Showing posts with label miracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miracles. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Evangelical group claims to have brought 11 people back from the dead. Apparently the zombie apocalypse is real.

Courtesy of The Freethinker:  

Tyler Johnson runs a ministry called the Dead Raising Team in the US. He claims to have brought 11 people back to life. He says he even persuaded the authorities in his state to issue him with an official photocard which lets him through police lines at car accident sites. 

Johnson, according to this BBC report, appears in a new documentary film called Deadraisers, which follows enthusiasts as they trail round hospitals and mortuaries trying to bring people back to life. 

Sadly, those they pray for in the film remain resolutely dead.

Johnson is unwilling to provide successful case studies. And in general, the proof that believers cite is a bit unconvincing ­– for example, there is an American heart surgeon who allegedly brought a heart attack patient back from the dead with prayer … oh, and a defibrillator. 

Other doctors find the story entirely unremarkable. One wonders why. 

Well I have seen faith healers at work, and kind of know how they pull that flim flam off, but bringing people back from the dead? Who is ignorant to believe that?

And the fact that this Tyler Johnson fellow's state supposedly lets him enter crime scenes so that he can resurrect corpses is incredibly troubling.

I can only imagine the anguish that a loved one would go through after losing a loved one to be told that they would be brought back to life, only to have those hopes dashed against the rocks of reality.

I went on the internet to look for this so-called documentary and I found the trailer with little trouble.

) On the Kickstarter page started back in 2013, the film was described in this way: 

DEADRAISER, a pivotal new documentary film, explores resurrection stories from around the world and offers an exciting view into the authentic Christian culture of miracles. This cutting-edge film follows a lively group of supernaturally empowered men from different backgrounds, theologies and geographic locations as they release kingdom power in love and live out the words of Jesus Christ from Matthew 10:8.

As many of you may, or may not know, certain Evangelical Christians do not believe that death was not in the original plan and that it was created by God in response to the sin that took place in the Garden of Eden.  Apparently due to that frame of mind an even smaller minority also believe that with enough prayer they can override that fate and bring people back from the dead. Literally.

You know it is one thing to delude yourself, but to attempt this horseshit to grieving relatives is indefensible. Especially if you have no data to support your claims.

When will people learn to stop being so fucking gullible?

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Pat Robertson explains why "miracles" tend to happen in other countries like Africa, but not here in the United States. Spoiler Alert: It has to do with education.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Today on the 700 Club, a viewer asked host Pat Robertson why miracles such as “people raised from the dead, blind eyes open, lame people walking” seem to “happen with great frequency in Africa, and not here in the USA?” Robertson first responded by joking it is “because those people overseas didn’t go to Ivy League schools.” 

But Robertson was actually serious. 

“Well, we are so sophisticated, we think we’ve got everything figured out, we know about evolution, we know about Darwin, we know about all these things that says God isn’t real, we know about all this stuff,” Robertson lamented, “in many schools, in the most advanced schools, we have been inundated with skepticism and secularism.”

So if I may paraphrase a little, the reason that we don't see God performing miracles in America is because we are too highly educated to be fooled by things easily explained by science, and the reason that they still occur in other places is due to the ignorance of the populace.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Okay, I REALLY need to stop agreeing with Pat Robertson! Not exactly good for my reputation.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

The miraculous is not found in the pages of an ancient text, it is literally all around us, and inside of us.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” ― Carl Sagan

Good night my friends. Stay miraculous.