Showing posts with label Palin-bots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin-bots. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

Pro-Palin blog claims that Sarah Palin won the election. And I agree.

"What did I do?"
Now typically I do not link to these ridiculous Pro-Palin or uber Right Wing websites.

However one of them had a headline with which I found myself in agreement.

The website is the American Thinker, and it's headline read "Breaking: Palin wins presidency."

Now of course she did not REALLY win the presidency, that was the pussy grabber who won.

BUT in a way it's almost the same thing.

Here is how the website explains it:

The roots of Donald Trump's historic presidential victory go back eight years to the 2008 presidential contest and the V.P. candidacy of Sarah Palin. Palin, or more properly Palinism, had many of the same characteristics as the Trump ascendancy: a robust patriotic populism driven by intense love of country and rejection of big-government internationalism embodied by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. Palinism also introduced Americans to the political struggle not as Left vs. Right, but as Country Class vs. Ruling Class, Bluebloods vs. Commoners, Ivy League vs. College of Hard Knocks, Urban Elite vs. Middle and Rural Working Class. 

In this respect, then, Sarah Palin was the pioneer, with the arrows in her back to prove it, who enabled Donald Trump's amazing success.

Actually yeah, most of that is spot on.

I mean there is more than a little hyperbole there, and that "intense love of country" line made me spit up in my mouth, but for the most part this is not entirely inaccurate. And THIS is indeed how many of Trump's supporters see the world.

As I have pointed out many times in the past, without a Sarah Palin there would be NO Donald Trump.

It was SHE who sold that whole idiot savant idea of a public servant to the Right Wing.

"Well sure Jethro, she is dumb as a rock, but ya gotta admit she's got grit! I bet she could use that common sense she keeps talking about to do the job just as well as those East Coast elites!"

Nope, no she couldn't.

In fact she could not even run a small town without hiring a city manager to do the job for her, and when she became governor she started fucking up pretty much right away.

But Palin looked kinda pretty so she got a pass.

Donald Trump is certainly not attractive, but he looks kinda wealthy and that's close enough, so he got a pass.

So yes Donald Trump tapped right into that same vein of support among the American voters that Sarah Palin had been mercilessly prick teasing four years earlier and they were primed to shoot their wad at the ballot box for anybody who stroked them the way that Sarah Palin had been stroking them.

And tiny hands or not, Donald Trump was willing to start stroking.

Remember Steve Bannon, the guy who put together that cinematic love letter to Sarah Palin "The Undefeated," is the same guy who is now about to join Trump's administration.

So I agree with the website's final point. "Donald Trump won a historic victory on November 8, yes, but the person who above all made it possible was Sarah Palin."


Sarah Palin wanted to be the first completely unfit, completely unprepared, and completely unhinged individual to move into the White House (Right after John McCain "accidentally" fell down a flight of stairs no doubt.)

But though her plans were undone by that damn Barack Obama fellow, her pudgy orange male counterpart has now done exactly that.

And I guess in Palin's world that constitutes a "win."

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sarah Palin meets her fans.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page: 

Great seeing supporters yesterday in San Diego at the One America News Network studios! Thank you for the beautiful flowers - you are awesome! Keep the faith!!

This is essentially how I picture most of the folks who still hang around over at the Sea O'Pee.

Which is a good guess considering that this is the person who founded the website.

Those two women up above look like everything about their lives just pisses them the hell off, and even meeting their idol is not enough to put a smile on their faces.

By the way one of our visitors posted this link to all of Palin's hosting appearances on OAN thus far.

I watched a few of them, and I have to tell you that there has been no improvement since that first appearance on Monday. She fidgets, speaks in that sing song voice of hers, and somehow makes every topic about her in some way.

If she hoped that this gig was going to launch a new career in journalism for her, I think that is very unlikely. And if she somehow manages to get a job as host it will be solely due to her name recognition and infamy and have nothing to do with any "talent."

If you doubt that even for a second go ahead and try to watch one of those videos at the link provided above and then come right back here and apologize for ever doubting me.

Friday, August 14, 2015

You want to see groveling? Here watch the editor of RedState, Erick Erickson, grovel at Sarah Palin's feet.

So this post by Erick Erickson is really all about this photo on the right, and his reasons for not taking it down from his site sooner back in 2013.

Trust me you are going to want to have your barf bags ready.

Courtesy of RedState: 

But the picture was a scam and it was inappropriate and I should have acted immediately. So I’ve been kicking myself to figure out why I did not act sooner. (Really? Kicking yourself?)

