Showing posts with label Pat Robertson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pat Robertson. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Former Executive producer for the 700 Club explain how they were Fox News before Fox News and how "Liberal" became a dirty word.

Boo! Run, the Liberals are coming!
This HuffPo piece was written by Terry Heaton, a former 700 Club executive producer, who worked with Pat Robertson to manufacture the fake news that has now become a hallmark of the conservative media.

Here is an excerpt from his piece: 

Before Fox News, there was The 700 Club with CBN News and “TV Journalism With A Different Spirit.” We knew what we were doing in the exploitation of the word “liberal,” and truth-telling demands its deconstruction today. The all-or-nothing split between conflicting political narratives has reached its pinnacle with the election of Donald Trump, and it needs to be hacked into a million pieces.

William F. Buckley was among the first to give the word “liberal” a pejorative interpretation, but it was the wordsmith William Safire writing for Spiro Agnew who in 1969 elevated it to a political talking point in his famous speech that opened the war against the press during Richard Nixon’s secret battles in Vietnam. The word became the central weapon in a strategy that involved attacking the messenger instead of changing the message. 

That political strategy has been so effective to date that it has given birth to the idea that mainstream news is actually “fake news” and not to be believed in the administration of President Donald Trump. The number of people who now believe this falsehood is staggering, and it poses a real threat to our democracy. 

At The 700 Club, we exploited attacking the press in order to insert ourselves to the right of everybody else in presenting a Biblical, a.k.a. Republican perspective on current events. We offered a daily news program that expressed Republican party talking points that we marketed as a Christian worldview. Thus began the shifting of evangelicals to the GOP and the shifting of the GOP to the right. We served as the intellectual wing of the Moral Majority, although there was no theological love lost between Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. 

So let’s look at these events closely, because it has a direct bearing on the conflict today. Let me be very clear: the right-wing “news” that we created was a political response to the progressive nature of news and information. It’s important to understand this, because “right-wing news” is oxymoronic. There is no such thing, because the right represents olds, not news. By definition, news is new, and new is progressive. That conservatives view this as a bias is fine, but elevating that to some evil command-and-control mechanism for political liberals is a false narrative. Rush Limbaugh has made a living off of this phony hegemony, as well as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and whole host of mostly broadcasting personalities. Why? Because it sells and has been selling for almost 50 years. 

But it’s entirely false, for the press is not the purveyor of fake news. That title belongs with those who create stories for political gain and clickthroughs. It may be politically expedient to label the mainstream as fake, but in order to do so, one’s source must be propaganda and nothing else. 

This is the model that was embraced, and promoted by Roger Ailes on Fox News.

He, like the 700 Club, recognized that there was a whole segment of the population who did not like hearing news stories that made them feel left behind by progress or marginalized because they lacked the education to understand the complexities of the world they were describing.

Instead they wanted conservative feel good stories that painted folks like themselves as heroes, and vilified the liberal "elites" who seemed like alien life forms to their rural sensibilities.

So today we are faced with open attacks on education, and educators, a dismissal of actual facts, and a deep mistrust for any media that is not Fox News, the Christian Broadcasting Network, or Right Wing talk radio.

And what happens when these folks are pandered to, and made to feel empowered?

Yep, that is exactly what you get.

Monday, December 26, 2016

History will not forget how President Obama was treated.

That is how these idiots responded to perhaps one of the greatest presidents in this country's history.

Let's see how much they enjoy the president that they will have now.

They never deserved to have Barack Obama as their president anyhow. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Even crazy old Pat Robertson knows that Donald Trump putting Sarah Palin on his cabinet would be a "terrible thing."

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch: 

Even Pat Robertson was baffled by reports that President-elect Donald Trump is considering Sarah Palin to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, telling his “The 700 Club” co-host Wendy Griffith today that Palin should absolutely not be nominated to the Cabinet post.

“Heaven help us from that,” Robertson said. “That would be a terrible thing. Terrible. Terrible.” 

When Griffith said Palin has “a lot on her plate,” Robertson responded, “Too much on her plate, that’s a nice way of putting it.”

As RWW points out Robertson used to be a big fan of Bible Thumping Barbie, but even he has seen way too much of her lunacy and family scandals to support her these days.

