Showing posts with label Elmendorf Air Force Base. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elmendorf Air Force Base. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Melania Trump came to Alaska?

Courtesy of ADN: 

First lady Melania Trump landed Friday morning at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage for a jet refueling stop that coincided with a military celebration. 

A security-screened crowd packed into Arctic Oasis Community Center, which serves the base as a family gym, indoor playground, hair salon, arcade and more. Trump arrived with a traveling team that included step son-in-law Jared Kushner on an Air Force jet from Beijing on their way back to Washington, D.C., after touring Asia with President Donald Trump.

The first lady spent less than an hour at a preplanned event to celebrate families of active-duty members that included arts and crafts, stories and games. It occurred on the observed holiday for Veterans Day, which falls on Saturday this year. Kushner stopped in as well, but was not front and center the way Melania Trump was. 

"JBER Welcomes The First Lady," said a hand-painted red banner decorated with stars taped to the lockers. 

People held their phones over their heads and crushed up against barricades to document the moment. Some were trying for good shots of their children, handpicked to show the first lady activities including making rainbows in jars and creating decorative fish from plastic jewels and CDs. Retired military people came and active duty ones too.

Of course they were handpicked. Can't have any of those nasty kids of liberal parents getting close to the First Hostage.

I wonder if Melania felt at home here in our frigid little state?

After all this is a state fairly bulging with sexual abuse victims, and she is married to most famous abuser on the planet.

P.S. By the way I think the reason I did not know this earlier, is that our local news has turned to shit and I have been boycotting it for several years now.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Palin tweets her excitement during an air show at Elmendorf Air Force base, and a reader comments on their Palin sighting that same day.

All this weekend Elmendorf was putting on their air show, which meant there were multiple sightings of screaming jets and parachutes in the Anchorage skies.

I have attended the air show many times in the past and I have to say it is a pretty impressive experience. 

This year I decided to give it a pass and spend the weekend climbing Flattop (That was my view as I started my descent.), and working around my house.

However there were several people who made it out to the air show, including a certain infamous failed politician that we all know.  And boy was SHE excited!

Watching Blue Angels about to fly at the Alaska Air Show, Elmendorf AF Base. No better place to be! USA! USA!

Okay lady, no more Red Bulls and cotton candy for you!  Gee if she was that worked up on Twitter it makes you kind of wonder what it would have been like to see her in person at that show.

Well do you know what? We don't have to wonder anymore because J, one of our visitors, actually DID see her there.

I saw SP this afternoon at the Arctic Thunder show. At first I was not really sure it was her because she looked, uh ... fake and scary.... and anorexic. She was wearing a SILVER trench coat thingy .. does not dress her age.

I saw her when before anybody recognized her and she was alone... Piper was with her for a bit, but chose to back off and hangout with Todd who was off a distance behind her. The whole duo of Todd/Sarah is freaky and scary ..

but it all made sense later when they went to the restricted area for media whore time with the blue angels.

the womam, Gryphen, is truly a scary case. She clearly turns on only when the cameras are on her, or if people recognize her and then she starts shaking hands and gesticulating wildly.
She is her own PUPPET... very weird.

By the way .. no other family members were there. No sign of Trig at all, or any of the older kids. She is her OWN puppet and Piper and her husband are HER puppets. She only pays attention to them when the cameras are rolling or fans are introducing themselves.

She looks like Michael Jackson .. .like she belongs in a wax museum.. no question that she's had extensive plastic surgery.


Wow! Gee now I kind of wish I had gone.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Palin book signing at Elmendorf Air Force base.

I have to imagine that when Sarah requested that this book signing be closed to the public it was probably people like myself and my fellow Alaskan bloggers that she had in mind. Unfortunately for Sarah she seems to not be aware that we are the "new media" and keeping us out is simply not an option. You betcha! Nice try though.

So let me start off with a compliment. I am not always looking for the negative after all.

I thought Sarah looked quite fetching today. Her hair looked good and she was smartly dressed.

It even looks like her surgery scars were completely healed. See I can be nice.

I looked around to see who all had come with her. I saw Mama and Papa Heath, big brother Chuck Jr., Willow, and a very bored looking Piper.

