Showing posts with label fundraiser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fundraiser. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Just over 150 days in office Donald Trump is going to hold a reelection fundraiser. In one of this hotels, or course.

Courtesy of the AP: 

President. Candidate. Businessman. Three of President Donald Trump’s roles converge next week as he holds his first major re-election fundraiser at his hotel in Washington. 

Trump officially kicked off his re-election campaign on Inauguration Day by filing Federal Election Commission paperwork, making it the earliest such effort by a sitting president. 

It’s paying off: The campaign raised more than $7 million by the end of March from appeals to small donors and the sale of merchandise such as the ubiquitous red “Make America Great Again” ball caps. 

The June 28 fundraiser at the Trump International Hotel in Washington is for larger donors. TheTrump campaign and the Republican National Committee will share proceeds.

So not only will Trump's campaign receive a bunch of money from donors hoping to buy favors from the current administration, but Trump's hotel will also be paid out of those campaign funds which will go right into his personal bottom line.

It is one of the most blatant and transparent political scams that we have ever seen, and for some reason it does not seem to matter to the Republicans one little bit.

But this is really the only time that Trump seems comfortable.

Not as the actual president with so many responsibilities requiring his attention.

But as a candidate with the sole focus of working toward his next political victory.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

John McCain fundraiser arrested on suspicion of cooking meth. Seriously, who's surprised?

Courtesy of AZ Central:  

A woman listed as the RSVP contact for U.S. Sen. John McCain's re-election fundraisers was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of drug charges after Maricopa County sheriff's deputies found an active meth lab and other illicit drugs while conducting a search warrant at her north-central Phoenix home, officials said. 

The Sheriff's Office identified one of two people arrested in the drug bust as 34-year-old Emily Pitha, a former member of the staff of retired U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who most recently worked on GOP campaign fundraising. 

McCain's campaign manager, Ryan O'Daniel, issued this response Tuesday night: 

"We commend the hard work and dedication of our law enforcement officers in their fight to keep our community safe from illegal drugs and associated criminal activity. The campaign immediately terminated any relationship with Ms. Pitha upon learning of her alleged involvement in the operation.” 

A Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spokesman said authorities were first alerted to possible drug activity at Pitha's Phoenix home by a parcel in transit from the Netherlands containing over 250 grams of MDMA – raw ecstasy. Detective Doug Matteson, the MCSO spokesman, said Pitha's boyfriend, 36-year-old Christopher Hustrulid, signed for the packaged when it arrived at their doorstep Tuesday afternoon.

You know I guess I kind of assumed that being a meth head was a prerequisite to working for John McCain.

After all we remember Sarah Palin right?

This arrest is of course not exactly good news for McCain who is facing perhaps his toughest bid for reelection ever.

Gee wouldn't it be awesome to have the first female President AND the first female Senator from Arizona elected in the same year? Why yes it would.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Here is George Clooney's MTP interview in its entirety.

This is important to share because since fairly early yesterday the only part of this interview that has been showing up repeatedly on the internet is this part: 


Let me start with dinner you co-hosted on Friday night, a big fundraiser. I know that you have plans for later tonight. Do you look at how much is being raised and, I think the cost of the friday night dinner $353,000 a couple to be a co-chair, do you look at it yourself and think, "That's an obscene amount of money?" 


Yes. I think it's an obscene amount of money. I think that, you know, we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they're right to protest. They're absolutely right. It is an obscene amount of money. The Sanders campaign when they talk about it is absolutely right. It's ridiculous that we should have this kind of money in politics. I agree completely.

That is the portion which has been pushed hard by the pro-Sanders people.

However as you watch Clooney's entire answer, and he is quite eloquent in his response, you learn that while he admits it is an obscene amount of money it is also a necessary amount of money as much of it is going to the Democratic party to support down ballot races.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Ben Carson includes "inspirational" portrait of himself with fundraising letter. Kinda creepy actually.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

"Dear John," an enclosed letter reads, "It is an honor for me to count you as a friend. And I do count you as that. In appreciation, I've sent you this very special, very personal portrait. I hope you can see in the portrait what is in my heart -- a love for God, a love of country, and a deep desire to serve both ... and to serve you." 

In a separate letter, again addressed to John, Carson writes that the portrait "was commissioned just so I could give it to you. This makes it very special to me." 

Also enclosed with the lithograph was a four-page letter and fundraising appeal: a pre-paid envelope to send back a check and a Newsmax listicle of "12 Reasons Ben Carson Would Make a Good President." 