My new answer to people asking me how crazy this election cycle is, is to tell them it's so crazy that I am actually in agreement with Pat "Jesus is coming tomorrow" Robertson.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pat Robertson suggests grandparent get grandchild away from atheist parent. Oh yeah, that's a good plan.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“Pat, I am very concerned because this past weekend my 6-year-old grandson said his dad told him God and Jesus were not real and were just made up to scare people about dying,” a viewer named Elizabeth explained to Robertson in an email. 

Elizabeth said that she tried to “explain the truth” to her grandson but he wouldn’t believe her. 

“I’m worried for my grandson’s soul,” she wrote. 

“You should be,” Robertson agreed. “If there’s any way you can get that child away from that… His father telling him that. I don’t know, but if there’s any way you can get him enrolled in a Christian school or get him into some, you know, they have daily vacation Bible school and things.” 

“There’s all kinds of things you could do to kind of get him into some positive influences,” he noted.

What Pat Robertson really wanted to say: "Yes if there were any way you could get this child away from their parent so that you could indoctrinate them into your stone age superstitious nonsense that would be great. Oh and don't forget to send me money!"  

I mean sure taking the child from his home might potentially traumatize them, and secretly enrolling him in a Christian summer camp would undoubtedly screw up this grandmother's relationship with the boy's father, but does any of that really count when there is even one child who might be using that Satanic critical thinking voodoo?

Remember if you do not get them young it becomes increasingly difficult to convince them to buy into your bullshit.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pat Robertson says it's okay that God lets babies die because they might have grown up to be Adolph Hitler.

Courtesy of the Daily Kos: 

On his 700 Club television show, the right-wing televangelist (and son of a segregationist) was asked why God would allow a helpless infant to die in the hospital. 

His response? God willed it, because maybe your child would have grown up to be the next Hitler. No, I am not joking … 

"As far as God’s concerned, he knows the answer from the beginning. And he sees the little baby, and that little baby could grow up to be Adolf Hitler. He could grow up to be Joseph Stalin. He could grow up to be some serial killer. Or he could grow up to die of a hideous disease. God sees all that. And for that life to be terminated when he’s still a baby, he’s going to be with God forever in heaven. And that isn’t a bad thing." 

I’m sure the mother who tragically lost her baby in the hospital will feel great knowing that at least their baby didn’t grow up to be Adolf Hitler.

Yeah your baby is going to go to Heaven, and that's not a bad thing.

And it's a hell of a lot better than watching them grow up to exterminate a bunch of Jews, amirite?

Don't forget there are still people ignorant enough to send this charlatan their hard earned money by the bucket load. He is estimated to be worth in excess of $100 million, if not more.

Proving once again that you can say the most ignorant and horrific things imaginable just so long as you make people believe that God is on your team.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Pat Robertson wants you to know that demons are real and he would like you to stop treating them like "playthings."

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

We guess the newest craze among kids these days is the “Charlie Charlie Challenge,” basically a homemade Ouija board made out of pencils that will supposedly “summon a Mexican demon” to answer your pressing yes-or-no questions. 

Pat Robertson’s “The 700 Club” ran an alarmed segment about this “new social media trend” today, citing “spiritual experts” who warn that there are “clear warnings” against such activities in the Bible. 

Robertson was also not amused, warning that “like it or not, demons are real” and “they will possess and they will destroy” those who mess with them.

Wait did Robertson say that children used to practice levitation and things like that? 

Okay seriously who are these kids?

After I read Stephen King's book "Carrie" I spent hours trying to knock a book off of my bookshelf. All I got was a bloody nose and a killer headache.

Demons. Next thing you know Robertson will be telling us that there is a magic man in the sky constantly watching us and using weather to murder us if we do something gay.


Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Pat Robertson says that God can free you from your slavery to vegetables. Yeah, I don't get it either.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“God gave you and me as human beings authority, he gave us dominion over everything on this Earth,” the TV preacher explained on Monday’s 700 Club. “Over all the animals, all the snakes, all the birds, all the plants, all the vegetables.” 

“Cocaine is the product of a vegetable, alcohol is the product of a vegetable, marijuana is a vegetable,” he continued. “And yet, people are enslaved to vegetables. And you were made in the image of God. God made you in his image to reign and rule with him. He gave you incredible authority.” 

“Why would you become a slave to a vegetable? Why? Why would you do it.? 

Robertson said that he had “seen a lot of stuff” in his lifetime so he understood that people had a lot of problems, “but God Almighty can deliver you from the bondage of your addiction.” 

