Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Twitter releases its list of most retweeted tweets of the year. Guess who did not make the list. And then guess who dominated the list.

1.7 million retweets. Courtesy of The Hill: 

No tweets by President Trump made Twitter's list of the year's most retweeted posts. 

But three tweets by former President Barack Obama made the list. 

Obama's tweets on "The 9 Most Retweeted Tweets of 2017" include one with a Nelson Mandela quote that says: "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion." 

Here are the other Obama tweets on the list:

Yeah, not exactly worthy of bragging rights, but you know it's something.
It's not all bad news for Trump. After all he WAS the inspiration for one of the tweets on the list.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

In order to defend his Muslim ban Donald Trump claims that media is not reporting terrorist attacks. Media responds with public spanking.

Courtesy of CBS News: 

The president began talking about how “radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland” as they did on 9/11, in the Boston bombings and in San Bernardino. He said it’s also happening “all over Europe” like in Paris and Nice. 

“It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. In many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons and you understand that,” Mr. Trump said. 

There is no evidence that any media outlet is covering up terrorist attacks.

Later the White House walked back this claim a little by releasing a list of "terrorist attacks" that they claim were under reported.
(The list by the way completely excludes the Charleston shooting by a White Supremcist, and a number of other attacks by white folks as well. Coincidence?)

Problem is that most of the incidents listed WERE reported which inspired various news outlets to run footage of their reporters reporting on them.

Here is CNN doing exactly that.
Apparently this idea of the media not reporting on terrorist attacks in order to minimize them, was a talking point borrowed from Info Wars.

And if that was not bad enough there was also this tidbit of information.
Yeah, let's chalk this up to yet another failure by Donald Trump to dismiss facts and attempt to alter reality to fit his vision of what it SHOULD be. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Trump transition team wants a list of State Department employees who worked on gender equality and ending violence against women. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of NPR: 

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has asked the State Department to list its workers who focus on gender equality and ending violence against women, in what's being seen as an echo of an earlier request for the Energy Department to list employees who work on climate change. 

In a brief email that was sent Wednesday morning, the Trump team asked the State Department's bureaus and offices to list any programs or activities that "promote gender equality, such as ending gender-based violence, promoting women's participation in economic and political spheres, entrepreneurship, etc." 

The email was acquired and published by The New York Times, which reports: 

"Although the wording of the memo is neutral and does not hint at any policy change, it rattled State Department employees, even those at senior levels. Some officials said they feared that the incoming Trump administration was trying to determine what programs were focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, though the memo did not refer to them." 

The team also asked the department offices to "note positions whose primary functions are to promote such issues" and to highlight any funds for the current financial year that are "already allocated to such programs and activities." 

Is it just me, or is every single new thing we learn about this administration more upsetting than the thing before?

I actually tried to imagine what possible reason the team could have for requesting this list if were NOT to do away with any work protecting women against violence or protecting them from gender bias, and I came up with nothing.

Targeting Energy Department employees for attempting to protect the planet, and now targeting State Department employees for attempting to protect women. All while talking about reentering a nuclear arms war.

Can it really get any worse than this?

Wait, don't answer that. I am afraid I already know the answer.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Buzzfeed presents 27 crazy things that can only happen in Alaska.

Buzzfeed found a bunch of things, perfectly ordinary things by Alaskan standards, and exaggerates how bizarre they are.

Here are a few:

Not a big deal, right?

Hey who DIDN'T do things like this in college?

First we are mocked for wearing too little, but when we try to stay warm....

Okay this one hits a little close to home because I actually KNOW this guy.

That is my old science teacher Mr. Vandergaw.  I wrote about him several times in the past.

Never seen Alaska pigeons before?

Ouch! Well you've bot us there. Yes she is indeed a crazy thing.

But at least we know and these days never stop mocking her.

There are of course twenty more examples at the Buzzfeed link, but I really don't think any of them are all THAT crazy. You know with the exception of Snowdrift Snooki of course.

Personally I think people are just jealous.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Forbes Magazine lists the 100 most powerful women. No quitters allowed.