"I hope you can see in the portrait what is in my heart."

Uh... does anybody else see this as REALLY creepy?

Or is it just me?

Monday, September 28, 2015

In the least surprising news imaginable Sarah Palin is trying to raise money off of John Boehner's resignation.

With Boehner set to retire, who should be the next Speaker of the House? Click here and make your voice heard! >>>
Posted by Sarah Palin on Monday, September 28, 2015
If you click the link it takes you to the SarahPAC Facebook page where you can vote for your choice, if you are willing to leave your e-mail address and name of course.

Of course Palin tried to raise money off of the Pope's recent visit so yeah you could have seen this coming from outer space.

Once again I cannot imagine how many people are still ignorant enough to give SarahPAC their e-mail address, unless of course it is a made up Yahoo or GMail account that contains words like "grifter," "fame whore," or "Bitch on ice" in it.

Especially since Palin has made similar attempts to gather e-mail addresses using the recent GOP debate,  an attack on Hillary Clinton, and of course those doctored Planned Parenthood videos.

At this point it seems that Palin has been reduced to the equivalent of a mongrel dog, desperately trying to gain sustenance from the left over scraps of news coverage given to others now that the warm glow of the limelight is no longer feeding her ego.

Friday, September 18, 2015

In news I was too busy to cover yesterday, that "veteran's group" that Donald Trump did a fundraiser for loses its nonprofit status.

Courtesy of the AP: 

The Internal Revenue Service revoked the nonprofit status of the veterans benefit organization that hosted and sold tickets to a foreign policy speech by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump aboard a retired U.S. battleship, The Associated Press has learned. The group's endorsement of Trump at the event also could raise legal problems under campaign finance laws. 

Trump's campaign did not respond to questions from the AP about whether it was aware that the IRS had revoked the nonprofit status of the Veterans for a Strong America, which sold tickets to Trump's event for up to $1,000 as a fundraiser. The IRS issued its decision Aug. 10, citing the group's failure to file any tax returns for three consecutive years, according to IRS records reviewed by the AP. 

The group's chairman, Joel Arends of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, said the organization was appealing the IRS decision. He would not provide AP with copies of any tax returns, which would show how much money the group has collected over the years and how it spends its money. By law, such records are supposed to be available to the general public for inspection. 

"We disagree with the IRS determination letter," Arends told the AP in an interview. He appeared alongside Trump on Tuesday night on the ship.

"We disagree?" Doesn't he mean "I" disagree?

Gee I wonder if the Right Wing will suggest that this is yet another example of Obama's IRS hit men coming after conservative groups due to their ideologies, or if this smells a little too shady for even them to touch with a ten foot pole?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rachel Maddow reveals that the group Donald Trump was fundraising for yesterday consists of one guy. Just one.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow exposed the “veterans group” using an appearance by Donald Trump as a fundraiser on Tuesday as an apparent one-man organization. 

Trump’s appearance aboard the USS Iowa, she explained, was an event benefiting Veterans for a Strong America, with tickets ranging between $100 and $1,000. 

However, Maddow said, the Federal Election Commission filings for the group’s PAC reveal that, besides having only $30 cash in hand and $318 in debts, the organization’s only member is founder Joel Arends. 

“Donald Trump was not in the military, but he did use a pretty military backdrop tonight to raise money for a non-existent veterans’ group, which endorsed him formally as part of his introduction — and he said they have hundreds of thousands of members,” she said. “And they don’t. And so the whole thing is fake.”

(You can see Rachel's full report right here.)

You know I am sorry to admit that I watched this "speech" last night, but I have no idea why the speech was given, or what the point was behind it.

Unless the entire point was to raise money for this one guy, which I also don't understand. 

Trump said he was going to talk policy, but unless I suffer from narcolepsy and passed out during that part nothing he said could be construed as having anything to do with a real in depth policy.

In fact the entire speech sounded as if the "I" key on his keyboard was stuck.

"I...I...America...I...I...drugs pour a wall...I...I...make America great again."

Now look I enjoy a circus just as much as the next guy, but hasn't this particular clown overstayed its welcome?

Hard as I try I can find NO reason for Donald Trump to be at the top of the polls for GOP candidates.

At this point it seems as if the Republicans hate the Republican party so fucking much that they are willing to nominate a guy who will guarantee its demise.

Could that be it?

And if it is, does that kind of explain Sarah Palin as well?