“Your slavery to vegetables, he can set you free,” he insisted.

As Raw Story points out cannabis is a herb, however his argument broke down essentially the minute he thought of it.

Speaking just for myself I would like Pat Robertson to know that even without God I am certainly NOT a slave to any vegetable.

I'm a slave to bacon. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

According to Pat Robertson we all have the power to raise the dead, but we're simply not using it. Wait, what?

"Well he gave his disciples authority to heal the sick, to raise the dead. I mean that was part of our power. You see ladies and gentlemen God is almighty, he is A-L-MIGHTY, and he gives us that power and Jesus said 'you say to the mountain. you speak to the dead person.' He called on Lazarus. he said 'Lazarus come forth' and the dead man came up out of the ground. We have the same power. he's given it to us, it's in the holy spirit. But we need to be in touch with him. We need to behold him. We need to be submitted to him. That power's there we're just not using it."

Well this changes my afternoon plans completely.

Here I was planning to go to the movies with my daughter, but screw that!

There is a dead dog in the woods just off the road and by God I am going to go on over there and raise that puppy from the dead.  And then I am going to start my new life as a faith healer and zombie maker.

I can hardly wait!

Boy I wonder if I could raise Sarah Palin's career from the dead?

Nah, that is too miraculous even for God.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pat Robertson claims that thanks to the Supreme Court the "onslaught of homosexual behavior" is having "deadly consequences."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“This onslaught of homosexual behavior that is being forced on us by the Supreme Court of the United States is having deadly consequences,” Robertson announced on the Monday edition of The 700 Club. “I was afraid it was going to happen. It has happened now in Idaho.” 

“If I were that couple, I’d get ahead of the curve. I’d get on an airplane and leave Idaho or get in your car and drive across the border into Montana,” the TV preacher recommended. “Get out of that state. And if need be, close your chapel down. I mean, just get out ahead of it because this is outrageous.”

You know I am not sure that Robertson clearly understand just how far progress has spread on this issue. Currently there are 31 states where same sex marriage is legal, and only 19 that are still fighting the inevitable.

 That does not leave a whole lot of places that you can drive to from Idaho where these people can get away from "teh gays."

By the way does anybody have a body count as to how many people have been killed thus far by this "deadly" increase in same sex marriage?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pat Robertson calls for more firearms in church. Praise Jesus and pass the ammo.

Courtesy of Crooks And Liars:  

After showing a report about how some churches were forming armed "eyes and ears teams" to watch for trouble during services, Robertson suggested an approach slightly more measured than giving the congregation military-style assault rifles. 

"What is the new Beatitude? Blessed are the fully armed for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven," the CBN host laughed. "I really believe that if the bad guys understand that the citizenry are able to react against them then they won't be as free to go into a crowded mall or a school or a church and start blowing people out." 

"I do believe that that if people are trained with firearms, and they're able to protect themselves, I don't think it will lead to more violence, it will lead to less," he continued. "The idea of having citizens who are trained or to have off-duty police in your church is not a bad thing." 

"Anyhow, it's something to consider," Robertson concluded. "You don't even think about it. You want to go to church to praise the Lord. You don't want to go to church to shoot people or to get shot."

Okay seriously whatever happened to the idea that all things are possible through Christ, and that prayer will solve any problem?

Now instead of relying on faith, these people are being urged to rely on bullets.

I mean they still advocate fasting and prayer, but apparently only when stopping to reload.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Glenn Beck admits that the Liberals were right about Iraq. Wait, that can't be right.

Well crap!
Courtesy of Politico:  

Glenn Beck is admitting he was wrong and liberals were right for opposing the invasion of Iraq. 

“[Liberals] said we couldn’t force freedom on people,” Beck said at the start of his Tuesday radio show. “Let me lead with my mistakes. You were right. Liberals, you were right, we shouldn’t have.” 

“From the beginning, most people on the left were against going to Iraq,” Beck said. “I wasn’t.” 

The talk show host explained that when a possible invasion of Iraq was being discussed, he believed Saddam Hussein was backing terror against the United States and that something had to be done. 

“In spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said, ‘We shouldn’t get involved, we shouldn’t nation-build and there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free,’” Beck said. “I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free.” 

On Tuesday, Beck admitted, “You cannot force democracy on the Iraqis or anybody else, it doesn’t work. They don’t understand it or even really want it.” 

