Yesterday Jim Carrey posted this on HuffPo in answer to attack against him:
I disagree wholeheartedly with those who say that there are just too many guns out there to control and that more gun laws won't make a difference. Change must start someplace. I'm pretty sure that no worthwhile endeavor has ever been accomplished without a beginning and reducing gun violence in America is a worthwhile endeavor.
These mass shootings and daily body counts on your local news are terrible tragedies. The utter devastation that must be endured by the victims' families is unfathomable. These horrific events are also an invitation for us to become more civilized and to deal with our addiction and entitlement to violence. Not to shut our eyes and ears and scream at those with a different opinion than ours to "fuck off and go back to Canada." I will gladly go back and visit Canada as I have many friends and loved ones there. I am so proud of that country and everything it's given to me, but I am also a naturalized American citizen and I have been bringing as much joy as I can to people in this country for 30 years. I care deeply about our future and I feel it's my duty as a citizen to do everything in my power to make this a better place.
For those who say I'm a hypocrite because I have an armed bodyguard, lets make one thing clear: No one in my employ is allowed to carry a large magazine and NO ONE IS ASKING ANYONE TO GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, though it is in the vested interests of those who profit by gun sales to make it seem so. It's just the type of arms, the easy access and the means with which to cause massive devastation to good and innocent people that I hope we can limit. It's the quality of mercy, the tiniest spark of empathy that I know lives in every one of us that I wish to ignite in you.
And to the bullies who will try to marginalize and discredit me by saying, "Shut up, you're just an actor," while they brag about what a great president the ACTOR Ronald Reagan was, who threaten me with the demise of my acting career and much worse, I say SO BE IT! How shallow do they think I am? I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not?
I have been aghast at the level of hatred heaped upon me, my family and the people I work with over a mere difference of opinion on this issue. Perhaps my words were a bit harsh at the onset, but calling someone a "Motherfucker" is far different than wishing them to die. It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise.
These thugs, though menacing, are a minority but they will have their way if good people don't step forward now and make a difference. Every American has the right to speak their mind. Every American has the right to bear arms. But it is up to every American to draw the line when it comes to the type of guns that are considered a reasonable means of self-defense.
No one is allowed to own a bazooka. In a movie theater an assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine can cause just as much damage.
So don't just sit there and do nothing. Contact your representatives and let them know that their jobs depend upon change. It won't always be someone else's kids in the line of fire.
The time is now. LET YOUR HEART BE HEARD.
Carrey followed this by providing a list of the Senators in every single state.
It is clear to me that the those Fox News idiots and the gun lobbyists have seriously underestimated Carrey's commitment to this cause. There is no doubt he is in it for the long haul.
As am I by the way.
The only question remaining is, are you?
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Showing posts with label Jim Carrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Carrey. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
I think I will give the final word to the great Jim Carrey tonight.
'COLD DEAD HAND' A HUGE HIT on Funny Or Die! 1.8 million views in 3days! Forcing intolerent goons everywhere to show… it looks like this "has been" has been manipulating the crap out of the conservative morons and irritating them into driving the hits for his latest act of social comedy right through the roof.
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 28, 2013
So simple it should almost be against the law.
FOX News,
Funny or Die,
Jim Carrey,
Jim Carrey responds to Fox News attacks against him. Update!
As all of you know Carrey has been under the most vicious attack from the conservatives since his brilliant "Cold Dead Hand" video with Funny or Die came out.
The ugliest attacks have come from the no talent human marsupial Greg Gutfeld, who even went so far as to claim that Carrey had killed more people "than all rifles combined."
Well yesterday Carrey decided to respond.
This from Hollywood Reporter:
Since I released my "Cold Dead Hand" video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles. I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about.
I'll just say this: in my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue.
I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure.
I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence.
" In my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue."
THAT made my day!
You know you have to wonder why ANYBODY would dare to challenge a man who once made his living standing in front of people and telling jokes while they heckled, insulted, and tried to sabotage his act? That kind of experience MORE than prepares you to take on the tiny little minds over at, what did he call it, "Fux News?"
If these morons had half a brain they would have realized they would come out on the wrong side of any fight they picked with Jim Carrey.
Update: Apparently the marsupial responded to this statement by Carrey ( This comes from the uber Right Wing, so though I am obligated to provide a link in deference to blogger etiquette do not feel you need to visit and provide them with additional hits. I have included the portions worth discussing below.):
The Five didn’t let this one go—all of them, including Bob Beckel, took shots at the “comedian’s” remarks. “Our country is great because washed-up comics have the right to suck,” Gutfeld said. “I love the First Amendment—and Twitter especially—for it exposes the soft underbelly of the celebrity simple mind. They undo everything their publicists try to mask.
Yeah that was pretty much the most coherent and appropriate of their responses, so you are not missing much by avoiding that site.
So just to sum it up what we have here is a clash of cultures, the intelligent entertainer vs the classless clowns of conservatism. On the one hand we have a famous, well respected comedian and on the other representatives of a network losing viewers so fast that ratings statisticians are getting friction burns while calculating the loss.
