Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Monday, April 02, 2018

The White House Easter Bunny is all of us.

Trump also seemed to have trouble understanding what to call the White House.
(Hint: It is both the name and the description of the building.)

I do not know who is specifically in charge of choosing the costume for the White House Easter Bunny, but that whole "WTF is he saying?" expression this one wears while Trump blatantly lies about his administration's success, and stumbles around for the right word, is pure gold.

I did some checking and discovered that this is the same exact costume that the Easter Bunny wore for LAST year's White House Easter celebration.

People are also still wondering who Trump forced to wear the costume.

Last year everybody was pretty sure it was Spicey.
So who do we think did the honors this year?

My guess would be Eric Trump since nobody has even seen that guy in months, and he would probably do just about anything just to finally get noticed.

Taking a break from politics to check in on our favorite dysfunctional family.

So from what I can gather this is Dakota and Bristol doing the whole "pretend not to hate each other for the sake of the kids" thing for the Easter holiday.

I've been there.

I am not a body language expert but if Bristol and Dakota were any further apart one of them would not even be in this photo.

It seems to me that Tripp is finishing out the school year in Texas, but I do not know what that means for him going forward.

Bristol however is likely stuck there at least until after the divorce, at which time she will have to decide if she wants to do the long distance parenting thing, or suck it up and stay in a state where she has limited friends and no family.

As for Track Palin, well his hearing has been reset or continued six times now starting way back in January, and the current date is set for May 5th.

In the meantime Track is under house arrest and all of this guns have been taken away.

So I am sure he is having plenty of time to contemplate his actions.

Who are we kidding? He is likely blaming his parents, blaming his exes, and blaming God.

Track is not an introspective person.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Happy Easter heathens!

Y'all know the story.

Jesus died.

They buried him.

He rose from the dead.

And then he started biting people and that's how Christianity spread throughout the world.

I may be a little hazy on the specifics, and I HAVE been watching a lot of zombie movies, but I think that's the gist.

Personally I do not think it is all that weird that Easter fell on April Fool's Day this year.

After all I have been calling it a fool's holiday for decades.

But still, in the interest of human fellowship, I hope you have a great holiday.

And stay away from those Peeps, I have it on good authority that they are Satanic.

I'm pretty sure these kids think the Easter Bunny is as well.
Christianity, terrifying children for over 2000 years now. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

That moment when the immigrant has to remind the POTUS to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem.

(Is that Sean Spicer up there with him?)

As you might imagine Twitter had a field day with this.

Every single day there are more and more reasons to feel shame for what is happening in our country right now.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter greetings from Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer last night on SNL.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Melissa McCarthy reprised her role as press secretary Sean Spicer on "Saturday Night Live," this time dressed in an Easter Bunny costume and offering an apology for the White House spokesman's comments calling concentration camps "Holocaust centers" last week.

I swear watching Melissa McCarthy as Sean "Spicey" Spicer is my new favorites thing.

I could watch a whole show with just her playing that character, with perhaps a little Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway thrown in just to keep things lively.

Actually to be honest I am just very appreciative of ANYTHING that can make me laugh right now.

Shows like SNL, the Daily Show, the Late Show, Full Frontal, and Last Week Tonight are keeping me sane.

Bristol Palin pregnancy photo, because why not?

A post shared by Bristol Meyer (@bsmp2) on
Here you go, I thought you would all enjoy a break from all the talk about Donald Trump and politics.

Happy Easter.

Donald Trump celebrates Easter in the traditional manner by posting Tweets boasting about his election win, bitching about tax day protests, and preparing the country for World War 3.

First tweet for today essentially says that Trump will not insult China as long as they do what he wants.

THAT'S the holiday spirit!
Okay there we go, that seems appropriate.
Uh, okay.

Once again let's remind everybody that Trump's electoral college victory was the smallest in recent presidential history.

As for the tax returns, yes those will likely continue to be an issue until the American people get a chance to see why Trump is working so hard to hide them.
Citizens of this country do not have to be paid to fight for our rights.

Trump is thinking of politicians.

 And finally (For right now at least.) there was this.
That's right kids, gather up those eggs. Because you are going to need the protein in order to fight in the inevitable world war that a Trump presidency will surely lead to. 

And there you have Donald Trump's first Easter as the commander-in-chief.

Have you ever been more terrified? 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Somebody finally reminded the Palins that they are faux Christians so they posted last minute Easter greetings.

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on
This Instagram post showed up somewhere around three o'clock long after all of the real Christians had already sent Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Easter greetings to their friends and family.

And if that was not bad enough, Queen Esther's Christian pander was delayed even a fewer hours longer.

"He is Risen."

What? No pictures of the family all decked out in their Easter outfits just back from church?

