Showing posts with label Lt. Governor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lt. Governor. Show all posts

Sunday, October 04, 2015

In response to the recent shootings in Oregon the Lt. Governor of Tennessee believes that all Christians should be armed. You know, because Christians NEVER shoot people.

Courtesy of The Tennessean:  

Responding to a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead, Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey on Friday encouraged fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to consider getting a gun. 

Ramsey, R-Blountville, made those remarks in a Facebook post Friday, one day after a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., left 10 people dead. The suspect, 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, reportedly asked victims to name their religious affiliation during the massacre. 

In his Facebook post, Ramsey links to a New York Post article with the headline "Oregon gunman singled out Christians during rampage." Ramsey groups the Oregon shooting with other recent mass shootings in the nation. "Whether the perpetrators are motivated by aggressive secularism, jihadist extremism or racial supremacy, their targets remain the same: Christians and defenders of the West," Ramsey said. 

"While this is not the time for widespread panic, it is a time to prepare," he later adds. "I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit. I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. 

"Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise."

You know I wonder how ole Ron Ramsey would feel if Islamic clerics were to give similar instruction to Muslims in this country? After all they are targeted for violence far more often due to their religion than are Christians.

More guns. Why do these idiots always think that more bullets in the air equals fewer people killed?

Personally I don't think that anybody who sees the world in stark black and white, who believes that morality is a gift from the sky gods, and who thinks that the End of Times are just around the corner, should EVER, and I mean EVER, have access to any kind of gun, sharp object, or pointy stick.

I'm just saying.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Each and every one of the Republican candidates for the position of Lt. Governor in Texas support teaching Creationism in public schools. Good job Texas.

Courtesy of the Dallas News:  

All four Republican lieutenant governor hopefuls have embraced the teaching of creationism in public schools. 

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Sen. Dan Patrick, Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said in the first televised debate of the campaign Thursday night that they favor teaching that there are flaws in the theory that humans evolved from lower life forms. 

Late last month, state Board of Education members adopted new high school science books that include full coverage of evolution without the disclaimers sought by social conservatives and other critics of Charles Darwin’s theory. 

While none of the lieutenant governor candidates mentioned the board’s decision, three — Patrick, Patterson and Staples — blasted teaching only evolution as a form of “political correctness.” They linked it to what they described as a broader moral decline. 

“The breakup of the family in this country has started when we took God out of the classroom,” said Patrick, a radio talk show host. 

“As a Christian, certainly creationism should be taught,” said Staples, a former state legislator. 

Dewhurst, who is seeking a fourth term, agreed. 

“It’s a fair discussion to expose students to both sides and let them make the decision with the advice and counsel of their parents,” he said. 

Patterson said the country has gone too far in deleting religious instruction from government institutions such as schools. A 1987 U.S. Supreme Court ruling banned teaching of creationism in science classes. 

“We need to go back to those things that made this country great,” he said.

So to be clear each one of these idiots supports the idea of teaching superstitious children's stories alongside science in a school classroom.

There is NO evidence to support Creationism, and NO reputable scientist who would advocate that it be taught, and yet because of the ignorance of their constituents, one of these anti-intellectual dipshits will be nominated for the position of Lt. Governor while espousing this nonsense.

Now do you see why Wendy Davis needs to be the next governor of Texas?

Friday, February 05, 2010

Best political slogan ever! "I assure you. I never touched the woman, I never tried to cut her throat"

From the same state that brought you Roland Burris, Rod Blagojevich, and some guy named Barack Obama comes the saga of the Pawnbroker.

What's with the mad rush to judgment against Illinois' hottest political celebrities, the Pawnbroker and his ex-girlfriend, the Hooker?

Leading Democrats and some in the media are in a frenzy, demanding the head of the Pawnbroker, Scott Lee Cohen, the Democratic nominee for the office of lieutenant governor.

And now because he once had a hooker girlfriend — he still insists she was a "massage therapist" —and because of a domestic battery charge that was dropped, the inquisitors want the Pawnbroker off the ticket.

But I say, "Whoa, Nellie!"

Not so fast, my friends. Why become a lynch mob? In the name of decency, fairness — not to mention the requirements of columnists — let's take it easy here.

The Pawnbroker doesn't seem to be one of those free-spending Democrats. He's more a pay-as-you-go kind of guy, both with $2 million in radio ads and the massage that started it all.

"I assure you. I never touched the woman, I never tried to cut her throat," Cohen said in an interview Thursday on " Chicago Tonight." "I never knew her as a prostitute. She was a massage therapist."

Host Phil Ponce asked, with great dignity: How did you meet her?

"In a massage therapy place," Cohen said, adding that there was nothing sexual about the therapy.

"Okay look. My ex-wife may or may not have been a prostitute. I may or may not have met her while getting a massage. Which may or may not have had a "happy ending". And I may or may not have put a knife to her neck. But I never tried to cut her throat!"

Now who WOULDN'T want to run for governor with this guy on their ticket?

After all of the lumps Alaska has taken recently for its political choices I just thought I should point out that we are not the ONLY ones who have colorful characters in our government.

Oh and you definitely need to click the title and read the rest of this story. I have only shown you the tip of this iceberg.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Diane Benson announces run for Lt. Governor.

I just received a call from Phil Munger that Diane announced her candidacy for Lt. Governor at the Bartlet Club meeting jsut a few minutes ago.

I find this to be wonderful news.

I am a big supporter of Diane's and have been badgering her for months to run for Congressman in this next election cycle.

At the Cook Inlet Keepers Muckrakers Ball she took me aside and said that she was going to make an announcement at this meeting. Sadly I could not make it, but I am stoked to hear the news.

Diane Benson is a very strong advocate for woman's rights and has done much to educate people about the history and challenges of the Alaskan native people.

She will be a powerful antidote to the poisonous aftertaste Sarah Palin left in the mouth of the country concerning female politicians in Alaska.