The funny thing is that while Fox tells their dwindling audience that they have the upper hand, everybody else in the world is mocking them.
The ugliest attacks have come from the no talent human marsupial Greg Gutfeld, who even went so far as to claim that Carrey had killed more people "than all rifles combined."
Well yesterday Carrey decided to respond.
This from Hollywood Reporter:
Since I released my "Cold Dead Hand" video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles. I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about.
I'll just say this: in my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue.
I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure.
I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence.
" In my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue."
THAT made my day!
You know you have to wonder why ANYBODY would dare to challenge a man who once made his living standing in front of people and telling jokes while they heckled, insulted, and tried to sabotage his act? That kind of experience MORE than prepares you to take on the tiny little minds over at, what did he call it, "Fux News?"
If these morons had half a brain they would have realized they would come out on the wrong side of any fight they picked with Jim Carrey.
Update: Apparently the marsupial responded to this statement by Carrey ( This comes from the uber Right Wing, so though I am obligated to provide a link in deference to blogger etiquette do not feel you need to visit and provide them with additional hits. I have included the portions worth discussing below.):
The Five didn’t let this one go—all of them, including Bob Beckel, took shots at the “comedian’s” remarks. “Our country is great because washed-up comics have the right to suck,” Gutfeld said. “I love the First Amendment—and Twitter especially—for it exposes the soft underbelly of the celebrity simple mind. They undo everything their publicists try to mask.
Yeah that was pretty much the most coherent and appropriate of their responses, so you are not missing much by avoiding that site.
So just to sum it up what we have here is a clash of cultures, the intelligent entertainer vs the classless clowns of conservatism. On the one hand we have a famous, well respected comedian and on the other representatives of a network losing viewers so fast that ratings statisticians are getting friction burns while calculating the loss.
The funny thing is that while Fox tells their dwindling audience that they have the upper hand, everybody else in the world is mocking them.
assault rifles,
cable news,
FOX News,
gun violence,
Jim Carrey
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Deranged Fox News host claims that Jim Carrey has killed more people than "all rifles combined." Wait, what?
Here is what he said the other day:
GUTFELD: “He is the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth. And I hope his career is dead, and he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began. This video only made me want to go out and only buy a gun. He thinks this is biting satire and going after rural America and a dead man. Let’s talk about Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston was one of the first actors to be behind the civil rights movement and march. What did this jackass Jim Carrey do? He was behind the anti-vaccine panic. There are what, 165,000 people that died from measles last year, according to the World Health Organization.”
“Jim Carrey has killed more people than all the rifles combined,” Gutfeld continued. “He is a dirty, stinking coward. He is a moral coward.
"165,000 people that died from measles last year?" Gee you would kind of think that a statistic like that would have made huge news and that the nation would essentially be in a panic over such an epidemic. Why haven't we heard of this?
Oh, because it is bullshit.
What Gutfeld is all in a tizzy over is Carrey's 2008 statement's suggesting there was a link between vaccines and autism in this country, a belief that is fairly widely held, especially among parents with autistic children.
Now the science on that proved to be false, and was largely based on a now discredited study conducted by Andrew Wakefield.
However clearly Jim Carrey believed the connection was real and, believing he was doing a public service, used his fame to warn others.
Now did this cause an uptick in measles cases? Well perhaps, but it was nowhere near the number that Gutfield claims. This from the CDC concerning last year's numbers:
Each year, on average, 60 people in the United States are reported to have measles. But, in 2011, the number of reported cases was higher than usual—222 people had the disease. Nearly 40% of these people got measles in other countries, including countries in Europe and Asia. They brought the disease to the United States and spread it to others. This caused 17 measles outbreaks in various U.S. communities.
As you can see only a few hundred caught the disease, many of them while overseas, and no one apparently died from it.
Speaking of overseas, THAT is apparently where Gutfeld went to get his data:
In 2011, there were 158 000 measles deaths globally – about 430 deaths every day or 18 deaths every hour.
Now the idea of connecting some articles on Huffington Post written by an American actor, as having contributed to thousands of deaths around the world seems like a bridge to nowhere in my mind, but hey this is Fox News, why would they be bothered with researching any of those pesky "facts.?"
However if they had, they might have learned this:
More than 95% of measles deaths occur in low-income countries with weak health infrastructures.
Yes, the outbreaks primarily happen in countries that do not have the luxury of surfing the internet to read Jim Carrey's opinion on vaccinations. Sort of hard to blame them on him, don'tcha think?
So has Jim Carrey actually "killed more people than all rifles combined?" Well unless there have been a whole lot of unreported cases of people laughing themselves to death at his movies, than no, of course not. And anybody who thinks so is an ignorant douchebag. Or watcher of Fox News, assuming there is a difference
Which brings up the question of whether this Greg Gutfeld is the MOST ignorant douchebag over at Fox News?