Holy crap! And here I thought that when Pat Robertson came out against the decision to invade Iraq that it was big news. 

I can hardly wait to see who next publicly devours a huge helping of crow.

Which makes me wonder if we are getting closer to a time when the nation might seriously consider prosecuting the architects of that illegal conflict.

Oh a boy can dream can't he?

Monday, June 16, 2014

I am not sure how it happened but somehow Pat Robertson actually figured out that George Bush lied about the Iraq War.

"I can't believe he lied to us."
Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:  

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday blasted former President George W. Bush for selling Americans a "bill of goods" before the Iraq invasion, which led to the violence that is currently sweeping across the country. 

During his Monday broadcast, a viewer asked Robertson if there was a solution to the ongoing violence caused by an al Qaeda splinter group, ISIS, threatening to take over Iraq. 

"Right now, what we did -- and it was a great mistake to go in there," Robertson explained, pointing out that Saddam Hussein's "bomb maker" had said that the then-dictator "doesn't know how to make an atomic bomb." 

"And so to sell the American people on weapons of mass destruction, he had WMD and was getting [concentrated uranium] yellowcake out of Africa and all of that, it was a lot of nonsense," the TV preacher said. "We were sold a bill of goods, we should never have gone into that country!" 

"As bad as Saddam Hussein was, he held those warring factions in check, and he contained those radical Islamists," he continued. "Fix it, no? It's too late to fix it. It's unfixable. Those simmering animosities have been there for centuries."

Holy crap!  If that is not a sign of the Apocalypse I don't know what is.

However if Robertson wants to lay the blame where it really belongs he might want to start with God. Because THAT is who George Bush claimed told him to invade Iraq:  

A 2005 story in The Guardian pulls back the curtain and reveals the sniveling little man behind Bush’s Great and Powerful OZ persona: God. The story quotes Nabil Shaath, the Palestinian Foreign Minister at the time, detailing a meeting with Bush at a Israeli-Palestinian summit in Egypt after the start of the Iraq invasion: 

“President Bush said to all of us: ‘I am driven with a mission from God’. God would tell me, ‘George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan’. And I did. And then God would tell me ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq’. And I did.” 

Mr. Bush went on: “And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, ‘Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East’. And, by God, I’m gonna do it.”

So yes Pat Robertson, you old fossil, George Bush lied to get us into a war. However the real problem is that he claims he was listening to the voices in his head which he believed were coming from God.

And people who make claims like that, should NEVER be taken seriously.

Right Televangelist Pat Robertson?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

When Evangelicals fight.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Ken Ham called televangelist Pat Robertson a pagan tool of secularists for his critical remarks this week about Young Earth creationists. 

A “700 Club” viewer challenged Robertson on Tuesday for agreeing with scientists that the Earth was billions of years old, which creationists believe contradicts the biblical account of the universe and its origins. 

“You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to think that this Earth that we live in only has 6,000 years of existence,” Robertson told the caller. “It just doesn’t. I’m sorry.” 

Ham, who leads the Answers In Genesis ministry that operates the Creation Museum in Kentucky, blasted Robertson in a post Wednesday on his personal Facebook page, reported Right Wing Watch. 

The creationist attacked Robertson’s comments point by point, accusing him of “utter ignorance of science” for disputing the “literal history” of the Bible – “as it is meant to be taken,” Ham said, “as Jesus takes it.” 

Ham took offense to Robertson’s observation that the Earth and all of its observable phenomena could not have been created in just 6,000 years. 

“Really Pat Robertson?” Ham said. “You mean there is no way God, the infinite Creator, could not have created the universe in six days just six thousand years ago? God could have created everything in six seconds if He wanted too!”

Yes when you believe in magic all things are possible. Six days, six seconds, it's all the same when your version of God is some amplified version of Samantha Stevens from the TV show "Bewitched."

Apparently in Ken Ham's version all God has to do is wiggle his nose and everything suddenly appears, while the laws of physics suspend themselves in deference.

However for poor Pat Robertson, the evidence is making it harder and harder to cling to the notion of a God who worked outside of nature. And is struggling to balance his belief in a supernatural entity against the overwhelming evidence that scientists have accumulated of the very natural and factual explanation for the creation of the universe and life on this planet.

