Showing posts with label Trig Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trig Palin. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Has it been ten years already?

And thus began one of the oddest occurrences in America political history.

At first I, along with my fellow Alaskans, celebrated the first female governor giving birth to a baby while in office, which was also obviously a first.

But then.....well we all know what happened then.

I think my only real regret after all of these years is that I could never figure out exactly why, how, or from where.

Lots of theories, some of them frankly a little insane.

But no definitive answers.

All we know for sure is that whatever Palin thought she was going to achieve by making this decision, it is clearly not what ended up happening.

Instead of living in the White House with full time nannies seeing to little Trig's needs, she is stuck back in Wasilla hawking weight loss products on the internet with her baby factory of a daughter.

Oh, how the not so mighty have fallen.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Sarah Palin is still getting speaking gigs thanks to Trig.

Courtesy of My Central Jersey: 

Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican Party nominee for vice president, will speak at the 2018 New Jersey Right to Life (NJRTL) Banquet Dinner on April 20. 

The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, 2 Albany St., New Brunswick. Speaker, teacher and author David Hajduk will serve as master of ceremonies. 

"We've actually been trying to get Sarah for a very long time," NJRTL Executive Director Marie Tasy said. "We are really excited that we are finally going to have Sarah come to New Jersey. She is an internationally sought speaker and a pro-life leader. We think her life experience is certainly one that people are very interested in." 

Tasy said Palin has a child with Down syndrome. 

"She does speak about her experiences when she found out she was carrying a child with Down syndrome," Tasy said. "I think it's certainly very impressive and inspirational to many women who face unexpected prenatal diagnosis and choose life. 

"She is a great example of a woman who obviously chose life for this child. It's a great example to other women. It's especially inspiring now and is such a contrast to what we're seeing in places like Iceland who have virtually exterminated all children with Down syndrome through abortion." 

Is still find this unbelievable.

It has been almost seven years since I wrote a post that offered definitive proof that Sarah Palin faked her 2008 pregnancy and birth, and STILL people refuse to accept that Sarah Palin is a ginormous fraud.

Man who knew that faking a pregnancy could be so lucrative?

Friday, December 22, 2017

Track Palin's bail paid by friend, so he can return to his now gun free house while wearing an ankle monitor. Update!

Courtesy of ADN:  

Palin, 28 and the oldest son of the former Alaska governor, was approved for house arrest with an electronic ankle monitor by a Palmer judge on Wednesday afternoon. 

He had been jailed on $5,000 bail and release to a third-party until then. Magistrate Judge Tara Logsdon signed off on the change. 

Big Lake resident Kaleb Westfall posted Palin's bail Thursday with $5,000 cash, according to a receipt in the court file with Palin's charges. 

If Palin doesn't comply with his conditions, the state gets the money. 

Under Logsdon's order, Palin can live alone at his Wasilla home. But he is under 24-hour supervision by Alaska Pretrial Services with an ankle monitor and a facial recognition device that tests for alcohol. 

The private company is also charged with clearing Palin's home of weapons and pills. 

Company owner Dennis Johnson said late Wednesday morning "that's being conducted as we're speaking." 

Palin can leave the house only for specific reasons: work at a Palmer drilling company; medical visits; and legal or court visits. He can drive himself.

So that is proof that Track's family would have left him to rot in jail rather than pay for his bail themselves.

According to Radar Online Palin taped Track's attack on Todd:

Multiple sources told Radar that the former vice presidential candidate recorded the terrifying incident because she “wanted to be prepared” for any potential legal action.

“They knew he was coming, and were ready,” a family insider told Radar. “They wanted to be prepared for anything.” 

Local police refused to comment on the existence of a video recording of the incident, but a source told Radar that if cops do have the tape, they cannot release it to the public for months. 

They knew he was coming and yet they did not call the cops until he already started beating on Todd?

Good planning.

And yer even with all of this going on apparently Sarah still wants to visit Track and bring both Piper and little Trig to see him as well.

