Showing posts with label advertisement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advertisement. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

So Donald Trump is even being mocked on Craigslist.

Courtesy of The Hill:

A Craiglist ad mocking President Trump over reports he's having difficulty finding lawyers to represent him has gained traction on Twitter. 

The ad, “Seeking lead attorney for difficult client,” was posted Tuesday by an anonymous user, who lists their contact information under the name “General John,” referring to chief of staff John Kelly. 

“Seeking a lead attorney to represent client involved in an ongoing Federal investigation,” the ad reads. “Working knowledge of social media, especially Twitter is a plus, as is a better than average knowledge of the adult film industry and a collection of Playboy magazines from 1985-2010.”

The Craigslist ad includes specific wishes for applicants’ physical appearance. 

“Must look the part — Gregory Peck or Tommy Lee Jones type,” the ad reads. “Prior appearances on Fox News a huge plus. No fatties.” 

“Must be prepared to work with a client who is very forceful and opinionated about his defense and is his own best counsel,” it continues. “Basically your job boils down to keeping him from testifying under oath and hoping the rest comes out in the wash.”

“Prior appearances on Fox News a huge plus. No fatties.” Well that's pretty on point.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

New Ted Cruz campaign ad mocks his opponent for changing his name. Only one problem.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's first shot at his expected Democratic challenger, Rep. Beto O'Rourke? Mocking his name. 

As Tuesday's primaries were closing, Cruz's campaign released a 60-second radio ad that was a country music jingle prodding O'Rourke for going by "Beto" rather than "Robert." 

"Liberal Robert wanted to fit in, so he changed his name to Beto and hid it with a grin," the song says.

O'Rourke said he's gone by "Beto" since he was born. 

"My parents have called me Beto from day one, and it's just -- it's kind of a nickname for Robert in El Paso. It just stuck," he said in a brief phone interview Tuesday night.

And here's proof. 
By the way, Ted Cruz's real name is Rafael Cruz.

He adopted the name "Ted" to "fit in."

But hey, catchy tune. That should really help in the general election.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

If we don't stop criticizing Donald Trump the NRA is going to destroy their TV sets. Or something like that.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

The NRA really doesn’t like it when people don’t show enough respect to President Donald Trump. 

A new spot from the gun lobbyists features an angry guy stewing as a TV shows clips of the media criticizing Trump and the National Rifle Association. Some of the clips are of comedy shows, including “Saturday Night Live” and “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver.” 

Eventually he lowers a set of goggles and destroys the TV set with a sledgehammer in a tantrum as it displays a “Morning Joe” segment. 

The angry guy in the video is right-wing radio host Grant Stinchfield, who made headlines last year when he suggested that North Korea drop a nuclear bomb on Sacramento, California. 

I literally have no idea what we are supposed to take away from this advertisement.

Except for the fact that NRA members are destructive assholes who have anger issues.

Which by the way just adds to my list of why they should not be allowed to own firearms. 

And yet because of tantrums like this we saw 17 people killed yesterday in a school shooting.

We need to start throwing tantrums of our own. 

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Tea Party group puts out ad encouraging Donald Trump to fire Rod Rosenstein.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Tea Party Patriots Action has released an ad that seems aimed at encouraging President Donald Trump to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. 

While Rosenstein might be a Republican appointed by former GOP President George W. Bush and kept on by Trump, that isn’t enough for the fundamentalist wing of the GOP. The fact that former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aren’t in handcuffs seems to be the nail in the coffin for his career. 

The ad alleges that instead of following the rule of law, Rosenstein is working for the so-called “deep state.”

Yep, getting rid of Rod Rosenstein will likely open a pathway to firing Robert Mueller, or at the very least taking away a significant amount of his investigative power. That could work.

However if this group was hoping that the Devin Nunes "secret memo" was going to provide ammunition for this, they were sorely mistaken.

You know the truly bizarre thing about all of this, aside from the fact that it is happening of course, is that everybody can see it happening right out in the open.