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Sarah Palin to speak at fundraiser for The Pregnancy Resource Center. Seriously?

Courtesy of the Salt Lake City Weekly: 

In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the only stops hopeful Commanders-in-Chief are likely to make seem to be piggy-bank fundraisers at assorted mansions in Park City. 

But have no fear: Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, is swinging by Salt Lake City Oct. 2 for the Pregnancy Resource Center’s Banquet for Life fundraiser at the Grand American Hotel. (Well yeah, but what else does she have to do?)

“We are delighted to have Governor Palin as our guest speaker this year,” said Jim Kerr, the resource center’s executive director, in a news release. “We know that her message will be both touching and motivating for all who attend.” 

 Pregnancy center? Isn't that usually Bristol's  gig?

I wonder why she's not the one giving the speech?

Oh yeah, that's right.

Oh wait, is this one of those uber religious anti-abortion groups masquerading as a pregnancy resource center?
The Pregnancy Resource Center, according to its website, is affiliated with the Life Care Center of Utah. Its mission statement says it is a "Christ-centered ministry that works to meet the comprehensive needs to those unprepared for pregnancy, heal lives traumatized by abortion and challenge people to embrace a Biblical view of sexuality and the sanctity of human life.”

Yup, it sure is.

Apparently tickets for the dinner are going for a hundred dollars a pop. That is unless you want to share a table with Palin and then it's $5,000.

I'm sure it's well worth five thousand dollars to watch Palin pick at her food for an hour before she rushes off to the bathroom to shove her fingers down her throat.  Don't you think?

But to be fair Palin might be the perfect person to talk about pregnancy with this group.

After all, her last one was pretty damn amazing.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Jeb Bush loses three top fundraisers as poll numbers plummet.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Three top Jeb Bush fundraisers abruptly parted ways with his presidential campaign on Friday, amid internal personality conflicts and questions about the strength of his candidacy, POLITICO has learned. 

There are different versions of what transpired. The Florida-based fundraising consultants — Kris Money, Trey McCarley, and Debbie Aleksander — have said that they voluntarily quit the campaign and were still working with Bush's super PAC, Right to Rise Super PAC. Others said the three, who worked under the same contract, were let go because they were no longer needed for the current phase of the campaign. 

None of the three responded to requests for comment. Bush spokesman Tim Miller would only say that “Governor Bush has the widest and deepest fundraising operation of any candidate in the field. Ann Herberger — a longtime aide with more than two decades of experience in state and national politics — will continue to lead the operation in Florida with our team in Miami.” 

The departures came at a time of uncertainty for Bush. While he has had massive success raising money for his Super PAC, he is overseeing an official campaign that has many more staffers but far less money. Earlier this week, the New York Times revealed that it had taken steps to rein in some of its spending and had gone so far as to cut some employee salaries. And POLITICO reported one Bush fundraiser expressed concerns about the slowing pace of the campaign’s fundraising after Bush’s shaky debate performance. 

For the record I in no way think that Jeb bush is going to have any difficulty raising money. In fact that campaign is already reaching out for replacements, and will assuredly find them.

However I do think that it is a sign that Jebbie is just not the candidate that Republican establishment had hoped for.

Not only is he a gaffe machine that makes Joe Biden seems smooth by comparison, but his poll numbers now have him trailing, not only Donald Trump, but also Carson, Walker, and Ted Cruz.

And it seems that every time Bush tries to rise above the pack, he jams his foot so far down his own throat that even W. is shaking his head in disbelief.

At this point not only is Jeb's inevitability in question. So is his viability.

Friday, July 10, 2015

George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a fundraiser to benefit veterans maimed in the wars that he started.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Former President George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a charity fundraiser for U.S. military veterans severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and former First Lady Laura Bush collected $50,000 to appear a year earlier, officials of the Texas-based Helping a Hero charity confirmed to ABC News. 

The former President was also provided with a private jet to travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000, the officials said. 

The charity, which helps to provide specially-adapted homes for veterans who lost limbs and suffered other severe injuries in “the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said the total $170,000 expenditure was justified because the former President and First Lady offered discounted fees and helped raise record amounts in contributions at galas held in 2011 and 2012. 

“It was great because he reduced his normal fee of $250,000 down to $100,000,” said Meredith Iler, the former chairman of the charity. However, a recent report by Politico said the former President’s fees typically ranged between $100,000 and $175,000 during those years.

