Showing posts with label ex-Governor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ex-Governor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Having thought it over now Bill Kristol realizes that Sarah Palin doesn't have a future in politics. Gee, ya think?

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Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“I was asked, ‘Does Sarah Palin have a future?’ and I just tried to give an analytical answer, which is I don’t think she does having resigned as governor,” he said. 

He continued, “This is useful to think outside the box, not just accept the conventional wisdom…If she wants to have a serious future in American politics, as opposed to giving speeches occasionally, causing a ruckus with Facebook posts, she should run for office. Running and winning takes away a lot of the baggage of the past.” 

When the “Morning Joe” team reacted with skepticism, Kristol said, “You don’t think if she ran in the Republican primary in Alaska and beat a couple of good candidates and the incumbent senator, it would be interesting? It would fun to have her in the Senate in January 2015. Good to have a Republican vote there, lively young senator.” 

Tuesday’s “Morning Joe” panel included Nicole Wallace, the former McCain staffer who has been very vocal about the difficulties she experiences as Palin’s 2008 handler, calling her “withdrawn, uncommunicative and incapable of performing even the most basic tasks required of her job as McCain’s running mate.”

Palin had no choice but to resign as Governor, trust me on that.

As for her EVER running for office again, especially in Alaska? You just keep an out for flying pigs and that MIGHT be the day such a thing would be possible. 

Friday, August 09, 2013

Sarah Palin's brother, Chuck Jr., lays out ten reasons why he thinks people attack his sister. And he is wrong on every count.

"I pushed my fake boobs out as hard as I can and they are still criticizing me. Somebody help me!"
Courtesy of Chuckie's Facebook page:

For the past five years, I’ve watched, listened to, and read viscous comments directed at my sister Sarah. These attacks are usually based on things those that want to destroy her feel she is lacking. I thought I’d help the haters out by compiling my own list. I hope this helps! 

Ten Things That Sarah Palin is Lacking: 

#1-Pedigree: Sarah was born into a low-income family with no political connections. Everything she’s achieved has been through her own hard work. (Wrong! The American people elected Bill Clinton, who was raised by a single mother and never had much wealth or connections growing up, twice. He made it through intelligence, his magnetic presence, and hard work. And then there is Obama, whose very existence in the White House blows this bullshit argument apart at the seems.)

#2-Soft hands: Sarah has continually worked to provide for herself and her family, whether it was as a commercial fisherman, a hunter, a waitress, etc., she’s never been afraid to get her hands dirty. (Her hands? When has anybody EVER mentioned her hands, or that of any other politician? People are looking for a leader, not someone to join Captain Quint on the Orca (#5)while looking to kill a great white shark.)

#3-Sleep: I watched Sarah work 15-20 hours a day, seven days a week as governor. Her stamina amazes everyone close to her. (Really? I interviewed about a half dozen former staff members who claimed that Palin disappeared for hours a day. Including the head of her security detail who said that she never prepared for meetings and was almost impossible to find when she was needed. Then there was Levi's contention that she often came home halfway through the day to go hide in her bedroom. But hey, I'm sure her brother knows so much more about her work habits then THOSE people, right?)

#4-A golf handicap: Although she loves the game, you would never see Sarah spending countless hours on the links during a position of leadership. (Apparently this is a thinly veiled slam at the President. And too stupid do deserve a response.)

#5-Shady friends: Sarah has no ties to known domestic terrorists, and no wealthy foreign friends that financed trips for her overseas. (Tell that Schaeffer Cox, Bud Paxson, and Mark Burnett.)

#6-Hidden college transcripts: Her school records have always been open to the public. (WTF? Well then where the hell are they! Seriously I challenge Chuck Heath Jr. to place these records online of forever be branded a lying piece of garbage just like his sister.)

 #7-A perfect family: Despite hardships that almost every American family faces, Sarah has kept her head up and focused on the positive, and she’s always been there to help us when we’ve needed her.  (Can't argue with that. Palin has been covering for the misdeeds and unexpected pregnancies of her brood for years.)

#8-Friends in the media, Hollywood, and rap music: The vast majority of Hollywood stars and the mainstream media have done everything in their power to destroy her. No major network newsman has ever said that he gets a tingle up his leg when he thinks of her. (What? That is such an insult to Ted Nugent and Sean Hannity! I am almost certain they both get a tingle somewhere in the vicinity of their leg every time they talk to Snowdrift Snooki.)