What I find interesting is that you would almost expect these two roles to be reversed, and that the somewhat younger (62) Ken Ham would be more amenable to questioning his Biblical point of view, rather than the older (84) Pat Robertson who you may expect to be more firmly stuck in his denial of evidence.

But I guess when you are the founder of a faux museum dedicated to Creationism it makes it rather challenging to entertain other points of view. And in fact very important to shut them down as soon as they are expressed, for fear they will negatively impact your source of revenue.

Personally I could watch phony religious snake oil salesmen fight all day long.

But that's just me.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

AFA pastor accuses Pat Roberston of "blasphemy" for daring to point out that Creationism makes Christians look ridiculous.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A pastor affiliated with the American Family Association has accused religious broadcaster Pat Robertson of “blasphemy” for mocking creationism. 

Robertson responded to last week’s debate between Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” and Creation Museum founder Ken Ham by flatly denouncing the idea that the Earth was only 6,000 years old. 

“Let’s be real,” Robertson said on his “700 Club” program. “Let’s not make a joke of ourselves.” 

Rev. Mark H. Creech, executive director of the Christian Action League, argued God established all scientific laws, so “good science will always point to Him.” (And yet, so far it has not.)

“That’s why we need not fear there will ever be a discovery of some scientific fact that contradicts the Bible properly interpreted,” Creech wrote in a column published Sunday by Renew America. 

Creech said he appreciated that Robertson recognized God’s sovereignty over Earth’s creation, but he said the theory of evolution directly contradicted biblical teachings in at least seven specific ways. 

“If Robertson believes that Ham’s literal interpretation of the biblical creation account is a ‘joke,’” the pastor wrote, “then I suggest Robertson’s remarks make him a ham.” 

Ham himself responded in a Facebook post last week to Robertson’s remarks, calling the broadcaster “misinformed and deceived.” 

“Sad that so many will believe him — who is neither a scientist, nor a Bible scholar rather than open their Bibles and see that evolution and millions of years are totally incompatible with the first 11 chapters of Genesis and rather than think for themselves and check out creationist web sites like Answers in Genesis,” Ham said.

Boy do I love it when Fundamentalists fight among themselves.

And really what can you say about a group of people, for whom Pat Robertson is the voice of reason?

Remember this is the same guy who once accused the country of Haiti of making a deal with the devil and said that feminism leads to witchcraft.

So when somebody like that points out that part of your superstitious belief system makes you look like a joke, that is something that you just might want to take into consideration.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Palin continues to sell her Christmas time snake oil on the tent revival circuit. This time over at Pat Robertson's Alzheimer riddled network CBN.
Click the "she's a man baby" photo to play video.
Courtesy of CBN: 

Palin told CBN News the book is a rallying cry for Christians to stand up against those who want keep faith out of the public square. "We were founded as written in our charters of liberty, in the documents that created America," Palin said.  (No, actually no we were not.)

"We're founded on a Judeo-Christian faith that would allow forever the right to express or respect for faith in America."Palin warned those rights are under attack from atheists. She has a name for them in the book: "Joe McScrooge." (Really has fetish for the name "Joe" doesn't she?)

"Joe McScrooge armed with an attorney is quite dangerous," Palin proclaimed. 

"Joe McScrooge?" Did she get the Dickens and Disney characters mixed up?

Palin said the situation has her concerned. 

"The road that we are on today is too many of those angry atheists armed with attorneys would try to take away that freedom to express faith. It's going to end in ruin unless we do something about it," she warned. (Nobody wants to take away anybody's right to express their faith. We just want the right to not have to see it displayed in government facilities and on public property, so that our rights to worship, or believe, or not believe are preserved. Just like the Founding Fathers wanted.)

That's where the fight comes in. Palin, who knows a thing or two about adversity, (Well she should, she has been fighting against the truth getting out for quite a few years now.) is urging Christians not to be intimidated. 

"I want this book to be a call to action, to take steps for school districts, for communities, for business owners, for families to understand they don't have to hide their faith. They don't have to be embarrassed by it," she said. (Since when are Christians embarrassed about their faith?)

Palin added this isn't just about fighting lawsuits. 

"This war on Christmas is really the tip of the spear when it comes to a greater battle that's brewing," Palin told CBN News. "And that battle that's brewing is those who would want to take God out of our society, out of our culture, which will lead to ruin as history has proven." (Please don't try to teach us about history. That is like a legless guy giving dance lessons.)