Unfortunately, going back into my calendar, I know why I was slow to respond. I was in the hospital on July 1, 2013, with my wife. I had to rush her to the emergency room that day and was out of pocket that day and the next, though even while attending to my wife made sure to mount a defense of Governor Palin.1 I was the only paid employee at RedState at the time and one of the only Palin supporters on the front page of RedState by 2013. The contributors were telling me the picture was real, I was in the hospital, and I went with trusting the guys I’m surrounded with every day and who I’d empowered to decide these things while I was tied up. 

I am sorry the Palin family has held on to this for so long. (Oh they hang on to EVERYTHING, believe me.)

I certainly meant no offense and tried to respond as quickly as I could to it, but was limited at the time due to my own family circumstances. I certainly do not fault them. They have come under attacks from all sides and I can only imagine they must have, then and now, had concerns about who were fully with them and who are just using them and who hate them. (I think I'm in that last category.)

I mounted Operation Leper after the 2008 defeat to drive from politics those from the McCain campaign who engaged in character assassination on Sarah Palin. A few years ago, Nichole Wallace credited me with turning her into an author because of Operation Leper. 

I have not always agreed with Governor Palin, but have always tried to defend her and her family, including when the creepy author moved next door and the CNN anchor found an assault on Bristol Palin to be comedy and including the day after that questionable post went up when I was trying to get Christy back on her feet. (So a long time Palin ass kisser huh?)

I really am sorry that they did not know the reason it took so long to respond and I am really am sorry that hurt feelings have lingered on for more than two years. I understand, given what the Palin family has gone through, and am sorry there are those who want to continue to drag them through the mud. I have certainly never wanted that for them. They are good people. (Hah!) I wish I had known about this before now so I could have told them why it took so long. 

Hang on I have to sit with my head between my knees for a bit to fight the nausea.

Well it looks like even though Palin has virtually no supporters left, and has now become an international joke, she was still able to turn Erick Erickson into her little bitch.

I mean seriously how does this tragic little man even look at himself in the mirror without being disgusted with himself?

Well I imagine that over at the Palin compound Sarah is on the phone with Nancy French exchanging war whoops and celebrating the fact that they can still emasculate a sad little excuse for a man if they put their minds to it.

Personally I never had any respect for Erick Erickson in the first place. But now?

Now I'm ashamed that we even share the same gender.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Host of, I kid you not, "The Palin Update" interviews Sarah Palin. Gee you think he asked her any "gotcha" questions?

Okay so first let me tell you that this article in on Breitbart, so click at your own risk.

Secondly this guy's head is so far up Palin's ass that he can watch her digest her daily intake of Red Bull and Crunchwrap Supremes.

Which is pretty obvious from how this Kevin Scholla guy starts the article:  

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was my guest on The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio and she tackled the hot topics with precision, passion, and poise. From Planned Parenthood to our Second Amendment, Palin didn’t shy away. She gave lucid arguments for how to proceed while making no excuses for being a Christian in a Christian nation. 

Yep he actually suggested she was "lucid."

Here are the "lucid" things she said about the GOP candidates: 

“I’m very thankful we have a deep bench and they all have positive attributes. They all have some good background that bodes well for what they would do as the administrator, the executive of our nation. I just have appreciated though the opportunity to speak personally and on a professional level about Mr. Trump’s attributes.”

Just dripping with lucidity don't you think?

But the truly lucid remarks are left for Planned Parenthood: 

“Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded and shut down,” said Palin. “It is such a sham business. This BS of them touting all the medical services they provide women and the free healthcare–They don’t provide all these services. They are able to refer out services. It’s immoral, it’s unethical, it’s disgusting, it’s despicable, this butcher shop that we see now that they are.”

And of course what does Scholla believe gives Palin the credibility to go after Planned Parenthood so viciously?


Of course Palin has a unique perspective here, after choosing life for her son Trig knowing that he’d be born with Down Syndrome.

That's right her fake pregnancy is the golden ticket that she needs to lie and demagogue to her heart's content. After all who could dare challenge her after she "gave birth" to her little Down syndrome prop?

Besides me of course.

Here is her final rant lucid statement about what conservative need to do moving forward:

“We need constitutional conservatives who really understand what freedom is and how important it is to fight for freedom,” Palin said. “They have to be fighters. We have to be fighters. We have to do it now. We don’t have a whole lot of time left to undo what Obama has done to our country so we need to start doing our own homework on candidates. Our own homework on what these policies and these laws actually are coming out of DC and we need to take action. God doesn’t drive parked cars. He expects us to take action and to do our own homework.” 

"God doesn't drive parked cars?" So somebody clear this up for me, to the Right Wing is the word "lucid" interchangeable with "batshit crazy?"

