May with advanced prostate cancer but is responding well to treatment and feels "terrific."
The 70-year-old McGinniss is best known for controversial works such as "The Selling of the President" and "Fatal Vision." On Wednesday, he posted on his Facebook page that he had "inoperable, terminal, metastatic prostate cancer." He confirmed the diagnosis in response to an email from The Associated Press and in a subsequent Facebook posting.
McGinniss told the AP that he has no symptoms and is eager to write more books and magazine articles.
This is certainly an upsetting way to end the day.
Joe was, and continues to be, a great friend, and I have every confidence that he will "not go gentle into that good night." But instead "rage, rage against the dying of the light."
I still remember sitting with Joe on the porch of his rented house in Wasilla, looking out over that dead lake and sharing stories about Alaska on one of the most beautiful summer days that I can remember. Not a memory that I will soon forget, and I hope that he returns someday soon so we can pick up where we left off that day.
This country owes Joe McGinniss an incredible debt of gratitude for exposing Sarah Palin to the world. Not to mention the fact that they owe him for the many OTHER wonderful books that he had written before.
I am fortunate to have TWO books in my library signed by Joe, "Going to Extremes" and of course "The Rogue." I will treasure them always.
Hopefully they will soon be joined by the NEXT book that Joe writes as well.
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Does the fact that Paul Ryan is channeling Sarah Palin, and "Going Rogue" on Mitt Romney, prove that the Romney/Ryan ticket is doomed? Sure looks like it!
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Wow! I had almost forgotten how pumped up the conservatives were about Palin's possible run in 2012.Boy that really worked out for them didn't it?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sarah Palin ghostwriter goes rogue. As "rogue" as one can go while hamstrung by a non-disclosure agreement that is.
Add the ghostwriter of Sarah Palin's 2009 memoir, "Going Rogue" to the already swollen ranks of conservatives still shaking their heads over Palin's vice presidential nomination.
"Whatever anyone's opinion of her faults and failings, to tap someone to be a Veep candidate a few days before the Convention was really not the best plan," Lynn Vincent, a veteran ghostwriter of Christian memoirs who is credited as a collaborator on Palin's book, told The New Yorker in this week's issue.
Vincent has been credited as co-author on several bestselling memoirs, but has no formal acknowledgement in Palin's book, and sources told the magazine's Ariel Levy that Palin and her team had "reworked" Vincent's draft because Palin felt it was "too down-homey."
Vincent, who is prevented by a non-disclosure agreement from discussing her collaboration with the former Alaska governor, is thanked on the second page of the book's acknowledgements for "her indispensible help in getting words on paper."
This appears not to have gone down well with Vincent.
"With Sarah Palin, it was, like, 'Thanks, Lynn Vincent, for taking out the trash,'" she said.
Wow! That's last remark is pretty telling. I wonder what kind of "trash" Vincent had to clean up?
By the way how many of us would LOVE to get Vincent alone and ply her with drinks until she starts spouting all of the unseemly truths that she undoubtedly learned while working with the Lunatic from Lake Lucille?
God I hate non-disclosure agreements. If not for them we would know hell of a lot more about the Palin family's dirty little secrets. Not only from the research for THIS book, but also the behind the scenes stories on the reality shows, and DWTS.
Still this should be enough to have a certain refrigerator in Wasilla shuddering in abject terror.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Look what just turned up at the Dollar Store.
Thanks to Beth for the picture. |
Thursday, December 30, 2010
"America by Heart" is only selling one fifth as well as "Going Rogue" did last year. Oh yeah, somebody jumped the shark!
I work in the book publishing industry and I have access to Nielsen book sales data. Nielsen compiles book sales information from every major retailer (Amazon, B&N, Borders, Target, Costco, indie stores...). Every retailer of any significance is included in their data except (no surpise) Wal*Mart.
