Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Michele Bachmann predicts that President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran will usher in the Apocalypse.
In a radio interview last week, Bachmann, the former Minnesota Republican congresswoman, told "End Times" host Jan Markell, “We need to realize how close this clock is getting to the midnight hour.”
“We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church,” Bachmann said. “We see the destruction, but this was a destruction that was foretold.”
Bachmann cited the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran as a cause. The U.S. and five partner nations are discussing a deal with Iran that would prevent the country from developing or obtaining nuclear weapons.
“We are literally watching, month by month, the speed move up to a level we’ve never seen before with these events," Bachmann said. "Barack Obama is intent. It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.”
Later in the interview, Bachmann again tied her rapture prediction to Obama’s foreign policy.
“If you look at the president’s rhetoric, and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out of Israel and lift up the agenda of radical Islam,” she said.
So color me confused. Is this considered a good thing by Bachmann or a bad thing?
After all fundamentalist Christians like Bachmann can hardly wait to throw their granny panties at Jesus, and according the the Bible he can't show up until the Anti-Christ, which in this case I assume is Obama, starts some great war in the Middle East.
So does this mean that Bachmann, who previously freaked out about Obama starting World War 3, is now cool with Obama's Iran deal now?
Like I said, confusing.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Texas court rules that the Rapture is no excuse for parents to stop sending their children to school.
"Dear teacher, Johnny can't come to school to day, he done got raptured." |
A Texas court ruled this month that parents who allegedly stopped homeschooling their kids because they believed Jesus Christ was returning to Earth were not exempt from state education regulations.
According to a ruling last week by the Texas Eighth District Court of Appeals, Michael McIntyre and Laura McIntyre removed their nine children from a private school in 2004 to homeschool them.
Michael McIntyre’s twin brother, Tracy, testified that the parents used empty space in a motorcycle dealership that he co-owned as a classroom. But Tracy said that he never saw the children reading books, using computers or doing arithmetic. Instead, the children were seen playing instruments and singing.
“Tracy overhead one of the McIntyre children tell a cousin that they did not need to do schoolwork because they were going to be raptured,” the court document noted.
I have to admit that the Rapture is one of my favorite Christian mythologies.
It always seems to me that it is amazing that fundamentalist Christians do ANYTHING since they seem to live under the perpetual believe that at any minute they will be scooped up and taken to a place where having a drivers license, or a Master's degree, or a real job will not make one bit of difference.
Of course predictions for the date of the Rapture have been set going back as far as 53 AD, which means Christians have been left disappointed for more than 2000 years.
And STILL they buy the BS.
You know what might keep this kind of ignorance from happening in the first place?
A good public school education that's what. Which might in fact be the REAL reason that these parents do not want their children exposed to it.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Sarah Palin inserts not so subtle slam at the United States foreign policy while praising Canada.
Sarah Palin hugging it out with Netanyahu's wife Sara. |
Thank you to our good neighbors led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper for their exemplary support of our friend Israel.
As significant and dangerous progress is made by Iran no doubt wanting nukes, and with the continued threats against Israel by radicals in the region, Canada's steadfastness is praiseworthy.
Friends, THIS issue, along with innumerable domestic failures of government, should warrant more concern and focus than things like, oh, say, how a Seattle Seahawk verbally ramped up after intense competition and hard fought victory.
Hold the media accountable as its priorities in coverage perhaps distract from REAL issues that actually affect your life. Hold government accountable. Let's do our own homework in order to know how the actions of leaders worldwide impact America.
And thank you, friends to (my) East! It's wise and prudent for Canada and America to stand together against evil that would seek to destroy Israel.
The post then links to this article at Breaking Christian News, which apparently is where all GOOD Christians get their news.
Clearly this is Palin's sad little attempt to slam President Obama for the progress he is making with the Iranian government in curtailing their nuclear ambitions in exchange for a loosening of the sanctions.
This progress terrifies those who have long used Iran as the bogeyman, and panics those, like Palin, who believe that war in Israel is pivotal in ushering in the End Times and ensuring the return of Jesus Christ.
Sarah Palin does not give a shit about Israel. Like everything and everybody she simply sees it as a means to an end, and that end is Armageddon.
Sadly for her, and those like her, President Obama is working to preserve this planet, and protect its people from a war that through democracy and compromise can, and must, be avoided.