Cause I'm confused. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SarahPAC released this video bragging about her political impact just a week after Palin was released from her Fox News contract.

Okay first off that is a really poorly made video.

And secondly some of the quotes don't even refer to her by name, so they could really be about anybody.

It also should be mentioned that much of what is shown is from way back in 2010 when Palin actually DID have some political clout.

I think the only people who still think she has any real influence on politics, are those who realize that her association with a candidate damages them, and her constantly dwindling handful of Palin-bots who simply refuse to see the evidence right in front of them.

Five Thirty Eight has even charted the demise of her popularity: 

Palin’s net favorability rating (favorable minus unfavorable) among all Americans1 has dropped more than 40 percentage points, from +18 percentage points to -24 points by mid-2014, according to a local regression. Meanwhile, her net favorability rating among Republicans has declined more than 55 percentage points, from +83 percentage points to +27 points by mid-2013. 

Palin has receded from the national spotlight to the extent that we have very little data since 2012. No live interview poll has asked Americans about her favorable rating in almost a year.

The fact is that today she is nothing. And to be honest that is actually an insult to nothing.

And no shoddily prepared video is going to suddenly make that untrue. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wonkette takes notice that there have been no new videos on the Sarah Palin Channel for two weeks now. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of Wonkette:

For two weeks running, Sarah Palin has not bothered to publish any new videos—and her subscribers have begun to take notice. In the Sarah Palin Channel’s comment sections, they speak to each other in the tones of people who just blew $20 on carnival games and didn’t even win a giant stuffed panda for Jenny Sue.

Ooh, ooh, we do, we do! Poor Pammers strikes as the kind of person who watched the final scenes of “The Usual Suspects” and wondered who was going to clean up all that spilled coffee. 

Other commenters, like this grandmother, are far more direct and far more fed-up.

Threatening to take your foldin’ money elsewhere are fightin’ words in Palin’s grifter paradise. But then you’ve got true believers like this guy, who will happily tell you that the evidence of absence is not the absence of evidence.

 "She would NEVER leave us hang. IF she knows that she is not running, she would have announced so."

I am going to have to leave it there or risk getting a case of the giggles that will incapacitate me for the remainder of the day. However if you want more just click the Wonkette link at the top.

I have been doing this for such a long time that you would think that I would have lost the ability to be amazed by the stupidity of the Palin-bots, but just when I think that is true I learn that they have yet another level for self deception.

I swear that without Palin to focus on these people would be wandering the streets careening from scam artist, to scam artist, in a constant need to waste their money on get rich quick schemes, magical elixirs, and phony fortune tellers.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Somewhere in Georgia is a Palin-bot who simply cannot let go of the dream.

Courtesy of Savannah Now:  

Shoppers at Kroger on Victory Drive late Saturday got a surprise campaign appearance in the store's parking lot. 

Savannah Morning News reader Marcia Neblet got these shots of a vehicle sporting a campaign sign for Sarah Palin's bid for the White House in 2016. 

The sign reads: "Fed up with the LIES?! Sarah Palin for President 2016. Most Qualified, Presidential, Honest, Vetted (for 8 years) to date, Pro Constitution, Free Speech, Gun Rights."

"Most qualified, Presidential, Honest," who is this person talking about again?

My favorite part is that it starts with "Fed up with the Lies?"

I don't usually attempt to diagnose a mental illness without actually interacting with a person first, and especially not from a sign on their car, but I am getting a fairly clear idea here.

By the way here is how the Guardian sums up the possibility of Palin jumping into the 2016 election:  
Palin periodically emits the proper harrumphing noises about getting back into the campaign game to set America straight, but she hated campaigning the last time she did it, then quit her job as governor before her term was up and now mostly delivers the same speech at CPAC and the Values Voter Summit every year with some laugh lines changed. Look for her to keep harrumphing about running until she can roll out a new patriotic cookbook or something called Memorial Day Moose Burrito: This Hot Tamale Stirs the Melting Pot with a Gun Barrel and tries to get a few more subscribers to her vertically integrated online empire in order to cover Bristol’s wedding reception.

(Apparently this reporter did not get the news that the whole wedding thing is on the back burner. The far back burner.)

Hell I wish Palin WOULD announce her intentions to run in 2016. After all it seems that everybody and their uncle are already doing so.

That might loosen a few tongues up here, make the 2016 field much more interesting, and set up yet another incredibly entertaining Palin train wreck.

Always love a good train wreck. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Few remaining Palin-bots are excited by easily manipulated poll results which indicate that Sarah Palin is becoming popular again.