I can compare sales for SP's book from this time last year for her first book vs the same time period this year (data is from the exact same group of retailers in 2009 and in 2010). I think these numbers tell a pretty interesting story...
GOING ROGUE - sales through Dec 27th 2009 - 1,255,963 units
AMERICA FROM THE HEART - sales through Dec 26th 2010 - 232,344 units
These are units sold through the cash register at all of these retailers combined.
I think that says it all when it comes to the state of Ms. Palin's popularity (or lack thereof).
(Just for clarification, Going Rogue was published on November 17, 2009, while America by Heart was published November 23, 2010. So, adding in the one day difference in the above information, Going Rogue has seven more sale days than ABH. I am sure to the Palin-bots that explains everything.)
I think this, plus the information about how many viewers that "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the first time" has lost since its debut are impossible to ignore indicators that Palin is indeed failin'.
By now it is crystal clear that Snowdrift Snooki has proven her point that the more people see of her, without the filtering by the "lamesteam media," the more they will understand the REAL Sarah Palin. Sadly nobody seems to like the REAL Sarah Palin.
Good job Sister Sarah! The media could NEVER have done a better job of revealing your inadequacies and lack of ability than you have done yourself!
Reality show turns out to be a stinker,
Senate candidate gets his ass handed to him.
Book sales in the toilet.
Republicans turning against her en masse.
Yep it looks like Sarah Palin is certainly showing all of us that the more the American people know her, the more they loathe her.
BTW the person who sent me this e-mail also sent along a couple of screenshots to prove their claim, and according to what I saw everything that is written above is absolutely correct. If any of you are also in the publishing industry perhaps you can independently confirm this for yourselves.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.
And guess what? "Game Change" managed to get to number one without having a bunch of conservative groups buying it in bulk to create the artificial illusion that it was a great book.
Let's face it if "Going Rogue" had been forced to compete on a level playing field it would NEVER have even come close to a bestsellers list. But Palin always insists the deck be stacked in her favor, doesn't she?
Monday, February 01, 2010
P.T. Barnum said "There is a sucker born every minute." That was the best news Sarah Palin every heard.
The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had her political organization spend more than $63,000 on what her reports describe as "books for fundraising donor fulfillment." The payments went to Harper Collins, her publisher, and in some instances to HSP Direct, a Virginia-based direct mail fundraising firm that serves a number of well-known conservative politicians and pundits.
Sarah PAC spent another $8,000 on colorful bookmarks designed by a Nashville-based event branding firm. And her committee paid her publisher $20,000 for what appears to have been the cost of sending her personal photographer and another aide along on her book tour. Those expenses are listed by the PAC as travel repayment to Harper Collins.
So essentially Sarah Palin took the hard earned money donated to her Political Action Committee to purchase her own book. She then donated the books to her fundraisers to thank them for getting her the money to buy the books in the first place. Then Harper Collins paid her a royalty for each of the books she bought with the donated money.
Jesus, that is just horrible.
But hey maybe not. Perhaps she did what her prayer partner Joe Lieberman did back in 2004.
When former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman sought in 2004 to give away copies of his memoir, "In Praise of Public Life," he declined to take royalties off the books purchased by his campaign committee. It is not known whether Palin entered into a similar arrangement.
So what do we think? Did she decline the royalties or not? Yeah, that is kind of what I think too.
But as scandalous as that is, it may not be the most egregious use of her PAC money.
Palin also used the funds to pay IzzyLene Consulting to provide media and political consulting for a whopping $54,000. As many of you undoubtedly know that firm belongs to Meg Stapleton who serves as the spokesperson for SarahPAC. Stapleton was originally Palin's spokesperson while she was the governor. She now performs much the same function, but somehow that now makes her a "consultant".
And apparently Palin has a pretty bad consulting addiction.
She also paid the following "consultants":
Pamela Pryor, media and political consulting, $36,000.00.