It is almost as if they think they are being clever in hiding their real motives or something.

It kind of reminds of when little kids play hide-and-go-seek, and only cover their eyes in the belief that if they can't see then nobody can see.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The creepiest thing you might see today is this ad of "totally not paid actors pretending to be average Americans" thanking Donald Trump for making America great again.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

A pro-Trump nonprofit says it is spending $1 million to air a new pro-Trump ad that concludes with a little girl saying, “Thank you President Trump for letting us say ‘Merry Christmas’ again!” 

America First Policies — a group including Trump’s digital and data director Brad Parscale, freshly-indicted former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, and former Mike Pence campaign advisers — says the “ad blitz” will begin on Christmas day.

And the conservatives claim that President Obama ruined Christmas.

If I have to see this bullshit on my TV while feasting on Mom's delicious food I may throw up in my mouth a little.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Following in Vladimir Putin's steps the NRA has released a new ad condemning those criticizing Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Salon:

NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch has returned from her self-imposed exodus to star in another outrageously political advertisement on behalf of the president. 

"We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a president, and the people who voted for him, and the free system that allowed it to happen in American history," Loesch begins in the advertisement. "From the highest levels of government to their media, universities, and billionaires, their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us." 

As is the common theme of most NRA ads, this one doesn't particularly have any message or theme besides to anger its liberal opponents. 

Loesch continued, "But the ultimate insult is that they think we’re so stupid that we’ll let them get away with it. These saboteurs, slashing away with their leaks and sneers, their phony accusations and gagging sanctimony, drive their daggers through the heart of our future, poisoning our belief that honest custody of our institutions will ever again be possible." 

"So they can then build their utopia from the ashes of what they burned down. No, their fate will be failure and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires. We are the National Rifle Association of America. And we are Freedom's Safest Place," Loesch added.

Is it just me or is it getting increasingly difficult to separate the NRA, right wing trolls, and Russian operatives these days? 

As you may have noticed the NRA has been very quiet lately after the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

However I guess now they feel enough time has gone by that we have all forgotten that their constant lobbying for ever looser gun laws has now resulted in the death of 59 innocent Americans.

Fat chance.

Friday, September 08, 2017

A Trump campaign ad attacking Democrats drops a day after Trump made an unprecedented deal with Democrats. Can you say "schizophrenic?"

Courtesy of The Hill: 

A new campaign ad for President Trump slams "career politicians" for trying to impede his agenda. 

"Career politicians and the media, trying to stop him, but President Trump is fighting for America," the ad says, flashing pictures of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). 

The ad then touts Trump's achievements since taking office. 

"Over 1 million new jobs, companies investing billions in America, stock market reaching all time record highs, our border more secure," a narrator in the ad says. 

"Americans are saying let President Trump do his job and make America great again." 

The ad's release comes a day after Trump reached a short-term agreement with Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, raise the debt ceiling and provide aid to communities hit by Hurricane Harvey.

The ad of course was not made by Trump himself, but rather by supporters who thought they had a handle on their boss's opinion of a certain political group.

But then the wind blew, and everything changed. Temporarily of course.

I think my only solace in watching this idiot careen around from one opinion to another, is that it is literally driving conservatives out of their minds 

“He’s as reliable as a rattlesnake,” said Florida Republican consultant Rick Wilson, who added that Trump has now empowered Democrats to win their positions on any number of issues, from tax policy to health care. “You gave the Democrats a gun to your head. These guys are now hostage to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.” 

House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and even Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, had wanted an 18-month extension of the debt ceiling, pushing its expiration to beyond the 2018 congressional elections. 

“He insists on loyalty, never gives any back,” said John Weaver, who worked on Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s bid for the GOP presidential nomination last year. 

Other Republicans, who supported Trump once he had secured the nomination and defended him because they believed he would approve GOP legislative priorities, saw this latest move as a threat to their agenda. “He thinks he’s going to play the Democrats off the Republicans,” said one longtime Republican National Committee member who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Ryan and McConnell better plan for more.” 