I told you I'd be back bitches!
Okay so there's this website which I am sure some of you know about that simply ADORES Sarah Palin, and continues to believe that she is someday going to fulfill her destiny and lead this country into ruin. (They seem blissfully unaware that Palin has already fulfilled her destiny to become a failed reality start and late night comedian punchline.)

Anyhow recently they stumbled across this polling website, ironically named "Elections Meter," and are now promoting it because it claims that Sarah Palin's poll numbers are currently at 55.6%.

According to the Palin-bot website: 

The new 6250+ aggregate vote EM Poll gives Palin a 55.62% approval rating. This is her fifth rating above 45% by one point or more increases in this poll since 2010, and shows the long struggle against media distortion she has had to undertake. Still, the slow and steady rise continues-as Palin's polling over the last six months indicates clearly. 

Undertake the long struggle she has done indeed, and her tenacity seems to finally be paying, off as voters now are seeing her in a substantially positive light again.The following factors may also have been significant contributors to her continuous rise.

Her strong statements on President Obama's handling of the economy during and after the 2012 election have clearly elicited a positive response. Voters look for strength of character and unwavering conviction which, whether one agrees with her views or not, Palin has in abundance.

Hang on a minute I'm fighting a losing battle against a case of the giggles. 

Okay so if you take the time to click the link to the polling website up top you will see in it's top right hand corner a blurb that states "Did you know that you can vote repeatedly?"

Now I don't want to accuse anybody who supports Sarah Palin of being unethical in any way, after all we don't have any "cough cough DWTS voting" evidence to support that, however it does suggest, and let me choose the kindest words possible for this, that the remaining Sarah Palin supporters are a bunch of desperately ignorant idolaters who will do ANYTHING to convince themselves that they have not wasted these past seven years supporting a woman who will NEVER do anything to earn even a scintilla of respect from the American voters.

See I can be diplomatic.

Fortunately for those of us who see Palin for what she is, there are still multiple occasions to see her name used as the butt of jokes. Like here on a new show on ABC called "Blackish" for instance. 

Yep, now these are people who recognize Sarah Palin's actual contribution to the world.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SarahPAC releases newest pro-Palin YouTube video: "Catch me if you can."

As you can see this entire video is made up of fragments of the confused coverage that Palin received during that 2011 bus tour to nowhere.

I think the point of the video, if I had to make a guess, is that Palin is awesome because she kept the media off balance and never let them know what she was up to during the aimless bus ride.

However what they seem to forget is that we know how it came out, and ultimately it turned out that the only thing she was up to was spending SarahPAC money and trying to get media attention while actual GOP presidential candidates were declaring their intention to run.

This is not the first time that Palin and her PAC have attempted to mythologize the bus tour.

Last month she talked about it on her internet channel that nobody watches, and she said this:

"Knowing that reporters didn't know...we made their job fun cause they didn't know where we were going next, they would just follow us and we would show up at say the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. and we would publicize what it represented and how important it was for other Americans to get to be there. And if they couldn't be there, then live vicariously through us while we were there that day and we'll talk about it and educate America, cause too often, especially our young people, they're not getting that sense, in our schools, of the importance of so many of these historical sites. So it was a blast to be on bus getting to travel the country to see these places. I would do that again in a heartbeat."

However sadly for her SarahPAC does not have that kind of money to spend anymore, so all she can do now is have SarahPAC show us slides of that great vacation they paid for back when they thought they were paying for the start of a presidential campaign.

How fulfilling that must be for them.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Well Palin didn't make the big NRA event in Nashville, but her rolling billboard did.

That Political Earthquake PAC was super excited that Palin was scheduled to appear, so they hurriedly raised money for this sad little billboard.

Unfortunately for them her last minute decision to bail left them with a sign that is the very definition of pathetic.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Sarah Palin has emerged from hiding. Update!

The above photo was from a Facebook post a little over an hour ago.

There were several more pictures, all of Sarah or Bristol holding and firing guns.

Here's another:

There was also this statement: 

Happily enroute to Minnesota to break bread with great Safari Club International hunters and conservationists! I look forward to encouraging women hunters, sharing insight on true conservation, preaching firearms safety, and of course hearing from these liberty lovers in the beautiful Land of 10,000 Lakes. 

Here are some of my favorite new guns, including an awesome new Glock custom made by the good folks at TMT Tactical and a mighty AR-15 sent last month from friends of the Motor City Madman and world class bow hunter Ted Nugent. Pretty pink camo! But not too pretty to only display and never shoot. Also, pics of Dakota showing Bristol, Tripp, and me how it’s done in Kentucky where they're proudly clinging to their guns, our God, and our Constitution! 