People like Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush, who live this life with their eyes firmly focused on the next, should NEVER be given power, because they care little about how many lives are lost in their quest to prepare the planet for the Rapture and ensure their place at the right hand of God.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Rachel Maddow's chilling report about George W. Bush and his world ending, Rapture ready, foreign policies. If you have not seen this, you must take the time to listen now.
I started this blog in November of 2004. And I started it right after George W. Bush beat John Kerry to start his second term.
In fact it is that victory which is the only reason that you are reading these words today.
Somebody had to speak out.
They had to speak out about politics, and religion, and more importantly religion's impact on our politics.
They had to talk about those subject that are always considered taboo in polite get-togethers, family holidays, and conversations with coworkers.
What Rachel is reporting is not new information to me, that was what I was blogging about way back during the Bush administration. I typed until my fingers bled, but it seemed to make little difference.
Until that is 2008 rolled around.
But we are by no means out of the woods yet.
There is a reason that you will rarely see me talk about Astrology, Scientology, Shintoism, Hinduism, or any number of other beliefs which I find ridiculous and potentially damaging. And that is because they do not present the kind of threat that fundamentalism in Christianity and Islam do to this country.
Currently these two, and to be honest mostly Christianity, are to blame for most of the problems we are dealing with right now with public policy toward education, women's health, terrorism, LGBT rights, foreign relations, and numerous others which may or may not seem directly tied to religion.
Like I have said before I do not care if you carry a rabbit's foot for good luck on your key chain, check your horoscope every morning before deciding whether to go into work or not, or if you drop to your knees in prayer when you are confused about what choice to make next. None of those are any of my business, until you force them into the public forum and use them to make public policy, or attempt to force those beliefs onto our childen.
THEN it is our business. And it is especially our business if you use superstitious nonsense as a factor when deciding when or where to wage war, who does or does not deserve to live, or whether the planet will be around long enough for us to worry about a little thing like man made climate change.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Four reasons that Christian Fundamentalists are looking forward to the End Times.
1. They don’t think they’ll be around for the worst of it. Modern American fundamentalist Christians believe in something that has never before been part of Christian tradition: the Rapture. The idea is that the true believers will be whisked away into heaven before the ugly parts of the end times begin. The idea was invented in the 19th century but only took off in the late 20th century because of pop culture products like the Left Behind series. As Christian writer and critic of evangelical culture Fred Clark explained, it’s an “escapist fantasy” and a way to avoid having to consider the possibility that they may die.
Christian writers don’t really hide that this is what’s going on with end times hope. As blogger Nathan Jones said, “It is an amazing hope to have because we can know that as terrible as it is getting out there, believers in Christ don't have much longer to worry about it.”
2. The end of the world would mean they get to have the last word. One thing that’s indisputable is that if the apocalypse does come and it unspools as Christians predicted, they will have won the argument! As Doug Weaver, a professor of religion at Baylor, explained to the Washington Post, “I think history will tell you that end time predictions increase when people are being persecuted or feel persecuted.”
While conservative Christians are most definitely not being persecuted, watching their privileges decline often makes them feel persecuted. When you feel put upon, mocked and persecuted, the desire to show your opponents you were right all along can become overwhelming. So much so, that you’re willing to wish for a fiery apocalypse just so you can say I told you so.
3. It provides a distraction from and an excuse to avoid the real problems in the world. The appeal of apocalypse fantasies is mainly that they help believers avoid the fear of death. (A secular version of this can be found in zombie apocalypse stories, which work because the audience identifies with the survivors, not the people who die, i.e. zombies.) However, belief that the end times are near is used by conservatives all the time to direct their followers politically.
4. They want to see the non-believers punished and themselves instated as the rightful rulers of all mankind. In 1980 , Pat Robertson laid out this hope bluntly, predicting that World War III and the end times were upon us, saying, “sorrow and bloodshed that will have no end soon, for the world is being torn apart, and my kingdom shall rise from the ruins of it.”
Or as Fred Clark said in his criticisms of the apocalypse fantasy books in the Left Behind series, “The authors' real message for those they regard as unsaved is to thumb their nose and do a little victory dance.”
This eagerness to see the non-believers punished is so strong in the Christian right that many are unwilling to wait until the so-called “Tribulation” described in the Left Behind books, and to a lesser degree the Bible, is upon us. That’s why, after any great tragedy, there is a rush of eager-beaver pastors willing to say this is what people have coming for being sinners, from Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blaming “pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians” for 9/11 to John Hagee blaming the devastation of Hurricane Katrina on gay pride parades.