 #9-A lack of respect for the Constitution: Sarah has always looked at the Constitution as a brilliant blueprint for America; a document that clearly lays out a separation of powers so that no one person or group of people have absolute power. (Too bad she has no idea what it says.)

#10-A doubt in our Creator: Every big decision Sarah makes has been based on prayer. (Like faking a pregnancy? Or getting fake boobs? Or lying to people about her plans to run for President? Were all of those decisions based on prayer?)

I’m sure many of you could add to this list. Feel free, but try to be nice and honest.

Well he asked for it. Do you all want to add to the list?

Oh and you can forget about being nice. Just be honest.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Is Sarah Palin about to be sued for $100,000? Update!

From TMZ:

Sarah Palin is the mastermind of a dark conspiracy to punish an Alaskan citizen who dared to speak out against her over the traffic situation in Juneau -- this according to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ.

A man named Theodore Thoma claims he had a serious issue with traffic in the neighborhood surrounding the Governor's Mansion back in 2009 ... back when Sarah was the Gov. In fact, Thoma claims he proposed state action to solve the problem and even made up signs and fliers to push the issue.

But Palin didn't take kindly to the criticism, says Thoma, and she "undertook a campaign against [Theodore] ... to punish, embarrass, discredit and silence" him.

Thoma wants Palin to fork over more than $100k for all of the harm she's caused.

You know I searched my memory and I don't believe I have ever heard of Mr. Thoma before. I do vaguely remember something about a traffic issue in Juneau, but I cannot for the life of me remember where I read, or heard about it. (If any of you have better memories please let me know.)

Palin herself spent virtually NO time in the Juneau mansion during 2009, but that does not mean she did not do exactly what this man is accusing her of doing.

I am currently up to page 109 in Geoffrey Dunn's book, and I am once again amazed by how aggressive and petty Palin can be toward anybody who dares stand up to her, or get in the way of her ambitions. She never forgets a grudge and treats anybody who criticizes her as a sworn enemy for life.

Essentially if everybody that Palin had mistreated on her way to where she is right now were to file a suit against her, she would spend virtually the rest of her life in courtrooms. Not exactly a troubling thought in my mind.

BTW here is what I found on Court View thus far. I actually do not expect it to go far, but you never know.

Update: I KNEW I had read about this before.  Thanks for the anonymous commenter who sent me the links.

In response to Mr. Thoma's efforts to control the amount of traffic flowing through that neighborhood, Palin of course used her children to bludgeon him.

"I wanted to offer him to hide Piper's trampoline further in a corner of the yard ... if it's a matter of not giving anyone anything to look at so they'll go away then I'd ask Piper to not giggle so loudly on her buoy swing or bicycle in the yard," Palin said in a written statement, referring to her 7-year-old daughter.

That was the dog whistle which signaled Palin's Flying Monkeys to take wing and go on the attack:

It seems that Governor Palin is so popular with tourists that thousands of people are walking from the docks to the governor's mansion in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the first family. Mr. Thoma feels that this -- along with Piper Palin's lemonade stand, trampoline and buoy swing -- is "bringing down the neighborhood." It seems that Mr. Thoma doesn't enjoy the Palin children very much.

From there of course the whole thing just went viral, and Mr. Thoma found himself under assault from people all across the country, who had never even heard of Juneau before Sarah Palin came on the scene.

You know what?  He just might have a very solid case here.  And if he is successful I have to imagine that there are a number of OTHER Palin victims who might just follow his lead.

Hmm I think I have a phone call to make.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The "Ring of Power" lies beneath the tranquil surface of Lake Lucille.

As many of you already know I originally did not ask into which lake the Palin wedding ring had been tossed, however I did revisit my source and learned that it was indeed Lake Lucille. (which of course makes sense due to the fact that it is Lake Lucille on which the Palin house is built) But I decided to let some other media outlet give the name of the lake first. (Why should I be the only one having all of the "fun"?)

Now that we are sure this ring is in the murky depths of Lake Lucille, one has to wonder just how much such a bauble would be worth to certain interested parties. A thousand dollars? Ten thousand dollars? Perhaps even more?

Not to mention, and I am pretty sure that I read this in the Alaskan Constitution, that whosoever wears this ring is the one true governor of the State of Alaska. Go ahead look it up.

"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

(FYI, I am NOT suggesting that anybody actually try to dredge up this ring. Such a thing would be disruptive to the locals and there may in fact be laws preventing such an enterprise. Also, just for the record, no children , Gollums, or ex-governors were injured during the making of the above image.)