I am not sure that is a wise idea at this point, especially as he starts going through withdrawals due to no access to alcohol or drugs.

That could be quite terrifying for both Trig and Piper.

I also hope that somebody is on suicide watch right now.

Track just lost everything, and the drugs he takes to cope with his demons, that leaves him especially vulnerable to truly bad decisions, and the idea of taking his own life to punish his family is sure to be one of them.

Update: Jordan Loewe gives interview to the Daily Mail:

Loewe, however, told DailyMailTV that Track's parents had not always been in favor of involving authorities. 

'He's told me he was going to kill me and his parents knew that,' she said. 

'They didn't want me to call the police. They know, there's no doubt about it. I think they wish they didn't know but they know. 

'I did stay quiet each time, I never spoke about anything before this. I wanted to respect their privacy and mine and I just didn't think the world needed to know. 

'But I'm at the point that keeping quiet didn't do anything and he's hurt more people, so it's time to speak up.' 

Loewe said that she was angered by the court's decision to allow him to be released on a low bail. 

She said: 'I think he has a lot of issues – not just instability but a lot of mental health issues that have never been addressed. I think there's a bit of PTSD there but that's not the main problem. There's a lot of problems and that maybe just adds to it. It's the same with alcohol, it exacerbates it.' 

Jordan said she was unaware if Track, a veteran who served in the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, in Iraq, was using drugs. 

'When I was with him, he was sober for year at that time and there was still a lot of violence problems,' she said. The issues are there, with or without substance abuse. He doesn't think have a problem so much as anyone wants to help him – you can't help yourself.' 

So Jordan was getting constant death threats from Track and his parents dissuaded her from calling the police? Apparently they were willing to risk her life, rather than force their son to get help.

Yeah, a little counseling is NOT going to turn any of this around.

Track either accepts being in therapy for the long hall, or he is going to kill somebody. 


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Happy ninth birthday Trig Palin!

Well it looks like Trig is back in Wasilla.

He seems relatively happy and well adjusted, which is really saying something considering his environment.

Here was Palin's Facebook post on Trig today.
 This what she wrote:

Happy Birthday Best Boy in the World! (Usually. Sometimes.) 
Your Family

Gee, how supportive.

Can you guys even believe that we have been reporting on this little guy and his family for over nine years now? (Well, at least I have.)

P.S. By the way try to resist the urge to say anything nasty about Trig alright? After all what his family does, and how he was used, is certainly no fault of his. 

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

So yes it appears that Bristol Palin has taken all of the younger children to Texas with her. Why?

So this picture has been getting a lot of attention since yesterday, so I thought we should address it in a post.

First off this does NOT mean that Bristol is Trig's mom and is no longer bothering to hide it.

Remember I had Levi here in my house multiple times and we discussed the morning of Trig's birth.

He picked Bristol up from home and when he arrived at the hospital Trig had already arrived and Sarah Palin was dressed.

He confirmed that this picture was taken on that day.

 So if Bristol is not the mother, then why was she allowed to take Trig out of school and fly him all the way across the country to Texas?

Well I don't know for sure, but if I were to venture a guess I would suggest that it may be related to this story about an out of control Track Palin.

Bristol fleeing the state and taking the youngest children with her would seem appropriate in response to what is laid out in that story and what I have learned on my own about Track over the years.

And that would also help to explain the suddenness of the decision to move. (They did not even wait until school was out and there is less than two months left to go.)

Anyhow that is my theory as of now, if anybody has any actual evidence to the contrary feel free to send it to my e-mail or message me on Facebook.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Bristol Palin is now using Down Syndrome Day to promote her crappy weight loss product?

Wow, I think she has even outdone her grifting mother on this one. That is pretty damn low.

Speaking of low, as you may have heard the protective order against Track Palin has been dismissed and the case has been ordered confidential.

As for his child custody case with Jordan Loewe it appears that it has also been settled, and yes the court ordered it to remain confidential as well.