Timothy Crawford, consulting/fundraising, $36,000.00
Northstar Strategies, political/logistical/advance consulting, $50,000.00
Aries Petra Consulting LLC,Consulting/ Media/Communications, $12,000 (This is kind of an embarrassing amount since this is in fact Rebecca Mansour, who is Palin's favorite Facebook writer.)
Andrew Davis, Media and Political Consulting, $22,500.00.
Kim Daniels, Media and Political Consulting, $21,000
Some business referred to as The McIntosh Cos., provided fundraising consulting for $3000.00,
Callisto Consulting LLC, Internet consulting, $8000.00. (This guy is actually Joseph Russo, the founder of the "sea o'pee" who may now be the guy who surfs the net to let Palin know when somebody is saying bad things about her. Hi Joseph!)
Orion Strategies, Political Issue Consulting, $30,000.00
Eric Schnure, Consulting, Communication, Speech, $14000.00
Kathryn Cascella, Fundraising Event Consulting, $2100.00
Even Palin hanger on, Ivy Frye jumps on the "consulting" bandwagon. Frye apparently earned a respectable $7,500.00 for something called "Administrative Clerical Consulting", which may just be a fancy way of saying she answered the phones and read Palin's mail.
All in all Palin paid an unbelievable $296,100.00 in "consulting" fees. That is about an eighth of her entire take for 2009. You know it would be significantly cheaper if she were just addicted to heroin.
I have no idea if in Palinworld "consulting" means something completely different than it does in our world, but I have to wonder, if she was getting so much consultation how come she made so many incredibly stupid mistakes? Did she not listen? Are they not very good? Or are they not really what we would call, consultants?
If I was a cynic I would have to wonder if all of this is not some elaborate method for laundering money or funneling it to her supporters by calling them "consultants". But nobody is cynical enough to believe THAT, are they?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Great Blogger Book Banning, Take Two.
"Hey, I got a copy of the banned list from Sarah's book signing and YOU ARE NOT ON IT!"
"I am not?"
"No just Dennis, Andree, and Me, your name is not mentioned."
And she was right. As you can see for yourself down below.
As you can plainly see my name is definitely NOT on the list. So then the question that MUST be asked is WHY was I escorted out by the Wasilla police?
You can see this event is listed as "public", and yet they have a list of people who are not allowed to attend? And the security staff was also instructed to "coordinate with Todd" just in case we tried to enter, not as media, but as the "public".
But WHY were we not allowed to attend? And if I wasn't even on the list, WHY did I get the bum's rush by the police? (You can read Shannyn's account of this right here.)
Justin Elliot of Talking Points Memo, also wondered what the hell was going on. So he called James Hastings, the guy in charge of the arena, and asked for an explanation.
"Todd told me that a couple of individuals said they were going to come out there, and he expected them to protest," Hastings says. "He said, 'Hey, there's a guy named Griffin who will be with Zaki, and they're going to try to stir up the pot.'"
That would be Dennis Zaki, photojournalist and freelance videographer, and Jesse Griffin, a blogger whose name was added to a later version of the list than the one we posted.
"Stir up the pot"?
Dennis and I had also attended the Elmendorf book signing only about one week earlier and had been so inconspicuous that I am not sure Sarah even knew we were there. I was certainly NOT going to cause a ruckus at the one in Wasilla. I simply went there to help Dennis cover the event and get some information for a blog post. That is all.
And both Todd and Sarah knew that. This is just more of the vindictive mean girl coming out and saying "It is my party, and YOU are not invited." Which would be fine, if it was in fact a PRIVATE party. However this was advertised as a PUBLIC event, and there were no invitations required for attendance.
However apparently being critical of ex-Governor Palin is all that is required to have a Wasilla police officer escort you out of a public building, and into the chill of a December afternoon. (By the way the Palin's only rented the "Turf Court", not the whole building. So I would like to know why I was asked to leave the whole Sports Center and not just asked to leave the area the Palin's had rented? Anyone?)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Fourth Name on the Palin book signing BANNED List revealed! And guess who REALLY provided the list?