No Bristol. No Todd. And even favorite Palin prop Trig was nowhere to be seen. Hmmm odd.

If you look in the picture above you will also see that there was still no wedding ring. (Haven't they dredged that lake yet?)

Here is the whole famn damily. Chuck Sr., Chuck Jr., and Sally Heath were showing their support and posing for pictures with the teabaggers and Palinista's after they had received their autograph.

I talked to Chuck Sr. and he said that Billy Graham's plane had flown Sarah and family to a "few places" along the book tour, but that Harper Collins had flown them up here for this event. Since when do "bus tours" involve multiple planes as well?

Today Piper got to play "Fidel Castro hat wearing socialist" instead of mom.

I think it looks cuter on Piper. But boy was this kid bored.

And so was this kid. Willow looked like she wanted to be just about anyplace else in the world rather than standing in this mall watching people fawn over her mother. You and me both kiddo.

I talked to a number of people in the line. Every single one of them were gaga over Sarah.

I asked them what they liked best about Sarah, and almost every one cited the fact that she was "honest". No I did not type that wrong, they actually believe her to be honest! Then I followed up by asking if they had read her book. NONE of them had actually read the damn thing yet. I wish I could go back for a follow up interview after they finish it, and ask them "Do you think she is honest NOW?"

I tried to find out from the very cordial female soldier in charge of this event if Palin had been invited or not, but she did not know. I also asked if it was common for the base to have authors on to sign their books. She said that it sometimes happened and cited Mary Tillman, Pat Tillman's mom, and C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger as two examples. However she said they had never had a crowd as large as this one.

I kid you not, some of these people waited outside this place for up to four hours to have their book signed by Caribou Barbie. Almost all of the people in line were from out of state, but I did find three Alaskans from, you guessed it, Wasilla. And pretty much each and every one of them thought having Palin run for president in 2012 was a great idea.

I bet this guy felt the same way.

Damn, what is wrong with these people?

(Photos courtesy of Dennis Zaki)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sarah Palin to make book tour stop in Alaska to pimp "bestseller" and let her fellow Alaskans know she is too good for them now. Update!

This book tour has been an amazing and inspirational experience for me and my family as we crisscrossed the country and met so many wonderful Americans. At nearly every stop we met someone with a connection to Alaska – usually through the military from being stationed at one of Alaska’s bases. With that in mind, we’ve decided to hold the final book signings at Alaska's Elmendorf and Eielson AFBs. Hope to see you there!

- Sarah Palin

"Hope to see you there?" How is she going to do that when the book signing is CLOSED to the public?

Why say on your Facebook page that you are looking forward to seeing Alaskans and then refuse to allow them to attend? Is your Facebook supposed to be for military eyes only? What possible excuse could you have for keeping the people who actually elected you to office from saying "welcome home", and getting the same opportunity for an autographed copy of your book that people in Florida were given? No really what is your excuse?

The Alaska events were last-minute additions to Palin's published tour schedule. Asked why no signings open to the general public were scheduled in Alaska, Palin publicist Tina Andreadis of HarperCollins Publishers responded by e-mail that "The Governor is humbled by this opportunity to honor the nation's military stationed in AK, especially during the Holidays."

WTF? Is that an answer?

Do you know what I think the answer is? Palin is afraid that we will not be fooled by her anymore. She realizes that Alaskans know that she is just chock full of shit, and she is afraid that somebody might actually call her on it. In public. While filming it.

But hey do you know something Sarah? The event is open to the media. And do you know who represents the NEW media? That's right sister Sarah, we do.

You have yourself a nice little visit. Be seeing ya.

Update: I call bullshit on this.

Palin was invited to hold a book signing on base, said Tina Andreadis, spokeswoman for the former governor.

She was "invited"? I doubt this very sincerely. There is NO way the base is going to invite criticism, and talk of partisanship, by inviting Palin to sell books to their troops. To be honest I am not even sure how they justify her being there at all.

It looks like this Harper Collins spokeswoman, Tina Andreadis, plays as fast and loose with the facts as Sarah herself.