- Sarah Palin

So to be clear Palin is going to Minnesota to promote hunting and gun ownership, but NOT attending this weekend's big NRA Leadership Forum, where anybody who is anybody will be. And also giving no explanation as to why she pulled out at the last minute.

Wow, even in Palin-world that is pretty odd.

Now keep in mind that we have no idea if that picture above is recent, and the others that she posted are clearly not, so it's possible that she is still not media ready.

I am interested in if there will be any coverage of her appearance at this Safari Club appearance.

Not that this is in any way dissuading any of her most die hard supporters, who have now convinced themselves that with Hillary's upcoming announcement it is assured that Palin will soon throw her wig into the ring:

The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived. Hillary Clinton is set on announcing/launching her 2016 Presidential campaign tomorrow according to CNN. CNN is right. She is in fact announcing her candidacy tomorrow. This is when Sarah Palin will finally announce her candidacy. Forget the other Candidates like, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They don't have a choice to withdraw their Presidential 2016 bid. They know they cannot beat Hillary Clinton. One reason "Gender Card." It has to be Sarah Palin from our side of the aisle. Like Wild Bill for America said " Two women and one Destiny." He's right. It's has to be woman vs woman. Palin vs Clinton.

What is it again that comedian Ron White used to say? Oh that's right, "You can't fix stupid."

Ain't it the truth.

Update: Okay here we go.

So attending some podunk hunting banquet in Minnesota instead of appearing in a humongous NRA event in Nashville, that will feature almost every single potential GOP presidential candidate?

Oh this is just pathetic.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Can you smell the desperation?

Courtesy of an e-mail sent by SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford and posted over at US4Palin the heading of which was "We Need $10,000 Before Midnight!:

Dear [Donor], 

Today marks the end of the first quarter, and we need your help to show a strong financial standing. 

The far left is looking to us as a symbol of the “whackjobs“.  (Gee I can't imagine why.) We need to show them that we are strong and united in fighting their anti-American agenda. (WTF?) Our disclosure reports will send a message: that the conservative principles this country were founded on are alive and well. 

We have less than ten hours to go until the deadline. When the clock strikes midnight, we have to legally start tallying every donation. (Or else Sarah Palin's wing turns into a pumpkin.) We must make this one count, friends. Please show the strength of conservatives all around the country by donating now. 

Today, the liberal media has launched attacks against Sarah Palin and everything she stands for. If you agree with her, please donate now. Show the media that patriotism is not something to be ashamed of, but something to be lived out. We need your help by midnight to elect strong American leaders. 

Thank you for your support. And let us not forget what makes this country great: those that are willing to fighting for what they believe–you. 


Tim Crawford

Looks like this next quarterly report from SarahPAC is going to be even more disappointing than the last ones. By quite a margin too.

 Gee, what a shame.

I like how they make it seem as if donating to Palin is somehow supporting the very idea of conservatism, and protecting what they perceive as the values of this country.

For fuck's sake she is a washed up ex-politician, and a failed reality show star, NOT the second coming of Jesus.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Anti-Obama Facebook page makes claim that Sarah Palin is ten times smarter than the President. Website takes about fifteen minutes to completely refute that claim.

So there exists in the world a Facebook page with the fairly ridiculous name "Barack Obama's Dead Fly."  Which I kind of think refers to this famous moment.

Kind of seems like a strange thing for an anti-Obama page to call themselves since that was totally cool.

Anyhow leaving that aside they recently posted a link to a blog weighing in on the kerfuffle between Bill O'Reilly and Palin while also claiming that Palin was right about something, and then the Facebook page owner also added this tidbit:

Take any cheap shot against Sarah Palin that you want to but in the end, she is more of a true Conservative with our core values than many out there who claim the title of Conservative Republican. Not to mention the fact she is 10 times more intelligent than Barack Obama (HL)

I know right? I mean that is so ridiculous that most of us would not even bother refuting and it, and instead focus on trying to combat a case of the giggles.

However there was one blog that simply could not allow that to stand unchallenged and so he quickly wrote up a comparison for those people out there who may have been living in a cave for the last six or seven years.

Courtesy of If Only You 


President Obama: 

  • Occidental College – 1981-1983 
  • Columbia University – 1984-1985 – B.A. Political Science 
  • Harvard University – 1988-1991 – J.D. Magna Cum Laude 
  • Editor and first black president of the Harvard Law Review, professor Lawrence Tribe, said of Obama: “He wanted to make a difference. He wanted to learn how the system worked.” 