If you are wondering if there was some kind of pay off I think that would be a safe assumption, though it is unlikely that we will ever hear any details.

And finally yes Dakota did say in an online Facebook Q&A that he is moving to Austin, Texas, and yes it appears that Bristol and the kids are going as well.

That is all I know about this right now.

Friday, October 28, 2016

So Sarah Palin participated in early voting in Alaska. Gee, I wonder who she chose?

Courtesy of the Snowdrift Snooki's Facebook page:  

Great day - returning home from early voting to see Todd, Trig & Tripp shooting pucks on our already-frozen lake; planning logistics to get back on the campaign trail for the last week of this imperative fight for our kids' and grandkids' future in the greatest country on God's green earth! 

- Sarah Palin

Look Palin cannot even post about voting without bringing the kids into it.

And if she was really worried about their future she certainly would not have voted for the thin skinned, unqualified, misogynistic POS at the top of the GOP ticket. 

Not that it matters because Wasilla is without a doubt going for Trump, and chances are Alaska will as well.

So her participation is really inconsequential.

On the other hand I voted on Monday, only a half hour after early voting started in Alaska, and if my candidate, the only one in this race qualified to do the job, wins it will be historic and ground breaking.

And if she also wins the state of Alaska it will not only be historic, but it might help to erase our previous mistake of voting in the state's first female Governor, who not only quit halfway through the job but also made us look like a bunch of inbred idiots to the rest of the world.

Yeah, that's the one.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

For those who were asking about Track Palin's fiancee's pregnancy.

A photo posted by Bristol Meyer (@bsmp2) on
Yep she still looks pregnant to me.

And look now that Palin got Track's case thrown out the whole family can continue to live together in Wasilla, where they know the law will never touch them.

Or will it?

By the it took me a second but I think the two that are missing are Tripp and Kyla Grace.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

For those who may be wondering, yes the Palin family grifting operation continues uninterrupted.

Courtesy of Bristol Palin's Facebook page:  

Having my Daily cup of @teamiblends It helps me feel energized so I can work and keep up with my kids! Use my code BRISTOL for 10% off your next order #thankyouteami #teamimommi #teamiblends

I know what you're thinking. "Wait, doesn't she have a husband to take care of her financial needs now?"

Well as it turns out he joined the family business as well.

Courtesy of the new baby daddy's Facebook page:

Just got the new "soft scorpions" in from G-Code Holsters. These are great universal "anything" pouches (M4 mags, AR10 mags, AK mags, iPhone's, pistol mags, knives, flashlights, etc.). Precision molded materials with metal inserts allow for a number of attachment options. I have these set up with paddles in the back so I can toss them on/off with ease. Made in the USA. Off to the range! 

And then yes there is a link to the company so that you can also buy whatever the hell these things are.

As for the Grizzled Mama herself virtually all of her Facebook posts now link to articles on this Right Wing Independent Journal website so clearly she has some financial agreement with them.

Because let's face it this woman does not do ANYTHING from free.

So to sum up. Bristol is now hawking weight loss products, Dakota is pushing tactical holsters, and Palin herself is using the last vestiges of her fame to promote a third rate Breitbart ripoff.

This is where we insert the maniacal laughter.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Conservatives lament the fall of Sarah Palin.

Palin with her former political prop, courtesy of Facebook.
Courtesy of the Washington Times:

Sarah Palin’s latest effort to unseat a Republican leader fell short when House Speaker Paul D. Ryan cruised to a victory in his primary, easily dispatching the insurgent Mrs. Palin had backed. 

It’s the latest episode in which the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee has seen her star fall as the tea party movement she championed has splintered and the former Alaska governor’s populist appeal has been overshadowed by GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s far more outspoken campaign. 

“She speaks to a part of the GOP primary base, but when it comes to general election messaging, she can really complicate things,” said Craig Robinson, a former GOP consultant who runs “The Iowa Republican” website. “So I think a lot of people stay away.” 