Many of the same Republicans surprised and dismayed by Trump’s move had openly embraced him a year ago. They pushed on voters the idea that he was a smart, wealthy business executive – that despite a record that included scores of lawsuits, four bankruptcies and a relatively low net worth given that he began four decades ago with a business worth $1 billion in today’s dollars.

I'm really beginning to wonder if Trump may not have a GOP primary challenger in 2020. 

Assuming he makes that it that far of course.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Laughingstock of the world.

I'll bet that most of you knew who I was talking about in that headline without even having to look at the actual post.

THAT is because we all realize the guy in the White House is universally seen as a clown and that every day he spends in office is damaging our credibility as a country.

Friday, August 04, 2017

Former Marine fighter pilot to show Kentucky Republicans that there is a new breed of Democrat in town

Courtesy of Lexington Herald Leader:

In July, after 20 years in the Marine Corps, Lt. Col. Amy McGrath packed up her things and moved back to Kentucky. 

On Tuesday, less than a month after the move, her campaign released a video announcing that she will run for Congress as a Democrat in the Sixth Congressional District, which is represented by Republican Andy Barr of Lexington. 

“This is my new mission,” McGrath, 42, said in the announcement video. “To take on a Congress full of career politicians who treat the people of Kentucky like they’re disposable.”

Oh this is certainly going to give Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell night terrors.

My favorite part is that McGrath makes health care a central theme of her campaign.

I think this is a winner for Democrats, and she is the perfect candidate to deliver that message.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Now even Reebok is mocking Donald Trump over his inappropriate remarks to the French President's wife.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

The sports brand Reebok is mocking President Trump’s compliments of French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife that were made during Trump's visit to France last week. 

The sports apparel company posted a graphic to their Twitter account on Friday. 

In a chart, labeled “when is it appropriate to say, ‘You’re in such good shape…beautiful’” several scenarios are listed, including “Are you a world leader greeting the spouse of a head of state?” and “Are you in an elevator with a woman." In response, the company advises: “No.”

“Did you just find a forgotten action figure from your youth, unscathed after decades, in your parents’ basement?” is the only scenario on the chart that is labeled as appropriate for Trump’s quote.

Of course the ad is in response to this interaction between Trump and  First Lady Brigitte Macron.

Mocked on television, mocked in the news, and now even mocked in advertisements.

I guess this is what the Trumpsters call "winning?"

Monday, June 19, 2017

Right Wing PAC makes ad using Scalise shooting to attack progressives who support Jon Ossoff in Georgia runoff election.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Ahead of the highly anticipated Tuesday special election in Georgia’s 6th District in which Democrat Jon Ossoff is hoping to end Republicans’ stranglehold on the House seat, a fringe conservative group is running an ad tying Ossoff to the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA). 

No, really. This is not a joke. 

Principled PAC is running an ad called ‘Stop the Violent Left.’ Backed by a small five-figure ad buy, the commercial will run on Fox News Sunday and Monday. 

In the 30-second spot, video footage of Scalise being taken away on a stretcher while a narrator claims that the “unhinged left is endorsing and applauding shooting Republicans.” 

“When will it stop?” the voiceover continues. “It won’t if Jon Ossoff wins on Tuesday, because the same unhinged leftists cheering last week’s shooting are all backing Jon Ossoff. And if he wins. They win.”

I just saw this for the first time on Morning Joe, and almost could not believe my eyes.

According to Morning Joe this ad has been condemned by both sides in the Georgia race, but it is still running on the local Fox News affiliate.

I have to say that it is amazing the changes that have suddenly come over the Right Wing, those who so forcefully touted "2nd Amendment solutions" not to very long ago, now that one of their own has been shot.

It kind of reminds me of a conservative who suddenly supports gay right after their child comes out of the closet.