Sarah Palin: 

  • University Of Hawaii – 1982 – One semester 
  • Hawaii Pacific University – 1982 – One semester 
  • North Idaho College- 1983 – Spring and fall semesters 
  • University of Idaho – 1984 – One academic year 
  • Matanuska-Susitna College – One semester 
  • University of Idaho (again) – 1986 – B.S. Journalism 
  • After five years of bouncing around and making no significant impact on anyone, with the exception of a classmate she once prayed for, a North Idaho College instructor discovered by accident he had taught Palin in a government class after checking his gradebooks. Nobody else seems to care. 


President Obama: 

  • Political organizer in Chicago from 1985-1988 
  • Civil rights attorney 
  • Taught constitutional law, University of Chicago from 1992 to 2004 
  • 3-term Illinois State Senator from 1997-2004 
  • 1-term United States Senator, (D-IL) from 2005 to 2008 
  • 2-term President of the United States from 2009 to present 

Sarah Palin: 

  • Sportscaster for KTUU TV Anchorage 
  • Helped her husband with his fishing business for a while 
  • Wasilla, Alaska City Council, 1992 
  • 2-term Mayor of Wasilla, 1998-2002 
  • Lost a bunch of races, came in second for some nominations 
  • Appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 
  • Governor of Alaska from 2006-2008 
  • Made herself a laughing-stock as Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 2008 
  • While her time as Governor of Alaska was a fiscal disaster for everyone who earned less than $300,000 a year, she gained valuable foreign policy experience because an island off the coast had a view of Russia on clear days.

There is also a comparison of quotes, but since most of us already know them by heart I will  not bother posting them here.

You know one could be excuses for simply not taking this seriously and simply ignoring comments on an anti-Obama Facebook page, but then we have to remember that there is an ever shrinking demographic in the country whose ability to reason is so retarded that they actually might consider the possibility that Palin is indeed smarter, more capable, or more experienced than the rather amazing President Barack Obama.

And it is for those sad sorry excuses for humanity that I share this article. 

You never know, perhaps somebody will offer to help them with the hard words.

Monday, February 02, 2015

The most recent SarahPAC filings show a continued trend toward eventual bankruptcy. Update!

So the most recent SarahPac filings were posted the other day, and they continue to indicate a trend toward reduced support and deficit spending on the part of the once powerful PAC.

In a nutshell:

Total Receipts   $2,790,849 

Total Spent   $3,115,232 

Begin Cash on Hand   $1,149,939 

End Cash on Hand   $825,556 

Debts   $0 

Date of last report   December 31, 2014

As you can see the PAC is still taking in far less than it is spending, which I think puts that whole "Sarah Palin is a fiscal conservative" argument to rest.

I did a little wading through the filings and it appears that the same players are still present as in years past.

There does seem to be some change in the numbers with consultants earning more than was spent on "postage" this time around. (Though important to keep in mind that this only covers the time between November 25 and December 31st.)

For instance the PAC paid Consultants around $60,000 in this time period.

However it only paid $15,000 for "postage." (It should be noted that this does not include the $2,193.95 they spent on Christmas cards.)

The PAC also spent $453.37 on pins. And I have no idea what that means.

If you are looking for the biggest waste of resource ever that might be the $7,000 the PAC paid for speechwriters. Considering how Palin's speeches are received it seems that somebody is being robbed blind here.

$6000 went to Aries Petra Consultants which is really RAM, and $1,000 went to Jessica Gavora.

You can compare this filing to the one back in April, and see that Palin is essentially hemorrhaging money faster than her supporters can open a vein and refill her coffers.

At this rate SarahPAC may be history by 2017. If not before.

Yeah I know, it breaks my heart too.

Update: Somebody pointed out that Open Secrets was combining 2013 numbers and 2014 numbers, which is true.

So for the record in 2014 SarahPAC brought in $1,623,039 give or take a dollar or three.

And spent $1,904,773 give or take a dollar or three.

You can check the numbers yourself here.  (If there are any accountants in the house feel free to weigh in.)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am not even going to comment.

In a Facebook post Palin claims that she received this image from her mom, which of course brings up all kinds of questions about parenting in my mind:

Ha! Believe it or not I received this from... my mom! 

Gee that is hard to believe.

I will leave this one for all of you.

I am too busy fighting my gag reflex to type any more..

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Okay calm down everybody the new 2015 SarahPAC membership cards are finally in. I knew you were worried.

Oh God they're and uninspiring. Just like Palin herself.