I am sorry for all of you very deserving bloggers, and protesters, and filers of ethics charges, I feel many of you deserved to be on that list as well. Better luck next year.
Mr. Hastings also confirmed to Dennis that Harper Collins did pay for the TWO Wasilla police officers that were providing security. (One of whom escorted me out of the building.)
However in a surprising turn of events, Hastings added that Harper Collins were NOT the ones to give him our names.
What? Well then who did?
According to Mr. Hastings, it was none other than Mr. Todd Palin himself!
Then Mr. Hastings, who had no freaking idea who we were or WHY we could not be on the premises, looked us up on the inter-tubes and THAT is where the pictures came from. Which may also explain THIS quote: "If I take three minutes on Google I can see that, given the nature of the people who were here, it wasn't in his (Zaki's) best interest to be here. He and others could have found themselves in a negative situation."
The difference of course is that HE knew our names and used that to look us up, the people standing in line would have had no idea who were (Just like Hastings before his Google search), and therefore we were clearly in no danger. To the people coming to see Queen Ester we would have just been two more media types. The only giveaway would have been the clenched jaw on Sarah's face when she caught sight of us.
So there you have it. Harper Collins paid for the venue and the cops, but did NOT tell them to escort us off of the premises. THAT order came from Sarah Palin herself, via her long suffering spouse Todd.
And really, was there ever ANY doubt as to WHO wanted us banned from the event?
Update: As somebody pointed out, yes Andree was in court on Tuesday. And yet she still frightened the hell out of Sarah. I guess putting lipstick on a pitbull turns them into a scaredy-cat.
Update 2: Talking Points Memo got wind of Todd's involvement too.
Update 3: Mudflats has the story as well.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
BANNED!! Making it on Sarah Palin's enemies list. Update!
And it was to be held in the "picturesque" town of Wasilla, at the Curtis C. Menard Memorial Sports Center.
How could I miss it?
So Dennis Zaki and I loaded up his car and headed out to cover this historic event. (Little did we know that dark forces were conspiring against us.)
The drive to Wasilla was pleasant enough. Dennis and I talked about a variety of subjects, including the latest rumors circulating about Palin and which ones had some validity, and which ones did not.
When we arrived at the Sports Center we were somewhat surprised at the size of the place and that the parking lot was almost completely full.
"Wow I guess she DOES still have a lot of fans out here!" I exclaimed.
I helped Dennis gather his video equipment and we headed for the door. Once there I took a deep cleansing breath and mentally prepared myself to enter the heart of Palin-palooza central, and then barged right on through the doors. (I think God had opened it a crack just for me.)
Once inside we were quickly directed to check in with the person in charge of media. As we walked over I saw the size of the crowd waiting to greet Palin and get her signature. I estimated it to be well over a thousand Wasillians, all clutching several copies of "Going Rogue" and waiting to see the local girl who ran their town, ran their state, ran for Vice President, and ultimately ran away.
As I prepared to sign in as a media representative I heard the crowd erupt in cheers as Sarah Palin made her entrance. I could not see her as she was above us in the balcony area, apparently looking down lovingly at her vacant eyed supporters, but there was little doubt that she had made her grand entrance.
There were a few calls of "Sarah, Sarah" before the line started to wind its way up the stairs to have their audience with Queen Ester of the North. I thought "We better hurry if we are going to find a good place to set up our camera."
My first hint that something may be wrong down in Who-ville was when I was asked for my ID, not once, but twice. Then as Dennis and I were about to sign in, and the lady behind the desk took our picture with a little digital camera! WTF? I have never had anybody do that before at any other event that I attended as a media representative. I wondered why there was such tight security, unaware that my question was only seconds from being answered.
Almost as soon as I had my picture taken I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around and came face to face with a local police officer who quickly apologized and then informed me that I was on the "banned list".
