Showing posts with label adulthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adulthood. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Me as a kid.

In my defense, I may in fact have grown up, but I am still very immature.

Ask anybody.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday Bristol Palin! Now let's see if you handle being an adult better than your mother.

Today is Bristol's 21st birthday, so we can officially retire her as one of the "children" that Sarah is always complaining we are attacking. (Because as you well know, telling the truth about somebody is "attacking" in Palin-speak.)

In my opinion this is the perfect time for Bristol to officially step into adulthood as her mother's now defunct political career will no longer provide the kind of reflected fame that Bristol was leeching off of to sell books, gain lucrative endorsements like the Candy's abstinence campaign, and convince producers she could be of ANY interest to viewers of reality programs.

Now that the Grizzled Mama seems to have gone into hibernation, what is next for the junior grifter/worst ex-girlfriend ever/homophobic reality star personality?

Whatever she does I would predict that it will have to be something related to her very own personal talents, since Granny Grifter may have done her last politically flavored lap dance for cash. So what talent does Bristol have?

Well she the plastic surgery ruined that.

Okay well she every woman has that.

Oh I have an idea, she NOBODY will buy that.

Well don't worry I am sure it will come to me...I think.

In the meantime you can get a giggle from this pro-Palin fan site fawning all over Bristol's many "accomplishments," and then view the Huffington Post's slide show of, I kid you not, Bristol Palin's "Style Evolution."

P.S. For those who are curious about Bristol's plans for her birthday, my understanding is that she is currently in Wasilla and that her gal pals have something "epic" planned. I believe the Wasilla police are on high alert.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"Adult-olescence": A stupid new word that describes me perfectly!

Now my take on this is a little different then the problem addressed in the above link.

I am just an adult who does not want to live like I am simply biding my time until I die.

I like to have fun. I go to silly movies, play computer games, flirt with naughty girls, go dancing at the drop of a hat, bike around town with my helmet off (like God intended), and find the humor in EVERYTHING!

I would rather laugh then worry. I would rather love then be angry. I would rather live my life openly and honestly then try to fit into some pigeonhole in order to be more acceptable.

I wasted a lot of time in temporary jobs and relationships trying to make them last when secretly I did not want them to, and I will never waste my time like that again.

But I certainly pay my bills on time, can be relied on by friends and family, and am an upstanding member of society.

Being an "adult-olescent" to me simply means being carefree, not careless.