So Bush not only charged them for the "honor" of having him raise money to help with the wounds that his lies and arrogance caused, but he also lied about giving them a discount.

You know it is at special moments like this that I really wish there were a Hell, so that I could take comfort in the idea of this POS suffering for all eternity.

But you know what, I am a reasonable man, I will settle for him being charged with war crimes and caged like an animal for the remainder of his days.

Anything less would be a travesty of justice.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Even though he opposed expanding background checks for gun buyers, if you want to go shooting with Ted Cruz you can bet your ass you're getting one.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) plans to take one lucky supporter with him on an upcoming "shooting excursion" as part of a recently launched fundraiser and sweepstakes for his presidential campaign. But there's a catch: the winner may have to endure a background check first. 

The caveat is an interesting one given that Cruz helped lead the effort to defeat a 2013 bill that would have expanded background checks for gun sales nationwide. The bill, which was championed by President Obama in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, ultimately went down after an intense lobbying effort from pro-gun groups. 

In an interview with TPM on Friday afternoon, Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler defended the contest's background check requirement and said it was "not inconsistent" with the senator's track record. 

Tyler said Cruz had not taken issue with current system of background checks, but specifically opposed the 2013 bill, which would have imposed them on sales between private individuals. 

Still, the background check for the contest may come as a surprise to some of Cruz's supporters.

Hey look Ted Cruz is perfectly okay with the mentally ill or people with criminal backgrounds getting guns and going on a shooting spree, just so long as none of them get close enough to put a bullet in his pudgy ass. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Separated at birth?

Personally I think it's really a shame that Gene Simmons has let himself go like that.

Here is a picture of Palin holding a gun which of course makes her more recognizable. 

Wait, that's not right.

Oh here we go.

Boy that IS confusing!

By the way there is also this mindless interview with Gene Simmons, I mean Sarah Palin. Man I have to stop doing that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sarah Palin speaks to audience in North Dakota about the impact of oil production on Christian education. I'm sorry, what? Update!

So yesterday Sarah Palin gave a speech at the Williston State College.

This is how local news outlet KQCD reported on the event: 

Religion, and her experiences with the oil and gas industry, were the focus of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's remarks in Williston tonight. 

Over a thousand people packed the Trinity Christian School to listen to the speech from the 2008 candidate for vice president. 

Palin spoke about coming to North Dakota and the importance of oil in the region. 

"(Former) Governor Palin is an oil field person as well," says Doug Black of the Trinity Christian School. "And, in fact, her husband Todd was involved in the oil field. And we wanted this to be an oil field theme. Plus, we know that she believes in Christian education, so the two were a great match for Trinity Christian School and the Bakken."

KXNews added this:  

Early in her presentation she spoke of previous time spent in North Dakota including her favorites: a UND hockey game and the Northern Lights this far 'south.' 

(Sarah Palin, Former Governor of Alaska)"Driving to and from North Dakota to see our son, I remember early, early one morning, it was very dark outside, everybody's asleep in the rig and I'm at the wheel and I am shocked to look up and see these spectacular Northern Lights in North Dakota. I had no idea.

The Daily Journal offered a bit more:

North Dakota embodies the "drill, baby, drill" mantra more than anywhere else and the state shares a kinship with Alaska, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said.  (Wait, she's still using "Drill, baby, drill?")

Palin made the remarks at a fundraising banquet for Williston, North Dakota's Trinity Christian School at Williston State College Monday night. "Drill, baby, drill" refers to the slogan Palin popularized during her 2008 run for the vice presidency and encourages the tapping of domestic oil and gas reservoirs. 

"Our states share a pioneering spirit," she told the crowd of several hundred, adding that the two states were also bonded by oil. "You feed America and you fuel America, North Dakota." 

She added: "The American dream is certainly alive and well here and we need that again, North Dakota."

The Journal also points out that Palin was joined at the event by the self educated wing nut "historian" David Barton, who is to history what Sarah Palin is to parenting. 

You know it is not often that I wish I had heard MORE of Sarah Palin speaking, but I have to confess that I have NO idea how she was able to conflate oil production with Christian education.

By the way if there is anything that Palin understands less than oil production, it is Christian education. Or really education of any kind.

Update: Palin weighed in on her North Dakota trip on Facebook.