Now take a moment to remind yourself that THIS is the mindset embraced by numerous politicians currently creating policy for ALL of us, and of course standing in opposition to policies that would benefit the planet and its people.
And we also recently learned that we could count Justice Antonin Scalia among the superstitiously driven powerful men whose decisions have everlasting impacts on our nation.
Those who believe that the Rapture is nigh upon us, and further, that they themselves are among those who will leave this polluted overburdened orb for a chance to party with the Prince of Peace himself, should be kept as far away from politics as possible.
As Bill Maher pointed out last Friday:
"If you think the world is about to end that's your right. But you don't get to vote on next year's budget, because it doesn't concern you."
Personally I have to wonder why you would hire one of these simple son-of-a-bitches to do ANY job?
Why show up to work on time, put in 100% of your effort, or treat others with respect if you think your Greyhound bus to paradise is about to drive up and whisk you off at any moment?
I would MUCH prefer to work alongside an Atheist who is grateful for his time on this earth and wishes to protect it for future generations to come. A person who does the right thing, BECAUSE it's the right thing. A person who treats even the least among us with respect because he knows we are all in this together and, without a omnipotent deity watching over us, we need each other to survive and flourish.
But hey, that's just me.
Friday, October 11, 2013
How the Republican Religious Right does not fear the consequences of a government shutdown or default, because you know Armageddon.
It’s hard for the Christian fundamentalists who run the Republican Party now to worry about the serious economic danger they’re putting the world in, because they are swept up in worrying that President Obama is an agent of the devil and that the world is on the verge of mayhem and apocalypse if they don’t “stop” him somehow, presumably be derailing the Affordable Care Act. Christian conservatives such as Ellis Washington are running around telling each other that the ACA will lead to “the systematic genocide of the weak, minorities, enfeebled, the elderly and political enemies of the God-state.” Twenty percent of Republicans believe Obama is the Antichrist.Washington Times columnist Jeffrey Kuhner argued that Obama is using his signature health care legislation to promote “the destruction of the family, Christian culture”, and demanded that Christians “need to engage in peaceful civil disobedience against President Obama’s signature health care law”.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops joined in, demanding that the Republicans shut down the government rather than let Obamacare go into effect. The excuse was their objection to the requirement that insurance make contraception available without a copayment, saying ending this requirement matters more than “serving their own employees or the neediest Americans.”
The Christian right media has been hammering home the message that Christians should oppose the Affordable Care Act. Pat Necerato of the Christian News Network accused the supporters of the law of committing idolatry and accused people who want health care of being covetous. The Christian Post approvingly reported various Christian leaders, including Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, saying things like the health care law is “a profound attack on our liberties” and lamented “Today is the day I will tell my grandchildren about when they ask me what happened to freedom in America.”
Some in the Christian right straight up believe Obamacare portends the end times. Rick Phillips, writing for, hinted that Obamacare might be predicted in Revelations, though he held back from saying that was certain. Others are less cautious. On the right wing fundamentalist email underground, a conspiracy theory has arisen claiming that Obamacare will require all citizens to have a microchip implanted. While it’s completely untrue, many Christians believe that this means the “mark of the beast” predicted in Revelations that portends the return of Christ and the end of the world.
In other words, the Christian right has worked itself into a frenzy of believing that if this health care law is implemented fully, then we are, in fact, facing down either the end of American Christianity itself or quite possibly the end times themselves. In comparison, it’s hard to be too scared by the worldwide financial collapse that they’re promising to unleash if the Democrats don’t just give up their power and let Republicans do what they want. Sure, crashing stock markets, soaring unemployment, and worldwide economic depression sounds bad, but for the Christian right, the alternative is fire and brimstone and God unleashing all sorts of hell on the world.
Damn am I tired of all of this ridiculous shit! You simply cannot reason with people who are this insane.
And people wonder why I spend so much time talking about religion on this blog. How can I not?
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Possible military action in Syria has many churches preaching about the Rapture. Well that's helpful.
The deadly violence percolating half a world away in Syria and the warnings of a possible U.S. attack have some people not only looking ahead to what might happen in the coming days — but also looking backward into ancient, apocalyptic prophecies in the pages of the Old Testament.
In recent weeks, some dire prophecies have turned up on websites, in book stores, as the subject of Bible studies and in sermons by some Christians and others who see a link between the old passages and modern-day events in Egypt, Libya and Syria.
"Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and will become a fallen ruin," reads Isaiah 17, a passage some Christians say they believe details a horrific event that leaves the city uninhabitable and leads to worldwide tribulation and the second coming of Christ.
Damascus is the Syrian capital and one of the world's oldest cities.
Another passage in Isaiah 19 deals with civil war in Egypt and the rise of a "fierce king."
Talk of those prophecies has intensified as President Barack Obama considers a U.S. military strike on Syria in response to what Washington says is evidence that the Syrian leadership used chemical weapons against its own people. In turn, Syria vows to retaliate against neighboring Israel if the U.S. strikes.
Christian bookstores such as Family Christian Ministries in West Melbourne report that book sales of prophecy-themed works by charismatic minister Perry Stone, Pastor John Hagee and novelists such as Joel Rosenberg have increased in recent weeks since tension in Syria and Egypt escalated.
"We sold a lot of Perry Stone books, and he's really good with the end times. A lot of our customers say their churches are doing something on prophecy," said Kaylee Snodgrass, assistant manager at Family Christian Ministries.
Of course this kind of thing ALWAYS takes place when a new war breaks out in the Middle East, however I imagine that it might become even MORE prevalent this time since 13 percent of Americans already believe that the President is the anti-Christ.
And at least one program has used a President Obama lookalike to portray Satan.
Yeah, somehow I think those Christian bookstores better stock up on that "Left Behind" series.
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Why Atheists WISH they could believe in the Rapture.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Man blows up family dog because it "had the devil in it."
A father with children in the house who was preparing for “the Rapture” blew up his family’s Labrador Retriever because the devil was inside the dog, court documents showed.
Christopher Dillingham, 45, allegedly attached an explosive device to his dog and detonated it around 4 a.m. Sunday outside their home.
Skamania County Sheriff Dave Brown, who lives nearby, said the explosion woke him up.
“It sounded like a high-power rifle outside my window,” he said.
A slew of 911 calls sent deputies to Dillingham’s home. They found the remains of the dog strewn about the yard and arrested Dillingham on the spot.
Documents obtained by KOIN 6 News show Dillingham told Skamania County deputies “the world is going to end” because of a nuclear strike and he was preparing.
When they asked him why he was throwing items out of his house and onto his lawn, he said he believed “the souls of demons” were inside the metal objects in the house, the documents said.
His ex-girlfriend, he told the deputies, gave him the dog, named Cabella, and “put the devil in it.” He allegedly told the deputies he made the explosive device on his home work bench using black powder from fireworks.
He then allegedly strapped it around the dog’s neck and fed the dog treats to keep it from trying to wriggle out of the bomb. He also allegedly told the deputies he stepped behind a wall before triggering the bomb because he did not want to get injured by flying debris.
The dog was decapitated.
Well it could have been worse I guess, at least he did not think his children were possessed by the devil.
However the fact that there are people in this day and age who actually think that possession by demons and devils is a REAL thing, and who are preparing for the Rapture as if its impending arrival is a reality, should be troubling to EVERY person living in the world today.
This kind of suspension of critical thinking is frightening, ESPECIALLY when you consider that the man is parenting children who are using him as a role model to help them to understand and interact with the world around them.
Without the cover of religion to camouflage this obvious delusional thinking, this man may have received help much earlier, and in time to save a dog who did nothing to deserve its fate.
Thursday, May 02, 2013
More examples of how religion is destroying our future. Believers in the Biblical "End Times" stifling climate change legislation in America.
The United States has failed to take action to mitigate climate change thanks in part to the large number of religious Americans who believe the world has a set expiration date.
Research by David C. Barker of the University of Pittsburgh and David H. Bearce of the University of Colorado uncovered that belief in the biblical end-times was a motivating factor behind resistance to curbing climate change.
“[T]he fact that such an overwhelming percentage of Republican citizens profess a belief in the Second Coming (76 percent in 2006, according to our sample) suggests that governmental attempts to curb greenhouse emissions would encounter stiff resistance even if every Democrat in the country wanted to curb them,” Barker and Bearce wrote in their study, which will be published in the June issue of Political Science Quarterly.
The study, based on data from the 2007 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, uncovered that belief in the “Second Coming” of Jesus reduced the probability of strongly supporting government action on climate change by 12 percent when controlling for a number of demographic and cultural factors. When the effects of party affiliation, political ideology, and media distrust were removed from the analysis, the belief in the “Second Coming” increased this effect by almost 20 percent.