"I am on the WHAT list?" I asked.
"The banned list sir, I am going to have to escort you off of the property. This is a private event."
I looked over and saw Dennis talking to somebody else, and clearly receiving the same information.
On my way toward the door I stopped to wait for Dennis so that we could leave together, however the police officer again placed his hand on my shoulder and insisted that I continue on toward the exit. They clearly were under orders to get me off of the premises as quickly as possible.
Outside Dennis joined me and told me that he had learned that both he and I were on the banned list, along with Shannyn Moore, and that they even had pictures of us to reference for quick identification.
Another reporter headed toward the entrance overheard us and asked us if there were REALLY a "banned list". "Yes there is, and we are on it" was our reply. "I have never heard of that!" she said. Welcome to Sarah Palin's Wasilla.
So we loaded up our gear and back to Anchorage we drove. It did not take more than a few minutes before I started to laugh uncontrollably at the absurdity of being banned from Sarah Palin's last book signing. She had not been able to stop us from continuing to write about her, she had not been able to keep us off of Elmendorf, but by God she could damn well have us kicked out of the Curtis C. Menard Memorial Sports Center!
Yep that sure showed us.
Sarah Palin has done everything she could to keep the media as far away as possible during this book tour, however I do believe that this is the first time she actually had anybody listed by name. THAT honor she reserves for the Alaska bloggers. And do you know what? That is an honor that I will wear proudly!
So now we know that, just like Richard M. Nixon, Sarah Palin has her very own enemies list.
The only question is, who else has made that list?
Update: Here is video of Sarah making her way to sit down an start signing her "Book of Lies". About the time you hear that big cheer go up from the crowd is when Dennis and I are getting the bum's rush.
And I bet when she picks up her Blackberry is when she got the news that we had been evicted.
(H/T to GinaM for the video.)
Update 2: Thanks for the link Mr. Sullivan!
Update 3: I just got off of the phone with an ADN reporter who tells me that the banned list only contained FOUR names!
Just four?
Hmm, now let's see. There was Shannyn, Dennis, and me, and that makes three. Now who do you think was lucky number four?
Update 4: BTW it turns out that Harper Collins paid for the rental of the sports center AND provided our names to security. And that my friends is the Sarah Palin version of "plausible deniability".
"I didn't do it dammit! My publisher did it! Nope not MY fault!"
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Palin book signing at Elmendorf Air Force base.
So let me start off with a compliment. I am not always looking for the negative after all.
I thought Sarah looked quite fetching today. Her hair looked good and she was smartly dressed.
It even looks like her surgery scars were completely healed. See I can be nice.
I looked around to see who all had come with her. I saw Mama and Papa Heath, big brother Chuck Jr., Willow, and a very bored looking Piper.
No Bristol. No Todd. And even favorite Palin prop Trig was nowhere to be seen. Hmmm odd.
If you look in the picture above you will also see that there was still no wedding ring. (Haven't they dredged that lake yet?)
Here is the whole famn damily. Chuck Sr., Chuck Jr., and Sally Heath were showing their support and posing for pictures with the teabaggers and Palinista's after they had received their autograph.
I talked to Chuck Sr. and he said that Billy Graham's plane had flown Sarah and family to a "few places" along the book tour, but that Harper Collins had flown them up here for this event. Since when do "bus tours" involve multiple planes as well?
Today Piper got to play "Fidel Castro hat wearing socialist" instead of mom.
I think it looks cuter on Piper. But boy was this kid bored.
And so was this kid. Willow looked like she wanted to be just about anyplace else in the world rather than standing in this mall watching people fawn over her mother. You and me both kiddo.
I talked to a number of people in the line. Every single one of them were gaga over Sarah.
I asked them what they liked best about Sarah, and almost every one cited the fact that she was "honest". No I did not type that wrong, they actually believe her to be honest! Then I followed up by asking if they had read her book. NONE of them had actually read the damn thing yet. I wish I could go back for a follow up interview after they finish it, and ask them "Do you think she is honest NOW?"