Nope, just some image she found on Google, that it probably took her about two or three minutes to post.

Now look I recognize that I did not post anything about Easter either.

Though in my defense I am a vocal out of the closet Atheist, so I am not exactly expected to participate in this particular primitive ritual.

However...if you are a family who constantly uses Christianity as a shield against criticism, and as camouflage for your unethical behaviors, you would think that getting your Easter messages posted in a timely manner would be somewhat of a priority.

I'm just saying.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Taking a break from politics to show images of parenting done right.

Image courtesy of Facebook.
Courtesy of Sunny Johnston's Facebook page:  

So much fun 🐣🐣🐣(early Easter because it's our week with Tripp)

Look, nobody is pimping any products or taunting out of state parents, just a father making memories with his children. 

And it only cost him a little over $100,000 to win that opportunity.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Dakota Meyer has been assimilated.


dakotameyer0317 Everyday I'm reminded more and more of how lucky I am to have @bsmp2 

Some are suggesting that this was taken in a church on Easter Sunday, but they certainly did not seem to be very close to a house of worship the other day.

And besides the un-cropped photo shows them sitting in the audience at CPAC.

Nice try.

Well it's pretty clear that Meyer is falling in line when it comes to providing propaganda to continue pimping the Palin family's image of a pro-military, faux Christian value embracing, tribe of misfits.

Hard to imagine a more tragic fate for a Medal of Honor winner.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Track Palin's replacement is really settling in.

Here was the text accompanying the photo:

dakotameyer0317 Even though we were in the middle of nowhere Alaska. We put this up and watched the UK game!! @bsmp2 is definitely a fan!! #BBN

Aww, isn't that sweet?

There is also this photo of the Palin clan celebrating Easter, by apparently burning the Easter Bunny at the stake. 

 If you squint your eyes you can just make out Sarah sitting on a snowmachine with Todd over on the right. I think she's holding a dog, but it might also be another newborn baby. With this family it's just hard to tell.

I'm sure that Track is there someplace, probably passed out behind that wood pile sleeping it off I would assume.

P.S. For those going "WTF? I thought there was no snow in Alaska." Trust me there is no snow in most of Alaska. There was a snowfall here in town yesterday, which promptly melted away by this morning.

I'm a little Easter'd out, but I thought this needed to be shared.

Photo courtesy of The Obama Diary.
The Obama family also attended services at the Alfred Street Baptist Church, in Alexandria, Virginia.

Today of course will be the traditional Easter Egg Roll at the White House.

Pretty into Easter for a Muslim born in Kenya, don't you think?

By the way for a little more good news this Monday morning, President Obama was also chosen by the American people as the Most Admired Man for the seventh year running.

And THAT'S not bad for a guy who has been under constant political attack and smear campaigns since the very day of his inauguration.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Look who finally rolled back the rock to emerge and join the living.

Posted on Palin's Facebook page.
The only text was "Happy Easter." Gee she might have actually posted this all on her own.

I guess the question "Is there anything that Palin will not use to raise money for her PAC?" has now been answered.

"Hey, a gal's gotta eat!"

It's Easter so let's talk about another book purporting to disprove the existence of Jesus. (It's like an IM tradition.)

The author's name is David Fitzgerald, his book "Jesus Mything in Action" will be out later this year, and this is a portion of his argument courtesy of the Daily Mail:

'There is a paradox that Jesus did all these amazing things and taught all these amazing things yet no one heard of him outside his immediate cult for nearly 100 years. 

'Or it means he didn't do all these things at all. 

'The first gospel of Christianity appears to have been a literary allegory that were written decades after the time they portray. 

'I believe that Christianity started as one of the many mystery faiths that appeared at the time where old Gods and old traditions were rebooted. 

'Christianity appears to have been a Jewish mystery faith. 

'By the time of Paul there appears to have been plenty of different "Lord's suppers" as he complains about the existence of other gospels and messiahs. 

'It appears that early Christianity managed to take the stories from these other faiths and incorporate them into the story of Jesus.' 

Mr Fitzgerald said: 'There is nothing implausible to think that Jesus was a real person, but I just don't think that he can have been a single person if he existed at all. 

'We also have no mention of Jesus in other historical texts from the time. There were certainly people writing about Judea at the time like Philo of Alexandria. 

'During this period there were many other messiahs and wannabe messiahs who did far less exciting things than Jesus, but all of them managed something Jesus did not - to make a dent on the historical record. 

'Two billion people believe all these miracles happened yet there is no evidence they did.'

If you are anything like me you have probably heard most of these arguments before. In fact a number of them have appeared right here on IM many times in the past.