“[I]t stands to reason that most nonbelievers would support preserving the Earth for future generations, but that end-times believers would rationally perceive such efforts to be ultimately futile, and hence ill-advised,” Barker and Bearce explained.
Over and over again we see examples of religion interfering with scientific progress and education in this country, and I for one am damn sick and tired of it!
Make no mistake the push for home school programs, charter schools programs, religious teaching in the classroom setting, and the introduction of standardized tests, are ALL a coordinated effort to keep our children believing rather than thinking, or receiving educations that do NOT encourage critical thinking skills and instead focus on memorizing test answers rather than learning.
EVERYTHING the GOP does is designed to make Americans dumber, and more easily manipulated, and religion is the very best tool they have to help them to achieve that goal.
This country was founded as a secular nations for a reason.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
"I think if Sarah Palin runs, she’ll be the first Jewish president." WTF?
Here it is in context:
CF: When we will have the first Jewish president?
JP: I think if Sarah Palin runs, she’ll be the first Jewish president. CF: What? JP: Sarah Palin is treated as Jews have been treated for generations: no matter what she does, she’s wrong. She’s either too religious or not religious enough; she’s a housewife who can’t function as governor, or she’s the governor who doesn’t take care of her domestic duties. All the things are thrown at her in the same way that Jews were targeted. She’s identified herself [with Israel] and has shown empathy for the things that the Jewish community cares about in a way that I think has yet to achieve the right recognition. She sent out a picture recently to supporters—not Jewish supporters, but her general supporters—and it’s a picture of her in front of the Statue of Liberty and she’s wearing a Jewish star. Maybe not since the Puritans founded America and gave biblical names to each other has there ever been such a positive identification with Jewish symbolism, so I like to joke that Sarah Palin will be the first Jewish president.
Now keep in mind that this is from a Jewish American Harvard graduate. You cannot honestly define him as an inbred paint chip eater, so what the hell?
How could somebody who presents themselves as a strong supporter of Israel, and who claims to take his Jewish faith seriously, EVER compare Sarah Palin being criticized for being an ignorant, venal fame whore to the historic suffering of the Jewish people?
And he bases much of that on the fact that she wears the Star of David in public?
That is a level of cognitive dissonance the likes of which I have rarely seen before.
Does this moron not realize that in Palin's Domiononist world view, that Israel HAS to exist so that it can lose a war where two thirds of its people must be slaughtered?
Nothing can or will be done by Christians to save Israel’s Jews from this disaster, for all of the Christians will have been removed from this world three and a half years prior to the beginning of this 42-month period of tribulation. (The total period of seven years is interpreted as the fulfillment of the seventieth week of Daniel [Dan. 9:27].)
In order for most of today’s Christians to escape physical death, two-thirds of the Jews in Israel must perish, soon. This is the grim prophetic trade-off that fundamentalists rarely discuss publicly, but which is the central motivation in the movement’s support for Israel. It should be clear why they believe that Israel must be defended at all costs by the West. If Israel were militarily removed from history prior to the Rapture, then the strongest case for Christians’ imminent escape from death would have to be abandoned. This would mean the indefinite delay of the Rapture. The fundamentalist movement thrives on the doctrine of the imminent Rapture, not the indefinitely postponed Rapture.
And what exactly does this massive embarrassment to the Jewish faith, Harvard Law School, and the American people DO for Breitbart?
CF: What are you up to recently at Breitbart?
JP: The examination of [Joe McGinniss’s] new book about Sarah Palin. We released an email that indicates McGinniss knew there was no factual evidence for some of the most sensational things he was saying, and he was frantically trying to reach out to left-wing bloggers to try to see if they had any evidence he could include in the book to back up what he was saying.
This guy's parents scrimped and saved to send him to Harvard Law School and now he spends his time purposefully misunderstanding and misrepresenting an e-mail from Joe McGinniss to yours truly?
You know that may be one of the saddest things I have ever heard.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Did you have an enjoyable Rapture Day? Well here are some who certainly did not!
"What? Who thought people would actually believeme? |
I think those of us who tend to think, rather than believe, had little difficulty having a relaxing, and sometimes comical, Rapture Day. However there are those who spent the day in complete disbelief as they had their "gullibility hymen" ruptured, and their innocence ripped away from them.
Courtesy of the LA Times:
Keith Bauer, a 38-year-old tractor-trailer driver from Westminster, Md., took last week off from work, packed his wife, young son and a relative in their SUV and crossed the country.