Hell even Ted Nugent is suddenly calling for civility and claiming that he has turned over a new leaf: 

“At the tender age of 69, my wife has convinced me I just can’t use those harsh terms,” he said on the 77 WABC radio program Thursday. “I cannot and will not and I encourage even my friends, slash, enemies on the left, in the Democrat and liberal world, that we have got to be civil to each other.” 

“I'm not going to engage in that kind of hateful rhetoric anymore.”

Yeah, I am not at all sure I am buying that one Captain Poopy Pants. 

There is a rather stunning amount of hypocrisy in this ad, and in that statement from Nugent.

After all the violent rhetoric has been a feature of the Right Wing for decades now, so to suddenly act the victim and claim that he it's the Left which is filled with homicidal gun wielding maniacs is laughable on its face. 

All one has to do is scan the news to see that aggression toward Muslims, the LGBTQ community, and other minorities continues unabated, and that certainly is NOT being perpetrated by those embracing progressive ideals.

Look I hope that we can move to more civility as well, but part of me is still fairly convinced that once the memory of this shooting fades from memory that Right Wing provocateurs will go right back to using violent imagery and language to push their message.

After all it is deeply ingrained in their damn DNA.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Donald Trump actually buys ad time to convince you that his first 100 days were awesome. No, I am NOT kidding.

I actually woke up to this thing today and had to stop and wonder if it was not an SNL skit that I missed or something.

"America has rarely seen such success."

"America investing in American jobs again.,"

"America becoming more energy independent."

"The biggest tax cut plan in history."

None of that, not one word of that, is actually true.

It is all a complete fabrication.

And Trump covers for that by adding this:

"You wouldn't know it from watching the news ("Fake News" banner prominently placed at this point.), America is winning and president Trump is making America great again."

Yes it is now so great that it is completely invisible to the American people, unless they attend his rallies or watch his commercials.

If ever there were any doubt that Donald Trump suffered from a pathological narcissistic disorder this should put those doubts to rest.

This is insane.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Veterans group releases ad demanding that there be an investigation into Trump's ties with Russia.

Courtesy of Liberal Speak:

America’s military veterans say they’re “putting Trump on notice” and demanding a full investigation into President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. 

More and more evidence suggests that the Trump team is connected with Russian special interests and that Russia helped influence the presidential election in Trump’s favor. Thousands of military veterans around the country are saying enough is enough. 

Vote Vets is a political organization that supports military veterans. They’re circulating a new advertisement that calls out President Trump and demands answers from the Republican leadership.

Go ahead Trump, ignore the veterans, see where that gets you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The NRA takes a victory lap for electing Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Salon: 

After spending $30 million in ads to prop up Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the NRA is now planning to get a return on its investment. 

“This is our historic moment to go on offense,” explained NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre told members in a post-election video address. 

LaPierre also vowed that he would work to reverse the “tyrannical erosion of gun rights” and denounced states with tight gun control laws as having “deceitful web of gun bans, ammo bans, magazine bans, exorbitant fees, and taxes and registration schemes.”

LaPierre wants to convince the NRA members that they are responsible for the election of Donald Trump.

But of course we know that they would have been rendered impotent without the help of Russian hackers, fake news stories on Facebook, and the FBI's James Comey putting his thumb on the scale.

Funny how some people puff out their chest when their participation in a victory was negligible at best.

Must be why they need to carry guns in order to feel like a man.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

It's Not OK.

I swear these ads are getting more devastating all of the time.

If ANYTHING good comes out of this campaign it may be that it inspires women to speak out about their past abuse and start working together to create a movement that addresses this pervasive problem, and works toward real solutions.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Another very powerful Hillary Clinton ad using Donald Trump's own words against him. Update!

Courtesy of the Daily Kos:

The ad begins with words on the screen: “He really believes this.” What does he believe? Trump is shown saying that “Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.” And: “When I come home and dinner’s not ready, I go through the roof.” (Implicit message to married white suburban women who usually vote Republican: Donald Trump is every awful husband you’ve ever known.) 