I tried to find out from the very cordial female soldier in charge of this event if Palin had been invited or not, but she did not know. I also asked if it was common for the base to have authors on to sign their books. She said that it sometimes happened and cited Mary Tillman, Pat Tillman's mom, and C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger as two examples. However she said they had never had a crowd as large as this one.
I kid you not, some of these people waited outside this place for up to four hours to have their book signed by Caribou Barbie. Almost all of the people in line were from out of state, but I did find three Alaskans from, you guessed it, Wasilla. And pretty much each and every one of them thought having Palin run for president in 2012 was a great idea.
I bet this guy felt the same way.
Damn, what is wrong with these people?
(Photos courtesy of Dennis Zaki)
Going Rogue creates sanitation crisis.
Did selfish Sarah ever take into consideration the horrible impact her "book" would have on "Joe the Plumber"? Or poor "Joe the Sanitation Worker"? Or "Joe the little boy's mom"? I think not!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sarah Palin to make book tour stop in Alaska to pimp "bestseller" and let her fellow Alaskans know she is too good for them now. Update!
- Sarah Palin
"Hope to see you there?" How is she going to do that when the book signing is CLOSED to the public?
Why say on your Facebook page that you are looking forward to seeing Alaskans and then refuse to allow them to attend? Is your Facebook supposed to be for military eyes only? What possible excuse could you have for keeping the people who actually elected you to office from saying "welcome home", and getting the same opportunity for an autographed copy of your book that people in Florida were given? No really what is your excuse?
The Alaska events were last-minute additions to Palin's published tour schedule. Asked why no signings open to the general public were scheduled in Alaska, Palin publicist Tina Andreadis of HarperCollins Publishers responded by e-mail that "The Governor is humbled by this opportunity to honor the nation's military stationed in AK, especially during the Holidays."
WTF? Is that an answer?
Do you know what I think the answer is? Palin is afraid that we will not be fooled by her anymore. She realizes that Alaskans know that she is just chock full of shit, and she is afraid that somebody might actually call her on it. In public. While filming it.
But hey do you know something Sarah? The event is open to the media. And do you know who represents the NEW media? That's right sister Sarah, we do.
You have yourself a nice little visit. Be seeing ya.
Update: I call bullshit on this.
Palin was invited to hold a book signing on base, said Tina Andreadis, spokeswoman for the former governor.
She was "invited"? I doubt this very sincerely. There is NO way the base is going to invite criticism, and talk of partisanship, by inviting Palin to sell books to their troops. To be honest I am not even sure how they justify her being there at all.
It looks like this Harper Collins spokeswoman, Tina Andreadis, plays as fast and loose with the facts as Sarah herself.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
What happens when women get together to discuss the many lies in Sarah Palin's book?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Countdown is a must see today with a smack down for Sarah Palin, a guest appearance by Shannyn Moore, and a Special Comment! My cup runneth over!
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"Coming out of the woodwork". Did you hear that?
Isn't that what I have been telling you people? By gosh it is.
Here is Geoffrey Dunn's wonderful post on the John Wooden/John Wooden Legs mistake from Palin's "Book of Lies"..
Now for Keith's Special Comment. Quick somebody tell our President to watch this!
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sarah Palin to give a speech that she does not want YOU to hear.
Elizabeth Andrews, the director of public relations of this school in one of her statements declared that the terms of the contract were mutually agreed upon by Mrs. Palin and the school authorities. Therefore, media rights to telecast this event would be curbed. She said, though media representatives will not be allowed to carry any equipment for audio and video recording at the event, they will be provided tickets to remain present in the program. It has also been reported that Sarah Palin will sign copies of ‘Going Rogue’ but it has not yet been confirmed whether any media representatives will be allowed to cover that event either.