Courtesy of Forbes: 

Our annual snapshot of the 100 women with the most impact are top politicians and CEOs, activist billionaires and celebrities who matter. In roughly equal measure you’ll find next gen entrepreneurs and media mavens, technologists and leaders in philanthropy — all ranked by dollars, media momentum and impact. 

We’ve selected women that go beyond the traditional taxonomy of the power elite (political and economic might). These change-agents are actually shifting our very idea of clout and authority and, in the process, transforming the world in fresh and exhilarating ways.

On this list are politicians, entrepreneurs, business women, entertainers, and activists. Easily a list of the most impressive women on the planet.

Here are the first five:

  German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

Melinda Gates,  Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Michelle Obama, well she needs no introduction.

Hillary Clinton, and neither does she.

The entire list can be found here.

Many prominent Democrats and Obama administration members are on this list such as Janet Napolitano, Nancy Pelosi, and Kathleen Sebelius, While the number of prominent conservatives is not so well represented. (Though Greta Van Sustern DOES show up as number 97.)

And as you may have gleaned from my title there is NO mention of a certain disgraced former politician and Fox News contributor, even though she once held a fairly prominent spot on that very same list.

Nice to see that the most powerful and influential women on this planet are far more visionary, and progressive than some of those listed in times past.

Is is also nice to see that Hillary and Michelle are listed in the top five, since I think that indicates good things for America moving forward.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

100 things you can say to irritate a Republican.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:

1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. 

2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free. 

3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy. 

4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors. 

5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it. 

6. The Founding Fathers were liberals. 

7. Fascism is a right-wing trait. 

 8. Sarah Palin is an idiot. 

9. The Earth is round. 

10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President. 

11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California. 

12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. 

13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control. 

14. Global warming is real. 

15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.

16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget? 

17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists. 

18. Paying taxes is patriotic. 

19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880. 

20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.

You know my favorite thing to say, and I don't think I saw it on the list, is "President Barack Obama is our President."

That drives them CRAZY!

P.S. There are 80 more examples. Just click the link at the top to read them all.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Bill Maher's New Rules for 2013.

The whole list is pretty funny, but here are a few samples courtesy of the New York Times:  

NEW RULE Now that their end-of-the-world prophecy has proved to be complete baloney, the Mayans must be given a job predicting election results for Fox News. 

NEW RULE Congress must make it a tradition to drive off the fiscal cliff every year. And I mean really off the cliff, like Toonces the cat drove that car. This way Republicans can learn that lower military spending won’t lead to China invading. And Democrats can learn that no one cares what the Commerce Department does anyway. 

NEW RULE No more mixing politics with pizza. The filthy rich founder of Papa John’s, John Schnatter, said he’d cut his employees’ hours to avoid the costs of Obamacare. This is where I’d normally suggest boycotting Papa John’s, but that’s like telling people to boycott sadness. Nobody eats Papa John’s because they like it. They eat it because Domino’s won’t deliver to crack houses. 

NEW RULE The winners of next month’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show must later compete against the winners of “Toddlers & Tiaras” — so we can get their handlers in one place, lock the doors and let the kids and dogs run for their lives. 

NEW RULE Second-term Obama must have a few laughs by acting out the Tea Party’s worst fears. He must order Air Force One to fly everywhere upside-down like Denzel and replace Bo the White House dog with two pit bulls named “Malcolm” and “X.”

You know these may be written just for laughs, but a few of them I would seriously like to see implemented. 

You know my favorite thing about Bill Maher is how crazy he makes the Right Wingers. Just that fact alone makes "Real Time" must see TV in my house.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

British paper lists 50 things killed off by the internet, and I get a vague mention. Does this mean I am famous?

4) Sarah Palin: Her train wreck interviews with NBC's Katie Couric were watched and re-watched millions of times on the internet, cementing the Republican vice-presidential candidate's reputation as a politician out of her depth. Palin's uncomfortable relationship with the web continues; she has threatened to sue bloggers who republish rumours about the state of her marriage.

Yep that is me alright.

Gee what do you think is in store for me next? Will I soon be question on Jeopardy?

"Yes Alex I would like Bloggers who piss off Palin for two hundred please."

The rest of the list is pretty interesting as well, and you can read it by clicking the title.