That hasn’t quelled her own support for Mr. Trump, and she continues to defend him — and fire at liberals, the media and her other critics from atop her Twitter perch, with its 1.28 million followers, and elsewhere online.

Of course most of those Twitter followers are fake, but why quibble?

After her vice presidential run, some analysts predicted Mrs. Palin would be in the running for the top of the ticket in 2012 or 2016. But she took a pass. Instead, she has fired shots from the sidelines, albeit with less of an audience. 

“Five years ago, she would have drawn 25,000 people to an event, and today she would do well drawing 2,500,” said Ken Crow, a tea party activist in Iowa. 

Mr. Crow said Mrs. Palin remains a beloved figure — though some were turned off by her decision to back Mr. Trump over Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, whom many see as the ideological chief of the grass-roots movement. 

“Although we realize her political stock is not what it used to be, her devotion to country and conservatism is stronger than ever,” Mr. Crow said. “We do love her, but realize that she will never be president. We realize that she will never be vice president, but she is one of the moral and emotional leaders of the tea party movement and she always will be because she preaches conservative values.” 

 I really think that when conservatives claim that they "love" Palin they are really in love with their idea of who she is and not with the reality of who she is, which as of now is of being a Facebook troll, a failed parent, and an albatross around the neck of the Republican party.

This Craig Robertson guy essentially drives that point home: 

Mr. Robinson said it appears that as far as elected politics go, Mrs. Palin’s “role has been diminished to the point where she is a role player in primaries.” 

“In [2008], I think people were looking at her as the future of the party, and I don’t think anyone is looking at her like that today,” he said. 

Boy there's an understatement for you. 

I am still amazed that there are people out there who are still willing to speak about Sarah Palin as if she was EVER anything more than a pretty face, with limited abilities, desperately in search of adulation.

In truth she was never an effective politician, never a faithful member of the Republican party, and certainly NEVER the future of anything.

And people really do not need to imagine what it would have been like if Sarah Palin HAD run for the presidency, and HAD been the future of the Republican party.

Because that reality is staring back at us from our TV sets every damn day!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sarah Palin defends the conservative "work ethic" by using her own hard working children as an example. NO I am not kidding.

Courtesy of Granny Grifter's Facebook page:  

Who HASN'T Worked Jobs the Left Feels is Beneath Them? Greatest Life Lessons Are Learned Through Actual WORK! 

Absolutely amazes me that the Liberal mindset allows mocking the American work ethic. Belittling an entrepreneurial spirit got us into the mess we're in with dependency on a failed, bankrupt government. Big Government Libs LOVE the cycle of dependency because with it comes CONTROL of those who are dependent. 

Good for those who do what it takes to independently make a living. Leftists condemning women entrepreneurs owning their own businesses and parents holding down more than one job to provide for family? It's shameful, Democrats. 

I'm so thankful all my kids work AT LEAST one job (most work two or more jobs at a time!), along with furthering their education... they've always worked this way. And I'm proud my four big kids are setting that great work ethic example for their little brother, Trig, who'll also be expected to work because every able-bodied human being is created with unique ability to work. America - we're blessed when those abilities are put to good use; we're lost when choosing not to. 

Tell me about the jobs YOU'VE held in order to pay the bills and be productive! 

- Sarah Palin

Okay clearly Palin is now just trolling liberals.

What has Palin all fired up about "liberals" supposedly condemning female entrepreneurs was this article from Jezebel, poking a little fun at Mike Pence's wife's fledgling business of selling little charms you put on your towel so that you don't get it mixed up with some other person's towel.

Wait, what?

Karen Pence, wife of GOP VP pick Gov. Mike Pence and soon-to-be Second (or First) Lady of Trump Republic, Inc., is the proud founder of “That’s My Towel!” Charm, Inc. What are towel charms? I’m so glad you asked. 

Imagine a set of wine charms. Then imagine if those wine charms were designed for something even less important. That is a Towel Charm.

 Okay for one thing how do you NOT mock this?