Oh and there's also a letter from Tim Crawford the treasurer:  

Dear [DONOR], 

On behalf of Governor Sarah Palin, I am pleased to present you with your personal “2015 SarahPAC Membership Card.” 

As you take hold of your card, let me just say once again how grateful Gov. Palin and our entire SarahPAC team are for your faithfulness and generosity – we couldn’t do it without you! 

With your support and Gov. Palin’s leadership, the SarahPAC team once again made a big difference in 2014, playing a critical role in helping elect several key conservatives heading to Washington! 

As we now work to hold this new Repub1ican majority accountable… 

… and as we head into this next election cycle when America will elect a new President and control of Congress will again be at stake… 

… and as Gov. Palin considers whether her future includes another run for political office… 

… I need to know if Gov. Palin and SarahPAC can continue to count on your support in 2015. 

Or put another way, [DONOR], I need to know if you are are still on board “Team Sarah.” Will you continue to support Gov. Palin and SarahPAC as she weighs her political future and continues providing critical assistance to conservative candidates? 

Can I count on you today to renew your support for 2015 by making an immediate contribution of $100, $150, $200 or even more today? Every single dollar will make a difference for Gov. Palin and SarahPAC! 


Tim Crawford 

Treasurer, Sarah Palin’s “SarahPAC” 

P.S. [DONOR], thank you again for your amazing support for Gov. Palin. I hope you enjoy your 2015 SarahPAC Membership Card!

Yes remember how big Sarah Palin's impact was on the 2014 elections, in that she did not have one?

Does anybody else detect that aroma of desperation? Or is that just me?

I look forward to seeing the newest SarahPAC filings when they come out. Somehow I imagine that they will contain the lowest contributions yet.

P.S. By the way yes I realize that the person who wrote this used the number "1" several times in the place of the letter "l." I don't know why that was unless they were just a horrible typist, or it is some kind of secret code that only paint chip eaters can understand.

I think I will go with the first one.

P.P.S. I should also let you know that the link at the top goes to the website US for Palin. So click it at your own risk.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Sarah Palin supporter writes letter on behalf of his dog that I believe is a cry for help. Man I wish I was making this up.

Here is the letter courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:  

The following open letter by "Rex Scholla" was posted to Kevin Scholla's blog at: 


Hello Miss Jill, 

My name is Rex. My human dad does a lot of radio work and writing in support of your buddy Trig's mom. I'm a black lab too, but I'm a mutt so I'm only part Lab. They think I'm also Jack Russell. Anyway, I'm writing to tell you that I have your (for lack of a better term) back. 

That Trig kid was standing on you I see. Well that hit home! I have a six year old friend too. She's pretty gentle with me. Girls seem to be that way. But she has this brother. He's four and he reminds me of Trig a bit. But if you think you have it bad with Trig on your back, listen to this. He makes me play Batman every day! I have to be Ace the Bat Hound! I'm like "Dude, my name is Rex!" Sometimes I even wear a Bat suit. 

When we're not playing Batman he wrestles with me. If he gets too rough I let him know. Usually a little growl will get him back in line. Every once in awhile I'll scratch him just to get my point across. Humans catch on eventually. The funny thing is I like playing with him. Yeah, I'm their dog but they're also my kids. I'm sure you feel the same way. 

Just like you were adopted by the Palins from the awesome Puppy Jake Foundation, I was adopted by the Scholla family. They found me on a highway, homeless. I was under weight, I had two kinds of worms, my nails were too long. I didn't even know what a leash or collar was. Now, I'm having a blast. I'm a big part of the family. I hear you are too. I'm not surprised. 

I know Trig's grandfather has a cool black dog named Bo who sniffs for antlers. Showoff! Trig's sister Willow spoils her little foo-foo dog. I mean that with love of course. I'm a city guy so I'm not used to prim and proper pups. The point is, you were brought into the Palin family because you are specially trained to help a guy like Trig and be his buddy. You are doing a great job. It looks like that training paid off because you know exactly how to deal with Trig. I bet a lot of that is just in your heart. 

Have a great winter in Alaska. We are both fortunate to be spoiled pups in loving homes. Not to scare you or anything but did you know some people eat dogs? There's a skinny guy in Washington, DC that actually ate a dog! Makes a kid on your back seem pretty pedestrian. Oh, and don't listen to these people saying bad things about the picture of Trig on your back. They have a political agenda. I'm not sure what that means but the guy in the house I mentioned earlier told me that. That one group PETA says they're for dogs and then they go out and kill a bunch of us. Don't go anywhere near them. 

There is a silver lining in this for me. Maybe dogs will be more careful about what photos get out there on the Internet. I don't want anyone seeing me in my Bat suit. Gotta go now. My favorite show Dog with a Blog is on Disney Channel. 