Palin also sees big government as part of the problem and makes it clear that that includes the Obama administration. (Actually in Palin's reality there WAS no big governemtn problem before Obama. And remember, she wants to teach us about history.)

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what they're doing right," Palin told CBN News. (Ended two wars, saved the economy, got millions of Americans health care, killed Bin Laden, yep there are certainly NO examples of the administration doing anything right.)

In her book, she says without a faith in Christ, she wouldn't have been able to stand through those tough times when she ran for vice president. (I think she is confusing "faith in Christ" with "several lines of blow.")

"There is no way I would be standing if it weren't for that faith that I adopted as a kid, asking Christ into my life, putting my life in His hands, saying, 'God you're my Creator. I've got to believe that You know more about destiny than I do, so, heaven forbid I try to orchestrate it myself,'" she said. "'Lord, send me. I'll go.'" 

If that last part were true she would have dropped off the face of the planet already.  I mean how much more can a deity do after orchestrating a failed campaign, a failed reality show, a failed marriage, getting her kicked off of Fox News so she had to crawl back on her hands and knees for recurring guest spot at a fraction of her original pay, maker her hair fall out, make everybody in her home state despise her, and now slowly drain the nutrients out of her body until she looks like a bewigged version of the Crypt Keeper, before she gets the damn hint?

I don't know if any of your noticed but Palin seems to have orchestrated enough bulk sales of her book to bring back up the Amazon Best Seller's list. I mean it is still nothing to write home, or another book, about, but it is still definitely the result of somebody doing a little wheeling and dealing.

Hmm, now where would she have had to read to realize that she was being mocked for having her book so low on the the Amazon page?

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Pat Robertson tells a woman that she needs to tithe more in order to solve her husband's medical issues, NOT spend that money getting medical treatment.

I know the man is a fossil and that some attribute these more scandalous responses to dementia, but I disagree. What Robertson is espousing is essentially faith healing, which states in an authoritarian fashion that the advancements made in medical research by man are inspired by Satan and the only way to true healing and salvation is by reaching out to God.

And for a televangelist like Pat Robertson that reaching out takes the form of demanding that they give him their money.

In my opinion this kind of scam should be against the law, and it would be, if it were not cloaked in the camouflage of Christianity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What if you held an anti-Obamacare rally and nobody came? Well they did, and they didn't.

Courtesy of Politicususa: 

Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz’s defund Obamacare rally today turned out to be a giant bust, as the only people most interested in stopping Obamacare are old people who are already on Medicare. 

Pat Robertson’s CBN Network touted the anticipated huge crowd size, “The start date for enrolling in the Affordable Care Act is Oct. 1. As the nation gets closer to that date, activists who want to defund Obamacare are putting more pressure on legislators. On Tuesday, they’re bringing thousands of protestors to Washington, D.C., for an event called Exempt America.”

Crowd shots were not often seen during the live stream of the event, and for good reason most of the people there appeared to be the typical older white Republican voters. The great irony of the rally was that many of the people who did attend the event were likely on Medicare. Those in attendance cheered on speaker after speaker as they railed against government run healthcare all the while knowing that they are recipients of one of the best healthcare programs in the country, which just so happens to be run by the government.

What? Nobody showed up?  How can that be?

After all the Wasilla Wendigo herself said  that it was "time to start bombing Obamacare."

Is it possible that nobody listens to her anymore?

Or ANYBODY in the Tea Party for that matter?

Yep, certainly starting to seem that way.

Here is how Politicususa summed it up:  

The tea party is dead. Obamacare is the law of the land, and if these are the people that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are counting on to get them to the White House, they will be sorely disappointed. 

I could not have said it better myself. 

Saturday, September 07, 2013

New documentary lays bare Pat Robertson's ongoing scam to bilk his supporters out of millions for phony help to Rwandan refugees. Update!

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Now a new documentary lays bare the extent of the misrepresentations of Operation Blessing's activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire, that it says continue to this day. 

Mission Congo, by David Turner and Lara Zizic, opens at the Toronto film festival on Friday. It describes how claims about the scale of aid to Rwandan refugees were among a number of exaggerated or false assertions about the activities of Operation Blessing which pulls in hundreds of millions of dollars a year in donations, much of it through Robertson's televangelism. They include characterising a failed large-scale farming project as a huge success, and claims about providing schools and other infrastructure. 