And for another thing Karen Pence is the wife of a Governor, is a former teacher, and sells paintings of houses for money, so there is no way that she is using this business to "provide for her family."

But putting all of that aside, how in the hell does Palin use HER family as examples of hard working Americans.

As far as I know Todd does nothing but lie around the house, stopping only to accompany her to some public venue as laid out in his contract, work on his snowmachine, and occasionally do a little fishing or hunting.

Sarah herself, well we all see what she does to bring in money. She pimps herself out.

As for the rest of the family literally the only one that I know who at least had a steady job was Willow, and to be honest I am not sure any more exactly how much she works these days.

Bristol claims to work occasionally at that dermatologist office, though most of the time it seems her job is to post pictures on Instagram of the MOH husband she trapped, and the child that she claims to not want exploited.

Piper babysits.

Trig is the prop from which sprang almost all of this good fortune for the Palin family, so he's done more than his part.

And Track, well Track seems to have set a career path designed to ultimately destroy his family's credibility.

Of all of them, I would say that he is the most successful.

Now going back to that Karen Pence thing, look stupid people will buy stupid unnecessary things.

However I would bet money that she does not want one of those useless unnecessary things defending her on Facebook.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

So finally Sarah Palin is finished licking her wounds after being excluded from all the "fun" in Cleveland, and has taken to Facebook to try and make it all about her again.

Courtesy of the "Cersei Lannister School of Mothering" graduate's Facebook page:

"Make America Safe Again" Convention - So Far, So Good . (Really? What convention is she watching?)

From 3000 miles up North, it's good to hear the GOP Convention is going well. It should strengthen faith that real hope and positive change can be on the way for the next generation. (Once again, WTF?) 
I hear the convention TelePrompTer was abandoned during one speech last night, harkening back to the 2008 VP Nomination speech when the GOP Convention TelePrompTer let me just let 'et rip. (Oh God, not the teleprompter lie again.) Funny, while I was just now looking up '08 media coverage of that broken TelePrompTer during my speech, it appears the lamestream media lied about the issue then, and still lies about it. The more things change, the more they stay the same with the LSM still just "making things up!" (And they wonder why they're so distrusted and despised?) Because I have a life and I ignore the media haters (Ha!), I'd been unaware all these years that reporters denied the TelePrompTer glitch ever happened. (Well of course it's a lie that she was "unaware," but the accounts saying the teleprompter was working were from eyewitnesses in the audience that night.) Silly, silly irrelevant reporters... did they really think some campaign speech writer fed the TelePrompTer my ad-libbed comments like the "Hockey Mom & Pitbull with Lipstick" joke? (Actually yes. they did.) 
Have a great day, America! Thinking of you under Alaska's penetrating summer sun and today's 70-degree forecast up here in God's country! (Well she got this part right, it is hotter than hell up here right now.)

 - Sarah Palin

Personally I think that Palin smeared sugar or chocolate on her lips to get Trig to kiss her like that. 

Or maybe Trig simply finished his anger management classes and can now be next to his absentee mother without trying to knock her block off.

Poor kid.

Speaking of the not so poor kids, people have been asking me if Track Palin is in jail.

No he is not.

Or whether of not he is in some inpatient substance abuse program.

Again, no.

He may be attending some outpatient therapy, as directed by the Veteran's Court, but currently from what I have been told he is free to walk among his fellow woman beaters in Wasilla. (Remember in the Mat-Su Valley one in two women are the victim of domestic abuse.)

Track's next court date is on July 25th, but I have little doubt that it is only a formality as mommy has already fixed everything so that her first born will never have to face the consequences of his actions.

If I were a member of that family I would always sleep with my door locked. Because really, it's only a matter of time. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Who better to tell people it's not stupid to vote for Donald Trump than Sarah Palin?

Damn she is really pulling out the stops here.
Courtesy of Politico: 

Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance at a Donald Trump rally in San Diego on Friday, telling Trump supporters that members of the political establishment "want you all to feel stupid." 