If it was his last week on Earth, he wanted to see parts of it he'd always heard about but missed, such as the Grand Canyon. With maxed-out credit cards and a growing mountain of bills, he said, the rapture would have been a relief.
On Saturday morning, Bauer was parked in front of the Oakland headquarters of Camping's Family Radio empire, half expecting to see an angry mob of disenchanted believers howling for the preacher's head. The office was closed, and the street was mostly deserted save for journalists.
Bauer said he was not bitter. "Worst-case scenario for me, I got to see the country," he said. "If I should be angry at anybody, it should be me."
Tom Evans, who acted as Camping's PR aide in recent months, took his family to Ohio to await the rapture. Early next week, he said, he would be returning to California.
"You can imagine we're pretty disappointed, but the word of God is still true," he said. "We obviously went too far, and that's something we need to learn from."
Despite the failure of Camping's prediction, however, he said he might continue working for him.
"As bad as it appears—and there's no getting around it, it is bad, flat-out—I have not found anything close to the faithfulness of Family Radio," he said.
Others had risked a lot more on Camping's prediction, quitting jobs, abandoning relationships, volunteering months of their time to spread the word. Matt Tuter, the longtime producer of Camping's radio and television call-in show, said Saturday that he expected there to be "a lot of angry people" as reality proved Camping wrong.
Tuter said Family Radio's AM station in Sacramento had been "severely vandalized" Friday night or Saturday morning, with air conditioning units yanked out and $25,000 worth of copper stripped from the equipment. He thinks it must have been an angry listener. He was off Saturday but planned to drive past the headquarters "and make sure nothing's burning."
Camping himself, who has given innumerable interviews in recent months, was staying out of sight Saturday. No one answered the door at his Alameda home, though neighbors said he was there.
You know I want to be sympathetic, but I just can't. These people were clearly born to be taken advantage of. As a matter of fact, one has to wonder just how many of THESE people are also SarahPAC contributors?
But the group that I CAN feel sympathy for are the children of these brain damaged imbeciles. I mean there are actual human beings who rely on these apparently lobotomized morons for food, and shelter, and guidance. I think that the local child protective services should go to their houses and take these children into state's custody before their parents convince them to do something even dumber, like get all of their information from Fox News, or go on DWTS while pregnant, or support Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential bid.
All in all the entire thing is ripe for parody. And fortunately we have the Taiwanese animators to do that very thing.
Yes, that is about the level of seriousness this whole thing deserved. If even that.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Happy Rapture Day!
Friday, May 20, 2011
It has been bothering me all day, but I finally figured it out.
I KNEW I saw that wig before!
I wonder if this kind of thing will impact my chances of being Raptured tomorrow?
(H/T to Dennis Zaki.)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Okay well I am just tired of waiting for this to finally happen.
The funniest part for me would be to see all of the disillusioned "Christians" walking around saying, ""Wait! What did I do wrong?"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Keith Olbermann discusses the inspiration behind Sarah Palin's odd statements about Israel. Here is a hint. It is not her affection for the Jews.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Those of us following Palin closely are all too aware of her belief in the Rapture, and that she beliefs wholeheartedly that Alaska is to be a "refuge state" for those who will flee the chaos of the "End Times".
There are lots of reasons to be very concerned about Sarah Palin and her influence over the "sheeple", but this is one of the most frightening.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Shannyn Moore's Countdown appearance yesterday.
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Wow Shannyn was great as usual.
I apologize for being so late to post this but I was on my way to Mark Begich's Health Care Townhall when I learned about it (Apparently it was last minute for Shannyn as well), then attended the True Diversity Dinner, and afterward went with Shannyn to pick up Max Blumenthal from the airport. And yes there is a very long post about my evening coming soon. Just as soon as I fully recover from it.
By the way if you want to read Sarah's Facebook note about the "high holy days" click here.
By the way keep in mind that Sarah Palin's church promotes the idea that Israel plays a pivotal role in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Her concern and empathy for the Jewish people only exists to ensure that they will play their part in bringing forth the Rapture.
After that they will be incinerated and Sarah believes she will be sitting at the right hand of the Lord. It is kind of like inviting your friends to go to an amazing party with you, using them to give you an excuse to drive in the carpool lane to save time, and then right before you get there taking them out of the car and shooting them in the head. "Sorry, no Rapture for you!"