It's mostly the same old crap as usual, but I did find this part sort of interesting: 

Special thanks to our friend Rob Port for keeping us updated over the years about North Dakota’s tremendous progress. Rob grew up in Alaska and was the little brother of my friend and basketball teammate, Katy Port. Back then “Robbie” was just a cute little kid coming with us on basketball trips, entertaining us with his toddler sense of humor. Now he's a big shot blogger in North Dakota with his "Say Anything" blog being the state's most popular political blog and one of the top conservative blogs in the nation!

Wait, so now she LIKES bloggers? When did that happen?

You know I am not positive, but I think that IM is the most popular political blog in Alaska, and we know she visits here several times a day, but did I ever get a shout out?

Not even once. Talk about discrimination.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Monday Sarah Palin will give a speech at a Christian school fundraiser. I'm guessing the message will not be to turn the other cheek.

Courtesy of The Dickinson Press:  

Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate, will be in Williston in October to be the keynote speaker for a Trinity Christian School fundraiser. 

Palin will speak Oct. 13 at The Well at Williston State College for the school’s annual fundraising banquet. The theme of the banquet is the oil industry and Christian education, according to the school’s website.

Seriously? Even after the Throwdown at the Hoedown?

On the school's website they say the following:

Trinity Christian School strives to assist parents in providing an education that encourages academic excellence and social responsibility taught in a Biblically-based Christian context.

Hmm I wonder what Biblically based content Sarah used to raise HER children?

A question that becomes even more pertinent since I got off the phone with a source who told me that at least one of the party guests cited fear of retaliation by Track Palin as a reason why some are not pressing charges. He was described as "antagonistic" and wanting to "start trouble."

Oh yeah, I am sure that Palin will be just chock full of good Christian education and parenting tips for the attendees.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

North Carolina GOP candidate combines drinking and firearms to entice supporters to attend fundraiser. Seriously, what could go wrong?

Courtesy of TPM:  

If you're really nice to North Carolina GOP candidate Jason "Molotov" Mitchell, he may let you fire off a few rounds of his custom AK-47, "The Liberator." 

The man running for state Senate in North Carolina's District 16 is planning a fundraiser on Sunday where supporters can come for the bullets and stay for the Bulleit. 

Entitled "Bullets and Bourbon," attendees are invited to shoot various rifles and shotguns before kicking back with Mitchell over drinks.

 "Take your turn firing the world famous AK-47, the AR-15, the super-cool KSG pump 12 gauge and other firearms!" Mitchell's campaign writes in a Facebook page advertising the event. 

"Fun fact: every one of the firearms listed are banned in at least one other state...but not in NC!" the description reads.

 Wow, combining guns with alcohol. I wonder if any guests will remain alive long enough to donate to his campaign?

But come on! Who does NOT want to contribute to man who chose as his middle name a word meaning an explosive combination of gasoline and fire used during violent political upheavals?

Unsurprisingly Mitchell is kind of an anarchist who is not only a birther, but also a homophobe who contributes to World Net Daily, and helped to create a fantasy film where black terrorists, calling themselves "Zulu 9," murder abortion doctors.

Oh yeah, this guy's a winner.

How in the hell is it that Sarah Palin has not endorsed his campaign already?

GOP Senate hopeful Dan Sullivan skips candidate forum in Alaska in exchange for attending fundraiser in his native Ohio.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

The day after Alaska Senate nominee Dan Sullivan (R) was criticized by Democratic Sen. Mark Begich's campaign for missing a candidate forum, he was spotted raising money in Cleveland, Ohio. Sullivan was raised in the Cleveland area and has faced Democratic attacks questioning his Alaskan credentials. 

Sullivan was spotted at The Union Club in Cleveland on Monday morning by American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic opposition research firm. American Bridge shared video of Sullivan at the event with The Washington Post. Sullivan's campaign confirmed that he was there to raise money for his campaign.

So first Sullivan's parents contribute $300,000 to American Crossroads, obviously so that it can be given to their son, and then he skips town to avoid a candidate forum in Alaska in order to go to back to Ohio in search of MORE money for his campaign, to go along with the multiple millions already being spent on his behalf by outside interests such as Karl Rove and the Koch brothers.

Here's my question.

Why can't Sullivan find money to fund his campaign right here in Alaska?

I'll tell you why, because he is not one of us.

He is a fucking outsider, and he needs money from other outsiders in order to win our Senate seat.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Florida Congressional candidate's schedule is too full to attend meet and greet or do her job, but not too full to hobnob with Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of Naples News:  

Lizbeth Benacquisto won’t be at the state Capitol on Thursday evening tending to state business. 