“Stupid is some people are actually going to vote for the crooked one,” Palin said, referring to the "Crooked Hillary" nickname that Trump has given Hillary Clinton. 
Poor Trig. Once a political prop, always a political prop.
Palin blasted the establishment and political commentators for doubting Trump's prospects as the Republican nominee for president. 

“And media, you know, their head is still a-spinnin'," Palin said. "What you have tried to do to Donald Trump and to all of his supporters has only proven that we were right. Do you know how thoroughly distrusted you are, mainstream media? Well, he is now though, he is now we the people’s nominee. So suck it up, cupcake.” 

Actually the phrase is "Suck it up Buttercup."

Palin also attacked President Obama for going to Hiroshima and not being a dick about the fact that we killed 146,000 people, mostly civilians, there. in 1945.

Courtesy of the Washington Post 

“Our commander in chief suggesting – actually, lying in suggestions – to the world that we were wrong to prove that we would eradicate evil in World War II.” 

“You mess with our freedom,” she said, “we’ll put a boot in your ass. It’s the American way.” At that, the crowd chanted, “USA! USA! USA!”

Palin also referred to Donald Trump as a "golden wrecking ball." No, I am NOT kidding!

“Rattled, are they now?” Palin said. “Well, maybe it’s time that things get rattlin’.” She pointed out that the yellow Gadsden flag flown at tea party rallies depicts a rattlesnake “coiled, prepared, ready to strike.”

Gee I sure have not missed covering this lunacy.

Here is a video of Palin's remarks, but I warn you watching this could cause significant brain damage.

Screechy does not even begin to describe it. (Did you notice that she left the Belmonts at home?)

Now that Palin has resurfaced there is more talk about Trump making her his VP choice.

I refuse to accept that such a thing is possible, however Trump is just such a "golden wrecking ball" who could predict anything he might do?

Speaking of a wrecking ball it appears that Palin's endorsement of Paul Ryan's primary opponent in Wisconsin has really helped. Helped Paul Ryan attain a lead of 73 points that is.

(Photos courtesy of the Trump Frump's Facebook page.)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Wow! So Trig Palin is eight years old today. Update: Sarah remembered!

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on
I am usually better at keeping track of this, but I have to admit this birthday sneaked up on me.

Hard to believe we have been talking about this little boy and his complicated origin story for so long now.

And we STILL don't know the whole truth.

Update: Somebody must have sent Bristol's Instagram message to the Grizzled Mama:

Happy Birthday Trig Paxson Van Palin! You're the best gift God could have ever given us. The years are zipping by, so enjoy every minute and have so much fun on your special day (after school!) "working" in the backhoe with Uncle Freeman and showing us how it's done shooting hoops. You are cherished, little Love Bug!

Gee I wonder if Palin will be back in Wasilla to celebrate with her cherished "Love Bug" today? 

Or is she not finished pitching that ridiculous reality judge show yet?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

No, he doesn't.

The above is a picture of Tripp Johnston and Trig Palin taken from Bristol's Instagram page.

Aren't they adorable?

Anyhow I thought I would take a moment to address another of the most frequent comments that I get and which I typically reject as idiotic.

And that is the comment which says some version of "Wow, I can't get over how much Trig looks like Levi. Clearly that is his dad."

No, there is nothing that clearly suggests that Levi is the father of Trig. And no matter how many times you say that, it does NOT make it true.

Look folks in the beginning I was right there with you.

We were all piecing together the evidence and certain assumptions made sense, the primary one being that Trig is Bristol's child by her teenage boyfriend Levi Johnston, and Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy to cover up the scandal.

It was such a neat theory and it tied the whole thing together in a perfect little package. Since we knew that Palin faked her pregnancy it made perfect sense.

The problem was that the more we learned the least likely that scenario seemed to be.

First off NONE of the Johnston family members that I have spoken to think that Trig is a member of their family.

Second Levi did not spend $100,000 dollars in court to fight for him, like he did Tripp.