But some of the most damaging criticism of Robertson comes from former aid workers at Operation Blessing, who describe how mercy flights to save refugees were diverted hundreds of miles from the crisis to deliver equipment to a diamond mining concession run by the televangelist. 

Throughout the Rwandan refugee crisis, when more than 1 million people fled into neighbouring Zaire and started dying en masse of cholera, Robertson told his viewers that Operation Blessing was at the forefront of saving lives. 

"It was the most important first medical shipment on the scene out of everything," he said of one aid delivery as he appealed for donations. In another broadcast, Robertson said Operation Blessing was saving thousands of lives. 

"The death toll in this particular camp went down to almost zero because of our people being there," he said. 

Robertson claimed that Operation Blessing sent plane-loads of doctors. 

"These are tents set up with our doctors and our medical teams that came from here to work as hard as they could to save lives," Robertson said over pictures of a large tent of children on drips being tended by nurses and doctors. 

But the film was of MSF medical staff at work. Operation Blessing had just one tent and a total of seven doctors. MSF officials who worked in Goma told the documentary-makers that they had no recollection of even seeing Operation Blessing – let alone working with it. 

"What's really unacceptable is that Operation Blessing took photographs of MSF workers and then used this in their fundraising," said Samantha Bolton, the former MSF spokeswoman in Goma.

I doubt that I have kept secret my utter disdain for this POS. However I urge you to visit the link at the top to get an idea of just what a truly despicable excuse for a human being that Pat Robertson is.

You know one of my major irritations about religion is the blanket of respectability that it affords charlatans and criminals, allowing them to gain trust and lure innocents into their web simply by identifying themselves and "Christians" or "Men of God."

It is like those labels numb the minds of the believers to such a degree that they are unable to access any rational thinking and will simply buy into any bullshit spewed by those whom they have been conditioned to trust.

Update: This documentary has frightened Robertson's people who are threatening to sue the filmmakers:

An Operation Blessing spokesman told The Virginian-Pilot that they are “considering legal action” against Lara Zizic and David Turner, whose film “Mission Congo” will hold its premier at the Toronto International Film Festival, over the film’s supposed “false and defamatory” content. 

CBN has a history of going after Robertson’s critics; for example, they recently embarked on an unsuccessful push to cover up a video of Robertson — first posted here on Right Wing Watch —arguing that gay men wear special rings that they use to infect random people they meet with HIV/AIDS. 

I think it would be incredibly beneficial for the Robertson camp to go after this film. It would bring TONS of free publicity to the documentary plus it would force Robertson and his people to defend their charity, which I think we KNOW would  essentially prove the filmmakers right and also open Pat Robertson up to charges of fraud.

Personally I hope they do attempt to sue them, but my gut says they won't.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Pat Robertson believes that killing characters in video games is a sin. Uh oh!

"If you're murdering somebody in cyberspace in a sense you're performing the act whether you like it or not. Here's the danger with this stuff. And it has to do with television, books, everything. You lose your sensitivity to God. And if you're keen for the Lord, you're in prayer, you're spirit is attuned to Him, you're seeing miracles in your life, you listen to the voice of God. That stuff will chop off your access. And you will grow dead in your heart. That's the danger of all of this."

Did Robertson just ask kids to choose between video games and God?

Because if he did, he may have just put a stake into the heart of Christianity for good.

He does realize that the images which appear to be people in these games are made up of pixels and polygons right? I mean they're not real, and every child sitting in front of their game console knows that.

But then again what can one expect from a man who thinks that hurricanes and tornadoes are called down by God to punish homosexuals and that clothes from Goodwill might be demonic?

Now if you will excuse me I will return to my game racing against Bowser. Koopa Troopa, and Yoshi. I hope I get one of those demonic turtle shells pretty soon.

(H/T to Mediaite.)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pat Robertson lays out the gay agenda for us. And after all, who would understand it better than Pat Robertson?

The want "an affirmation of the way they DO sex." The bastards!

According to Roberson they are wiling to destroy the church, the military, marriage, and even businesses if people do not affirm that the way they "do sex" is alright with them.

And here I thought that gay people simply wanted to have the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts and gain acceptance for who they are as people.

But clearly I was mistaken, these people are dangerous individuals who want to get freedom dissolving "gay" all over everything! Oh the horror!