It may confuse people as to why Palin would even bother to give a speech if she did not want very many people to hear it. But I know why.
It is because of this speech.
(You can see part two here. If you can stomach it. If you cannot stand to watch it you can simply read AKMuckraker's brilliant transcript here.)
It was after the media got a hold of THIS bizarre, wandering, spiteful speech filled with word salad and stolen bits of a speech given by Newt Gingrich, that Sarah Palin decided that she had had enough. The next speech in which the media was invited, and only given 55 minutes to attend, was her resignation speech.
Sarah Palin was so upset and frustrated that the media (and bloggers, yes I was there too) had found so much wrong with her speech that she was simply terrified at what might happen in the future.
So she quit. She essentially said take this job and shove, I ain't working here no more. (That one is for you dad.)
And then Sarah Palin turned to Twitter. And so did we. As it turned out Palin was just as ridiculously bizarre on Twitter as she was in person. So ridiculous in fact that it inspired the Tonight Show to have William Shatner read them as rambling beatnik poetry. So somebody hid her Blackberries from her. (She owes that person her eternal gratitude by the way.)
And then came Facebook. Only this time she had a ghostwriter to help her. Though it really did not help that much. Sure the sentences were punctuated properly, and somebody introduced a little concept called footnotes, but crazy Palin ideas are still crazy, even with all of the comma's in the right places.
Next came Sarah Palin's "Book of Lies".
A book so full of fabrications that if they were removed the book would only be about 70 pages long.
And, as all of you know, the media has been having a field day with this latest attempt by Sarah Palin to communicate with the masses.
It has become so bad that Palin will not even allow a film crew in to record her talking to her fans while autographing their books. Paranoid much?
Look I have some advice for Sarah.
Hi Sarah. Remember me? Of course you do, you even once wrote down my license plate number. (Yet you never call.)
If you REALLY want people to stop making fun of you, or pointing out that you are crazy, you need to do one simple thing. Shut up and sit down.
Yes, yes, yes I know that is the one thing you hate to be told (well that and the fact that Levi has a book deal), but let's face it as long as you keep talking, people will keep listening. And as long as we can still hear you, we can still tell that you are batshit crazy.
You have money. You have a brand new compound. You have your cosmetic surgery. Why not simply move on to what is we all know will be your ultimate destination. Selling cheap jewelry on QVC. And spare yourself all of the embarrassment of standing up in front of people and trying to make some kind of sense. We all know you can't do that, so why even try?
So you have a nice day Ms. Palin. And remember, your worst enemy is that person staring back at you in the mirror. Isn't it time you just fired her stupid ass?
Friday, November 27, 2009
A four hour power outage due to heavy snows. You gotta love Alaska!
I have been going through withdrawals for the last four hours with no computer access, and nothing to do but try to get to the end of Sarah Palin's "Book of Lies".
Yeah because being without electricity was just not irritating enough.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The trooper at the center of Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" scandal breaks his silence!
According to Wooten, Palin and her father, Chuck Heath Sr., have "interfered with my life--and my children's lives--for at least the last five years. And it is still going on. I'm done with it."
Partially disabled from his military service, Wooten pointed out that neither Todd nor Sarah Palin, or Chuck Heath, served in the armed forces. Wooten said he was particularly "disgusted and incensed" by Palin's "insincere" dedication in Going Rogue to "our men and women in uniform."
Wooten further noted with irony that many of those who have been victimized by Palin during her political career--including former Wasilla police chief Irl Stambaugh; Monegan and himself--were all veterans. "Sarah is only about Sarah," Wooten said. "She doesn't care about the 'men and women in uniform.' It's all about advancing Sarah's career."
What have I been saying? That Palin's book is angering people so bad that they are coming out of the woodwork to call her to task. And damn this is a big one!
I will say it again, the worst thing Sarah has ever done to herself was to write this book. It will be her downfall.
To read the rest of Geoffrey Dunn's revealing post just click the title.