And third THIS is what Levi's children look like.

Now Down syndrome certainly has an impact on a child's physical features, but it does not impact hair color. And as you can see his three children all have blonde hair,

As he himself did as a child.

Levi's children all have blue eyes as well, while Trig has beautiful brown eyes.

Now none of this absolutely proves that Levi is not the father, but it also means that evidence which people think they see in photographs of Trig is purely subjective, and making claims based on that "evidence" really says more about you than about what is actually there.

Once again if I find any real evidence I will report it here. Just like I have been doing for the last eight years.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bristol Palin uses Trig as bait so that she can play the outraged card. In the meantime Dakota Meyer does the unforgivable.

So Bristol posted this picture of Trig wearing a Trump hat in celebration of Down syndrome day on her Instagram page

Anybody with half a brain could see what happened next coming a mile away.

Courtesy of People: 

"Yep that's Trump's target demographic," the fan wrote, which prompted Bristol to lash back in response. 

"I wish I knew who you were, hope you don't happen to be a nurse with any child with Down syndrome. You are pathetic," the protective older sister wrote. 

First I have no idea why Bristol mentions being a nurse, because that is way out in left field.

But secondly putting a child with Down syndrome in a Donald Trump hat during perhaps the most vicious and divisive political season in history, was OBVIOUSLY going to attract negative comments.

Which I contend is exactly why Bristol did it.

Just like her mother she likes to make provocative statements, and then hide behind innocent children so that she can play the victim/protector on their behalf.

A sort of modification of the Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.

Interestingly enough while Bristol was begging for attention by following in her mother's footsteps, her ex was making even more distance between himself and all things Palin.

Courtesy of Dakota Meyer's Instagram page:

Today was supposed to be another landmark occasion for our president in his efforts to normalize relations with Cuba. In his speech today he took pause prior to any other matters of business to recognize the death of United States Marine Staff Sgt Louis F. Cardin of Temecula, California in Iraq this past Saturday. I would like to take this time to say thank you President Obama for not only taking the time to acknowledge his death but to make it a priority.

As we all know saying anything nice about President Obama is a cardinal sin to the Palins.

Which may have been the point.

(And before anybody asks me, yet again, no I do not know if Dakota saw his daughter, or how that visit went.)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Iron Dog. One of the rare times that the Palin family comes out of the shadows in Alaska.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page
I swear if it were not for Palin pimping this race, I would never even know it was taking place.

I have heard virtually nothing about it on local TV stations up here.

You know I was thinking about Todd Palin's life a little this morning.

Here is a guy who is virtually off the radar for most of the year, aside from a few brief appearances as his wife's arm candy and purse carrier, and then every February, like Punxsutawney Phil, he pops his head out of his hole and competes in a snowmachine race that he is destined to lose, as if he is caught in his own  deeply troubling version of Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day."

I guess it's not a bad gig if you can get it. And have no self respect or sense of shame that might get in the way.

By the way it's nice to see Bristol and Sarah in the same picture again. It's been awhile.

However I notice that Willow and Track could not be bribed into showing up. Maybe next time.

Assuming of course that neither one of them is awaiting trial for physical abuse that is.

P.S. You can track the racers here.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Former reporter and current blogger, Julia O'Malley wants people to think that Sarah Palin was not always this way. (Spoiler alert: Yes she was.)

Here is a portion of O'Malley's revisionist history courtesy of The Guardian:  

There was a time when Sarah Palin was normal by Alaska standards. Way back before the hoopla, and way before she endorsed Donald Trump, she made sense as a politician here. That’s not the case any more. 

I’m told she lives in Alaska most of the time, but she’s invisible in public life. But back in the day, I liked her – and so did many in my community. I’m not conservative, but she grew on me when I worked as a reporter in Anchorage in the mid-2000s, and the reason had nothing to do with politics. She was a kind of regular person I recognized as of this place. Tough, funny, pragmatic. She loved Alaska like I did. If you didn’t know her then, it’s hard to explain or believe.