Nor will she be at a Sanibel Island candidate meet-and-greet. She told sponsors a couple of weeks ago that her schedule wouldn’t allow it. 

Now, however, there is room on the Fort Myers Republican’s schedule to sling barbecue with Sarah Palin at a $500-per-person fundraiser at a private residence in Naples for Benacquisto’s congressional election campaign. 

Her decisions have Benacquisto’s Republican opponents asking why she can come back to the district for a fundraiser, but not for candidate forums in the past month. 

“It’s unfair to the voters,” said David James, spokesman for Curt Clawson, a Bonita Springs Republican running for Congress. “We now have a situation where she’s saying one thing and doing another. Voters see through it.”

Ah yes, snubbing constituents and playing hookey from your job just so you can rub bony elbows with a one time politician and failed reality star. Good choice.

Somehow I don't think this is going to improve her chances of coming out in front of the pack of four Republicans vying for this nomination.

Perhaps back in 2010 Sarah Palin was a hot property when it came to endorsements, but that was before she started showing up to the opening of bowling alleys and co-hosting "America's Next Top Moron."

Palin at Lizabeth Benacquisto fundraiser
 More from the Naples News:

 Calling her a "mama grizzly" who will protect Southwest Florida, Republican political power Sarah Palin backed congressional candidate Lizbeth Benacquisto on Thursday, breezing through Southwest Florida for a private fundraiser. 

"It’s time to get a good character in there that we can respect and that we know will do well for the future of our country," Palin said, alluding to disgraced former congressman Trey Radel. "She’s a mama grizzly. She’s one of those who will stand up to protect the next generation."

Same crusty old moosepoop, different patch of woods.

Palin at Benacquisto fundraiser apparently mistaking Florida for the Big Island.
Local news station WINK managed to interview Palin on her way into the $500 a plate BBQ fundraiser.

Personally I am not sure it is such a good idea to be mixing medications right before appearing in public, but what do I know?

Palin also made an appearance on Hannity that she filmed while at the barbecue.

In it Hannity showed Palin's pathetic Tonight Show appearance and let her get a few last shots at Letterman, who just announced that he would retire in 2015.

Palin also mentioned that her endorsements might just get some of her chosen candidates "on the map" suggesting that she might recognize that many of them are unlikely to win.

All in all this was a whirlwind day for Palin, appearing at the Karen Handel fundraiser in Georgia for Karen Handel, before flying on her broom over to Florida to personally place her curse on the Benacquisto campaign.

And they say that nobody ever sees the devil anymore.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Chris Matthews covers Bill Clinton's defense of President Obama.

As a rule I try to avoid posting too much from Hardball here at IM, but Matthews had the best clips of Clinton from his joint fundraiser with the President that I have seen, so I sucked it up and posted this video.

You can ignore Matthews if you want, but definitely make sure to listen to Clinton, because HE knocks it out of the park.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The financial backlash begins for Komen Foundation after politically motivated removal of funds from Planned Parenthood.

Courtesy of the Courier Press:

The University of Evansville Lady Aces' annual "Hoops for the Cure" game, which supports the local Susan G. Komen for the Cure affiliate, has had an announced attendance of at least 1,100 the past five years — including a record 3,485 in 2008. 

At the 10th annual game Sunday, its first year at the Ford Center, it drew 676 people, according to university statistics. 

"There has never been a year like this," said Martha Fischer, 64, who's been a Lady Aces season ticket holder for the past 20 years. "And the only reasonable explanation is that the public is just not supporting the Komen." 

Fischer was referring to the national Komen office's announcement to cut breast-cancer screening grants from Planned Parenthood two weeks ago and its subsequent withdrawal of that decision, two moves that could affect the Evansville branch even though its money is never directed to Planned Parenthood. 

"I think it could have something to do with all of the negative things that have been going on in the news lately," said Sheila Seiler, director of the Greater Evansville Komen affiliate, speaking about game attendance.

What is it that they say about Karma again?

I doubt that too many people will shed a tear for the demise of the Komen Foundation, now that they are clearly being run with a conservative political agenda.

And the lesson, which the GOP would be smart to finally learn, is that you NEVER attack a woman's right to health care, or ability to control when and if she has children.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Sarah Palin passes on request to head up RNC.

From ABC News:

"I respect the desire to have someone in charge of the RNC who understands the wishes of the conservative grassroots and understands that power resides with the people and not the vested interests in DC. However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more."

Said without a hint of irony.