Barks and Licks, 

Rex Scholla 

PS- Did you ever have a Jack Russell aunt or uncle? Maybe we're related. 

PPS- Do they let Labs in the Iditarod?

Okay I have a confession to make. This post is actually so incredibly insane that it broke my irony meter and I am left essentially speechless. 

The only thing I am left to question is whether this is more pathetic or batshit crazy?


Speaking of batshit crazy Palin herself also sent a statement to NBC News:

"They're not attacking me because I showed people a special needs child and his happy, healthy, beloved service dog; they're attacking me because, well, I'm me. So what's new? PETA throws raw meat in front of their attack dogs and says sic ‘em, and we have a choice in how to react to these kind of haters who'll keep on hating," Palin wrote.

Yep, batshit crazy!

Friday, November 28, 2014

A gift certificate to the Sarah Palin Channel. A special gift for that special someone....who you secretly hate.

Okay this story come from that lunatic over at US for Palin, that poor bastard who still believes, for reasons that defy all logic, that Palin may still actually run for President.

Here is what was posted on Wednesday:

Sarah Palin Channel members can give their friends and loved ones a six-month or one-year subscription at 50% off with Sarah Palin Channel Gift Certificates. Prices are $30 and $50 respectively. 

Some Palinistas have not joined the Channel, citing the cost. While the gift certificate is in effect, this is a good time to get your favorite Palinista on board. 

Only current Sarah Palin Channel subscribers may purchase Sarah Palin Channel gift certificates. The offer was released 5:59 PM EST yesterday for “Today Only” but appears to be still in effect….we don’t know for how much longer.

I am going to guessing indefinitely. 

I was asking myself, after reading this, it there was anybody that I disliked enough that I would buy this for them, and the answer is no.

I mean sure there is that one guy who threw my Peter Pan lunch pail into the garbage when I was in the third grade, but I really just wanted him to get hit by a car, not be subjected to the kind of caterwauling that might drive him mad.

Then there was that girl who stood me up in the tenth grade, but she ended up getting pregnant and had to get married before graduation to a guy in the Army. After which she had to spend several years away from her family living overseas.

Besides I slept with her best friend.

So no there is really nobody that I dislike enough to  inflict this "gift" on them.

Here was my favorite part of the post:

The Sarah Palin Channel Gift Certificate is a sign that the Channel is expanding.

Clearly an expert in marketing. Because nothing says "We're successful" like begging your handful of subscribers to buy gift certificates for their friends and families.

You can also tell how successful the "channel" is by how much content is being given away for free, such as this recent video of Palin pretending to cook. (You can tell how much she respects her fans by the fact that she just threw her wig on over the remains of her hair without even trying to make it blend together.)

But then again these days it is really hard to get a hold of a good chunk of coal for that naughty boy or girl's Christmas stocking. Perhaps this would be a reasonable substitute. 

I can hear the marketing ploy now. "The Sarah Palin Channel gift certificate. That'll teach'em!"

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The radio show that brought us "Thonghazi" reads their mail. Now why does this sound SO familiar?

So you guys might remember that I posted some soundcloud audio clips from the Kenny Pick show talking about he Palin's drunken brawl over the weekend.

They included Track Palin's "Super Swearing Cut" and "Thonghazi." Both of which were highly entertaining.

Well apparently somebody who was listening took great umbrage at the show's depiction of the family, and in particular Bristol Palin. See if this person, starting around 4:40, sounds familiar.

Oh yeah, I would recognize that brand of insanity just about anywhere.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

In the least shocking news of the day, it turns out that internet trolls are sadists. I know, right?

Courtesy of Psychology Today:

In this month's issue of Personality and Individual Differences, a study was published that confirms what we all suspected: internet trolls are horrible people. 

Let's start by getting our definitions straight. An internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response. What kind of person would do this? 

Canadian researchers decided to find out. They conducted two internet studies with over 1,200 people. They gave personality tests to each subject along with a survey about their internet commenting behavior.

Now there is more information in this article about how they conducted the study, and their specific finds, but it was this last part that caught my attention:  

Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because this is a truly quotable article): 

"Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their playground!" 

So next time you encounter a troll online, remember a few things. (1) These trolls are some truly messed up people and (2) it is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is ignore them. 

So keep all of that in mind my friends the next time some troll posts a poorly worded defense of the Palins, insults all IM visitors, or simply takes a shot at yours truly.

Always remember that THEIR lives are so pathetic and devoid of happiness, that the only way they can give their lives any meaning is by making you angry at them.