O'Malley then offers this picture, which shows Palin just hobnobbing with the locals and which she believes was NOT a photo-op, that there tells you that she does not understand Sarah Palin.

Above all, Palin was nice. If a reporter called her office, she called back on their cell phone: “Hi, this is Sarah.” Like most people here, she was religious, but didn’t talk about it publicly. Like most people, her family hunted and owned guns, but she didn’t talk too much about that either. She was fuzzy on policy details, but only insiders noticed. She made a big deal about government corruption. 

“She wanted to be liked and, as a result, was likable,” said a reporter friend of mine who covered her as governor. “Her only real enemies were white-guy boys club oil politicians who were getting indicted by the feds.”

Okay well there is some truth to this.  Palin absolutely was focused on her polls numbers and receiving positive coverage from media outlets.

So yes she returned calls fairly quickly, IF you were somebody that she perceived to be "on the team."

In fact at one time Dennis Zaki was one of those people, and broke into the news biz to some degree based on his access to Sarah Palin and the number of great photos he took of her and other politicians in Alaska.

However I was there when he lobbed the first criticism her way, and let me tell you the arctic winter has NOTHING on Sarah Palin when it comes to freezing people out.

O'Malley then documents when SHE thinks everything changed for Palin:

I rode along in the motorcade the day she came back to the state to vote. We whizzed out to Wasilla, and she emerged from her black SUV wearing a Carhartt jacket. The outfit was self-conscious. Alaska schtick. Not her thing. But she’d already recalibrated for an audience that wasn’t us. Then John McCain lost. She peaced-out on being governor. 

For many here, that was the end. 

It’s hard to keep track of what happened next. The internet Sarah-ploded. There was Fox News, reality television, the book, the steady stream of social-media snits, the house in Arizona, a family run-in with the cops and Bristol’s baby-mama drama.

You see the problem with this is that O'Malley seems to be basing most of her Palin-ology on her personal experiences with the then Governor who was seeking positive coverage.

It does not seem that O'Malley has done any real research into Palin's past nor that she has read any of the great books written about her including those written by Geoffrey Dunn, Joe McGinniss,  or even Frank Bailey.

Instead she bases it on her memories, which I find somewhat unreliable as O'Malley was also the reporter who swore up and down that she KNEW that Sarah Palin was indeed pregnant with Trig, and that there was no conspiracy: 

But, of course, there was no silence spiral. The journalists, including me, who covered Palin at the time believed she was pregnant because she was pregnant. Even before the announcement, she seemed to be putting on weight. She wore baggy jackets and scarves. Before the announcement, she acted nervous when photographers tried to take her picture. Later on, her face filled out. Her fingers swelled. She had a noticeable belly. And it wasn't made out of foam. 

Palin also ran all the time at the gym in Juneau. People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly. Are you going to tell me she was wearing a prosthetic abdomen on the treadmill?

For the record Palin has ALWAYS been a conniving opportunist who manipulated the weak willed around her and savaged her critics at every turn.

She used her feminine wiles to seduce male reporters and her girl power BS to win over the female journalists. And that seemed to work well here in Alaska, where let's face it journalism is not exactly breaking new ground.

However all of that came to a halt when a certain Katie Couric asked the innocuous question "What do you read?"

THAT was the beginning of the end, and THAT was when everybody started to see the true Sarah Palin.

Somebody it seems that Julia O'Malley never got the chance to meet.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bristol Palin takes a page out of her mother's "Manipulating the Masses" handbook.

Courtesy of Bristol's Instagram page:Trig officially loves her 😻#mybrotherhasmorechromosomesthanyou

Ah yes, her mother's favorite political prop loving on the child that Bristol wants to protect from scrutiny.

Well played.

This photo has already started to circulate around on the tabloids. Including People, E Online, Page Six, and Perez Hilton.

Yep, the acorn certainly does not fall far from the batshit crazy oak tree, now does it?