Well he DOES have some stiff competition....
...but I would say that right now that yes, yes he probably is the biggest douchebag at Fox News right now.
And considering the company he keeps that is really quite an accomplishment.
FOX News,
gun deaths,
Jim Carrey,
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I don't know WHAT I enjoy more, watching Jim Carrey skewer the gun nuts, or watching Fox News lose their freaking minds over it.
Courtesy of Mediaite:
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham tore into actor Jim Carrey on Tuesday after he released a parody video mocking gun rights advocates and the late actor and National Rifle Association spokesman Charlton Heston in particular. Ingraham said the parody video was “embarrassing” and indicative of Carrey’s spiraling career.
“It’s just not funny,” observed Steve Doocy.
“I have one thing to ask you guys: what do you know about The Incredible Burt Wonderstone?” asked Ingraham.
“That it bombed out?” Brian Kilmeade replied.
“Here’s a theory I have,” Ingraham continued. “I think it’s more of a deflection deal. You know, Jim Carrey’s famous for The Mask. This is kind of a mask. It’s a mask to, perhaps, direct our attention away from the cold, dead career.”
Wow! These people are REALLY pissed off about this video! (By the way if you have not seen it you really must. Just click here.)
Earlier in the day yesterday, the nasty little ferret-like douche on that show which I only see when somebody shares a clip while making fun of it, The Five, went out of his mind on Twitter about this video as well.
On THAT show they went after him for having a "dead cold" career and for the fact that he was born in Canada, so how DARE he have an opinion on guns in "Murica!" (Carrey is actually a dual citizen as of 2004.)
Perhaps my favorite part of watching them come unglued about the video is that they each show a portion of it on their show before attacking it, and the more I see it the more brilliant I realize that it was. And WHO knew Carrey could sing like that?
They also attack Carrey's career, and look I will be the first to admit that he has made some clunkers, ("Me, Myself, and Irene?" I mean seriously?) but they are also talking about his new move "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," which is actually a Steve Carrell movie that he co-stars in, and personally I loved it. Carrey plays a David Blaine like street magician and he literally steals the movie.
In fact I laughed so hard at his performance that, much to my embarrassment, I found myself chuckling about it in the car on the way home from the movies, which probably made the people in the other cars think I was insane.
So these conservative stormtroopers can attack Carrey all they want, but if they think that his career is "cold and dead," that is just wishful thinking on their part.
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham tore into actor Jim Carrey on Tuesday after he released a parody video mocking gun rights advocates and the late actor and National Rifle Association spokesman Charlton Heston in particular. Ingraham said the parody video was “embarrassing” and indicative of Carrey’s spiraling career.
“It’s just not funny,” observed Steve Doocy.
“I have one thing to ask you guys: what do you know about The Incredible Burt Wonderstone?” asked Ingraham.
“That it bombed out?” Brian Kilmeade replied.
“Here’s a theory I have,” Ingraham continued. “I think it’s more of a deflection deal. You know, Jim Carrey’s famous for The Mask. This is kind of a mask. It’s a mask to, perhaps, direct our attention away from the cold, dead career.”
Wow! These people are REALLY pissed off about this video! (By the way if you have not seen it you really must. Just click here.)
Earlier in the day yesterday, the nasty little ferret-like douche on that show which I only see when somebody shares a clip while making fun of it, The Five, went out of his mind on Twitter about this video as well.
On THAT show they went after him for having a "dead cold" career and for the fact that he was born in Canada, so how DARE he have an opinion on guns in "Murica!" (Carrey is actually a dual citizen as of 2004.)
Perhaps my favorite part of watching them come unglued about the video is that they each show a portion of it on their show before attacking it, and the more I see it the more brilliant I realize that it was. And WHO knew Carrey could sing like that?
They also attack Carrey's career, and look I will be the first to admit that he has made some clunkers, ("Me, Myself, and Irene?" I mean seriously?) but they are also talking about his new move "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," which is actually a Steve Carrell movie that he co-stars in, and personally I loved it. Carrey plays a David Blaine like street magician and he literally steals the movie.
In fact I laughed so hard at his performance that, much to my embarrassment, I found myself chuckling about it in the car on the way home from the movies, which probably made the people in the other cars think I was insane.
So these conservative stormtroopers can attack Carrey all they want, but if they think that his career is "cold and dead," that is just wishful thinking on their part.
FOX News,
gun nuts,
Jim Carrey,
Monday, March 25, 2013
Jim Carrey brilliantly provides his take on the gun control debate, and skewers Charlton Heston in the process.
Damn, that was funny!
As you can imagine Carrey has already started to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous gun nuts, yet still refused to take up arms against a sea of morons.
However he has responded appropriately:
'Cold Dead Hand' is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.Sorry if you're offended… of the fun of being a progressive is that almost ALL of the truly talented people in this world are on our side of most issues.
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 24, 2013
Funny or Die,
gun control,
Huffington Post,
Jim Carrey,
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