Then the subject changes from how Trump treats wives to his creeping and assault. ”He really said this,” the words remind viewers, before a clip of the “grab them by the pussy” (bleeped in the ad) video plays. Lester Holt says “More accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.” Then Trump: “I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed.” A reporter: “Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants—some as young as 15—were changing.” Trump: “Standing there with no clothes. You see these incredible-looking women.” 

Then the subject changes yet again. Now it’s women Trump hates and thinks are ugly. “I’d look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers.” “She ate like a pig.” “A person who’s flat-chested is very hard to be a 10.” Question: “So you treat women with respect?” Answer: “I can’t say that either.”

I swear these just keep getting better and better.

And the great thing about them is that it does not involve somebody suggesting that there MIGHT be something troubling about this candidate, the candidate tells you there is something troubling about him in his own words.

In other news, somewhat related, the woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was thirteen years old cancelled her press conference today after receiving threats.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Attorney Lisa Bloom abruptly cancelled a press conference scheduled on Wednesday where a woman who has accused GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump raped her when she was 13, pulled out after being threatened. 

With a full contingent of reporters on hand, Bloom said the young woman, identified in court documents as “Jane Doe,” is now living in fear for her life. 

“Jane Doe has received numerous threats today, as have all the Trump accusers that I have represented,” Bloom explained. “She is living in fear, she has decided that she’s too afraid to show her face.” 

“She has been here all day, ready to do it, but unfortunately she is in terrible fear,” she continued. “So we are going to have to reschedule. I apologize to all of you who came today for this inconvenience.”

Gee I wonder WHO would be threatening her?

Update: The lawyer for Trump's rape victim had her firm's website hacked.
Could this be the Russians perhaps once again working to protect their favorite presidential candidate?

Not so crazy of a thought actually. 

New ad from Gays Against Guns calls out Senators who are in the pocket of the NRA.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Gays Against Guns (GAG) is in full-force this week. The queer anti-gun group released a new video that calls out every U.S. senator who has taken money from the NRA in exchange for helping block gun safety laws. 

The video uses the vocals of NYC house music and legendary drag figure Kevin Aviance of the seminal House of Aviance, as well as DJ Uri Dalal. “Puppet of the NRA” is intended as a message to voters as they hit the polls on Nov. 8 not to reelect this group of senators who are in the pocket of the NRA. 

“Uri and I love the work that GAG has been doing to bring down the gun lobby that blocks smart safety laws, so it was my honor and pleasure to lend my talent to this fierce video calling out the NRA puppets who need to scram from Washington next year,” Aviance told The Huffington Post.

Okay I have to admit that I actually found that advertisement a little annoying, however I am quite happy to learn that there is a group called "Gays Against Guns." That's new to me.

And believe me, as we learned from the shooting at the Pulse Club, bullets do not differentiate concerning sexual or gender identification. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

New Carole King inspired ad for Hillary Clinton hits you right in the feels.

I don't know if I am just turning into an old softie or if this election has rubbed my emotions raw, but some of these pro-Hillary ads really get to me.

This one in particular made my throat close right up, and all I could think of is how angry I would be if some asshole spoke to my daughter in that way.

If this election were based on effective advertising alone Hillary would be crushing Donald Trump right now. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Another powerful pro-Hillary campaign ad.

There is no mention of either candidate's name, and yet the message could not be more clear.

This ad also comes from Avengers director Joss Whedon, who actually started a PAC called "Save the Day" to help get Hillary elected.

I am a big Joss fan and in my opinion he is a great director with an enormous gift for story telling.

With this kind of talent working on behalf of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump doesn't stand a chance.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Should make a great stocking stuffer for that hard to buy for conservative wingnut in the family.

Such a handsome couple.

And let's face it I actually believe in the reality of this relationship a hell of lot more than that one Trump is paying Melania to have with him.