However there have been new discoveries since I first started writing here, such as the fact there is no archeological evidence to support the exodus from Egypt, Egyptians never even kept Jews as slaveincreased scrutiny of the Bible, and new questions about the historicity of Jesus, all of which is being disseminated at an ever increasing rate over the internet.

It seems that each new scientific revelation takes us further and further away from the Biblical explanations provided to us by our Sunday school teachers. 

I personally have been working on a post that would demonstrate the logical infallibility supporting the idea of the supernatural. In a nutshell since everything that can be observed, weighed, or quantified is by definition a part of the natural world, then everything, regardless of how miraculous or magical is may seem, is simply a natural phenomena that we have not yet managed to put under our metaphoric microscope.

Remember the Arthur C. Clarke quote, "Magic is just science that we don't understand yet."

With that realization in mind one can simply no longer entertain the possibility of a supernatural entity being responsible for ANYTHING. Therefore no gods, and of course no son of said gods.

I actually have no problem with the idea of faith, I just believe it to be displaced.

We are far better served to direct our faith not toward the gods of mythology, whether Christian or otherwise, but rather towards humanity. Because ultimately it is faith in what we can achieve together that will ensure our survival as a species.

And I believe to survive as a species we are going to have to suppress our need to identify our differences, be they gender, race, religion, or geographic location, and instead see ourselves as one people, on one planet, looking toward a shared vision for our future.

Just something to keep in mind this Easter Sunday.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Easter holiday, a time for chocolate bunnies, pastel colored clothing, and racism. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Parents in one Virginia neighborhood were outraged on Sunday after their annual Easter egg hunt tradition was upset by white supremacists who had secretly hidden eggs with racist messages for the children to find. 

West End parents Brandon and Jackie Smith told WRIC that they discovered the offensive eggs while having an Easter Egg hunt with their 3-year-old son on Sunday afternoon. 

“My husband noticed the last Easter egg and I knew it wasn’t one that we put out,” Jackie Smith recalled. “We opened it and it’s got the white supremacist stuff in it.” 

Other neighbors also found hate-filled eggs in their yard with messages that said “Diversity = White Genocide” and “Mass immigration and forced assimilation of non-whites into our lands is genocide.” 

The notes pointed to the websites and, a reference to a so-called “worldwide” protest in March that reportedly ended with a very small turnout. 

“We don’t want other kids around here who can read being like, ‘Hey mommy what’s the million man white march or what’s the genocide project?’ Most of us don’t want to explain genocide to our 6-year-olds,” Jackie Smith explained.

You know I never did trust that Easter Bunny.

He always looked so shifty.

Of course not all hate groups are being all hate-y. 

For instance the KKK in Pennsylvania has volunteered to help out by starting a neighborhood watch:

 "You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake?" Fat chance of that.

The groups claims that they will treat not be targeting any specific ethnicity.

You know just the ones with brown skin who look like they don't belong around those parts.

Well the conservatives have been saying for decades that they wanted to bring America back to its traditional values, and it looks like they are getting their way. The traditional values of racism, oppression, vigilantism.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sarah Palin shares an Easter greeting on Facebook, and finally remembers a certain birthday.

The Easter greeting is the same old mooseshit, but I thought this portion was worth sharing:

PS: Happy birthday to both my boys, too! Here’s the littlest one on Friday heading into school to share birthday treats with his classmates – Peeps and applesauce!

Nice try but I think it is pretty telling that she forgot to mention his birthday yesterday, when it was actually happening, and instead combined it with Track's birthday greeting, which IS actually today.

I guess it is only Palin's biological children who get a shout out on their birthdays and props get theirs whenever she damn well gets around to it.

Oh well, better late than never.

Does anybody else think this photo, and the other one on Facebook, look like they were posed in order to sell a certain message?

Fox News compares Atheist group to Westboro Church members.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

This year’s War on Easter coverage on Fox News came to a head this morning when Fox & Friends contributor Ainsley Earnhardt pitted an atheist and a Christian against each other for a heated debate over the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s right to post “anti-Easter” signs alongside the giant cross and resurrected Jesus monuments in Chicago’s Daley Plaza. “Has Easter evolved into an occasion to demean religious beliefs and Christianity?” Earnhardt asked at the top of the segment. 

And what are those “anti-Easter” images? Quotes from America’s Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, reading “In reason, we trust” and “Keep state and religion separate,” respectively. 

 You know I certainly don't want to disagree with a Fox News blonde bobblehead, but I do not understand how this is an attack on Easter.

It was in fact a response to this display at Chicago's Daley Plaza.

If one religious group feels that it is okay to place symbolic constructs that promote their religion in a public venue, then it is only fair to expect other religions to want to do the same. Or for non-deists to want to promote their message in a similar manner.

And in NO way can this be compared to the hateful images and remarks that are the hallmark of the Westboro church folk.

Though I am sure saying so plays right into the Fox viewers already existing prejudices.

Have a Happy Easter. (You know, if you are into that kind of thing.)

So today is the day that commemorates the day thousands of years ago when somebody stole a body and everybody blamed God.

Now on such an auspicious day you might expect me to piss all over the holiday and start reciting facts and figure to disprove the story, or compare it to other religious resurrections stories, but I'm not going to.

Actually I have always quite liked Easter.

I like dying eggs, I like organizing Easter egg hunts, and I like chocolate bunnies.

Much like Christmas, once you remove all of the religious parts it is a pretty nice little holiday. (And of course much like Christmas, the best parts were stolen from the pagans.)

When I was a boy we always spent Easter at my grandmother's and she always had a nice ham, and treats for the kids. Plus, as an added benefit, since it was Easter everybody tried not to yell at us too much.

And earlier that morning my mother would have hidden our baskets and left clues written as a poem on little pieces of paper to guide us to their locations. (We used to love that!)

It was always a nice day to spend with the family, and I have nothing but great memories.

Even if Mom DID feel the need to dress us up like this.

Still worth it, got candy.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Can I just call BS on this? Oh, and SarahPAC seems to be having a little trouble with their books.

Captioned over at the Grizzled Mama's Facebook page as "A Mother's Day bear hunt..."

Bristol also has a similar picture on her ghostwritten blog.

However on her post this comment was left. (Right up until it was removed that is.)

Anonymous9:33 AM That photo was taken in or near Denali State Park with the Dutch Hills, Mt.Foraker, Mt. Hunter and Denali in the background. This is near where their cabin (the one they didn't pay taxes on) is located at Safari Lake. From the angle of the light and the snowpack I'd have to agree that this photo was taken a good month ago as there would not be that amount of snowpack still at that elevation, and we haven't had clear skies like that since early last week. It simply couldn't have been this weekend as it's been overcast and warm. 

Also, during this time of year the extended Petersville road would not be passable for a truck carrying a snowmachine trailer, thus this photo was taken at some point earlier when they were able to ride the groomed trails from the Safari Lake area. 

Okay now I don't know for sure, because I have not been up around Denali State park recently, but it DOES have a ring of truth to it.

What's more some have pointed out that these photos look suspiciously like those posted over at Brancy's blog during Easter weekend.

Besides that wasn't Palin just in Arizona pimping herself out for attention only two days earlier?

I swear NOTHING these people say about themselves is the truth.

Speaking of telling the truth, it appears that there may be even more problems coming Palin's way other than just faking a couple of Facebook photos. 

This was recently sent to the SarahPAC treasurer, Tim Crawford:  

Dear Treasurer: Response Due Date 06/14/2013 

This letter is prompted by the Commission's preliminary review of the report referenced above. This notice requests information essential to full public disclosure of your federal election campaign finances. Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action. Additional information is needed for the following 3 item(s): 

1. The beginning cash balance of this report does not equal the ending balance of your 2012 30 Day Post-General Report (10/18/12 - 11/26/12). Please correct this discrepancy and amend all subsequent reports(s) that may be affected by the correction. (2 U.S.C. § 434)(b)(1)) 

2. The totals listed on Line(s) 6(c), 11(a)(i), 11(a)(ii), 11(a)(iii), 11(d), 19 and 20, Column B of the Summary and Detailed Summary Page(s) appear to be incorrect. Column B figures for the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages should equal the sum of the Column B figures on your previous report and the Column A figures on this report. Please file an amendment to your report to correct the Column B discrepancies for this report and all subsequent report(s) which may be affected by this correction. Note that Column B should reflect only the Calendar Year-to-Date totals. (2 U.S.C. § 434(b)) 

3. Your calculations for Line 8 appear to be incorrect. Cash on hand at the close of the current reporting period should always equal the closing calendar year to date cash on hand amount. Please provide the corrected total on the Summary Page. (2 U.S.C. § 434(b)) 

Please note, you will not receive an additional notice from the Commission on this matter. Adequate responses must be received by the Commission on or before the due date noted above to be taken into consideration in determining whether audit action willbe initiated. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act may also result in an enforcement action against the committee. Any response submitted by your committee will be placed on the public record and will be considered by the Commission prior to taking enforcement action. Requests for extensions of time in which to respond will not be considered. 

Electronic filers must file amendments (to include statements, designations and reports) in an electronic format and must submit an amended report in its entirety, rather than just those portions of the report that are being amended. If you should have any questions regarding this matter or wish to verify the adequacy of your response, please contact me.

Uh oh! Has somebody NOT been providing the Federal Election Commission with accurate data?